Thursday, January 10, 2013

Collecting Craigslist Chairs - Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  

Ever since I bought my slipcovered sofa from Ikea I've wanted to get the matching chairs to go with it.  I don't know why I never thought to look on Craigslist for used ones until recently!  There are a lot on there and there are some great deals to be had!  I bought this Ikea Ektorp chair above for only $50 and it came with two sets of slipcovers!  I had to drive about an hour to San Francisco to pick it up but for that price it was worth it!

Then I found this Ikea Jennylund chair on Craigslist about a week later for only $40 but I had to go to Ikea and purchase a new slipcover for $29 because it came with a gray striped one.

Here is an old picture of my Ikea Ektorp sofa that I bought almost 4 years ago! I still love it and it's held up really well.  I have two sets of slipcovers for it and they are starting to get a little stained so I'll probably purchase some new slipcovers soon.  The Ikea slipcovers are only $49 a set and the fact that they've held up for almost 4 years says a lot about the great quality!  Click here to see my original post when I bought this sofa!  It was funny for me to read that post because I mentioned that I would be getting wood floors soon...little did I know that my landlord would make me wait another 2 years and 9 months!  I have them now though and I love them! It looks really weird for me to look at these old photos when I had carpet. 

My plan is to get 1 more of each of these chairs off of Craigslist. I want to put the large Ektorp chairs on each side of the sofa and the smaller Jennylund chairs on each side of my amoire. I'm checking Craigslist daily and there are some on there but I'm holding out for the good deals!  If you are looking for an Ikea Ektorp sofa and you live in the San Francisco Bay Area there are always a ton of them listed and some are practically free! 

Also, I just have to say, if you haven't gotten a flu shot yet you should get one!  I got the flu on New Years day and it was horrible!  I'm still not feeling completely better yet! I was supposed to go back to work last Wednesday after over a week off for the holidays and I ended up missing three days of work!  Luckily last week I did my Show and Tell post early because had I not had it already written days before I got sick it wouldn't have  been posted. I was so sick with fever and chills there is no way I could have done it! This is the first time in about 10 years that I didn't get a flu shot and that was a huge mistake!

 If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Love your sofa and chair too. Ikea has the most reasonable slipcovers! Thanks for hosting Cindy.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  2. What a great bargain! I'm just now getting acquainted with Craigslist, thanks for the tip! The top thing on our list this year is a treadmill, it's our get healthy year! I hope you will be posting to your other blog, I really enjoy reading about your weight loss and healthy living journey :)
    xo, Andrea

  3. Thank you so much for hosting, Cindy! Have a great week end....hugs, Penny

  4. Thank you so much for hosting, Cindy! Have a great week end....hugs, Penny

  5. Thanks so much for hosting!
    White slipcovers are my all time favorite!

  6. I love your chairs...and your sofa. That WAS a long wait for your wood floors though. I hope you are completely well soon. The flu this year is a horrible one- xo Diana

  7. Looks and sounds like you got some great deals. I have never bought anything on CL. Thanks for hosting again this week.

  8. Cool! That is a great find! I love that you can get a cute slipcovered sofa and chairs like that for a great price. Nice to hear that your sofa is holding up too!


  9. Your sofa and chair are beautiful. My eye immediately went to that gorgeous flower vase, too. Deb

  10. Glad you are better. I haven't had a flu shot, but decided today that I should get one this year. Many of my friends were sick over the holidays. Take care of yourself.
    Love your new chairs!

  11. Thanks so much for hosting! Have a wonderful day : )

    Love always,

  12. WOW what a great deal on those chairs!! Your living room looks so pretty! Thanks for hosting Cindy!

  13. Hi Cindy,

    Glad you are feeling better! I also had a touch of the flu, achy joints, stomach cramps and the shivers, but no fever! Also, your Ikea finds are fabulous; congrats! My sister and I were there yesterday and looking at the Ektorp but in a beige toned cover and here in Canada, the covers are priced at $250!!

    Happy Friday,


  14. I am so glad you were able to locate a matching piece to your Ikea sofa - and always nice when you don't have to drive so far to get it!

    Well done!

    Thank you for hosting!

  15. I love your sofa and chairs. I never thought to check out Craigslist. Great idea! Thanks so much for hosting a fun party!


  16. Your new chairs are lovely, and I can't believe the price on that sofa slipcover--what a great deal! Thank you for hosting the party for us, Cindy, and I wish you a wonderful weekend! We're going to see a new one-man show this weekend!

  17. That is an unbelievable good deal! and gorgeous! I never have any luck on Craiglist!! Thanks for hosting this party!!

  18. Sorry you had the flu, Cindy! Hope you are better! Great deals on the chairs! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  19. Great finds on the chairs! I can totally relate about getting sick. I always get the flu shot, but a couple of years ago, I didn't and I ended up getting the flu which then turned into pneumonia! AND it happened twice that year! Never again. It was the sickest I've ever been. Hope you feel back to 100% soon, Cindy.

  20. I would love to join, but right now I have a giveaway and a Friday fill-ins post. So maybe next time! Love visiting all the great blogs! Sorry you got sick! We had our flu shops the fall. Boy it's bad this year. Glad you are okay. I am an hour from San Francisco too! It's worth the trip for a good deal and you can spend the day in a great city!

  21. What a bargain! I never seem to find good Craigslist deals! Thanks for hosting!

  22. Thank you for hosting! Great Craigslist finds!! Wishing you a beautiful and productive year!! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  23. I love those! I've admired them every time I see them in IKEA catalogs or in the store.

  24. Lucky, lucky you...those chairs were a great find!
    Thank you for taking time to host as you always do!

  25. Love those chairs and your sofa! I never thought to look on craigslist for furniture. Thanks for hosting Cindy! Have a great weekend!

  26. Awesome and beautiful furniture. I would like to buy this beautiful furniture from Online Furniture Store or a Furniture Store to give a new style look to my home.

  27. Your party was one of the first I ever visited and I appreciate you hosting it.


  28. Hi Cindy,
    Thank you for hosting!

  29. lovely chairs and sofa and thank you so much for hosting : ) Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  30. lovely chairs and sofa and thank you so much for hosting : ) Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  31. Your chairs look pretty! I'm glad you're feeling better. Thanks for offering the link up!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  32. Cindy - i just wanted to pass on that I had my flu shot and still came down with it 2 days before Christmas. I was a mess for a week and the cough is still there a bit. I know of a few people who had the shot and still got it. I think they got the mix wrong this year - ruined my Christmas! Patty/BC

  33. Love Craigslist - the prices of your chairs are unbelievable!

    Sorry to hear you got the flu - we still haven't gotten our shots - usually get them in October - but walking into town today to get them!

  34. They look great in your home and such a steal!
    Hope you are feeling totally better soon.I have never had a flu shot -hope this isn't the year I regret it as there is a nasty flu hitting here now too.
    Thank you for hosting,

  35. Cindy,
    As usual your house looks beautiful. The white slipcovered IKEA furniture is so lovely. Great find on Craigslist.

  36. Hi Cindy, Thanks for hosting this party. Love your chairs...Connie

  37. I love your chairs Cindy! Thank you so much for hosting, have a wonderful weekend

    xoxo, Tanya

  38. Hi Cindy, you have so many beautiful ideas! Thank you for sharing, and for hosting! Have a wonderful week-end!
    Joye & Myrna
    The Busy Bee's

  39. Hi Cindy,

    Such lovely features. Love the sofa with the blue pillows. Thanks for hostessing this great blog party. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  40. Hi Cindy
    your post is just wonderful...
    Love your sofa.....
    Thans for hosting...
    and do not miss The



    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  41. Cindy how lovely it all looks and what great buys. I so wish Craiglist was here. Have a nice week xx

  42. Glad to be back and posting again. Thank you for hosting

  43. Thank you so very much for hosting! I hope you have a happy and blessed weekend.

  44. Hi Cindy, thanks for hosting and I'm getting a flu shot tomorrow! My oldest son got the flu and he said it was the worst!
    Love your chairs and your floors!

  45. You are having a great knowledge Cindy to how to make a house perfect. Lots of things matters in making a house perfect like bedrooms, interior, beds, their mattresses .

  46. You are having a great knowledge Cindy to how to make a house perfect. Lots of things matters in making a house perfect like bedrooms, interior, beds, their mattresses .

  47. Check out eBay too, for Ektorp slip covers. I found an older discontinued mid-blue canvas one for my Ektorp L-sofa/chaise combo for $140 at Christmas.
    My Ektorp white slipcovers are getting a wee bit stained too so I use Mrs Stewarts blueing agent to brighten them and dry in the sun when I can, on the clothesline.
    Also, I am considering dyeing one set of slip covers medium hydrangea blue with RIT dye - my house, Elinor Cottage, is all blue and white but with 3 students/2 of them mechanics/welders and deep sea divers, the white is taking a beating. A lovely blue would work with the decor and set off against my blue floral wallpaper beautifully. So just a few suggestions!
    ( Ektorp pieces have held up well too but we did go underneath in the frame and add extra screws to the seat for added support!)

  48. Love the chairs! They look so pretty and feminine with the decorative pillows and throw. It inspires me to buy a throw blanket for my couch. I've had my eye on Mulberry West's silk filled blanket. I might just have to buy it now!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy