Wednesday, September 07, 2011

My Jag is Purring thanks to OnStar FMV!

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I was thrilled to be chosen by BlogHer and OnStar to try out the new OnStar FMV in my Jaguar!  (and you get a chance to get something too...there is a giveaway at the bottom of this post)

Everyone that knows me knows I love cars and I really love my Jaguar! It's even better now that I have OnStar in it!

OnStar FMV (FMV = For My Car) is an aftermarket rear view mirror that you can buy at Best Buy or any other place that sells them.  They hook you up with a professional installer and then you are set!
What are the benefits to having one of these?  There are so many...

Navigation:  I already had a  little GPS thing that I attach to my windshield...that thing has had me driving in circles more than once. I also didn't like it because I would have to input the address before I left the house...this process took at least 5 minutes!  I also have an iPhone and I've pulled my car over before to check out the maps app to see where I was.  Now, with my OnStar FMV I just hit a button and tell the very friendly OnStar adviser where I want to go and she sets up turn-by-turn navigation for me! It is so nice and I love anything that is simple and saves me time!

Hands-Free Calling: This is one of the best features for me. It's illegal to be on a cellphone in California unless it's hands free!  I paired up my iPhone with my OnStar and now all I have to do is push a button and tell my mirror who to call!  Right away, I called all my friends and family...everyone said the same thing..."It sounds like you are on your phone!" "It's so clear!" "There is no echo, or tunnel sound!". I could hear them perfectly too! I love this feature!

Roadside Assistance: If I break down on the road, all I have to do is hit a button and they will send someone out to help. If I need gas, a tow truck, or I get locked out of my vehicle, they send someone to help.  No more looking for my AAA card then looking for my cellphone to call them!

Automatic Crash Response:  If I'm involved in an accident, a built in sensor will detect it.  OnStar is automatically alerted!  Years ago I was involved in an accident where I blacked out for just a few seconds upon impact. When I came to I was so shaken up that just digging through my purse to find my cellphone was hard!  The 911 operator asked me where I was...I knew what road I was on but I had no idea where I was on that road. They were asking me the nearest intersection and I couldn't even tell them that!  OnStar knows your location!  This Auto Crash Response feature really gives me peace of mind!

I've only been using my OnStar FMV a few days but I already love it.  I'm always taking road trips around Northern California...Napa, Santa Cruz, Carmel, Monterey,  San Francisco, Lake Tahoe... It will be so nice to just hit a button and tell them where we want to go to and get turn-by-turn directions!  I already know that I will definitely be renewing this each year!

Do I love it? YES!!!!  Would I recommend it to my friends! YES!

I would be buying one for my daughter for Christmas but unfortunately her car is not one that is compatible but most are.  I think this product would be a wonderful gift!  

Stop by the BlogHer round up page to see more OnStar reviews: Visit the Prizes and Promotions section.


For more info: Visit the Facebook page


Now this is exciting!  You have a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card!!!!  The sweepstakes is running  Sept. 7th - Sept 30th 2011.  No duplicate comments.

You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry

a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post

b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment
on this post

c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on
this post

d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about
an alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older

Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.

You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be

Please see the official rules for more information.




1 – 200 of 217   Newer›   Newest»
Flea Market Lynn said...

Oh, I would love to win the Visa gift my rear view mirror got all fogged up and I need to replace it anyway. I will definately look into this one! Thanks!

Flea Market Lynn said...

Just Tweeted about the giveaway on Twitter:!/HouseGardenBtq

Thanks! Lynn

Mom in High Heels said...

Is it wrong that I'm drooling over that JAG? I'm a car girl too and that is a sweet ride.

Julie said...

Please enter my name too Cindy! Thanks.

My Cottage Charm said...

What a great idea...after market onstar! I would love to win the visa..thanks for the chance! :)


Thanks for the chance to win the Visa gift the way love your car!

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to win!

Your car is gorgeous!


The Knotty Spinster said...

Your car is fabulous and onstar is also great to have. Its a good feeling to know you are extra cared for in an emergency. Love the visa card too. Great idea!!

