Monday, January 05, 2009

A Giveaway...your choice!

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I think it's time for another giveaway! We all love giveaways don't we? I went into Marshalls while I was off on Christmas vacation and found another one of these adorable teapots and I thought it would be a wonderful thing to giveaway on my blog so I bought it just for you!

Debbie Kay ~ My Vintage Daydreams sent me this Blue & White in your home book but I already had it so Debbie and I decided to give it away on my blog. It's a beautiful book from the editors of the old Victoria Magazine.

I will be drawing two names so please leave a comment and tell me which one you would like to win. You can also say "either" and I will put your name in the hat for each of them. You may enter anytime before Saturday, January 10th at midnight (PST). This drawing is open to anyone in the U.S. or Canada (due to shipping costs). If you don't have a blog, please be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you!

Feel free to spread the word about my giveaway!


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Anonymous said...

The teapot is beautiful. I would love to win that!
<8 Erin.

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy
A giveaway!
How fun!
I loved "either" they are both really nice prizes and its such a nice thing to do too...

~Really Rainey

Erika said...

Happy New year Cindy, I have to let you know again that I love your blog.. so either or are fine with me.
Fabulous French

Penny said...

Thank you for offering such a great giveaway ~
Lovely items! I would prefer, either~

tam said...

OOHH my goodness Cindy I just spent I think...a half an hour scrolling to the bottom to make a comment-LoL-but seriously I have never seen so many comments-ever! I would LOVE to win "Either" of your lovely items in your give away! What a generous give away!!! I adore the teapot and it would sooo match my home-but then again so would the book!HHHMM wonder what the stats are being number 205 in this contest! LoL! Crossing my fingers and toes!
~Tam :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy
I read your blog all the time. I would love to be part of your give away. I'm blue and white crazy, so it's the book I'd love. I live in Australia so that book could have a happy home "down under".
If i win I'll send you my email address.
Cheers Erica.

Mary said...

Cindy, I love the teapot and how nice that your gifter of of the book agreed to participate in the giveaway.
How do you take the pictures that create such a soft glow...??? They are all so pretty. Mary

Suzann said...

Cindy, please include me in the drawing for either.

Crystal said...

Thanks for a great giveaway. I'd be happy to receive either gift. Looking forward to each and every blog.

Rhondi said...

Hi Cindy
I would love either, since I am a blue and white girl and a teapot collector. Hope you have a great day today.
Hugs, Rhondi

Anonymous said...

I would love either!!!

Tracy said...

Cindy, they are both lovely choices so I will choose either! :)

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

HI Cindy!

I adore them both! But I love Victoria Magazine and especially the older one, so I would lean towards that :)

Thanks so much for hosting such a beautiful give-away!! Hugs, Cynthia

Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, your blog is so refreshing. Love all of your ideas and your tassels you made. I love teapots but would like either item. Please enter me for your giveaway. Thanks!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Wow, great give-a-way. Put my name in the hat please for EITHER great item.



Anonymous said...

Cindy, Hello!!
I'm somewhat new to your "BLOG" but so enjoying my time in here.
I'm an "Either" person, love both giveaways.
Looking forward to lots of 2009 ideas and adventures with you.
Thanks!! Joy

Anonymous said...

OOOPS !! neglected to put my email....for the giveaway.

Thanks again, Joy

Vintagesquirrel said...

I love Marshalls (and TJ Maxx, and Homegoods...) too. Both of your giveaway items are wonderful items I'd be happy to win. Happy New Year, Cindy.

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Cindy,
I love the little teapot. I have the Blue and White book too its a great book. Please put my name in your drawing for the teapot.
Happy New Year and have a great day,

Cottagecheap said...

Either! I love them both!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year To you!!! Love your blog...Would like to win either giveaway. Thank You

Anonymous said...


Love your blog and your great style. Please include me for either of the giveaways.

CottageRose said...

What a great giveaway! I would love either. Deb,

CottageRose said...

What a great giveaway! I would love either. Deb,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blog! I love checking your site. I would choose either. Both look just lovely!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Count me in please...


Farmer Di said...

Happy New Year!!! How kind of you to share your treasures...I just love books on decorating~ Ccould I please be entered in to that drawing ~ Thanks Diana aka farmer di

MimiG said...

