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the teapot and other things I found in this pattern? Well, I was in Marshalls again last week (I practically live there) and found these dessert plates for only $2.99 each...
$2.99! They had 8 and I bought them all! I just love this pattern! It's called "Antique Reflections by J. Godinger & Company"

Last night I went to another Marshalls and found one more in the clearance aisle for $2.00! Of course I bought it...just in case one of mine breaks~I'll have an extra. There are also trays, candy dishes, pitchers, and more but I think I have what I
need want can afford for now.

Sunday I was cleaning house and decided to take a break to play. I set the table just for fun to see what they would look like. I still like to play house. When I was done, I put all my "toys" away so we could actually use the dining room table. I have them displayed in my hutch so I can still enjoy them! ~and then I got back to cleaning house!
HGTV Update: They have moved the taping out 1 more day so it looks like it will be on Friday, May 30th now. I'm fine with that because the longer they push it out the more time I have to get prepared (both mentally and home-wise). I decided to wait until after the taping to wallpaper the bathroom. I asked them if they will be taping any other parts of my home and they said probably not, so I would rather wait and not rush decorating the bathroom. To me, decorating is not just about getting the job done but enjoying the process along the way.
What a gorgeous pattern! Your table looks stunning. I can just imagine it in candle light. Truly romantic. xoxo
Your table is just beautiful. You always find the neatest things!! Sometimes things are so jumbled together at Marshall's, TJ Maxx, etc. It's so great to find such treasures! Thanks for sharing!!!
Your table setting looks so pretty. What a good eye! I think it is wise to slow down and enjoy the process. I constantly tell that to our young friends. Take in every moment, they pass so quickly. So, enjoy!
The table looks perfect. I want to play too. I'm just taking a break from cleaning the car to read your blog. If you have ever wondered what it looks like when gummy worms melt in a cupholder, I can tell you.
That pattern is so pretty. I have seen it in pink as well. Don't you just love a good deal?? :0)
Your table looks beautiful. I just love that pattern and the way you arranged it with your other treasures.
Hi Cindy,
I was in T. J. Max here in Ct. & low & behold, i saw the same dishes here also, thought they were gorgeous , but was heming & hawing, to long went back again & were all gone ,the saying goes you snooze you loose, next time i will snap up that special someting, even tho i really don't need them i have so many now... more stuff... hubby will say!even tho he's a sweetheart with all my purchases all the time.
dining room table is beautiful, but no surprise! & your daughter Loren, is a stunning young woman!
best regards, Cindy... Fl.
I'll have to go to Marshalls! We have one, but for some reason I've only been there once. I can't imagine how nervous you must be about them being in your home! But good luck.
Hi Cindy,
Ever since I bought the teapot, I have wanted to find more pieces. We don't have a Marshalls here but have one about 45 minutes away so I might go there tonight cuz I want some of these plates so bad. They look so vintage, I just love them.
Your Marshall's must be just like our HomeSense that we have here. I love going there, but I rarely leave empty handed. I so look forward to all your posts. Thank you for sharing.
I love that china pattern, the colors are some of my favorites.
That pattern really is lovely, and looks so beautiful against your lacy tablecloth.
I love TJ Maxx, Marshalls and Ross because you never know what you will bump into, and usually at a great price.
Your table is gorgeous and I love the new plates!!! I've got to go Marshall's we have one pretty close by!!!!
Your table looks very pretty!
Happy day,
I love this china. I need to remember to check out a Marshall's and see if I can find a couple pieces. The table setting is lovely. Maybe you should set it again for the taping. Can't wait to see your home on HGTV.
Are you going to use that set when HGTV come.... I just adore them... the pattern is sooo pretty
I'm so glad you were able to find more dishes. The table looks fantastic!
I totally agree with you about decorating, it's definitely a process and not one to be rushed.
Your table setting is beautiful. Your energy absolutely amazes me!! Thanks for this blog.
I've got to find a good Marshall's. Those plates are fabulous! I love flowered plates to hang on the walls.
Hi Cindy,
Don't you just love when that happens! So glad you found your dishes. I have to get there to see if they have any in our Marshalls/Homegoods. My son and I are sharing a car right now and he just started summer classes in college, I'm glad , but he sure is cutting into my shopping time!! LOL.
Love your new treasures...
beautiful table!!!
I love this pattern...I'm off
to HomeGoods. I wish we had a
Marshalls close by.
Your Marshalls finds are awesome! And your table, too!
Good luck with HGTV.
This pattern reminds me of the patten I have only in pink.
I saw four bread plates at the Marshall's here. But I did not see the dinner plates or any other part of the pattern.
Your table looks beautiful. Love the pattern you found.
Cindy, I adore the pattern of those dishes. It is classic with such lovely colors.
I like to play house, too.
I just ran out to Marshall's to see if I could find any - no luck. It's so pretty.
I was flipping through Romantic Country magazine at the bookstore the other day and was excited to see you featured. What fun!
Great pattern for a great price--priceless!
Your table is so beautiful. On your recommendation yesterday I went to our Marshall's, that is usually really good, to see if I could find any of this pretty blue china and came up empty. There is another on a few miles from here that, after seening what a pretty table you set with yours, I will check out.
Glad to hear that you postponed the wallpapering. I agree the process is part of the pleasure.
I just don't know how you find the time to do it all. You work full time and are raising 2 all by yourself. Your home is a treasure. I was thinking that the HGTV people should give you a job. How about they buy you a home (on the Cape, of course), and then tape how you convert each and every inch of every room, yard, basement, attic (you get the idea). Don't you think that sounds like a great plan? Sounds like a new show to me!! Something like "Romance on the Cape". Remember to give me credit when you present this idea ti them. Joanne
I love your idea! Sounds like a show I would love!
Just to be honest. I'm only raising one child now, the other is grown. (21 and in college) Although I am still raising him in a way because I'm sending him money. LOL
Beautiful new china...lucky you! I will have to go to Marshalls and see if we have it here in CT. I also love playing with all my dishes! Total chinaholic here!
Oh I just LOVE those plates. I so wish my store had them here.
Hello Cindy! I just adore this china...the pattern is lovely and it seems to be just perfect for you!!! I live way out in the sticks...hehe!!!...and there probably isn't a Marshalls or TJMax within a hundred miles...looks like they have some great finds! Anyway, you sure do know how to set a table girl!!! Warmest wishes...Chari
Beautiful! The table and table settings look so beautiful!
Beautiful! The table and table settings look so beautiful!
Oh, so beautiful... I just love your tablesetting....
What a gorgeous pattern!! How cool that you found so many at such a great deal!! I love how your table looks all decked out! Very pretty!
Hi Cindy,
I love the pattern on this china! It is so you!
Hope all is well with you and your having a great week so far! How is the whole HGTV thing going?
Let us know, I have been praying for you with the stress and all...
Donna Lynn
Beautiful dishes Cindy! I love Marshall's!!
Hugs, Sherry
Your table looks lovely! What a great pattern and only for $3!! Great deal!
That is such a pretty pattern. I can't beleve the price you got. We do not have a Marshalls by us anymore so I have to do with TJ Maxx and Steinmarts, which are both alot of fun.
I love the china, such a pretty pattern! I think I would have left the table set and had dinner standing up enjoying the view LOL
I love that pattern. I will have to check out our Marshall's. I am there at least once a week. Everyone around here loves it.
Really pretty pattern! At the rate you're going you'll find the whole set for $2 a piece! Good for you!
I'll have to find a Marshall's around here!
God bless.
That pattern is such a treat for the eyes. I think you should use them every day! The mugs are so different than ones I have seen, do they have the same pattern or are they another set?
Good luck with HGTV, it is so exciting!
Simply gorgeous china! We have a Marshall's closeby and I go there a lot...but, I think your Marshall's must be better than ours. I never see such wonderful things as you do!
Have you entered my Cottage Charm giveaway?
Gorgeous dishes! I too live at Marshalls. It is the best store ever to find Shabby Chic quilts and just about anything pink!
Hi Cindy, I love your blog and also Marshall´s. I´m from Argentina but as soon i visit the States I visit Marshall´s to find the best things with the best prices. Great post, thanks. From Bs.As. Julia C.
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