Monday, July 06, 2009

A morning at the beach

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I spent yesterday morning over at the beach. It's amazing how just a few hours walking around can be so relaxing when the scenery is so beautiful and the air so fresh.

I fell in love with this little white cottage. It's right by the Santa Cruz Harbor!
Not only is the house white but all the flowers are white too! They had beautiful white hydrangeas towards the backyard but I didn't get a photo of those. The backyard had about 8-10 of those white patio umbrellas back there. It was gorgeous!

Here's what you see when you walk across the street from the white cottage...

I hope you enjoyed your morning at the beach!
Updated: You have to check out the fun beach blogging neighborhood that Dianne dreamed up on her blog today! It's just so much fun!!! She even found a beach cottage for me and it's blue!


Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Cindy,

I haven't been to Santa Cruz since I moved from the bay area to Modesto. I remember many of the spots you photographed. Very, very pretty.
I enjoyed your post today.
Take care and enjoy your day,

Pauline said...

Hello Cindy, I'm just drooling over those hydrengeas; they are so beautiful and my favourite flowers. Pink Roses are my second favourite :o)

God bless you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. I would love to walk around there on a Sunday morning!
Unfortunately I live near ocean and no lovely white cottages to be seen here!
Ciao, Helena

Anonymous said...

Don't the hydrangeas just remind you of a boutique set up? Maybe have it with the white house, or bring a red rose with it? amazing setup.


Glenda said...

It's a wonderful place to go. You just find all sorts of wonderful things there. And relaxing. I'd love to live by the beach. I can understand why it's so attractive.


Judi said...

OMG! I just have to go there! Thanks for sharing such beautiful pix. I honestly don't think I could go to work if I lived near there!

Mary said...

Oh what a fun tour! Thanks, Cindy. :)

RobinfromCA said...

Oh My Gosh! I took a photo of that very same house the last time I was over there! Except when I photographed it they had a blue umbrella outside! :-D Love the photos of Capitola! Glad you had a relaxing morning over there.


The Bella Cottage said...

Hi Cindy,

What a beautiful white cottage home and the hydrangeas are absolutely gorgeous! Very cute neighborhood!

Debbie Petras said...

Thanks for sharing your day at the beach with your blogging friends. I thoroughly enjoyed it even though I'm in landlocked Phoenix. I absolutely love white picket fences and hydrangeas. So, it was such a pleasant time for me to take a look at these photos. I can just imagine being there. What a great day, even from a distance.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog.... It is beautiful!!
Come on over to my blog... I am hhaveing a Romantic Southern Belle 10 Day Give-Away!!

A Southern Rose said...

Those pictures were beautiful! That white cottage is awesome! I love the white fence with the white roses. The view across the street is amazing. I've often wondered what it would be like to live by the sea. I know that I would love it! You are so blessed!
Lee Laurie

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great Photos - Thanks for sharing your trip. Those hydrangeas are beautiful.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Okay....I could SO live there! Absolutely GORGEOUS!!

Beautiful photography!

Lou Cinda :)

Dirt Princess said...

What a GORGEOUS place

Lisa @ On Cloud Pink said...

What a relaxing morning! I love it there too when we visit family in Aptos. Funny, my husband works there in Santa Cruz, but we rarely go and visit.

I love the white cottage w/the white hydrangeas. It's so calming. I even liked the green house next to it. Thanks for sharing - you took some great shots! Makes me want to go to the beach now.


Terri Steffes said...

What is it about small white houses with white fences and white flowers that makes my heart go pittypat??? Thanks for sharing those photos.

The ocean scenes are magnificent. I didn't get my beach vacation this year (Las Vegas instead, don't ask) so your pics help me a lot!

Sandra said...

What a beautiful scenery! I love the white cottage too! The hydrangeas are stunning!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

If I never get to see California, at least I can see it through your camera lens! Beautiful pictures of the beach cottages and beach! Hope you had a wonderful day!

Penny Sue said...

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for the day at the beach. I love the pics you shared. Gorgeous! So very European/Mediterain... looking. I absolutely love the tara cotta tiled roofing and the purple door and trim on one of the buildings. Tre' cool, eh? Thanks for helping those of us who live utterly boring lives to find some gladnes in yours... :) Hugs, Penny Sue

just a little bit shabby said...

Cindy, Love the little white house! Your pictures are wonderful. Thanks for the trip, I feel more relaxed already!

Karli @ RockyBella said...

Hi Cindy, I'm super jealous here in Bakersfield where its about 100 degrees! Those hydrangeas are to die for! After reading your post I felt like I just took a little trip to the beach. Thank you for my free vacation! From Karli at

Gayle said...

Oh man, does your post make me homesick!! I've lived in Pacific Grove, San Diego and we still visit
either the Carmel area or La Jolla at least once a year.
Oh how I miss the California coastline.
Gorgeous pictures!

Beneath the Eaves said...

Thanks for sharing your morning at the beach. I love the cottage and their view. Wow to wakeup to that each morning.
Thanks for the tour.

Four Paws and Co said...

Gorgeous pictures! Now I want to go to Santa Cruz. Some of the cottages remind me of Carmel. ☺ Diane

The Liberty Belle said...

Lovely...simply lovely.

Unknown said...

I think I know which house that is LOL. We love the harbor and go there often, at least a few times a month. We usually hit Aldo's also.

Hydrangeas are my favorite flower. Unfortunately too hot here. Wish I lived closer to the coast!

Stunning pictures!

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

What a nice little beach stroll. Thank you!

Annabelle said...

A dreamy cottage....all in white and greens.....sooo romantic!

Thanks for taking these pictures and sharing them with us.

Hugs Annabelle

Elaine said...

Oh those lucky homeowners. They have such a fabulous cottage and a wonderful view too!

Didn't you just want to knock on the door and ask to have a look around? I bet the inside is just as cute.

bdmalouf said...

Divine little glimpse into your world. thanks for sharing~

Anonymous said...

It's always refreshing to look at cottages such as this. Ooohhhh someday, those roses will cover up the fence and even the arch on the entrance. Beautiful! Just beautiful! :-)

Hello. :-)

Unknown said...

Your photos are fabulous, Cindy! I need to get in my car and drive down to the beach soon! I can't seem to find the time with all my dang project pending!

That white cottage is so adorable! The view across from it is amazing!

Wonder what all the umbrellas were or is it a B&B?

Thanks for sharing your morning at the beach!


Gerry Sharp said...

Looks like paradise to me. How fortunate that you can get to the beach so easily. I've never been to California and feel like I have missed out on a lot.

Have a great day and keep up the wonderful blog.


cedwards55 said...

Cindy, you totally live in Paradise. Loved the tour!


BittersweetPunkin said...

Lovely photos Cindy, and how convenient to have a Winery so close!

LOVE the hydrangeas in the first photo.

Printersdevil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Printersdevil said...

Sorry, I just misposted and deleted it!!!

Thanks for stopping by to visit at Playing Dishes. I have just compiled the list of entries from this week for the giveaway that will be held on July 25 at the end of the CIJ Tablescape month long weekly Party.

I have added your entries. Please come back each week to look at the tables, read and leave a comment to get more chances to win the holiday tablecloth. I hope you will consider doing a CIJ table or linking one from your file photos.

abeachcottage said...

googness gracious, a white house with white flowers, when can I move in ;-)

would love to come walk with ya


Beverly said...

Cindy, that white cottage is so lovely, and the white roses on the fence could not have been more perfect.

The ocean renews my spirit, too. I can't go too long without a visit.

Beverly said...

Oh! The package came!!!! I can't wait to share my lovely prize.

I'll be certain to let you know when I post it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will think of you every time I look at it.


wow, your blog and your photos are really lovely.
Have a nice day

Esther Sunday said...

Oh, the memories! That white cottage is a dream!!!

FEDERICA said...

That little white cottage is so lovely!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Cindy....

Oh, how I LOVE that first cottage....YUM! Can you box it up and send it to the NW? :-)


Debra@CommonGround said...

How very fortunate you are to have such a lovely area within walking distance of your home. Your photos transport me there.

Jednoskrzydła said...

you put the hydragena flowers as first photo - and I have to say that recently from all flowers they are my No. 1! beautiful and relaxig photo session - it would be lovely to be there! regards, Anna

FrenchGardenHouse said...

sigh. I {and all of us, I'm sure!} would love to live in that little cottage.

Tea Time Consultants said...

Cindy, my husband is so in love with California. Your photos are going to make him homesick. Beautiful!

You might need some lace sometime.
check out

Karen Deborah said...

Be still my heart.

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Stunning photos! What great views!

Dunedin Jobs said...

Hi Cindy! That perfect white sand and the magnificent views are lovely. When I'm in the beach i always love to walk in the sand barefooted. It relaxes me well.
Have a great day!

instant cash Australia said...

Hello Cindy!!! I love your photos and I appreciate much that you took photos even just for a simple spot. The house, the flowers, it was very awesome. By these photos, I can now appreciate the things around me. Thanks for opening my eyes in the real beauty of the world.