Monday, March 02, 2009

A Giveaway!

Pin It Now!

I found this cute little teapot at Marshalls. Since I already have one but in a different shape I thought this would be a great thing to giveaway! It's my way of saying thanks to all of you who visit here!

Just leave a comment below by Wednesday, March 4th at 9:00 pm PST and I will use a random number generator to choose a winner! This is only open to those who live in the U.S. or Canada due to shipping costs.
Remember if you don't have a blog, please leave your email address so I have a way to contact you if you win!


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crabapple cottage said...

Hi Cindy. I just love that teapot, I'm in Australia so I can't enter your giveaway, but would love to find one just like it out here. Thanks so much for such a lovely blog, I enjoy dropping by each day to see what you're up to. Thanks for sharing....

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I haven't found such a treasure at our local Marshall's. The little teapot is adorable.

Anonymous said...

please enter me!!

Linda said...

Love your blog and I love the teapot too!

Unknown said...


How wonderful, please count me in the those stores!

Kindredly, Lynne Laura

emily said...

ooo how beautiful! Please include me in your giveaway! Love reading your blog!

beckylynne said...

Cindy - what a generous offer. Please enter me in your contest. I'm laughing because since I have been following your blog I been on a quest for everything pretty!! I went looking for some candy containers that you mentioned in your blog some time ago. I came home with a dresser instead. So I'll be following your furniture painting technique.

Indigo Robe said...

Well, my one and only grandson's birthday is March 4th so maybe that will be my lucky day!

What a lovely teapot! We are major tea drinkers around here so I would proudly use and display her in my collection.

Thank you for taking the time to post so often and share your beautiful home with all of us. You are a daily inspiration!


Anonymous said...



Susan @ The Good Life! said...

That is a beautiful teapot and I am in for the giveaway! Thank you!

Kim said...

Pick me Pick Me!!!! LOL I love that beautiful tea pot!!! It would look great in my kitchen/dinning room that I am redoing!! :)

Creations from my heart said...

What a beautiful teapot. I wanted to let you know that your cake it wonderful! Blessings..Sherry

Suzann said...

Miss Cindy, I would love to be included in your give-away.

JoyceG said...

Ohmygosh! That is absolutely lovely! Please enter me in the contest!
I love reading your blog - I find it inspiring to say the least, and your photos are also wonderful. It's become one of my required reads every day.
JoyceG in WA

Jadehollow said...

Beautiful teapot Cindy.. A real treasure for whoever wins.

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Cindy; wow what a gorgeous tea pot. How sweet of you to do a give a way with it. I would love to enter for a chance to win it...


Anonymous said...


I don't have a blog yet, but I read yours daily. Love the teapot, and enjoy looking at your pictures of your home.


Malisa said...

It always blows me many comments you get! Amazing!

Isn't Marshall's your favorite place? They have fantastic things!

I too am having a great giveaway. Please check my blog for details!


Back Home Cottage said...

Cindy love the teapot. I've only won one thing my entire life and come to find out I was too young to have entered and had to give it back. I'm sure that won"t be a problem this time (lol)!!!!!

Janelle said...

Oh, that is too, too cute! It would look perfect in my study with the aqua walls!

Anonymous said...

That teapot is so beautiful! Thank you for entering me in your generous giveaway :) I love your blog :)

Polly said...

How cute, Cindy. Please count me in.

Shirl said...

Hello. love your blog. What a great giveaway. I'd like to enter in the drawing. I'm having a giveaway too for one of my silk ribbon embroidered heartstrings. Stop by when you have a minute to enter.
Bless you, SHirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Jennifer@Pieces of Me said...

I wouldnt mind being to owner of that beautiful Tea pot!

Thanks for such a beautiful blog with us!!!

Nancy Wyatt said...

Hey Cindy! That is really beautiful, great job finding it and so sweet of you to gift it! Hope all is well! hugs from Texas

Unknown said...

What a darling little teapot! What a lovely thing for anyone to win! It would look adorable on my kitchen windowsill! :)

You're so generous to share! :)

Shaam said...

Hey Cindy thank you for the great giveaway!
All the best,

The Liberty Belle said...

What a lovely teapot! Please include me in your drawing!

Thank you for being so gracious and hosting such a nice give away.

Rhonda said...

Dear Cindy- Always something exciting
at my romantic home! Super-cute giveaway 2...

Brooke said...

Super cute teapot. Great for a tea party. I've been reading your blog regularly and have just started my own.

Anonymous said...

I love the tea pot and your blog! It is the first blog that I read almost every day. And then I click on the other blogs that you visit. I do not have a blog. I would love my home to be decorated beautifully as yours is! thank you for sharing your home on your blog! Paula

June said...

Don't you just love Marshalls.Love the teapot and I absolutely adore your blog.

DeDe said...

Such a CUTE teapot! What a find.

If I won the teapot, it would find a great home in my bedroom on the dresser.

Good luck everyone!


Anonymous said...

I LUVVVVVV Teapots.... probably as much as I love your blog. Your blog encourages me to be creative in my own nest... thank you!

Short and Sweet said...

Thank you for sharing with all of your blog friends and readers.

Unknown said...

Just lovely Cindy! Very nice of you...I just came in to say hello and was greeted with this! Miss you!


Throw me into the mix, Cindy!


Heather said...

What a cute little teapot! That would look adorable in my kitchen. You have such an adorable blog. Love it!!!

Sometimes It's Good said...

Wow! Cindy, that is so beautiful! Please enter me in the drawing. I love your blog.
Hugs, Susan

The Stylish House said...

Such a precious little teapot! Also, thank you for visiting my new blog and leaving such kind words, I will treasure them!

Barbara said...

Cindy, what an awesome little teapot. I just want to say you have inspired me to change things in my house. Thanks for the encouragemnet.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, oh, and the teapot too. Just beautiful.

jean said...

I love your blog, and I would love to have the teapot too.

jean said...

I love your blog, and I would love to have the teapot too.

jean said...

I love your blog, and I would love to have the teapot too.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, and I would love to have the teapot too.

Marilyn said...

Hi Cindy..I would love to win this for my daughter in Pensylvania. She woud think that teapot was just darling. Please enter me. Marilyn

Anonymous said...

Cindy I love your blog and ready it everyday....lizz at

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Cindy! I love the
pretty teapot. It looks perfect for your home, but since you have
a similar one, I would like to enteryour giveaway. As everyone elsehas said, I love visiting your
blog.... it is the prettiest one I
visit! No, I'm not trying to per-
suade you to pick me! LOL!!
Hope you are having a great week!

Anonymous said...

Good Grief, Cindy! I don't know
why my comments always post like
they do. I certainly don't write
them to skip lines, etc. I hate
for everyone in blogland to think
we Tennesseans are not very bright!
LOL!! Just blame it on my typing
and computer skills!! When I pre-view my comment, it never shows
up like it publishes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy! That is so generous and kind of you to include Canadians in this contest! You have such beautiful taste, and so much talent!I was so touched to read about how you and Lauren took that cake decorating course together..the cakes were gorgeous! I can't wait to do this with my own daughter now! Thank you so much! Please enter me in the contest to win the beautiful teapot. xo

Dixie said...

Beautiful teapot! Count me in! Hope I win! Dixie

Angela Johnston said...

Your collections are just beautiful. You are an inspiration to us all.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I'd love to add this to my collection of pretty floral china. Please enter me in your drawing.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Love your teapot! Nobody does "Romantic Chic" better than you!


Thirkellgirl said...

It's beautiful! I think I need a trip to California to check out your haunts, including Marshalls, because I never find anything as cute as you find! Enter me, please. Read your blog every morning and love it.

Heather said...

I would love to win this little teapot!

Sonia said...

Oh, I love the teapot. If I dont win, I'll have to go to marshalls to get it...
Thanks for the giveaway...

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Such a beautiful blog!

Anonymous said...

I have so enjoyed your blog since discovering it a couple of months ago. Although my home is not decorated in the style of yours, I receive tremendous pleasure looking at your many beautiful pictures. You have such talent. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Joyce's Journey said...

My chances of winning are one in a kazillion, but here I am hoping you will throw my name in the number generator thingy. May the best blogger win - well, the lucky one.

You are so sweet to do this!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing. I collect pitchers and just adore this one!


zwnyc said...

Hi Cindy,

Read your blog everyday. Love the teapot.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
I love your blog and stop by almost every day, although I rarely comment. The teapot is lovely - please enter me in the giveaway. :-)


Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Cindy, it's lovely. It would be a great addition to my collection;)

Patina said...

What a pretty little teapot!
Thank you for the Giveaway!

Paula said...

Oh, Cindy, Cindy, Cindy! How wonderful and generous you are! Even though I NEVER win anything (I'm the unluckiest person in the world!), I'm going to take a chance. I collect tea pots and would love to add this little treasure to my trove. Thanks so much for an opportunity to win. Congratulations on such a successful blog. It's just lovely and I love visiting!

The Little Young House B&B

Anonymous said...

oh, that is so pretty. Just the thing for an afternoon tea with an old friend.

Anonymous said...

I just love those teapots Cindy! I don't have a blog, but my email is Thanks!

BittersweetPunkin said...

Very pretty Cindy!! Wow...lots of people entered your giveaway...good for you!

Susie said...

What a cute tea pot. I have a cup and saucer that would go with it!. Hope I win. Love your blog.

Sharon said...

What a lovely teapot. Please enter me in your giveway. I just found your blog and love it.

Christie said...

Cindy...this is beautiful! Please count me in your very generous giveaway. Thanks! Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I love your blog and visit almost every day. I fell in love with the teapot when you first showed yours on the blog, and would love a chance to win this one. I have to admit I have a bit of a feddish for teapots!

The best to you and yours,

Stephanie said...

OOOOh! It's soooo pretty! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!

Jackie said...

I love it....please enter my name, Thanks!

mgster said...

Cindy, what a beautiful teapot and how generous of you to give it away. I'd love to be entered! Thanks

Anonymous said...

How pretty is this? Count me in! And please feel free to enter the GIVE-AWAY I am hosting on my blog♥

momof3girls said...

That tea pot is just precious! Please enter me in your contest. I would love to be sipping tea & enjoying that little tea pot!

Anonymous said...

As usual a very beautiful tea pot. I would love to win it - please enter me in your gracious give-a-way.

I read your fantastic blog every day!!!!!

Teacup Lady (Sandy)

raraavis said...

What a darling teapot and an absolutely charming blog. Please enter my name in the giveaway.

Marilyn said...


Cute, cute, cute teapot! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! So pretty ..hint hint bluebird in progress on my was 14 degrees today and your blog kept me warm!

Anonymous said...

Love the teapot...count me in.
Your cakes turned out soooo good.
Looks like Lauren is very talented
also. Mimi

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Oh pick me! Pick me! Please enter me in your contest. I'd love to give that teapot a new home!


Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Love your blog & the teapot. So please enter me in your contest.

Unknown said...

I enjoy visiting your romantic home often. Heat the water, that might be me at the door. LOL

OKGardners said...

Would LOVE to win this beauty. Thanks for having such a beautiful blog that I CRAVE to check out each day. :)

Betty in Oklahoma

Sinta Renee said...

I love teapots and that one is just beautiful! What a nice give-away to have:) You are so sweet & talented!

Joyce said...

I would love to win that cute teapot! Me and my sister who is in Iowa read your blog too! She will have to sign her ownself up. HA!
Thank you for the offer.
Be blessed,

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

Gosh, that's so generous and truly lovely of you! I will enter to win!

Anonymous said...

Love the teapot! Love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgou teapot! I've been trying to collect teapots and teacups for the past few years. I have more cups than pots...just because they don't cost as much! I love reading your blog everyday! ~~Pam

Anonymous said...

I mean "gorgeous" teapot...don't know where those extra letters disappeared too in my last comment! ~~Pam

Fleur de Bee said...

Hi Cindy! I have seen that very one...just beautiful. I would love to be entered and perhaps win it for my daughters 6th birthday! She is really into Tea Parties it is just adorable and her favorite color is light blue.

Thanks for being so generous. You just missed my two giveaways of Mercury Glass. I will let you know when I do it again.

xo Molly

Anonymous said...

Beautiful teapot! I have a small collection of teacups and a few teapots and would love to add this one to the collection. I read your blog everyday and enjoy it immensely.

Country Romantic said...

You really do have a lot of cherubs but they all are pretty and look good in your home.

What a pretty teapot. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you and hugs & blessings.


Mona said...

Hi Cindy. Absolutely adore the teapot and would love to win it! Thank you. Mona

Gina said...

Cindy, the teapot is just lovely and I would love to be entered in the giveaway. I collect teapots and teacups and saucers.

Moe said...

like i said on your flickr stream...i just love all of your accessories. And no, the cherubs are never too much! :)
:) :) :)

Diane said...

Very pretty! I was just at Marshall's here and didn't see anything like teapots! But I did get some beautiful sheets with tiny roses all over them, they are so pretty on my bed!! I am keeping my fingers crossed...thanks for being so generous!

Anonymous said...


chiara said...

here I am and really love your house and blog and would be glad to receive this wonderful teapot!

Anonymous said...

I always run to my local Marshall's after you post about something you've purchased from there. They definitely must carry different stock! Although I do love Marshall's! Please enter me in your giveaway.
Donna May

Susie Q said...

Oh that's beautiful. I'm working on redoing my pretty.

PS: What is the color on the walls in your BR? After several years in our house, I've realized that the 'wooden' molding around the windows and doors in our home is FAKE! Grabbing me the dollar store version of Mr. Clean scrubbing sponges and hitting them (they needed it anyway) and plan to paint it white.

Your blog is a 'treat' to myself. I read it at work and it's my 'reward' for doing something that I'd rather not ;D

carol said...

My dear husband has accomodated me with a Sunday Afternoon Tea tradition, which has become a really special time for both of us. The pot you're offering is lovely and I would put it to use in our tea time. Thank you for offering this wonderful giveaway. Carol

carol said...

This is such a lovely little pot - thank you for offering it. My dear Husband has accomodated me with a Sunday Afternoon Tea tradition, which has become a really pleasurable time for both of us. This pot would be much appreciated during our small rituals. Carol

Mimi Sue said...

Love the shape of the teapot and the colors too. Mimi

Tanya said...

Ooh. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I'm always inspired when I visit your blog. The teapot is beautiful. I have a miniature one that is almost exactly like it.

Please put my name in the drawing. I would love to win!


MimiG said...

Me - Me - Me, please!!!

Jade Creative said...

I adore this little tea pot. I'm still trying to add more pictures to my blog. I just seem to get side tracked by all the great blog stories out there. I especially look forward to your entries. later...Darlene

Cindy said...

Oh Cindy, I adore your blog, and I would love to have something that reminds me of your gorgeous little home!! Hugs, ~cindy s~

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and I love it! Keep me in mind for the's so pretty!

Rita's Recipes said...

count me in! love the teapot.
Rita (

Kel said...

Love the teapot~please enter me as well!

Anonymous said...

Love the teapot and the blog! Please enter me in the contest.

Anonymous said...

