Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Welcome Spring!

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Here is my first garden bouquet for 2008! My lilacs and roses are blooming! It looks like it's going to be a good year for the roses ~ I can see a lot of blooms just forming now. This rose is called "Nancy Reagan" I can't say that I was a big Ronald Reagan fan but I sure do love this rose named after the former first lady! It's usually not this ruffled, I think it's because it was still cold out when it first started to bud.
I planted a new climbing rose this year called "Eden". I can hardly wait to see it bloom!


My Petite Maison said...

Hi Cindy,
You are so fortunate to be able to grow beautiful lilacs where you live. It's too warm here.

Just the name, Eden rose is wonderful. Love your blog, very inspirational.
My Petite Maison

Mary said...

Oh, how pretty! I can almost smell them! Happy Spring to you!

Melissa Lester said...

I found your blog today through The Nester and love it! The roses, lamp and decorating ideas -- beautiful! And congratulations on the magazine feature. I will definitely pick up a copy. Thanks for the sunshine on this rainy day in Alabama!

Lisa said...


Thanks for the breath of Spring! So very beautiful. It will be another two months before lilacs bloom here. Being a 'flower person', the short, short growing season makes me appreciate every bloom all the more!

Ah, lilacs and roses...your place must smell divine! Enjoy!


Erin~~The Classy Rabbit~~ said...

Oooohhh...I think I can smell them through my computer screen! They're lovely! Ours won't start blooming for another couple of weeks so I'm definitely enjoying yours! Thanks for sharing!


Kathleen Grace said...

Oh I can't wait for the lilacs in mIchigan. Usually around the end of May, so we are way behind you! Your roses and lilacs are just beautiful:>)

Debbie Kay said...

Hi Cindy:

Your flowers are so pretty. Thanks for sharing a breath of Spring.

Debbie Kay

Unknown said...

Would you mind sharing the name of your lilac? They are hard to grow in the Bay Area.

Rosanne said...

Your lilacs and rose is gorgeous! We're still coverd by snow here!

Mary said...

Cindy,today I bought the correct copy and loved reading about you, congratulations. You deserve a larger spread now in another mag. such as Victoria, Home Companion or Country Home - three more of my personal faves!

Another great surprise was finding Penny at Lavender Hill here in NC in this same copy of the mag. also - her mosaics are so beautiful. I've just written to congratulate her also.

Love the roses, and the lilacs are gorgeous - too hot here for them. They are beautiful in England and New England, both places I've lived. I miss them here in the Southeast!

Pam said...

How beautiful! I wish lilacs bloomed in Florida. I've never even smelled a real lilac, because I've not traveled where they bloom in Spring! Enjoy your bouquet!!

Cindy said...

I don't remember the name of this lilac. I bought it at Summer's Wind Nusery (I think they are located all over the SF Bay Area). It said on the tag that it was a good variety for California.

Anonymous said...

That is such a wonderful color, that rose. Looks a shade tangerine? Lucky you. I have yellow pollen covering everything right now here in East Texas!

Marilyn said...

Roses and lilacs! The fragrance must be heavenly. The picture you posted is simply beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Wow...those are gorgeous! I am so jealous...I feel like I'm waiting forever for spring to come.

Can't wait to see what else your flower garden produces.

Rosemary said...

Simply beautiful Cindy!

Anonymous said...

Your bouquet is so lovely, Cindy! I can only imagine how wonderful it must smell.

I went 4 more places today looking for Romantic Country and I'm sad to report I came home empty-handed and more frustrated. I don't know why I can't find it! I know it's a fairly new publication but this is ridiculous! If you have any communication with Fifi, please tell her the magazine definitely needs to expand their retailers in the Tampa Bay area of Florida.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Beautiful, Cindy! I'm getting in the garden mood myself.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful blooms and pictures.

My rose bushes are just beginning to get shoots.

Thanks for sharing.

Alison Gibbs said...

Cindy what gorgeous flowers. Love the color of the rose and the lilac is beautiful. Reminds me of a lovely white lilac that I had at a previous home. Maybe I could find somewhere to plant a lilac at my current home.

Rosie's Whimsy said...

I so love lilacs and yours are so full and beautiful....and the must have a wonderfully green thumb!

:-) Rosie

Angela @ Cottage Magpie said...

So pretty! No blooms here yet (other than daffs)--so it's nice to see yours!
~Angela :-)

smilnsigh said...

You have lilacs and roses!!! -pout-


~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

How beautiful!! It will be awhile before our lilacs are blooming, so I really enjoyed seeing yours! Thank you for sharing these pretty photos! :)

Anonymous said...

Such pretty roses and lilacs. A delightful sight to see and hope of what is coming.

LeAnn :)

Donna said...

Oh I can smell those lilacs and roses ~ how beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Sniff......Sniff.........if I close my eyes......and concentrate really hard........I can smell your beautiful flowers!

I want to plant some climbing roses too! Maybe, I will get around to that this year!

Thanks for sharing with us!

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

The color of the rose is so pretty. Happy spring!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love lilacs and I am patiently waiting for Spring to finally arrive in NY so mine will blossom. Thanks for sharing yours and the lovely roses.

Hugs, Pat

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Hi Cindy..

gosh, so pretty and I can smell the roses & lilacs! Happy Spring to you! Can't wait to see more of garden flowers!..


Anonymous said...


Essential Oil Premier University said...

Oh, you are so lucky to have lilacs aready!!



Glenda said...

I have young lilacs. I received mine through QVC.
They didn't do well the first few months. Now they are growing really well.
I can't wait till they look like yours. I have very young roses as well. I can't wait till they they grow bigger.

I wood love to smell the lilac. I have a gardenia topiary and the flowers are blooming and they smell so good.


Maggie said...

Roses and lilacs..... oh soooo pretty. Two of my favorite flowers. We are still covered in snow here in Ontario so it will be several weeks before we get to enjoy our gardens. I swear I can almost smell your beautiful flower bouquet. Enjoy.

Unknown said...


Your blog is wonderful and I love all your decorating ideas. I noticed you like to visit MV on-line. My husband's auntie's own a store in Oak Bluffs. The store has been in business over 55 years. It is such a lovely place to visit. Well, thanks for all the inspirations, your work is beautiful. I am not surprised to hear you were featured in a magazine!

Warm Wishes,
Lainy ~ The Merry Treasure Shopper

MeMeMe said...

Hello Cindy, Happy Spring! beautiful flowers. Cindy, i live in Pittsburgh... we left our rose bushes in our old home. and we don't have a lilac tree. any chance you can take a picture of the whole plants? :) might be too much of a request LOL.



Adrienne said...

Oh, how beautiful! My lilac tree is just budding and my roses are beginning to get new growth. It won't be long and I'll enjoy them. In the meantime I'll enjoy yours. That rose is just gorgeous. I've thought of adding that one to my little rose garden. ~Adrienne~

Sharon said...

Oh how I miss the smell of fragrant lilacs in the spring. That's a most beautiful bouquet you have created.

Phoenix Adams said...

Those are absolutely gorgeous. Beyond words, really. I wish I could do that. My wife would be a very happy woman, that's for sure!

S said...

Hi Cindy, Your Lilacs and Roses are wonderful! So pretty!