Welcome to Show and Tell Friday! I've been busy watching the Giants in the World Series this week so I'm going to share some old Halloween décor photos from last year!
It was fun last year, pulling things from all over to make a pretty Halloween vignette!

I took some of these decorations to work this year and decorated my cubicle!
This year at home I haven't put any Halloween décor out, just Autumn-themed décor.
I apologize in advance for this rant but this is what is consuming my life right now!
I think I mentioned I may have to move out my apartment that I just moved into in February of this year. I've been having so many problems here but the worst of it is I have rats in my ceiling space! I've complained so much about this and many other problems (the water and/or the hot water has been shut off over 15 times since June because of their plumbing problems) and they have now allowed me to get out of my lease and get all my security deposits back. I was happy until I started looking for a new place! The rent has gone up so much since I moved in here 8 months ago. I'm not sure what to do next. The offer they gave me was a verbal offer and I don't believe for a second that they are going to give me both my apartment deposit and my pet deposit back until I see it in writing!
It seems really suspicious to me that I had been communicating via email daily and he made a point of setting up a time to tell me this offer over the phone! I don't trust the management here at all. They have been telling me for months they are working on the problems and finally the water issue seems to be fixed but the rat problem is still there! I've been talking to some of my neighbors and they are experiencing the same things I have! What scares me the most is rats chew on the wiring in the ceiling and can cause fires! Our fire alarms have gone off and on a couple times for no reason. I think it's because of the rats chewing on the wires!
It's so bad...this is a gated community and I saw a clean-cut guy going through the mail that people threw out in the dumpsters! I called the security here and they told me to call the police! I called the police and waited over an hour and they never showed up! No wonder there is so much identity theft! No one cares! The guy was digging through paperwork and putting select things in his bag for over an hour! I even walked up to him and asked him if he was stealing people's identity and this was in the dark at 6:15 am! He said no and mumbled something I couldn't understand and then reality set in and I thought I shouldn't really be confronting this guy in a dark parking lot all by myself!
I'm going to look for a new place but it's not looking good right now! Wish me luck!
Again...sorry for the rant but it just feels good to get it off my chest! I admire bloggers that are real and don't make their lives seem perfect...right now mine is far from perfect!
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Oh geez that's awful! I don't know that this would help, but maybe report them for code violations with the rats and of course the fire issue they could cause. I wish I had some solid advice or help! Thank you for a great party dear and hang in there! Sending good vibes your way!
Oh I'm so sorry! I remember how happy and relieved you were when you found your new place. :(
Maybe you and your neighbors can ban together and make something happen?
Thank you for hosting!
Hi Cindy, not good news about your place, sure hope you can find a good new home soon and that you get your deposit/pet deposit refunded without any problems. Thanks for hosting Show and Tell Friday.
Oh Cindy, that place sound awful.
Did you SEE any rats? Maybe they are mice? Or raccoons? Man, if I saw a rat, I'd freak.
I know California rents are very high. It is my sincerest hope that you can find a place you love and are happy with. Susan
Thank you for sharing your reality with us. I really feel for you. Absolutely, get it in writing about the lease, and don't give up at all about finding a new, better AND affordable place. I am sure it is in the cards for you.
Well the really good thing is you def are smart and "aware."
Hang in there, sometimes ya gotta go through bad to get to AWESOME - and I bet the place you go to next will be a dream come true.
Crossing my fingers for you.
Thanks for hosting.
Rats in the ceiling sound like an awful thing to have going on. I would be worried about them chewing through and dropping down or getting into heating vents.
The other morning I was up just before daylight and heard a car running outside. I looked out the door and there was a person going through our trash. From what I could see they were picking soda cans out of the recycling.
On one hand I felt sorry that someone is doing that for some extra money, but on the other hand, I don't know if they also go through the trash and garbage looking for other items that might contain some sort of ID information. I am being super cautious now to shred anything that may have info that could be used by someone else.
I hope you have good luck finding another place.
Oh Cindy that sounds terrible. I think it may be a fire hazard too and maybe you should call the police or fire dept so they at least know of the problem. I hope you get out quick and find a new place for you and your furry baby to live, clean and tidy! I know rents here are horrific. Praying for you, best wishes. j
Thanks for hosting! Hope all your problems iron out.
Hi Cindy!!!!
I also rent and find that things are not done in a timely manner. Like I say, 'If we held our rent cheques in the same time it took them to fix something, they'd be banging on the door wanting it right away. Same old story.
I'm so sorry that you're having this trouble!!! I hope you can find a safer rat free home soon!!!
I don't know the California Rental Rights, but, there must be something or someone who can give you advice as to what to do.
Try to have a safe and great weekend!!!
Prayers, Cindy, that He will lead you to the one, perfect place that He has had picked out for you before time began...just as He did for me...
Definitely check your county code to report violations. Typically, you can file a report and keep doing it till its checked. I did that at my prior house and the county kept citing monetary violations on the owner. Also, since they are a health hazard you could look into that avenue. I don't know what rights your state are but I would check them out. Geez, I'm sorry you are going through this.
I feel so badly for you and this apartment mess. Seems as if there should be legal recourse, and I would personally go to the police department and complain (in writing if necessary)about the failure to respond to your call. Because of all the people who've lost their homes, the rental market is a nightmare now. Best of luck to you in your search.
I feel so badly for you and this apartment mess. Seems as if there should be legal recourse, and I would personally go to the police department and complain (in writing if necessary)about the failure to respond to your call. Because of all the people who've lost their homes, the rental market is a nightmare now. Best of luck to you in your search.
Even my partner is appalled at this! I just read out you rant and I am so sorry that this has happened.
I can offer no solutions other than to wish you good luck and hope a move can happen fast.
And please, don't put yourself at risk with strange men in the dark!!!! (And shred any of your paperwork!!)
Sending you hugs from the UK,
The telephone discussion - that's because they won't put it in writing. I would mistrust them also. I would think California has some sort of rental board that you can complain to. As a past renter, one time I thought I had mice in the attic - it was raccoons (sp) and they actually got into the apartment beneath me! Scary. I moved out 2 months later...
So sorry life is like this for you this time in your life. I know hind site is always better but wish you were in your old apartment even with higher rent.
I'm sure you will find something much better you may have to drive further to work to find something.
We are all rooting for you glad you got it off your chest anyway
keep us posted
Good grief! I know you must be so frustrated and upset. I send hugs your way xo P.S> Thank you for hosting, I hope you have a wonderful weekend. xo
I'm so sorry you're going through this Cindy:( Can you find a private rental, like someone's guest house or condo? I know what you mean about the rent being so high...it's a big reason my husband and I left So Cal, we pay $100's less now for a place twice the size! But he was fortunate that he was able to do a lateral transfer with his company, I know it's not that cut and dry for most.
Thinking of you and hoping things work out! Hugs!
Have you ever thought about leaving California and starting over somewhere else... It's so expensive to live there. I know that it is not easy to do but maybe you could stay where you are until you can figure out how to move to a more reasonable state. There are thieves everywhere. People should be shredding their information. Just last night I got a phone call from my bank that someone was trying to pay for something using my credit card number in another state! Fortunately they did not let the transaction go through. Take a deep breath and weigh your options. Praying you find a good solution!
Blessings from TN ( long time follower)
Contact the Health Department regarding mice. If you see any signs of mold they will definitely check into it.
Contact your local Environmental Health department and your local Fire Chief for advice, check your written contract with your rental company and insist their financial refund offered to you is put in writing and ask for it by a certain date, or, you send an email to him confirming their offer made to you via the recent telephone conversation and ask them to reply back confirming this. The very best of luck with this, you were so happy when you were moving in, but some others have suggestions you think of moving away which might save you a lot of money and heartache, try at least to see what you could get for the same money. Good luck. Mary
Cindy I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I wish you luck with finding a better place.
Thanks for hosting..So sorry about your difficulties..Sounds awful..I hope you find a new place and are settled in soon..
I don't think you've been happy there since you moved in, time to get out and find a new place!
Oh my gosh, you're having an awful experience, Cindy. I really feel bad for you. Hopefully you'll find a much better place with better management. Isn't there a renter's board in CA? I'm thinking there must be some organization that protects the rights of renters. Best of luck!
Oh Cindy, I feel so bad for you! Ya know, I lived in San Diego for 27 years, up until 6 years ago when I decided to go get the heck out. As Beautiful as it was, I just couldn't imagine living among the craziness the rest of my life. Moving to Austin was one of the best decisions I' ve ever made. My son also made the move and was able to by a
Lennar 3 br/2ba home for $130, with a mortgage pmt of $900 a month.
Maybe it's time to have a talk with your daughter about leavingCa. It isn't all it's cracked up to be, with many companies having relocated to Austin or other parts of Tx~I can't tell you how many Californians I've met! It could mean a brighter future for both of you. Best of luck in whatever choices you make , Cindy.
Oh dear! I'm so very sorry you are going through all this, especially less than a year after all the shock and disappointment of having to leave your old apt., which I know you really loved. Although I am living with my BF now, only a few years ago I was living on my own and paying a hefty rent for a 1 br and the whole time, I was wondering how, as a single person, I was going to continue affording an apt. as the rent seemed to go up every year. The Bay area is especially expensive (I was living in San Jose) and in the end, even after I met my BF, we decided to move a couple of hours N. of Sacramento to get away from the exorbitant prices and craziness. It's not an easy decision and it may not be possible for you to move away from the area, but I truly hope and pray that you find a solution and a wonderful and affordable new place to live.
I was so upset reading your post I forgot to mention your awesome Halloween decorations Cindy!! I like the way you lean more toward the 'sparkly bling' rather than the ghoulish scary stuff~me too! And girl, it sure doesn't look like 'crap' to me, so stooooooop it.
I've of course never met you and only enjoy your blog....but when I read your post.....IT BROKE MY HEART. What a helpless feeling you must feel. The sooner you can get out of there, the better you will feel. God will get you through this! Keep praying and try to be patient! HIS plan always is perfect! I will say a prayer for you! So glad you could vent and get this off your heart!
I too have had apartment problems this year that caused me to move twice already.(Unclean apartment with stale cigarette air,etc.& obnoxious, harassing neighbors). You may need a landlord/tenant lawyer who specializes in dealing with these type of legal issues. I hope you can resolve these problems & finally settle down in a nice apartment. Your decorations are always so beautiful. Good luck.
Praying for your search, my friend. Home needs to be a sanctuary, not a nightmare. Hang on...God has something amazing coming for you! And make sure you get that idiot to put it in WRITING!
I enjoy your blog and I know you are stressed with all that is going on. I was born and raised in the CA bay area. Spent most of my life there and understand how expensive it is. Moved to WA State 15 yrs ago and bought a home, which seemed like a steal compared to prices in CA. I hate the weather here and am 15 yrs past due to move. My home is for sale here and I bought a small home 3K miles away sight unseen. I am 56 and going to start over. I have a huge family of animals to relocate and nothing is easy about this but I am doing it and you can also. Start looking outside the bay area, or outside over regulated insane high rent CA and look at life as an adventure. You can do it. Rent is SO reasonable in other states, and you can actually probably afford to purchase a small home in a different state. And you will not have to deal with the high stress of CA. Anything is possible, but hard to see while you are in the middle of a problem like this. I pray you will be blessed with clarity of which path to take.
Oh my gosh! Yes, get that stuff in writing from the landlord if you can. This sounds really maddening! ... and you're right, maybe don't walk up to strangers stealing identity from the dumpster! I hope for you that you find a waaaay better place for less money right now!
So sorry you are going through this rough time Cindy. I would also have a terrible time with rats...Hopefully moving out of that area is an option for you. A longer commute to work might be worth it if you can find a more reasonable rental.
Keeping my fingers crossed that you find a new place very soon.
Take care
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