Teapot, teapot, teapot! Please...

savvycityfarmer said...

you're a dear...since I am purging I'll leave these beauties for someone else to win...
I might be giving away some of my purge...stay tuned

Risa said...

I'd love to be added to your giveaway. I'm happy to have either if I win.

Have a great day!

Sandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love to win either one, thanks for the chance.

Sandra said...

Cindy, I love reading your blog and you've inspired me to get my own started (coming soon) and the teapot would go great in my redorating scheme.

kansaswx said...

Oh I love, love, love blue. This is a good chance to change from "lurker" to "commenter". I love, love, love your blog.

kansaswx said...

Oops, I'm for the blue and white book please!

misskp said...

What a beautiful teapot! I would love a chance to win it! Thanks for being so following your blog!

Treasia Stepp said...

I find such great ideas from your blog. Your home is gorgeous and to think you've done it on a budget with lots of thriftstore finds. It gives me hope.

Either of the lovely gifts would be great for me.

Lisa Boutell said...

Found your blog when trying to find ideas for a chalkboard...totally inspired and will be copying it to the extent I can. I would enjoy either giveaway. Will be looking at your blog again! Thanks! Lisa

Anonymous said...

What a generous giveaway! I'd love either.

pammiejo said...

Always check out your blog to see what's new! Enter me in your drawing and I'll take either as well! You should be so proud of your blog. It truly is wonderful! PAM

Debbie Harris said...

I'd love either. Thanks for your blog - it's such an inspiration to me, both for decorating ideas and as a newly-single woman!


Lil said...

Would love the delightful teapot. Your blog is great!

Anonymous said...

Cindy....Love your blog & your beautiful pretties in your home!
Thanks for answering my e-mail about your lace!
Either of the giveaways would be sweet of you!!
Debbie G.

ChandraT said...

Hi there, I love your blog! Thanks for being so generous! I am just beginning a teapot collection, and would love to have this beauty as the latest addition!

Anonymous said...

Put me in for the blue and white book! thanks! Love your blog.
Connie in NM

Anonymous said...

Cindy, Your blog is one of the few I check's always so beautifully done! Wouldn't matter to me which gift I won. Cheryl

Angela N said...

Count me in on either! I LOVE your blog!

♥ Sari ♥ said...

Count me in for the book. :)

simple~needs said...

i would love, love, love to win the book!!!
i am so wanting to do blue and whites in my bedroom!! i picked up a king size white down comforter for $12.00! it still had the $249.00 price tag on it.

Ginger said...

Hi Cindy:
You have 250 comments already for your giveaway...thats alot!!! I collect teapots so I would love to be considered for the beautiful teapot, but I love the book too and it would look nice in my book shelf or on my coffee table, so please include me in both. That is sweet of you to think of "us".

Anonymous said...

I would love the teapot...
thanks, lynn

Anonymous said...

Wow Cindy, how generous!!! I would be very happy with either! Thanks for the chance! Sincerely, Jeannette

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

Happy New Year!

Oh I would love the teapot. What a nice giveaway. Thanks.

Debbie from NJ

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for having a great giveaway. I would be happy to win either - count me in.

Anonymous said...

You helped me redo a bed I found in the trash and it turned out beautiful! Thanks.
I like the teapot.
Happy New Year.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Cindy...first off let me say I had to take a nap to get to the bottom of this comment form..WOW!! lots of people..and girl I would love either one from toss my name in the hat..hope you have a great day Cindy...hugs and smiles Gloria

Sondra said...

How sweet! I would enjoy either of those lovely gifts. Also, love your little birdie salt and pepper shakers from Target. I picked some of those up too. Such fun!

Paula said...

Hi Cindy! I'd love to be in on your giveaway. I would rather have the book, but you can put my name in for either. I don't have a blog, so my e-mail is Thanks!

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I'd love the teapot! It's so beautiful!

Wanda said...

I would adore either one. Thank you for buying it just for me. :) ( the tea pot). I do so enjou your blog. TTFN

Anonymous said...

Love love your blog.
You do such a wonderful job at everything.
could you please enter my name in the teapot drawing.
Good luck everyone.
My email is
Have a great day =)

Sandi said...

Wow... you received some amazing gifts! Linens are always a wonderful thing to receive and especially vintage linens. I would like to be entered in the book giveaway. Thanks much and blessings!

Hope said...

Either please. Thank you so much for doing this!

Nancy said...

I'd love either one Cindy. Who said feeling "blue" is a sad thing...I love feeling blue. :) Nancy

Nancy said...

I'd love either one Cindy. Who said feeling "blue" is a sad thing...I love feeling blue. :) Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hello! I love popping into your site to view your lovely decor. This is my first time sending a note and what better way than to enter a chance to win a gift. I'd be grateful for either book.


Kandice said...

They are both lovely! Please put me down for either.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Either giveaway would be wonderful.

Shelley said...

Great giveaway. I love your blog and look in almost every day. I'd love to win that pretty tea pot.

Julie said...

Ohh - I would love to own that book - especially since my china is blue and white! Thank you for hosting such a nice give-away!

Heidi said...

Hi Cindy!
How fun! I'd love to win the teapot, it's beautiful! (Or the book, I love blue and white, too!0
Happy New Year!
Hugs, Heidi

T in MD said...

Dear Cindy, Love your Blog & What a generous person you are! Please place my name in the drawing for the beautiful teapot! Thank you & Many Blessings to you! Teresa

Ginny said...

Oh Cindy, I love the teapot! It is just what I need to pick me up. I have the January blues.......probably because my birthday is Jan.14 and I am getting old!

KV Creative Designs said...

Hi Cindy,
Please enter me in for the Blue & White book! Since I am an Interior Designer, I love books like this!

Happy New Year and Artful Blessings,
P.S. Stop by my blog and come celebrate my Blogiversary giveaway!!

Bonnie said...

Oh how I love stopping by your blog! Such amazingly beautiful things to read about and then a giveaway, too! Thank you for doing this. I'm fine with either but I really love the teapot. Thanks again for this and I'll check in with you again soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,I truly love your blog and read it almost every day!  You have such a knack for decorating and making things beautiful.  If my name is drawn my choice would be the teapot. My eamil is since I don't have a blog yet.

Mary Ellen said...

Eenie meenie miney and white book for me please. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you. Lorie (

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Cindy! What a terrific giveaway ~ please count me in for either item! I love that pretty teapot & I have lots of blue & white, especially in my red dining room, so I'd be able to use either the book or the teapot!!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh Cindy! That teapot is adorable and I would love to win it. Please enter me into your giveaway. I so wish we had a Marshalls in our area. You find the most delightful things there. xoxo

philben5 said...

My oh my 281 posts already!!
Of course I would have to say that if I were to be the lucky one, I would love to receive either!! I so much enjoy your blog! Blessings and Happy New Year

Kay said...

Sign me up for either of your have inspired me to add more blue to my house in fact I just did my bedroom over in blue and painted all the furniture white...check out my blog to see how you have inspired me!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Cindy,
Just have just discover your beautiful site this Dec. I'm new to blogging and I love it. May have to consider one of my own.
I'd love the teapot, as I treat myself to an afternoon tea as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

Blue and white - I could live in a blue and white world. So, I would like to win the book. I do not have a blog, but my address is

Giveaways or no, I just love your blog. I check it every couple of days, and I often copy some of your photos to my computer for inspiration. Thank you, Cindy, for sharing your tips with all of us.

Judy in Nova Scotia

Sonnie said...

What fun! Count me in, too! Either is fine with me - Sonnie

Linda aka yellowroseli said...

WOW, what nice things you have to give away. I would love the Blue & White book. My favorite colors in my LRHave a Blessed NY
Linda in NY

Unknown said...

WOW...I love giveaways...I love to do them and join in on the fun. PLEASE, enter my name in your EITHER list. I love both of them...and I enjoy your blog as well.


Anonymous said...

hi! i love the teapot.. i collect them.. perfect!love checking in here daily :)

Cami said...

Your generosity just made my day. If I win please give the gift to the person who commented just before me. And have a lovely 2009 full of hope!

Anonymous said...

I just love your blog. Your such an inspiration to me. My husband is now laid off and I go to your site so I can smile and admire your decorating.
Take care--keep showing the beautiful blues and whites. O yea, I would like
the book, if I win.Mary---

Anonymous said...