Linda said...

Cindy, that is great you were chosen by On-Star! I get lost out my front door. You must just adore your Jag and driving it around! I have a friend that has a convertiable and she and her husband rolled the top back and went for a 2 month road trip! What a great and fun giveaway. Please enter me in your Visa Gift Card. Thanks

My Dream Canvas said...

Fabulous Giveaway....pls enter my name. Thanks a ton and your car is awesome!

patedsch1 said...

Love you Jag and the OnStar Mirror, I will look into getting one of these for my car and winning the visa gift card would really help on buying one......Love your blog

Kristy @ Emme & Me said...

Wow! Would love to win the Visa gift card! And OnStar is great!

Kristy @ Emme & Me said...

I tweet'd it here:!/Emme_and_Me

crazymotheringchick said...

When I bought my Chevy Impala last January, one of the first things I did was activate Onstar. I love it. It certainly does give you peace of mind, and the driving directions are great. When they came out with this product (FMV), I decided that my sons' future cars would not be without OnStar. Love it.

ElleX said...

I would love to win the Visa gift card! Thanks for this giveaway!

The Onstar FMV looks wonderful! I will definitely check it out!

Kat said...

Great blog...great contest! Thanks!

hilary said...

I got one of those mirrors w/my new Honda but it didn't come w/directions so I can't figure it out. The dealer didn't know anything about it, either. I don't think OnStar is possible w/Honda, though. Mine is called "Smart Mirror" and it was $2200. It doesn't do much for me since I don't know how to use it.

Elsie said...

Cindy please count me in to win.
Thanks, I still love your car so
much better than the other one.

Cindy Gilbert said...

I did not even know this mirror existed! Thanks for the post, gonna check it out.

violetlady said...

I really want an OnStar FMV. I am going to look into getting one for my seven year old Toyota. I also want a Jaguar!

Lynda said...

Beautiful ride!!

Adding my name to the draw for the Visa gift card giveaway! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

WOW! What has happened to your blog? It once was my favorite place to visit. Your kindness and charming personality used to shine in your posts when you would show us your amazing finds and creativity in making a beautiful home on a tight budget. I miss that Cindy and that blog. Now it seems you can barely be bothered to visit but once a week and today's post was a total sell out move! It wasn't helpful, useful or creative. It was an advertisement! But I guess that's how you were able to buy your Jag. Funny but as nice as your car is, I really miss the girl that drove the old Camaro. She was sincere and a lot more fun. Congrats on your success, I'm just sorry you had to sell your once wonderful blog to get it.

Cindy said...

anonymous, wow, I am not selling out at all! My life has changed! My blog was about me redoing my apartment but now that it's pretty much done and quite frankly a little over-decorated I find it hard to share things that I haven't already showed, so naturally it has slowed down a bit. I would be selling out if I continued to redo rooms that are already done in order to blog about it! I've been blogging since 2005...almost every day! I'm living my life to the fullest right now with family and friends and blogging is second to that as it should be. I'm continuing to blog as best I can right now because I don't want to let my readers down and I've struggled with the decision to shut it down or keep it's not been an easy decision for me! I'm glad you are being honest but if you don't like what I'm sharing then there is no need to come here. I'm trying my best! I'm still the same person that drove the 1999 Camaro. I drove that car 10 years and it had more repairs needed than it was worth. I bought the Jag used....look it up they aren't as expensive as you think... I'm not a superficial person...I'm very honest. I love my OnStar and even though it was given to me, if I didn't like it I would say that! They never told me I had to say good things about it! The fact is I really do love it!

Wendy@Once upon a rose haven said...

Great mirror, and what a sweet giveaway!

Best wishes everyone!

Joanne Kennedy said...

I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your car! Your photos look like they came from some photo shoot for a fancy magainze!

I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

I think you are super lucky you got OnStar. Every time I watch the commercials I always wish I had it.

Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh and BTW Cindy, don't let that jerk upset you. People who have followed you for a long time (like me) know you are a wonderful person and we are thrilled you are really enjoying your life now.

Yes, I loved the old blog too (it's what started me blogging) but I still love every post you write. Plus you have a 2nd blog!!

People don't get that blogging is done for many different reasons. It's your blog and you have a right to do a post about whatever you want and whenever you want.

Heck, blogging should not be stressful or "required" by anyone.

This person just needs to get a life because they clearly need one.

Janae said...

wow your car is sooooooo gorgeous!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would really love to win so I can put it toward the Onstar FMV! I have always wanted Onstar and I have been drooling over it since it came on the market.

CottageRose said...

Sounds neat! Pls enter my name.
Deb, qoq_1athotmaildotcom

ss said...

Beautiful car....thanks for the opportunity!

kay said...

Oh Cindy, pay no attention to the negative comment! We love you and are happy for you. You look great and your on to a new chapter in your life. I'll be here to rejoice with you and so will all "YOUR PEOPLE".
Kay :)

Anonymous said...

Great car Cindy...I have read your blog all these years and you are having a great time..I have had OnStar now for the last 12 years on 3 different cars and wouldn't buy one without it. Love it. I have locked my keys in 3 times in that period and what a relief to have OnStar unlock my car. Good luck in all you do. Kathy

Anonymous said...

It would be wonderful to receive a visa gift card.
Bookend Diaries

JeanaMichelle said...

While your at it.... can you throw in the car?!? The visa gift card would be wonderful. Thanks OnStar and Cindy.

Sarah said...

Cindy, I'm already a fan of OnStar! Great service.
You have a beautiful car! Thanks for the chance to win! ~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this VISA card. Your Jag looks great!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the gift card, too! Thank you and onstar for the chance to win!! mrspris

Noble Vintage said...

this is awesome! I need something like this- my husband's company just announced they are dropping their road side assistance associated with our phones. :(
fun giveaway! thanks!!

Debbie Kay said...

I love your blog and thank you for the chance to win.


JULIE B said...

I think it's really kewl that Onstar has come up with this. I know I'll be asking for one for Christmas. Love your Jag!

JULIE B said...!/PLSvote4me/status/112260939914551297 tweeted by @plsvote4me

peg42 said...

This OnStar FMV sounds really wonderful. I'd love to get one of these for my car.
Thanks so much.

peg42 said...

I tweeted:!/peg42/status/112291217278111744

Wanda said...

You have a beautiful car and now a piece of mind is something happen. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this giveaway!!!
best regards,

Heidi said...

Hi Cindy,

I would love to be entered to win the Visa gift card. Your car is gorgeous and you so deserve it! Love the license plate

abfantom said...

The OnStar FMV mirror is a great idea.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Mysharona said...

I just saw these in store..


cool mirror..cooolr car

Stephanie said...

what a great idea! wish my car was compatible!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Alicia Madison said...

It is really helpful device. I would love to have it in my car as talking while looking at front screen and having both hand on steering is really easy to drive and to talk.

Lisa said...

I must be blind I didn't see the prompt, but here goes.

I really need this, I get lost in my neighborhood, and many people have has your experience with GPS and inadequate directions.

Love your Jag, it's the bomb.

Lisa said...


Lisa said...


Unknown said...

that's great that onstar is available to other vehicles now. it sounds like it would be a really helpful thing to have!

stigay at

Anonymous said...

I have to see if either of our cars are compatible, what a great idea, aftermarket OnStar

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/eyzofblu63/status/112556717472104448

ohstac said...

My hubby has on star in his car and it's so convenient. I got his hand me down GPS!

ohstac said...


sustahl said...

I had no clue that OnStar gave driving directions. I think it is a wonderful idea that now you can now purchase one of the rearview mirrors with onStar included.

prizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com

sustahl said...

I tweeted!/rsmstahley/status/112635690285662209
prizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com

mickeyfan said...

It would make a great gift. For ME!

Kerry said...

The hands free calling would be great!

Kerry said...


clc408 said...

OnStar would give any driver great peace of mind.

clc408 said...


Anonymous said...

