Thursday, August 09, 2012

How to dry hydrangeas - Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  

First and most importantly I need to wish my dad a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  His birthday is Aug 9th!   I owe so much to my dad! Growing up with so much love from both my parents has made me a happy adult!  Thank you so much DAD!  I LOVE you so much!!! 

My poor hydrangeas didn't get watered enough this summer and they are prematurely aging now!  We don't get rain here in the summer so I have to water my plants regularly and I didn't do that enough this year! 

Rather than let them totally dry out on the bush, I cut them when they start changing color and drying out a bit.  Then I cut off all the leaves and put them in a small amount of water.  I let them soak up that water and then just let them dry in the dry jar.  It may take a few weeks.  This has worked really well for me in the past!  If you hang them upside down to dry they lose their shape but this way they dry perfectly!  I live in Northern California so I'm not sure how well this would work if you live in an area with high humidity though.

I just love how these pink hydrangeas turn green and muted pink when they dry!

I have some exciting news to share! I only have 10 more pounds to lose until I reach my goal!  I'm down 70 pounds total!  It's taken me a couple years because I lost about 50 lbs and then maintained that for a year before I was ready to continue on to my goal.  I've lost 21 lbs since April when I rejoined Weight Watchers again!  It sure feels great! I'm hoping to be really close or at my goal by my 52nd birthday on September 24th!  Whoohoo!!!
Me and my girlfriends at Los Gatos Music in the Park - Los Gatos, California  8/5/12
You may remember this outfit I'm wearing as one I shared on Show and Tell Friday awhile back!  I thought I would share a photo of me actually wearing it!  (It looks like I cut my hair but I actually have it up in a french twist. I'm thrilled that it's finally long enough to do that)

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Beautiful! You look pretty! Thank you for hosting!

  2. Wow Cindy you look great! My hydrangeas are dried up and pitiful They were so pretty for a couple of months. I did manage to dry a few though. We haven't had much rain here either. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

  3. Thanks Cindy for hosting again this week. Congratulations on you weight loss!

  4. You look utterly gorgeous! You didn't look heavy enough to lose that much, but maybe you think you needed to. At any rate, congratulations!

  5. Cindy, you look great! Thanks so much for hosting this amazing party! Love your hydrangeas, too!

  6. You look fabulous Cindy and I can tell that you feel really great and are happy! So proud of you!!

    Susan and Bentley

  7. Cindy, I have success drying hydrangeas the same way, and I buy mine from the flower shop. No hydrangea bushes here to pick from. Thanks for hosting each week, and Happy Birthday to your Dad!

  8. Oh, I forgot: congratulations on your weight loss. That's fantastic!

  9. Cindy,
    Thanks so much for hosting, and congrats on your weight loss, you look GREAT!!


  10. Thanks for the party Cindy. Gorgeous hydrangeas!!! XO, Aimee

  11. Congratulations on your weight loss!
    You must feel great ( looking fantastic ! )
    Thanks so much for hosting

  12. Wow, congrats on losing 70 lbs, that is a wonderful accomplishment!!! It must feel sooooo good. I dry my hydrangeas just as you describes and it work great for me too as long is they have started to dry out on the bush. Thanks for hosting, Laura

  13. So happy to joining the party this week.

    Thank you for hosting and congratulations on the weight loss. That is incredible!

  14. Dang girl! You look fantastic! I have been struggling with weight loss but you are an inspiration. My poor hydrangeas are suffering too but I am trying to keep them going one more week for a wedding I am styling. Thanks for showing me it can be done, Pam

  15. Dang girl! You look fantastic! I have been struggling with weight loss but you are an inspiration. My poor hydrangeas are suffering too but I am trying to keep them going one more week for a wedding I am styling. Thanks for showing me it can be done, Pam

  16. You look beautiful. I think that guy behind you with the glasses is ogling your butt!;>) lol Well, your hydrangeas are beautiful, too. I am pretty sure you are going to make your goal before hitting 52~ Whoo hoooo! xo Diana

  17. Thanks so much for hosting Cindy! You look fabulous!!

  18. I love hydrangeas! So beautiful. Thank you for another great party! :)

  19. Hi Cindy, Thanks for hosting another great party. Sure looks like you girls are having fun...Connie

  20. You look great! I just started Zumba today so I'm excited to get in shape! I love your dried hydrangeas. Thanks so much for hosting this party!