Oh Cindy, I would love the book sooo much. I also love what you do, it is so joyous just to take a peek at your lovely surroundigs. Hugs, ~cindy~

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
Don't let my email fool you, even though I live in Austin TX, my heart is in the Bay Area. Thanks for your lovely blog!



Hi Cindy,
WOW you sure have a LARGE following!! I'm hoping to win EITHER gift and Thank you for having one.
Very nice gifts you rec'd. I'm off to read your post about making tassels as I really want to make one.
Here's to being a winner:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy;
Love your blog, I never miss a day.

Love......the teapot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy!
I love reading your blog and looking at all your beautiful things. I would love to be entered in either giveaway!

Pam said...

I have loved tea pots, lace and shabby chic for years. My granddaughter and I play tea party with a child's set that belonged to my daughter when she was a little girl. What a lovely idea to give such a beautiful item to a stranger.

SDQuilter said...

Hi Cindy, I collect teapots and have a love for tea that my Grandmother and Father have passed to me. I would love to be in the drawing for the pot, please. Thank you for all the inspiration you fill your blog with. The love of home and family comes through strong.

Unknown said...

I would love to have the teapot! I have the set of dishes and cups, but the teapot never made it to our stores locally (believe, I watched for it!). My blog is very out of date - my email is Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Cindy - I love your style. I think I am finally on a path to my style. You truly inspire me. I'd love either givaway. I look forward everyday to looking at your pics and stories. Janet -

Tracy M. said...

Sweet teapot! I would love to have it. Thanks for your awesome inspirations.

Country Romantic said...

Hi Cindy, What a sweet idea! I really like the blue & white book. It would be so helpful. Please include me in that chance for the giveaway. Thankyou.

OKGardners said...

Pink Floral Teapot would make me scream with JOY!!!!

Betty in Oklahoma

Thanks and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I admire all you have done! It's amazing really : )
I would like to be entered for the book.

Thanks for all the inspiration,

Gypsy aka Tam said...

what a great giveaway. Please count me in for either.
Happy New Year and have a great evening,

Cathy said...

What a fabulous and generous giveaway! I would love to have a chance at winning the gorgeous tea pot. I've also mentioned it on my Blog Events Dex blog. Thank you!

Cathy :)

mexicanmom said...

Thanks for another great giveaway and have a wonderful New Year! Count me on either one.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I love giveaways! Sign me up for either. :D

Your blog is always an inspiration. You should be here to help me choose a new paint color for my kitchen.

Happy New Year!

Gone said...

How nice of you!!!

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win the Tea Pot!!!

And, I hope I do!


Anya said...

I'd be happy with either one. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

WOW I"m # 310.. maybe that's a lucky number.
How wonderful and generous of you.
The tea pot would be my favorite to win since I have 3 so far.
Thanks so much Cindy and Happy New Year
Claudie from Canada

Neabear said...

Wow! Nice giveaway! Please enter me in both or either or however I was supposed to do that. So nice of you to do this. Happy Wednesday!

Johanna B said...

I would love to win either. I've just started decorating my house and I need all the help I can get. Your blog has been instrumental in my decision to start the process. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes , put me in for either drawing. It's so fun to receive someone els's hand me downs. we all love beautiful things for our homes. The word this year is for women is to put yourself on the top of the list and I am.

janice in Missouri

cm said...

Id love the book if I win. Thanks for doing this. I love your blog so much! :)


I love your blog Cindy! You have really inspired me to do something with my old hutch! I'd really love to win either of your prizes. :)

Anonymous said...

I thought I left a message yesterday, but I don't see it today.
Just in case, I'd like to win the teapot! It's so pretty.

Loralynn said...

Happy New Year! I would love either even though I am partial to the tea pot!

MarthaYvette said...

love your blog and the "teapot" :) Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Cindy!

I love your makes me smile. Love your items for your giveaway. Thank you for being so generous.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet thing for you to do.
The tea pot is just darling. Thank you for a chance to win it.

Polly said...

Hi Cindy -
I've been without my computer for the last couple of weeks. Today, it finally came home and your blog was the first place I went! I would love to be included in your giveaway this week.