I am number 318---- Oh my goodness! That is unbelievable. I would LOVE the teapot. Thank you for sharing. PLEASE let it be me!

Christine said...

I love the teapot!! I enjoy your blog so much; I check it almost everyday and am disappointed when you haven't posted.

Anonymous said...

I would love, love, love to win that teapot! Debbi

Anonymous said...

You give away the best stuff! Add me to your list.


Heidi said...

Love the teapot! Love your blog! Love your style!

I am living vicariously through you until my 4 kids can be trusted around so many breakables!

twinkle said...

YOU are an angel! Enter me for your giveaway, please...

Recycled Rita said...

I love your blog and would love to win this wonderful teapot!

sew revived said...

Thanks Cindy for all your hard work and energy you put into your blog. I'm a faithful reader! Keep up the great work!!

Anonymous said...

WOW-- I can't believe you have over 300 comments already! It is a very beautiful teapot! I just wanted to say that I adore your blog! I love seeing what new and inspiring ideas you come up with. I've even added your link to my personal blog!;0) Thanks for all of the talent and positive attitude you share with us!!

Margaret Cloud said...

The teapot is so lovely, how can I say no to a pretty little thing like that, thank you.

VintageCrafter said...

What a lovely giveaway Cindy! I love the teapot. It is just the right colors to go in my kitchen...Now all I need to do is have you pick my name:)
Count me in please!

Catherine said...

It's so beautiful Cindy! Yes please enter me in your give away!
I usually don't leave a comment when you have this many..but I just had to tonight! I also love your newest post~ Cherubs..I have a thing for cherubs too~and you can never have too many!:)
Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

I check your blog all the time. I just absolutely love your style and am redoing my daughter's room in the cottage, romantic white look. Thank you for being such an inspiration.

Judi A. said...

I love the beautiful teapot.

Kether said...

Its so cute! and I love that pattern.

-Kether (

Michele said...

Cindy, you're just so sweet!!! I love this teapot and would love to be entered in your giveaway!! YOu know how much I LOVE your blog and get so much inspiration from your talent that you so graciously share with all of us!! Thanks for the generosity!!

Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers


Would love for my name to be added to the hat. :o)

Nicole ~ said...

That is beautiful. I would love it if you could please enter me in the drawing.


Pauline Rees said...

Hi Cindy
Love your blog!
Your ideas and your beautiful decor!
I love cherubs too! Have many just hanging around, just love them.
Would love to be the winner of that beautiful tea pot!
take care, Pauline

Anonymous said...

Hi cindy, how cute. Please enter me in your contest. My email address is Thank you. Debbie

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy! Love your blog!
Great ideas, lovely decor.
I tooo love cherubs,would love a chance to win your tea pot.
Take Care, PAuline

Cathy said...

What an gorgeous teapot! It would go perfectly with my collection of mismatched dishes and assorted pieces. Boy I wish we had a Marshall's here! What a fabulous giveaway!

Cathy ♥

Anonymous said...

A perfect day must have flowers and a cuppa (as they say). Your teapot looks like a harbinger of welcome springtime.

Jen said...

It would make such a beautiful addition to my collection!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your's like eye candy for an armchair decorator like myself with two little ones and another on the way who's dreaming of one day filling my home with treasures like the ones found in your home. Keep dazzling us with your talents!

Anonymous said...

Oh please. The teabot is beautiful.

Teresa said...

Good morning from Lancaster, PA! I would love to be entered in the contest to win the lovely teapot. I don't have my own blog, but enjoy reading yours each day. Thank you for sharing your lovely treasures with us. Have a great day!
~Teresa (

Anonymous said...

Hello Cindy,

I just discovered your blog and I can't stop looking at it. Love the teapot. Thanks for all the decorating inspiration.

Kristen said...

Cindy, you are so sweet and generous! And what "kindred spirit" would not love to have that beautiful little tea pot to add to her very own collection? Your blog is sunshine in my mornings! Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy, your blog is so inspirational. I love what you love. Please enter me in the giveaway,Carlene

Anonymous said...