Love your car.
Thanks for the contest.
Please enter me
Cathy Truman

coliebear said...

I would love to win the giftcard. Onstar rocks!

MJ said...

Would love a VISA gift card!!


nickieisis3 said...

Your car is awesome and onstar is great to have.


buzzd said...

pretty car and fab prize..thanks!

karenmed409 said...

Onstar would be great, I travel a lot with our scouts and have gotten turned around on country roads trying to find the camp sites.. would be so nice to have a voice guide us.I liekt that feature to get instant help in case someone gets injured. Thank You!
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

NrdyGmrGrl said...

Thanks for having such a great giveaway. Very nice jag =]

hale2005 said...

After market onstar would be great for my vehicle or any for that matter.


hale2005 said...



chedeb5353 said...

I would love to win! Thanks for the chance and wow beautiful car! Deb

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

would love to win
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much!! Janna Johnson janna@feedyourpig on gfc

Scat said...

I've a.ways loved your blog camaro or jag it's just plain fun!

Scott said...

What a great idea...after market onstar! I would love to win the visa.


Scott Martin
spmartin122 at gmail dot com

Tina said...

I like the navigation. it would save my time with 2 kids!

Tina said...!/HappyTina0115/status/114185170306859008

Anonymous said...

Oh my! What a lovely car. We'd love OnStar, and in a rear view mirror? Too cool! This would be so helpful when traveling. Thanks!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I tweeted the giveaway:!/roomofmyown/status/114192878363881474

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway and a beautiful car Cindy. A friend of my had one and it was like riding on air.

Thanks for letting me enter. I certainly could use this!

Hugs...Tracy :)

Unknown said...

I just tweeted here:!/tracysuz/status/114710888363200512

Tracy :)

Susan E. said...

This sounds amazing and what great peace of mind it would bring.


MTgunfighter said...!/mtdoonmeister/status/115576886301700096

mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com

MTgunfighter said...

I could use this when traveling - esp. in SLC... I can never ind my way around when I am there...

mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com

JC said...

Love all features, especially the hands free phone.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...!/tcarolinep/status/115636772960079872

Elena said...

Your car looks great! Thank you for the giveaway!

Elena said...


Mami2jcn said...

OnStar would be great for my husband. It would make me feel a lot better if we would make calls hands-free.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...


mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

the navigation would be perfect for me bc i have no sense of direction.

thanks for the giveaway!

pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...!/aes529/status/115824868720787456

pokergrl8 at

Holly B said...

That Onstar unit is pretty cool! I've always wanted one installed in my car and that's a great way to get it, I've heard great things about the service!

Jennifer said...

Oh that's so awesome!!! And when did you get that gorgeous jag? I bet the new hot skinny Cindy looks so fab driving it! Take that former flames! Haha!

Holly B said...!/prismperfect/status/115875755367481345

msrodeobrat said...

your jag is awesome! i would love to get onstar
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

richied.becky said...

I have tweeted your review and giveaway.!/QueSeraSera68/status/116009454868234241

Nancy said...

OnStar would be great for me because I am on the road a lot. I would love to have the extra security of knowing that I could get a hold of someone and that it had automatic crash response.

Nancy said...


sy said...

Agree this would make the perfect gift, but I'd get one for myself first lol. Thanks for the review, this is an awesome product.
songyueyu at gmail

sy said...


Amanda B. said...


mssluna02 at gmail dot com

Amanda B. said...

I did the alternate entry!
mssluna02 at

dawns41 said...

I would love to get OnStar. I can always use a visa gift card.

Lady Dorothy said...

I could definitely use that Visa!

Anonymous said...

great giveaway and a great sounding product

MvP said...

It's great to know that OnStar has roadside assistance. I drive an older car and would feel quite secure knowing that someone would be available to help no matter what.
mattvp at comcast dot net

MvP said...

mattvp at comcast dot net

clynsg said...

Visa cards are always such a nice prize--can either be used yourself or for a gift.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Visa cards are always such a nice prize--can either be used yourself or for a gift.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

nobimbo said...