Robin ~ Linton Cottage said...

Oh my, over 320 comments, but enter me for "either" wonderful thing. You have a beautiful house!!


Teri said...

Cindy, I love your blog and think your home is decorated so beautifully. I'd love to win either gift, so please count me in. Thanks.

Jean said...

I love all your 2008 projects. You really did get a lot done. Your home is so beautiful. Yes please enter me in your giveaway, either would be great. January 10th is my son's birthday so maybe it will be my lucky day again.I do not have a blog but my email is
Have a great evening
Jean in Virginia

Life on the Edge said...

I would love to be in the drawing for either of them! They both speak to my heart!

Thanks for having a giveaway!


Unknown said...

I was so happy to see this tonite as I came in to relax and browse your beautiful home, either my dear..either one would be a blessing..warm loving hugs from Vermont..Mona don't publish my e-mail! thank you Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy

Oh my I just discovered your blog. Your home is gorgeous. I would like to be put into the drawings for either the book or the teapot. I don't have a blog but here's my email


Dixie said...

Hi Cindy... wow! you've got a Gazillion comments... so I'll make mine a Gazillion and one...

I like both items... The teapot is so cute... and books are a passion...

Hope you have a Blissful Week!

Diane Fay (littlealma) said...

Holy cow!!! 329 entries!!! I don't think I have that many comments on my whole blog!!! (grin!) But count me in for the drawing please! I would love the book! I LOVE all your projects - I am so jealous!!!

Have a wonderful new year!
Hugs from Michigan - Diane

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the teapot although I know I probably wont get it.

Krissa said...

Loveley!!! I am so glad I found your blog! You do some amazing stuff...
Either are great!
Thank You!

Barbara said...

Hi Cindy, I love looking at your blog and love it when you give instructions on projects. Would love that book in the giveaway!

Kelly said...

As always you have the prettiest "treasures"! I collect tea pots, so that would be my choice. Thank You for having such a giving heart.

Beautiful Blessings~Kelly Maria

Sentimental Roses said...

Happy New Year Cindy!! I would love to be entered too please! If I win, I would love to have the book. Have a lovely year!!

Susan in Nova Scotia, Canada

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Hi Cindy. Please enter me in the contest. I'd love the teapot.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I love the teapot.Kim

Kari said...

Oooohhh, I want to win! But I never do.... I will be *shocked* if I win this. What a thoughtful thing to do!

Melissa Lester said...

Ooh, I have mugs that would match the teapot, but that book looks like a good read, too, so I would love to win either!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy is it too late to enter?!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy...this is great for you to do this....Please put in my name for the teapot...Have a great day!!Linda

Pearl said...

Hi Cindy... Just finished catching up with my reading... really enjoyed the re-cap on some of the projects you did in 2008 ~ Thanks for sharing those with us! I'd love to have my name added to the hat(s) for a chance to win your sweet give~away, please... either treasure would be awesome to win! Hope that all's going well in your world, and that this new year will be filled with wonderful blessings for you... Take special care... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Beth H said...

Oh wow! Please include me, too, in your drawing for either prize. Thank you very much.

Renee said...

Hi Cindy,

OMG! I got sick this last week, and am way behind in reading your posts! I love to read every day - guess it is just that time of year here when everyone gets a touch of something or another.

I love the teapot. I grew up with a marshals but around here, I feel blessed to have a walmart and kmart. *smile*

Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway. Both are wonderful gifties!


Megan said...

Your home is really a treasure. Count me in ofr either.

Ida Faye said...

Happy New Year and thanks for the chance to win a beautiful teapot. Love your blog and I'm amazed at the projects you completed last year while working full time.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I love your blog, and can't wait to see what you are going to do next. Count me in on either giveaway.
thanks from Canada (

Debbie said...

what a great blog you have... please enter me in your draw for "either"

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered--hope I'm not too late!

Anonymous said...

(oops--for either one!) ;)

Jennifer@Pieces of Me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer@Pieces of Me said...

Hi, Please include me in this contest. I would love to be the new owner of the teapot. A little positive thinking doesnt hurt. I love your blog, it is so inspiring and beautiful! Please keep sharing with us....

Anonymous said...
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sexy said...
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