Love the cherubs. We all can use a little angelic inspiration and support! I often think of decorating with them for Valentine's Day, but they are sure sweet in collections year-round.


Cindy said...

your website is gorgeous. i loved your cake too:) Nice job!

Wanda said...

I would love to own the teapot, plese inter me in your drawing.

Hilsen Bodil F.T. said...

What a lovely tea or coffee set!!

Johanna B said...

I am just starting to collect and would love to have this pretty tea pot. Please include me in your contest.

yorichent at yahoo dot com

Christine said...

Ooooo, I have been wanting a ceramic teapot for a long time, but can't find one that I really like. This one is great! Please enter me, I'll just have to cross my fingers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

I'm a friend of Tracey Buxton's (Notes from A Cottage Industry), and she told me about you. I'm now a faithful reader. I have to tell you, though, you have cost me some $$$! LOL I now have a thing for Cambridge glass. Bought a piece on ebay and have also found I like Johnson Brother's china. SCARY!! LOL

Your blog is wonderful and inspiring. Thanks so much for taking the time to share with all of us.

Trish Euler

P.S. In case I win this adorable teapot, my email is

Scribbler said...

I want this teapot for my collection!!! It goes perfectly with my stuff. Your blog is so beautiful...


Anonymous said...

This would be fabulous in my new dining room! Thanks for the great blog...

amybee said...

Thanks for the offer. Please enter me in the contest.

Anonymous said...

Hey the both did a fantastic job!!! I'm trying to add some blues to the mix I already have...a teapot would be a perfect start....Linda

Dawn said...

What a lovely give-away! I would love to give it a home ;o)

Your blog is beautiful, thanks for sharing so much!

Best Wishes,


Kay said...

What a cute little find....wish we had a Marshalls anywhere close!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little teapot! Please enter me in your giveaway! I love your blog!


The Cottage Girl said...

Love the shop pictures. Talk about eye candy! I signed up to follow your blog...never have followed a blog before. I am looking forward to more of your posts, keep up the great work.


BellaLinda said...

Wow, look at all the comments!
Thanks for sharing with us, your readers.

Linda in Georgia

shabby*vintage*dreams said...

what a gorgeous little teapot!!

Decor To Adore said...

Oh my! It seems that everyone loves this teapot! But I really, really love it. :)

shabby chic chick said...

I love your blog, I'm new to this blogging and love it. The teapot is adorable and would fit right in with my teacups and saucers. Please enter me in your drawing.

Debbie Roberts said...

You have a beautiful blog. Thank you for showing your beautiful home.

Anonymous said...

My daughter loves tea...she is due with her 4th in May and has very little time for herself. I would love to present this teapot to her just to remind her how special she is! Thank you Cindy!

Unknown said...

Cindy I would love to win this! I just love your blog and you have inspired me so much

Carrie said...

This would look great in my corner cabinet in the dining room, along with other floral patterned china.

Penny Sue said...

Dear Miss Cindy,

Thank you for being so special and generous... but I feel like this is just another lesson in futility. I never win anything.

It sure is pretty to look at.

Penny Sue

Diane Fay (littlealma) said...

Oh shoot - it is midnight here in eastern standard time, did I make it? It is a BEAUTIFUL teapot, and would love to be added to the drawing!

Thanks - hugs from Michigan - Diane

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy. Although I do not have a blog, I love yours! Everything is so beautiful. The teapot is charming as is everything you show.
Mary Frann

Anonymous said...

Terrific writing...

pipigirl said...

im a slight collector of teapots. ive only found a very few that i really like that are put onto my rack. the ones i have have just the right faux flowers in to match the pot. this one is really pretty and id so enjoy owning it. thanks for the giveaway. happy holidays

kmannrn said...

What a cute little teapot. I enjoy reading your blog.

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