Thursday, August 02, 2012

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  ...and August! I can't believe it's already August!!! I've been at my "new" job 5 months now! Time flies!!!

 I don't have much to share this week.  Lauren had her wisdom teeth removed on Monday and now it's Wednesday evening at the time I am writing this and I am EXHAUSTED!  I don't do well with seeing other people in all!  I think I would rather be in pain myself than to see someone else hurting. Especially when it's someone I love!  I got so stressed out with all this that my back has been killing me all week!  It's 7:30 pm and I just want to go to bed right now!  When I get stressed that much my body just seems to shut down.  I would have never made it as a nurse, which is what my mother's dream was for me!

The weekend prior to Lauren having her wisdom teeth pulled I did have a little fun...

My girlfriends and I had a girl's night out at "our" winery. Perfect weather, wine, live music, dancing and great friends...loads of fun!  I never get tired of going there!

Then on Sunday, I went to Monterey, California....

...for a little bike ride!  It was very warm inland but just 30 minutes away, the coast was fogged in and cold FREEZING!  We had planned to go to Santa Cruz but when we saw the fog we decided to ride further down the coast to Monterey.  It was still foggy but we had a nice little bike ride along the ocean!    

After our freezing bike ride all I could think of was a big bowl of clam chowder so we went to Bubba Gumps. It's not the best clam chowder in the world but it hit the spot and warmed me up.  Who would think I could be that cold in July?  Yep, that's sometimes the norm on the coast in Northern California!  You never know if it's going to be fogged in or nice...I guess I should listen to the weatherman more often!

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Just look how fit you are. I am working on it. The older you get the harder it is.

  2. Cheers Cindy! Looks like you had a great time in Monterey! Love the "bird on the post" picture!
    Thanks for sharing! Have a good weekend.

  3. Isn't it wonderful to have great girl friends! So glad you are having fun and sharing those fun times with us. That chowder sure looks good!!

    Susan and Bentley

  4. Hope you are feeling better! You look fabulous in each picture! Thanks for hosting!

  5. I hope your daughter is feeling better soon. You look great and it sounds like you had a good time in spite of the weather. Have a great weekend.Thanks for hosting.

  6. You look wonderful, very fit and trim!! I don't bike out but I go spinning every morning at the gym. You girls all look great and I love a girls night out, so fun! Chowder looks yummy!! Thank you for hosting and enjoy your weekend too.

  7. Looks like you had an amazing time!
    Thanks so much for hosting - hope you're daughter feels better soon,
    Big hugs,

  8. Hi Cindy. Fog is the reason we moved from Santa Cruz. As a kid it didn't seem to be that way but as I got older seems like it is there all the time. Our kids are there too, in Soquel, so we're down there alot. What a fun winery experience. You and your friends look very happy! Thank you for hosting the party. I'm glad to be a part of it this week..Happy Thursday..Judy

  9. Oh good thing you all had fun before the tooth-pulling!!! Yikes!
    <3 Christina

  10. Sounds and looks like you had an enjoyable time with your friends and the bike ride. I have had good and not so good clam chowder, so usually stay away from it if have other choices. Sure hope Lauren is feeling much better - been there, and remember what my daughter went thru.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful roses, and hosting again this week.

  11. Thanks so much for hosting...the roses are absolutely beautiful and the soup made me hungry! : )

  12. Cindy,
    Thanks so much for hosting, hoping that your back pain goes away.


  13. Thanks for hosting! Now, go and get some rest! ~ Maureen

  14. I feel for you and your daughter, Cindy. I more scared for my daughter to get her wisdom teeth out then she is. Mine were a nightmare and I can't stand thinking about her going through that. Your trip to Monterey sounds like a lovely time. That's one of my favorite places. I had the best clam chowder walking along the pier where they hand you samples of it. Have a great weekend and thanks so much for hosting this party!

  15. Hope your daughter feels better soon! Looks like a fun bike ride...and yummy chowder! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  16. Thanks so much for hosting again Cindy! Hope you have a nice weekend!

  17. Looking great, Cindy. Love the area around Monterey. Hope your daughter feels better soon. Thanks for hosting each week.......Sarah

  18. Aren't you just the cutest thing! You are so beautiful - inside and out - Cindy. :) I love how fit and active and social you are!

    xoox laurie

  19. Thank you for hosting, Cindy! Have a lovely weekend :) Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  20. Cindy,
    Thanks so much for hosting us! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    ~Stephanie @

  21. Even though the temps were cool, looks like you truly enjoyed your ride...and the hot bowl of soup!...
    Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  22. As I was reading your post today in front of the fan holding a glass of ice water to my forehead, I had to laugh at your freezing bike ride along the coast. Well, maybe sighing was more like it! :) Thanks for hosting your party today!

  23. What great pictures Cindy! Thanks so much for hosting!

  24. For 50-something women, y'all look fab; you haven't let yourselves "go." You're one of the thin girls now, Cindy! Look at you in your black bike pants; woohoo! We've been having the smog/fog/haze down here in SoCal but the sun comes out midday and then we steam; sultry and humid and NOT pleasant, yet I feel I can't complain when I see 100+ temps in other parts of the U.S. And, ohmygosh, your poor daughter; how I remember getting the four wisdom teeth extracted all at one time (good thing they did all four, 'cause you'd never have gotten me back in there for a follow-up). It had to be done because I was having such jaw and ear pain...I was age 21...but I remember being so nauseous and sick coming out of anesthesia, then using the ice packs on each side of my face; most of all, reacting adversely to the pain medication which had codeine in it, which we found from this instance (never having had it before) that I was allergic to; couldn't stop my teeth from chattering and I was literally bed-ridden for a week to where Mom was getting me up and walking around so that I didn't weaken further. That was almost 40 years ago; I'm sure the procedures and drugs today are perfected from that earlier time. Unbelievably, my 88-year-old mother had two of her wisdom extracted in the dental chair with just local numbing as if it were the everyday-filling for a cavity; they say we don't remember pain per se, but she still talks about it to this day, as I guess life was a bit primitive in the early-1940s dental chair! Don't worry, your daughter is young; she'll bounce back fast. I worked with a woman who waited and then had no choice but to have her wisdom teeth extracted when she was in her late 30s and she literally thought she'd die, so I think it's much better to do at the younger age, even in these days but, oops, our sob-stories might be freaking out other readers, so I'll zip it without further ado!!

  25. Speaking of cool, we had the fireplace going last night! I love it.

  26. Good morning! It's really, really hot here. Like 116 degrees hot. I did a cool No-Cal & Low-Cal Summer Drink Round-Up (# 194 ) to hopefully help others that are in the same sweaty position. Have a good morning and thanks for hosting the party again!

  27. Those wisdom teeth are no fun... I hope she's feeling better. Thanks for hosting!

  28. Cindy I hope Lauren is doing better. I have never understood why they call those back teeth,
    wisdom, I guess because you have
    to be wise enough to get rid of them. Crazy huh! Sure glad you had fun before your nursing stint started. Looks like everyone had
    fun with you. Hope you and Lauren have a wonderful weekend and relax.

  29. Beautiful roses! I love bike riding but not in the fog!! Thanks for hosting, Laura

  30. Hope the weekend brings you restful moments. Thank you for hosting!

  31. Thank you for hosting! Wishing you a grand weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  32. I remember the coast of that area of California from when I was a young girl. My Grandmother took us kids to Half Moon Bay all the time to give my single mother a break. We would go up and down that coastline. I will get to bike ride the coast down south near Radondo Beach CA next month. Can't wait. my husband and I bike 9 miles early in the mornings here in Southern Nevada. We absolutely love it. I sure enjoy your posts and your blog.

  33. Ohh, what fun. I miss the beach!

    Thank you for hosting this blog hop again (already your follower). Listed here, where you can also join more blog hops at Friday Blog Hops Directory.

    The Quiet Mom blogging How to Cook Fresh Artichoke Recipe

    Also, don't miss this: 12 Major Reasons to Use Self-Hosted WordPress for Blogging and Selling Your Products Online + Custom Blog or Social Network Button Giveaway

  34. Good to see you out and having a great time.

  35. Your time in Monterey looks like a lot of fun. It's a reminder for me that I need to get out and be more active.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy