Monday on my lunch hour I went to the nearby thrift store. When I drove up I was shocked, it was so busy I could barely find a parking space. When I walked in I saw huge signs everywhere saying 50% off everything. I went to the back of the store where the dishes are and saw these cute bluebird plates. These pictures do not even do them justice, they are so much cuter. You can't really see it well but the bluebird has a very round yellow tummy. They were $19.99 for a set of six....ooh more that I want to pay, but with 50% of it would only be $10. I start looking for more and find 4 smaller plates. They were $9.99 so with half off only $5. $15 for everything. I could handle that. The condition is not great. They having some chips and crazing but I don't care. As I'm in a really long line to pay for them, I'm looking around the store. I see the big sign that says 50% off and then I realize that the sale is not until Feb. 19th! By this time I'm so attached to these plates I don't care, I'm buying them! When I come that evening there is a box on my doorstep. I forgot that I had ordered this cute little bird nest from Enchanted Treasures. I guess my theme for Monday was birds and nests!
The plates are marked on the bottom with: The Salem China Company, Salem, Ohio ~ Warranted Platinum Gold Alloy ~ Made in America. There's no pattern name listed. I've looked all over the internet and I can't seem to find these plates. The Salem China Company makes another pattern called Bluebird but it's different than this one. I would love to know how old they are. I know that company stopped making china in 1967 but I think these are probably older than that.
Today I will be in a Photoshop class for work all day. I hate training classes but at least this one shouldn't be too bad.
These plates are just so pretty and special. I know about just having to HAVE them! Something just attracts you...those little bluebirds were calling you!
LOVE that little nest....so perfect.
Love and hugs,
Great find! I posted about a teacup today that practically matches. I love the bluebirds.
I LOVE the bluebird plates and nest! You have the best thrift shops!!
I love that nest... I am with you I have alot of trouble getting psyched up for inservices and field trips.. I would rather work overtime
Oh, those plates!! Beautiful!! I could never have passed them up either!
Beautiful! I wouldn't have been able to resist them either.
Oh, I am so happy for you that you found these bluebird plates! I love them! You are really going to enjoy them as they are precious!
The plates are so pretty. I love anything with birds on them, especially plates and teacups. You really found some treasures at a great price.
Oh, I love reading your blog. I'm new to the blogging community but have already made such great friends. Thanks for inviting me into your home!
My grandmother went into housekeeping with similar ones in 1919, but they are a bit different and not as fancy with the little swoops. Yours are lovely. Please be sure to show us your table when you set it with these. I love your blog. Inspiration for the soul!
Your lucky...those are very collectible. You got a great deal. :)
I love vintage bluebirds and your plates are beautiful!! Elegance with a touch of whimsy...they are great. I hope you continue to enjoy them for a long time to come.
ALL YOU SEEM TO DO IS SHOP AND MOOCH FREE ITEMS FROM FREECYCLE, YOU FRAUD. SHAME ON YOU. I want to let you know how vile I think it is that you use FREECYCLE and pull this poor single mommy crap I read on there all the time.
You are LIVING like a damn diva princess it looks like. If you can afford the gym and all the shopping trips you brag about then you are not suffering. Use Freecycle...FINE but the sob stories to get ahead of other people are NOT NICE-it's just FRAUD. And the fact you resell items are fleamarkets is alway uncool. The really needy people are the working POOR....not just SINGLE MOMS who think the world owes them a FREE LIVING!
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