    I never realized my grandson had
    your dad's birthday. My grandson
    turned 16 today. That is how I
    dry my hydrangeas too, only I put
    them in a room with a fan on.
    Congrats on your weight loss.

  22. Hi Cindy,
    Thank you for hosting and for sharing your beautiful hydrangeas and how to preserve its beauty. You look beautiful too!

  23. You look great, Cindy! Your hard work has paid off! Lovely hydrangeas! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  24. Cindy,
    Congrats on your weight loss!You look beautiful!
    Thank you for hosting.

  25. Hi Cindy,
    You are so cute and funny. You are still my blogging inspiration. I love your blog.
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  26. Thanks so much, Cindy, for hosting this great party!

  27. You all look like you are having a great time. Thanks for hosting. I dried hydrangeas last year (tried 3 methods and liked the water/dry out upright the best.

  28. You look absolutely stunning, Cindy! Well done with your weight loss. Good luck with the rest :) Have a lovely weekend... and Thanks for hosting!

  29. Hi Cindy, Thanks so much for hosting. My first time linking up! Lots of lovely to see here :) Jo x

  30. Love that bottom pic of the girls having a wonderful time!


  31. Well done Cindy you must feel amazing the hydrangeas look so beautiful they are the perfect dusky colour. Tracy x

  32. Cindy, you absolutely great and so well. xx

  33. Cindy Congratulations on your weight loss Im so happy for you:) Thank you again for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

  34. Happy Birthday to your Dad, hope he is staying busy these days

    Your lookin good girl

    I am trying but not that hard it has been so hot here all summer in 100's everyday I just can't walk outside, excuses I know LOL

    I dyr my hydrangeas the same way I just can't stand to see them go away . I have mine in an old basket

  35. Happy Birthday Jack. Love, Judy Santiago

  36. Thanks for hosting! Have a great day! :)

    Check out my latest recipe, review & giveaway @ Baking Blissful

  37. Thanks for hosting! Life to the full to you!

  38. Thank you for hosting a beautiful place to share!

  39. You are such a beautiful lady! Luv those hydrangeas... thanks for hosting the linky!

  40. You look fantastic! Thanks for hosting the party.

  41. Hi, Cindy!!

    1) I think we long-time readers here all kinda feel like we know your beloved dad a little by now, so it feels good to wish him from out in cyberspace, a Big Happy Birthday!

    2) Hope your daughter is feeling better since the big wisdom teeth extraction. Ouch.

    3) Congrats on your tremendous weight loss. It's harder when we're older to get off the pounds. I lost 40 lbs like nuth'in when I was in my early 30s; not so these years later. You definitely lost it the sensible way with careful diet changes (some of which you've shared with us) and EXERCISE. You're a biking fiend! You know, with your job change and everything (also the loss of your mother), you could just have easily started eating more out of stress and gained some pounds back, but instead you hung in there and you look absolutely fabulous. What I can't get over is how much YOUNGER you look, from previous photos you've posted here on your blog. It's sure inspirational for me (and motivating). It's great to see you with your friends, healthy and vibrant ladies-all, not of a certain age, but at a GREAT age!

  42. I agree with NanaDiana, Cindy. That guy in the photo is totally checking you out.

  43. I live in Brittany where there's always a high level of humidity (both from rain and the fact that I'm very close to the sea) and this is also the way I dry my hydrangeas.

  44. Congratulations on your weight loss! Thanks for hosting a fun party.


  45. Thank you for hosting! Congrats on your weight loss! Wishing you a grand weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  46. Your hydrangeas look great. I wish I hadn't killed mine (on accident, of course)! Thanks for hosting the link party!

  47. I've been following your blog for some time and I am truly grateful for the inspiration that you've given me. Thanks to you I decided to start my own project and create my very own blog (and I ran away from technology :-))Seriously, when I am down, I just come here and get reminded that life is beautiful. Thank you, Cindy. You're an awesome person!

  48. Thank you so much for this! I dry flowers all the time but have never tried hydrangeas...tried it by hanging it upside down...epic failure! LOL. I will try this...dying to make some things! Thank you!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy