I've mentioned here on my blog that my son Vince, who's almost 21 loves to bake bread. Well, he's been doing more in the kitchen than just baking bread and I had to share these mouth-watering things he's made. The other day he sent me an email titled "Look what I made for breakfast" I opened the email and saw the photo above. His own creation even...isn't it beautiful!

Here is a picture of Vince BBQ'ing at his apartment on campus. His girlfriend also likes to cook! Vince is majoring in Political Science and Economics and will be going on to Graduate School. He plans on being a Political Science Professor.

My daughter Lauren is the budding photographer of the family. Here is one of her latest photos that I love. I had these tomatoes from my garden sitting on my windowsill and I didn't even know she had snapped this picture until I uploaded my pictures....it was such a nice surprise!

My mouth is watering looking at those pictures. He should be a chef. What talented kids. You must be so proud of them. Obviously, they inhereted your artistic genes!
What talented children- like their Mom :)! I am so hungry now that food looks wonderful!!!
Can not believe the different in the coffee filter roses after painting them- they do look REAL!
Will share mine next week- off to buy more filters and to eat ! Have a great weekend :)
Hi Cindy -- Wow, wanna trade kids? Mine only do pasta or frozen pizza! LOL My 15-yr. old daughter often takes pics with my camera, too. You should be proud -- those are great kids!
Wonderful! I love stopping by your blog to ooooh and aaaahhh but this just made me downright hungry!
Lovely photos. That food looks very professional, and those tomatoes!!! What an eye for angle. I think your family looks wonderful.
Wow, does that food look great! I used to like to cook, but now that I have to I don't always want to. Your daughter's photo is also very nice.
I should have married a man like Vince! His culinary skills are amazing, and the pics are great.
Anyway, my DH is on his way to pick up "burger stuff" to do a lunchtime cookout - it's only 103 degrees out there today, he's nuts!! He can flip a burger (mine will be a veggie version) and that's about it when it comes to HIS culinary skills.
Lauren's photo is really neat - glad you are getting good tomatoes, mine are not great this Summer but I do have fabulous cukes, so many I'm having to make lots of Gazpacho - refreshing in this heatwave!
If your son ever needs a place to live have him call me. I have an extra bedroom and he can use my kitchen all he wants. What a fantastic cook he is. Lucky you, I hope he brings Mom leftovers!!
It's obvious to see the apple(s) doesn't fall far from the tree!! Your kids are so talented...I'm thinking your son should consider becoming a chef...that pizza makes me want to lick the computer screen!! It's so nice to see children nurturing their creative sides...
Oh yummy! That has made me want to make breakfast for dinner tonight.
Moms are suppose to brag on their children aren't they? I know it might embarass the kids but deep inside I think it makes them feel ultra special!
You'll have to share my crescent roll recipe (on my blog) with your son so that he can make them they are to die for!
Fabulous picture of the tomatoes!
Have a lovely weekend.
Hi Cindy! I wanted to let you know that you've been tagged!
Oh my goodness Cindy, I'm so glad you commented on my blog, so I could find you. What a delicious post today....Love it. I will be back to read your previous posts and add you to my favorites.
Vince...you're the man!
Cindy, how did you incorporate your kids into your cooking when they were growing up? Or did V just pick this stuff up as he got older. Obviously you've influenced him b/c I know you're a great cook, too.
What total fun to come here and enjoy such a feast for the eyes. I definitely want to come over for lunch (and breakfast, yummy!)
Your children are very talented. The food is making my mouth water...what a cook!
I'm going to check out the coffee filters now, they look so real I can't believe it.
Doesn't it feel great to be proud of your kids! I think it is the one kind of pride that is pure.
That is some great looking food, and of course some great looking kids! You must be so proud.
YUMMY!!! You son looks like he knows his way around a kitchen and BBQ! And your daughter is adorable.
OH my...if I were 20 years younger and single...LOL! Yes, your dd will one day love her natural color, I finally fell in love with my natural color and can't believe all the colors I tried before I realized it!
Wow, your son is a fabulous cook and manages to be so thin.
I have a Lauren, also, with medium brown hair that she has dyed black.
I can't seem to convince her that her natural color is the best with her complexion. I guess they just want to try something different.
Talent seems to know no bounds in your house Cindy! That's so wonderful having all of that creative energy flowing in and out and all around.
Way to go Mom. All of those dishes look wonderful. My daughter has dyed her hair before and I know how you feel. But I admire someone who changes their look...I've had the same style forever!
Wow! He is quite a talent! I love it when guys can cook bacasue as a mom you know they will never go hungry! LOL Lauren is a beauty and quite the talent with photography! She has a good eye! You did a fatastic job cindy! Lisa
Whoops I mispelled fantastic!
Maybe your son should consider being a chef! All of those things look delicious. His future wife will surely be glad. What talented kids you have, Cindy.
everything is looking yummmmmmmy! that egg is gorgeous :)
Wow what a talented son and daughter you have! Those beautiful photos just might put a little envy even in Emeril's eye!(smile)... The photos are just wonderful and so are your children...
It all looked so yummy I had to show my husband (see men CAN cook honey)! You have very talented children who obviously take after their momma.
What wonderfully talented children. They do take after their sweet Mom!
Your filter roses are stunning! Amazingly realistic!
I adore all your lemons!
Your new blog look is just so fresh and lovely!
WOW! That is fab looking food! I am such a foodie! How wonderful your son is such a fab cook! Yummy! And great photos too!
Hi! New Visitor...just had to say that Barbecue Chicken made me hungry on sight!!!
So I read the rest of the comments and see that's a shared sentiment.
They are both very talented!!! And I think I know who they get it from ;-)
Oh my gosh! You're killing me with these pictures. Your Vince is going to be quite a catch!
Cindy - Just ordered the bread book for the bagels. I will be making them with my daughter this weekend (if time allows... not sure if bagels need starter, truly a bread novice here), but we're looking forward to trying it out together. I'm lucky too, she loves to cook/bake.
PS, thanks Vince for sharing your source and for your extra nice effort Cindy for sharing as well!
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