Wow, what a beautiful JAG! I would love to win the Visa gift card!

nobimbo said...

Tweeted here!!/nobimbo1/status/117537017910398976

sksweeps said...

Yep, the Visa card would be awesome, but I'm definitely going to be keeping the OnStar mirror in mind for my majorly directionally challenged teen driver! Thanks for the info!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

bbrittbrat1398 said...

I think the fact that even though i've lived in my town for 23 years and still get lost, i really would like to buy a GPS.

Karen said...

I could really use this for my job, I'm tired of having to mapquest everything !!!

Karen Gonyea
ktgonyea at

ky2here said...

I just got lost as hell in Chicago last weekend and realized I really , really need a GPS

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...!/ky2here1/status/118474377233825793

ky2here at msn dot com

Pamcakes said...

I can get lost in the inside of a paper bag. GPS sounds great to help me navigate! Love the Visa Gift Card too!

b dot ringer at hotmail dot com

Pamcakes said...

b dot ringer at hotmail dot com

Lee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
momof5girls said...

My next car is going to have On-Star for sure. I got hooked when I drove my husband's new car (it was his turn). I would love to win the Visa card!

Lee said...

What a great product. ONstar would give me peace of mind to go car camping anywhere out there.

leedhowell (at) gmail (dot) com

ACMommy3 said...

OnStar's hands-free calling feature got my attention! How great this would be for traveling! :) creedamy [at] yahoo[dot] com

Melissa O. said...

That is SO fancy!!! I think that my phone may have some of those features, but I'm too terrible with technoligy to figure it out.

wolverina401 at gmail dot com

kyl neusch said...

great giveaway to win

Anonymous said...

I had never heard of OnStar being available after market. What a great idea and one I'd love.


Anonymous said...

@chrisdeglen Tweeted -!/chrisdeglen/status/118916376479023104


The Sunshyn said...

Neat! It looks like AAA on steroids.
chainmail (at) iwon(dot) com

The Sunshyn said...

I tweeted about this!/The_Sunshyn/status/119110823930118144
chainmail (at) iwon(dot) com

shelley said...

Your car is AWESOME!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

shelleymikey at gmail dot com

Jennifer Neal said...

Hot car!! Thanks for the chance :)

imaclutz89 said...

I have never heard of that before, but it is a neat idea! It is a great christmas gift for my sister. She could really use it!


imaclutz89 said...



wizardewu said...

I'd love to win the gift card. Onstar is a really neat product.

eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Liz said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love one of these units, and I'm drooling over your car!

eemoody77 at gmail dot com

Liz said...

I tweeted!

eemoody77 at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I do not actually see a sweepstakes prompt in this post; however, I will say that I think this is a GREAT idea by OnStar! I have often wished that OnStar was an option for any car out there, but its always been a very limited range of brands that carry it. I would love to have this for my Prius! Thanks for making me aware of it!!!
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I tweeted here:!/FotoMacro/status/119444655673839616
14earth at gmail dot com

Jenn S. said...

We take a lot of trips and have been looking into OnStar. Thanks for the helpful review.

Nice car!


Deborah said...

oooOOOooo...and after-market OnStar! Time to start nagging...I mean hinting!...the hubby.

Valeen said...

First off, Gorgeous car! Secondly, I am so intriguedby On Star. Thanks so much for the review. Now, I really want one!

sweepyhead at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I would love to add Onstar to my car.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...


diesel51 said...

Onstar has saved me from being totally lost and getting
almost missing out on my job. Thought I knew where the interview was and I was so wrong, Needed to find the place ASAP. The directions were perfect, found the place and the rest is history. Started working the next day.

heatherzilla said...

You have beautiful car! I'm glad to read that you are so happy with FMQ. Onstar came with my car, but this is definitely something that I would recommend to my sister. Thanks!

heatherzilla said...


Barbara Bee said...

Wow, nice car! I'd comment on the rest of your post, but all I remember is the car. :-)

Anonymous said...

lovely car and nice giveaway thanks

ptreskovich at hot mail dot com said...

The car of my dream and onstar would be great
Diane Baum

Anonymous said...!/pattie43/status/119504437696925696

ptreskovich at hot mail dot com

sodahoney said...

Lets see Jag vs Onstar, Iam going with the Jag. But alas I cna't afford the jag so I'll have to opt for the onstar

sodahoney said...!/sodahoney/status/119522049084489728

latishajean said...

Thank you for sharing great car! Thank you for the great giveaway!

latishajean said...

Tweeted too!/latishajean/status/119553344770547712

rewcath said...

nice car, my car has onstar and it is my favorite thing in the world. nupa123atgmaildotcom

rewcath said...!/rewcath/status/119556514133454848 tweeted @rewcath nupa123atgmaildotcom

mail4rosey said...

It's pretty amazing that they can do the step-by-step navigation for you. I thought OnStar was strictly for emergency purposes only.

mail4rosey said...


mail4rosey said...

My computer crashed during my initial post where I was noting that I was surprised about the step-by-step navi offered at OnStar. I thought it was emergency use only...good to know. And def., as you noted, a great gift idea.

Breanne said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Mom Daughter Style said...

I would love to win!

momdaughterstyle at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I think OnStar is a great way to feel safer driving and would love one for my car!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Mom Daughter Style said...

I tweeted the giveaway here!/MomandRC/status/119572175261937664

Lisa Garner said...

I Tweeted this giveaway:!/lisalmg/status/119572628007686144
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

maria g said...

Wow, I'm totally jealous of your awesome ride! It's simply gorgeous.
I'd love to win the visa, thanks so much for the chance!

Julieh said...

It is so important to be safe while driving.honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Tabathia B said...

I like that it has roadside assistance
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Julieh said...

honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Tabathia B said...

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

What a gorgeous car! I would love to win the visa gift card!

itsjustme62613 at

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...


itsjustme62613 at

Unknown said...

Love your car. Thanks for the chance to win. Sure could have used OnStar yesterday when my car crapped out on me.
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...!/dddiva/status/119759697342496768
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

susansmoaks said...

being ready for anything is what i try to do, onstar is a great thing, i would love to try that mirror
i would love to win
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Crystal F said...

I'm jealous of it all, the car and the onstar. lol thank you!!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

susan1215 said...

Sweet car, thanks for the information

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

Sweet car, thanks for the information

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...!/susan1215/status/119781145230589952

s2s2 at comcast dot net

hbbs55 said...

I would love to haqve OnStar, but it is not compatible with my car. maybe I should buy a new car :)
thanks for the giveway

hbbs55 at gmail dot com

hbbs55 said...!/hbbs55/status/119790739378028544

jzagarjr said...

I look forward to having OnStar when I get a new vehicle

Unknown said...

I would feel so much safer with OnStar! Btw, LOVE the Jag! trinitygsd at yahoo dto ocm

Kellie Conklin said...

I think this is a great idea and makes OnStar available to many more people! I always worry that something will happen and I won't be able to get in touch with someone. This would be great for my brother, he is a new driver, so that some of the worry would be removed! Thanks for the giveaway!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

Great car! Please enter me into the giveaway. Thanks!

dwellenstein at cox dot net

marjeannie said...

Was hoping my chevy would have had it (former rental car). Gives me more options. Is it cheaper with a Chevy/Gm Car?

Erica C. said...

What an amazing gift this would be! I would feel so much safer!

Amy delong said...

would love to try this,what a great thing!

Part-time Gardener said...

sounds like a great tool! to not get lost is priceless!

Ryan said...

this is a great contest...and a great car!!!lol.:)

annemarie562000 said...

Awesome giveaway and car!


annemarie562000 said...



js22 said...

I'd love OnStar for those times when I am on a long trip, and there is an accident on the road I'm on; I'd love to have them re-route me!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

js22 said...

email in blogger profile.

barblong said...

I really like the idea of the navigation and roadside assistance features of OnStar.

guettel78 said...

I'm so glad OnStar is offering aftermarket products - and I agree it'll make a terrific christmas gift this year. Thanks for the chance to enter!

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