Thursday, January 17, 2013

Paperwhites - Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!

I love paperwhites!

I usually start to force paperwhites right after Thanksgiving so I have them blooming during Christmas but this year the holidays just seemed to sneak up on me and so I didn't plant these until right after Christmas!

And they are already blooming!  I think it because it's been so cold here in California and the heater has been running non-stop!  It sort of forced them into bloom really quickly!

It's been down-right chilly here! Down to about 32 degrees during the night and the highs only make it to the low 50s! That's cold for California!  

I went hiking on Sunday afternoon and there were puddles on the trail that were frozen ice at 2:00pm!  I've never seen that before here...ever!!!  It's only snowed here twice in my life. The first time I was only a year old so I've only seen photos of my mom holding me in the snow. The second time was when I was 15. Every year since then I always hope that we will get snow again.  The way the weather is this year it may happen!  Although it's supposed to warm up and be in the mid 60s!  

I won't be here this weekend to feel that warmer weather though.  I'm going to Lake Tahoe to go skiing with my girlfriend!  I haven't been   skiing since I had's probably been about 28 years!  I used to be pretty good at it so I'm hoping it's like riding a bike and it all comes back to me!  I hope to share some photos next week!

 If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Those paperwhites are lovely. I wish I could have live plants/flowers in the house, but my cats would eat them! Thank you for hosting and enjoy your weekend!

  2. I always think I'm going to plant paper whites and never do, yours sure are pretty. I cant believe it's so cold in California. I lived in southern California for five years, loved the weather. Have fun skiing and as always thanks for hosting.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have a great week!

  4. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great week end...hugs, Penny

  5. Have fun skiing in Lake Tahoe, Cindy--it sounds like fun! And your cold weather is like our warm weather here today--I got out in the sunshine, took some pictures, and just enjoyed it. Thank you for hosting the party, and your paperwhites are really pretty.

  6. Love paperwhites. My mother use to force them when I was young.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  7. Have fun on your ski trip, but be careful. Don't break anything. ;-)
    Your paper whites look perfect for your romantic home.

  8. Have a blast skiing!

    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  9. Love the paperwhites Cindy, they were my Christmas flower this year and I enjoyed their gentle freshness. Thanks for hosting. Have a great skiing holiday.

  10. Thanks so much for hosting -
    I absolutely love paperwhites!
    Have a great time skiing

  11. The flowers are lovely. We call them narcissi here, I like the name paper whites xx

  12. Thanks so much for hosting! I hope you have a great weekend.

    Mikaila following from

  13. Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  14. Cindy...your paperwhites are beautiful! I love how you have them potted and gracing your dining table. Mine lasted an really long time this year....standing straight and tall. In fact...they are still standing, though the blossoms are looking a bit transparent. They are in my sunroom and looking at them through the glass door in the house they look great. Who knew?!
    Enjoy your time away.

  15. I love paper whites...they smell like my grandmother's house! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  16. Thank you again fog hosting, have a lovely weekend!

  17. Hi Cindy,

    Your paperwhites complement the gorgeous chandelier perfectly! Lovely links! Thanks for hosting!


  18. It's cold in France too : my Parisian garden all covered with snow turning into ice !
    I love your paperwhites, and I would like to find some here...
    thank you so much for hosting Cindy !
    Wish you a great week end
    `*.¸.*✻✿✿✿*`*.¸xoxo from PARIS *✻✿✿✿*`*.¸.

  19. Love the flowers so pretty! Hope you have a good time skiing. I expect you'll remember muscles out long forgotten!! Take care. Joan

  20. Your home is so beautiful and those flowers just make it even more lovely! My cousin is a ski/snowboarding instructor at Lake Tahoe. Hope you have a great time!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  21. Your flowers are lovely and have a wonderful ski trip!

  22. I had nothing from my home to share this week, but I still enjoyed everybody else's links!

  23. Beautiful flowers...spring will come soon for you! How are your patio/garden pansies doing during this cold snap? I live in Minnesota so I am used to the cold temps! Thanks for sharing....

  24. My paperwhites never quite make it for Christmas either and always show up in New Year! Thank you for hosting!

  25. Hi Cindy and thanks so much for hosting Im loving your paperwhites!Come on Spring:) Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Cindy, Thanks for hosting! Your paperwhites are lovely (and smell sooo good!)

    Have a great weekend!

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  27. Have fun skiing!!! Thanks for hosting again this week, Laura

  28. Beautiful paperwhites! I think I will save some bulbs next year for after the holidays too!Have a great weekend!Thank you for hosting!

  29. Love the paperwhites..I have a very limited area where I can have live things and my cat can't get at them..

  30. Just wanted to say how lovely your chandelier is. I love the pear shaped drops. Going to look for a similar one for my dining room. On the other topic of the cold weather, we walked to school in 15 below zero weather every winter -- parents didn't drive their kids. I hate the cold but it taught me very valuable lessons while trudging through the ice and snow for months in below zero weather.

  31. Thanks for hostessing this great blog party. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  32. Hi Cindy, I love Paperwhites too! I planted mine the weekend after Thanksgiving and they are just coming to an end. They lasted really long this year. I cut off the spent blooms and there were a few hidden buds. Have fun skiing and thanks for hosting. We have been in the low 20's and teens here in UT. Way too cold for this old gal!

  33. Hi Cindy
    woow...I like the name in English,,,,,,Paperwhite :)
    in Swedish it is Tazette :)
    Thanks for hosting....
    and do not miss....




    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  34. It's been so cold further up north too! We had snow in December and it's still all over! I can't wait for spring! I haven't been skiing since I had my little girl either and she's 20 now! It's hard to believe because I grew up skiing at least once a year. I hope you have fun but son't get too cold! Thanks so much for hosting, I hope you have a chance to stop by my blog and see some of my new paintings.
    Jennifer Beaudet

  35. Your paperwhites are so pretty Cindy! Thank you for hosting, have a great weekend :)

    xoxo, Tanya

  36. Beautiful paper-whites, Cindy...thank you for hosting. I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  37. Hi, Cindy~
    Thanks so much for hosting your beautiful Blog party, I'm also so happy to come see what your up to. And, of course, it's always gorgeous! I absolutely love paperwhites!
    Have a great time skiing!
    Hugs and Blessings,

  38. Love the paperwhites and your gorgeous decorating! What talent!

    Laura at

  39. Paperwhites are so lovely! I like the first photo a lot! :-)

  40. Wonderful to be part of you hosting party.
    Love from Sunny South Africa
    De Oude Huize Yard

  41. Hi Cindy, Love your blog and am going to take advantage of your ever popular link party on Fridays! Sorry I was too late to enter today! I love the paper whites and may give them a try here in lovely! Please visit when you get a chance! xo Pam

  42. Nice blog ;)
    Feel free to check me out at


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy