Just a reminder that Monday is "the second Monday" of the month and that means I'll be having my monthly giveaway again. Now I need to just find something to giveaway!!!
I still haven't mailed out the items from last months giveaway yet! I'm so far behind in everything lately!!!

How are you feeling Cindy? I love your blog and you inspire me. Hope everything is OK. Rebecca
Very nice blog. I thought you might like to hear about this great FREE giveaway and easy rules. Ends Sunday. http://marianneshouseofshopping.blogspot.com/
Rebecca, I'm fine! I think I've just been doing more things than usual this summer and everything else seems to be suffering a bit! It's all good though!
Hi Cindy,
I just wanted to thank you for such a fun and inspiring blog! I am also a single mom living in CA and trying to make the best of apartment life. I found your blog about a month ago and since then, I've been hooked. The colors in your GORGEOUS home are very similar to mine and I have been totally inspired to try and make my place half as pretty as yours ;)
Thank you for being one of the bright spots of my day,
Love your blog and check it daily. i'm sure whatever you coose to giveaway will be charming.
Thanks for having a giveaway Cindy! I"ll be sure and check back.
Have a blessed weekend.
~Melissa :)
Something to look forward to on a Monday ~ wonderful! I just finished a month of weekly giveaways in July, but I'm hoping to do one monthly from here on out. I have a few things I'm waiting to hear back on as giveaways and I hope to get mine up soon too.
Hello Cindy; I have been reading your past post on your weather, out where we moved to North Carolina it is very hot,,, if you would like I can send you some warm weather..... lol. I will make sure I stop by for you give a way,,, now that they finally hooked up our internet this weekend... yeah...
have a great weekend.
you have such a beautiful blog...I so enjoy reading your entries and looking at all your pics!!! The giveaway sounds like great fun!
Your blog is gorgeous.. I also love reading all your posts, thanks... eleganthobbies.etsy.com
Love your blog, Cindy and pop in 2 or 3 times a week....you and your home are inspirational!!!
Looking forward to your giveaway.
Hi Cindy! I think it's the weather that is making us all behind. It is sooo hot in my part of Texas. I'm looking forward to autumn already. Love your blog!
Hey Cindy! I would love to be entered in your give away! Hope you are doing well and you already know how much I adore your blog!
Have a great weekend!
Lou Cinda :)
Can't wait to see what you choose as your giveaway!
Hi Cindy, I just love to come over and check your blog as I always find something to inspire me to try out. I just love how you decorate.
Irma :)
Hi, Cindy! I'm glad to hear that you haven't mailed off last months give aways yet. I was starting to worry about my little tea pot! ♥
The long days of summer....We try to squeeze all we can out of them before the sun starts setting at 5:30pm this fall...Thanks for continuing your blog I really enjoy it.
It boggles the mind to think your pretty home is an apartment! It looks more like a big house. Who knew!
I love to check out your blog every morning.
I think the weather is slowing us all down, Cindy! It's been over 100 degrees here the last three days and no one is moving too fast! I'm sure your "surprise" giveaway will be great!!
I am fairly new to your blog but I have been hooked since I found you. I told my daughter all about you and she too, now follows you. What is a Monthly Givea away? How do I enter?
We finally got our summer, today. It is hot and humid high 90's yay! It has been only in the mid to high70's throughout this summer. Actually in the northern part of the state of Michigan some bushes and trees are already changing for fall.
Hi Cindy,
I love visiting your Blog. It is always so inspiring. If my Pillows sell really well at this weekends San Francisco Gift Fair, maybe I will donate one of my French Inspired Pillows for your next giveaway! I'm crossing my fingers...
Have a great day,
These are the dog days of summer, so be sure and make time for relaxation. :-) It seems that my routine goes flat during the hot weather. Kick back and get something cool to drink!
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Thanks Cindy, You are my favorite.
Hi Cindy!
It's be over 100 here for over 42 straight days! Yes, I said 42 days!
I have taken to doing stuff inside as it is just too darn hot to be outside! Have to water everyday just to keep everything alive!
Stop over to my blog and see how my bedroom looks, I've finally got the bedroom part finished (why I have been working inside)Please
enter me in your give away, one can never have too many pretties!
Cindy if you happen to be on can you e-mail me--I need help.
I have been terribly ill this past week-with 2 runs to the emergency room. I planned on having all of this taken care of this past week but that was not going to be.
This is my first time using Mr Linky and I need some help. I told people I would have it up Sun night at 8 pm I've been working on it and have had no response from mr linky. My first question is do I need to share the meme? There will be more after that one. I am staying close by my computer to see if any one responds.
Cindy... I just found your lovely blog and love your style girl!!!!Enjoyed looking through all your beautiful photos and getting to know you a bit. "followed to keep am eye on you , xoxo~Kathy ~ @ Sweet Up-North Mornings.blogspot.com Stop in for a visit.. I'd love to see you.
That is such a beautiful vintage snack set! Please enter my name in the give a way! Thank you
Hope you are enjoying your summer!
I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing. It would be fun to win something! Thanks, Kathy J.
Cindy, what a great giveaway..I love using these for showers or just when I have some of the girls over for brunch...count me in...Vera
I enjoy your blog. Great job!
Oh Cindy I would just love to win this giveaway. I love these little sets and have been on the hunt for them but can never find more then one or two at a time.
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