Yep, it's a little obvious that I'm a pack-rat but that's not what I'm talking about!
I'm back to doing online dating again and I saw a guy on there that was looking for women that were certain animals in the Chinese Zodiac. I think he was looking for a Dog or a Pig...or was it a Cow? Pretty funny stuff to see on a dating site! Anyway, I'm not one to judge!
I was born in 1960 so I'm a Rat. For some reason that made me do a Google search on "The Year of the Rat" and boy was I shocked when I read the description of a Rat's home! It is totally me! I highlighted the things that made me gasp...soooo me!!!
Rats make good homemakers who are always willing to do household chores. Rats are not usually interested in keeping up with the times, and it doesn't matter to them whether or not their furnishings are in style. What does matter is that their home is a refuge expressing warmth, comfort and vogue. Light blue is their color of choice for home decor. Because this is a sign of acquisition, the Rat person's house is presumably bursting with various knick-knacks collected over the years. Most Rats are cheerful, domesticated individuals who find happiness at home with their family.
Anyway...I thought since I got so much enjoyment reading about this that you may too. I have no affiliation with this website but in case you are interested, I found it here:
Yep-I'm a Rat too...who knew?;>) Diana
Your mosaic pictures are so pretty and BIG. How did you do them? I think I'm a rat too.
That's 2 funny. I couldn't figure out what I am so I'll just say I hope U have a good day.
oh that's very funny. i am going to check out my sign now. your collage of pictures is just stunning! if i was on "pinterest"...i'd be pinning it like crazy!!!
Pretty mosaics! I'm a rat too (rats!).
Wow, first you did a fabulous job on your collage pics! They are done beautifully! And after I went to that Chinese Horoscope site, I was there for an hour, looking up myself, my husband, my children... omg! So, funny! I am an OX!
nice blog :)
first time to pass by
Rats are some of my best friends! I think that "cherishing" things is a real sign of character! ;}
m ^..^
I'm a pig, and I knew that already from a chinese food placemat!! LOL. Now I better go and hope it sounds good!
Oh wow, that's funny how it fits you so well! I'm not sure what I am, I know I've seen it before when we've gone out for Chinese but I don't remember.
Good for you for getting back out there! Have fun!!!
Love your mosaic pics and I'm not sure who I am, guess I am difficult. I'll have to read some
more to figure it out.
I love your blue collage!
It turns out I'm a very much a dragon. Apparently dragons are both innovative and tactless--I laughed out loud at that last because I'm sadly apt to speak before my filter kicks in.
How interesting...I want to find out what I am. Sounds like you are a good rat.
Wow!!!! That is amazing :) I'm going to check mine now Xoxoxo
How funny!! I think I'm a horse. I absolutley loved your collage. It's so beautiful...I wish I had a half-ounce of your talent!
Good luck going back online again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Im a dragon and have to agree with a fair bit of it.
Oh how funny! I'm a Rooster, would be interesting to see what quirks they say we have??? *winks*
I love your Mosaics... you've been a busy little packrat haven't you? Absolutely beautiful Nest you've created.
Dawn... The Bohemian
Hi Cindy,
And what a lovely rat you are! You have collected beautiful things -the mosaics are so pretty.
So romantic , beautiful..
I looked at the site and I'm a rat too. No surprise there. Your pictures are gorgeous.
Thanks for the awesome site Cindy. It was pretty spot on. I am a dragon, and they get along with rats best, no wonder I like you so much!
Funny really funny.
Lovley picture. Love u things. Blue china is so beautiful.
Have a lovley wensday
Hugs and Love
Sussi from sweden
Yep, I'm a fellow rat; wish you lived closer; I KNOW we'd be fellow rat-buddies!! :P)
I am a DOG and I love dogs how funny
I think I read the correct thing
Now who likes dogs ????? LOL
good luck on the man hunt I think I'll just chew on my doggy bone and go to an auction LOL
OMG I'm a rat too and for the most's all true!
Have a wonderful day,
Isn't it funny how we do seem to match up characteristics with the aninmal? I surely do seem to fit mine!
Oh my gosh--this is amazing--I love your mosaic--it is breathtaking!!!
And isn't it interesting that "rats" love blue? Wow! I wonder how they know about that by a person's year of birth.
You love blue like I love pink and green! Ha! I think I'm a cow. . . .I'll have to figure that one out! Have a fantastic rest of the week! I can't wait for the week-end. Hopefully my shiny new kitchen will be ready! And all for around $1,200!
Oh, your mosaic is beautiful. I am not a zodiac rat. Nope, I am a pack-rat. And proud of it. You have a beautiful home, and it is possible you are a pack-rat too. Thanks for sharing. Karie
How fun! We have a very assimilated Chinese population here- right at 50%. Think I'll look up what sign I was born under.
That's a lovely and big mosaic pictures, very creative!
Homeowner Insurance
Those pictures are so damn cute!!
Good to see you back again!
I am a rat too but I am not a blue girl! :-)
Love your picture collages!!
I love your photos. Beautiful.
Even though a lot of people don't believe in them, I've always found astrological and Chinese signs to be very interesting...and extremely accurate in most cases.
How ironic that of all the Chinese signs I could be, I have to be the one creature I am BEYOND PHOBIC about...the snake. Ick. Can't even stand to look at them on TV or media print. [[[shudder]]] Living in the country now, I fully expect to drop dead of a heart attack the first time I step outside and come face-to-face with one.
That being said, many of the characteristics of the snake sign do fit me to a "T".
Hi Cindy,
I'm a 1960 rat too. My daughter once had some very spoiled pet rats and all they did all day long was "rearrange" their belongings inside their huge cage, moving around toys, etc. attempting to make their home more cozy. I could relate well to that trait. Rats are very loyal, quick learners too :)
I love your blog and this post is way too funny! I found I am a Sheep. Interesting... lol.
I need to ask...How on earth do you keep everything so pretty and white??!!!
I'm a Metal Pig. And while they got the part right about how I don't like focusing on cleaning or chores, but the part about my decorating style is only a dream.
I LOVE your decor and It doesn't look anything like a Pack Rat to me!!! I'm going to have to go check out the site and see what I AM!
Hugs, Donna
Oh, love love the photos! I have no idea how you were able to make the large mosaic like that. I'm off to check the link and see if I am a rat as well.
I just love love love love everything about your home. I'm very much a RAT too and actually love the idea of seeing your favorite things, as opposed to minimal. We all love our things:)
I tried the dating sites after I got divorced.... have to say i didnt have much to say about the quality of men on them. Then i met my hubby (now) through a mutual friend. I still think friends are the best resources for potential dates. Good luck though, you made me laugh at least.
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