Thursday, March 20, 2008


Pin It Now!

I've been meaning to update my photo on my blogger profile for a long time. That old photo of me dressed in black holding a glass of wine was taken at my 25 year high school reunion. This summer will be my 30 year reunion so that photo is almost 5 years old! The problem is ~ I hate every single photo of myself.

I was asked to submit a photo of myself for something ~ I will share more on that with you next week. I took over 40 photos and the one above with my face partially hidden is the only one I sort of like. I've gained so much weight in the last 5 years...I quit smoking 3 years ago and put on weight but I'm still glad I quit. So I'm going to continue to try to take a good picture of myself but for now I'll use this one on my blogger profile. Oh....and I'm starting a diet today!!!!


Rosie's Whimsy said...

Looks great, Cindy, very artistic :-) Rosie

Anonymous said...

I LIKE this picture of you. PERFECT. I like the mirror too. Everything looks very springy.

I know what you mean about not liking pictures. I'm on a mini vacation with my kids this week, but am planning to start with WW next week.

Good luck :-)

Cindy said...
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Anonymous said...

I like the peek-a-boo picture...
...but Cindy
you are.... BEAUTIFUL... inside and OUTSIDE...
Know what you mean about the weight... I have started 4 different diets so far this year... oh my goodness
Hugs pretty lady

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

What a nice photo of yourself, I am sure the the other half of your face is pretty too. I have put on weight since I turned 40. I can not seem to loose the weight. I put a weight ticker on my blog. It makes me feel more acountable for my diet. I lost 8 pounds 25 more to go. Thank-you for sharing your picture with us.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! I hate every photo of myself too (although I like myself "in person"! I'm just convinced that some people just don't photograph well. :-) I like that photo of you in the mirror!


Anonymous said...

Cindy your pic is lovely! BTW your first bouquet was amazing I could almost smell it!
hoganfe handbags

Thirkellgirl said...

I mean this in the nicest possible way, truly - living in California must have made you a little bit nuts. :) Because you are *beautiful. Gorgeous. Truly. "Fat" would be the *last adjective I'd ever use to describe how you look. You look classy and *gorgeous. Snap out of it! :)You need Carson to make you strip naked in Times Square, maybe. :)

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Love the picture! I know what you mean about not liking photos of yourself. I gained several pounds 10 years ago when I quite smoking. I need to get exercising!

Anonymous said...

The picture is quite artistic, and I am certain your beauty shows through to everyone.

I have just recently found your blog, and I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it. Thanks for sharing yourself with all of us.

Alberta said...

Love the photo! Shows a bit of your passion and you.

Good for you for being smoke free for 3 years!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
Your photo looks beautiful, but I am sure a full face shot look beautiful too! (You absolutely do not look overweight!) Hugs, Rosemary~

Anonymous said...

Love the photo and can't wait to find out the "secret" of why you had to have pictures taken of yourself. You sneaky girl you. Always keeping us wondering what you're up to next. Also, love the lilacs and roses. Can't wait for mine to bloom here in Ohio.

Glenda said...

I don't like my picture taken. I have gained soo much weight in the last few years I can't stand picture time.
I tend to take my from the neck up. As on my blog.
I have also needed to start a diet.

It looks fine what you did decide on. But hope to see more artistic photo's of you.


~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

I rarely like pictures of myself, so I understand, but I think you are beautiful. And who hasn't put on weight? I'm certainly with you there!! Except alot more weight than you have, I'm sure!! :)

Anonymous said...

I like the picture!

I know what you mean. I haven't liked my pictures, since I've gotten older.
My vision of myself doesn't match.LOL


Sandra Berryhill-Huish [EQUITY REAL ESTATE] said...

Cindy Cindy Cindy!
You're gorgeous...take a picture. You are surrounded by people who think you're wonderful! Think how liberating it will feel to take a full-face picture and put it on your blog. I promise you that you will get nothing other than positive comments. You are a talented sweet nice to yourself!!! Look at all your friends on this blogspot that love and support you.

Lisa said...

I love the photo, great choice. I hate every one every taken of me so you aren't alone there at all. You are a beautiful woman inside and out!

Alison Gibbs said...

Great photo Cindy as it also gives a glimpse into your home.

Anonymous said...

From what little the current photo shows you look lovely.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of us "mature" women are in the same boat--thinking we don't look good in photos and weighing more than maybe we should. Why are we so darn hard on ourselves??? (Me included!!) But, from what I can see from this photo, I think you look younger and even more beautiful than you did in your reunion photo. At first glance, and before I read what you wrote, I wondered if was a picture Lauren had taken of herself as a blonde! Come on Cindy, show us the other half! :D

Anonymous said...

This beautiful woman is my Aunt Cindy! It's a great picture...I'd love to see a full shot though. I haven't seen one in years. You remind me so much of my look very similar.

I wish we all lived closer so that I could visit with you and my cousins.

You look great, Aunt Cindy!
Kisses! Love you.

Erin :)

Mary said...

Oh, that's a very artistic photo! But I know what you mean about not liking photos of yourself -- I'm the same way. But even from the little bit I can see in your picture, you look beautiful, and not at all fat. Sometimes it's just our self-image that's a little skewed.

And what was that little tease about having to have a photo of yourself for you have another magazine piece coming up?

Phoenix Adams said...

That's a very artistic picture. I really like it. It fits the blog nicely. I am going to start reading this one! You are very talented. Kudos! Kudos!

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

Oh you are so cute! I too have gained weight over the years but have managed to lose 17 since October. Maybe it's time for a picture on my blog.

Anonymous said...


I agree with Shari. Most of us "mature" women don't like ourselves in pictures because we gained a little over the yrs. We shouldn't be so hard on ourselves. You certainly don't look fat! You are beautiful inside and out from what I can see. Congrats on quitting smoking also.

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely photograph. So that means you must be a lovely woman. I don't photograph "for crap" as I usually say. So I don't stand in front of a camera very often. I usually stand behind it.

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Cindy! Great photos! You are so pretty girl! But I hate photos of me also. My 40 yr class reunion is this summer, UGH! Thank goodness my dear friend Cindy and I are going together. That means it's diet time or as Richard Simons says LIVE IT time! (great article in Romantic Country! You rock!) Sherry

Gayla said...

Very cute. I love both photos. And oh, those roses and lilacs. We just have the barest tinge of green grass! but someday soon we'll be mowing it again. and I won't like that either. haha..

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

It's a lovely picture, Cindy.

Your first spring bouquet is gorgeous! I think you have a magic touch!!

.. said...

You look great!! A beautiful photo!

Adrienne said...

Cindy - I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way. But I love this picture of you. Thank you for letting us 'see' you. Can't wait to hear what the photo thing is all about. ~Adrienne~

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I gained 40 lbs when I quit smoking so I can sure relate. Was worth it though...I'd rather be fat & alive & than skinny & dead. LOL You're beautiful...don't sweat the small stuff. ;o)

Dena said...

Hi Cindy,

You are absolutely lovely.


A Romantic Porch said...

I love this picture!

bj said...

I love this pic of you! You are as lovely as your pretty home!

Anonymous said...

I think you look very pretty. I think it is true that we are our own worst critic. Kudos on quitting smoking!

Anonymous said...

You are BEAUTIFUL Cindy.



Anonymous said...

Cindy, you're beautiful! Have a blessed Easter. Sue said...

I used to hate photos of myself, but as I get older, I care less. Yes, Im more wrinkly, have a saggy neck and extra pounds now, but age has made me so much more comfortable in my body and who I am. Try posting some REALLY bad photos of yourself, it is freeing!

sexy said...
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