Thursday, January 24, 2013

Skiing is like riding a bike (and Show and Tell Friday)

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!

Well, I did it! I went skiing after a 28 year break between the last time I did it!  I was well aware going into this that I am now 52 years old young (it is a state-of-mind) and the last time I skied was before I had children! Since my oldest is now 26 years old I 'm guessing it has been about 28 years since the last time I skied, which means I was about 24 years old!  I'm happy to report that it is like riding a bike and it all comes back very quickly!  I imagined myself getting back on skis again and having it feel the same way but I was actually shocked that it did!  The best part was that my muscles weren't even sore the next day!!!  That is what surprised me the most!  I guess hiking the hills around here is good ski conditioning!  I had to share this photo because I wish you all could see the beautiful views skiing above Lake Tahoe!  It is breath-takingly beautiful up there!  I had so much fun I'm already planning another ski trip next month! 

Since I just didn't want to share a photo of me, here is a mosaic I made of some of the favorite things around "My Romantic Home".

I hope you all had a wonderful January! Where did this month go?  I guess it went just as fast as the last 28 years since I skied last! My mom always told me that your life goes by faster as you get older...she sure was right!  That is the reason I'm getting out and enjoying it to the fullest these days!  I hope you are too!

 If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.


  1. That skiing picture is amazing! The blue sky goes forever. Glad you enjoyed your return to the slopes. Thanks, as always, for hosting!

  2. You must be in great shape Cindy, I would be crippled if I tried that LOL, thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend.

  3. I love skiing and the closest lifts are just 16 miles away, but honestly, it's so cold right now I cannot picture myself on top of that mountain. I am looking forward to spring skiing. Good for you for having fun doing something you have missed. Life is too short to let the good times pass us by. Thanks for hosting Cindy, you are always an inspiration!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  4. Congratulations on your skiing adventure! You're an inspiration! Thank you for hosting and I love the mosaic! Have a great weekend!

  5. Great photo! You need to frame that one! I have never gone skiing (snow or water) - I would prob. end up in traction. Yes - Life does go by faster as you get older. :(
    Thanks bunches for hosting again this week.

  6. Thank you so much for hosting Cindy, your picture skiing is lovely!


  7. Sounds like you are having lots of fun, Cindy! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  8. Just beautiful scenery Cindy and I must say you are so My son has skied there and loved it!
    Thanks for hosting and enjoy your weekend!

  9. Carpe Diem! Looks like fun. Thanks for hosting Cindy. I shared my aluminum foil rose with a thank you in that post to you for being the top referrer for I Gotta Create!

    All the best,
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  10. Hi Cindy, thanks for hosting and sharing a peek at your skiing holiday.

  11. Thanks for hosting the party! Good for you for trying skiing again. Tahoe is so beautiful!

  12. I have a sister who lives in Lake Tahoe. Just Beautiful!
    Thanks for always hosting a wonderful party!


  13. Beautiful photo! Tahoe is truly one of the wonders of the world! Gorgeous, breath taking, and such a place of renewal. Looks like you were having a blast!

  14. Cindy,
    Thanks so much for hosting.
    Have a great weekend.

  15. Hello Cindy: Glad to hear that you had fun skiing and weren't sore afterward--you have to be in good shape for that kind of activity! Thank you for hosting the party, and best wishes for a great weekend.

  16. Thanks for the party Cindy!! Have a GREAT weekend!

  17. Good for You! My skis have been collecting dust for a while and I'm nervous about getting back on them- so yuor post was inspiring- an as usual amazing photos of your decor!

  18. Hey Cindy, You look marvelous - such an inspiration. My daughter went skiing a couple weeks back for the first time. She'd lost a lot of weight and had been exercising - she attributes that to her being able to do well - she loved it too! I appreciate you hosting,

  19. Hi Cindy!!!

    Way to go woman!!!!!

    I use to ski and we've been talking about going. It looks really beautiful!!


  20. I'm so glad you had a great time! That's a beautiful picture! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  21. Glad you had fun skiing! Thanks so much for hosting, Laura

  22. Looks like fun! Thanks for the party!

  23. wow, that is awesome. I haven't been skiing in maybe 15+ years, so maybe I will have confidence to go again soon. :)

  24. What a beautiful photo of you out skiing!I have to agree time does go by so quickly now.

    Thank you for hosting,

  25. Thanks for hosting the party. We're almost the same age and I cannot picture myself skiing again. I was much more limber back when I was younger and I'm not sure I wouldn't throw my back out trying to get off the ski lift :)

  26. Thank you so much for hosting Cindy! Your picture skiing is sooo great!!
    Have a lovely weekend!


  27. I have never skied, really never been around snow to ski

    I did water ski once

    thanks for the party today , I enjoy it every Friday

  28. Cindy,

    Thank you for hostessing. Such a beautiful photo. So crisp and clear.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  29. Skiing is fun, but I hate the cold, too much to enjoy it anymore!
    Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  30. WOW! Look at you!!! What a beautiful photo. You are an amazing young lady (I'm the same age -- we're young, right?!). You go, Girl!!!!

  31. Hi Cindy
    The skiing photo is just lovley :)
    Thanks for hosting...
    and do not miss.....




    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  32. Wow Cindy, 52 really is the new 42! You look fab and most important- enjoying your life!

    Thanks for taking time each week to host the party. We are longtime followers and we would love it if you would join us!

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  33. Beautiful photo!I have never skied in my life! I am too afraid LOL!Thank you for hosting!

  34. Fabulous skiing picture Cindy, in such gorgeous winter scenery! You look amazing! Thank you for hosting this great party. Enjoy the slopes!

  35. What a great picture,it looks so beautiful. I bet you did have a great time.
    You have a lovely home,I enjoyed the pics.

  36. That's an awesome picture!Thank you for hosting, Cindy! :-)

  37. Hi Cindy,
    The view is amazing! Thank you for hosting!

  38. The last time I went skiing I fell off the ski lift... that's why it was the last time! Thanks so much for hosting!

  39. Thanks so much for hosting! That photo is amazingly beautiful!

  40. I was a black diamod skier at Tahoe and Mammoth in the 80's with my husband. SInce he left me for a 19 year old,I have not been able to afford to ski again and now am to ill to ever ski again. I enjoyed seeing it through your eyes as I remember the lake view very well. Congrats on doing well and being brave!

  41. Wow! I hope you enjoyed your skiing - I never have had the opportunity. It looks like you had fun though! Thanks for hosting! J9 x

  42. Cindy....always love to check out your blog posts...wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed seeing that blue embroidered heart pincushion I made just for YOU on your mosaic! Just made my day! Glad to see you enjoying yourself on a beautiful day. THANKS! pat

  43. Cindy....always love to check out your blog posts...wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed seeing that blue embroidered heart pincushion I made just for YOU on your mosaic! Just made my day! Glad to see you enjoying yourself on a beautiful day. THANKS! pat

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  45. We just love your blog! We would like to invite you to join our 2nd blog hop tomorrow (Thursday) through Tuesday each week. You may link up as many items as you wish! We hope you will join us and share with everyone!
    Thanks and have a great night!
    Joye & Myrna


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy