I've had more fun in these 8 months of 2010 than I've had in the past five years! I've started doing more things with my girlfriends, working out and trying the online dating thing. I feel alive again from all of that! At the same time, this blog has become such a huge part of my life for the past five years and I hate that I have suddenly neglected it. I love blogging and I love all the friends I have made all over the world! I love how this has brought so many of us together! It really is amazing when you think of it!
Anyway...I've decided that I am not ready to give up my blog but I'm not happy with the content I've been posting lately so I'm going to do my best to get back to blogging the way I used to...with passion! I need to make time for this! It's just as important to me that I spend time with you, my online friends, as I do with my real friends (i know you are real...you know what I mean).
I'll have Show and Tell Friday posted tonight at 6:30 pm PDT for those of you that want to join in!!!
I love reading your blog and will take whatever you can put out there! Glad you're having so much fun!
Hi, great that you're happy! I like your blog too much, it's all very soft and delicate. Your house is just beautiful! Always follow your posts.Tomorrow will participate in the SHOW AND TELL FRIDAY certainly.Hugs.
Take a breath and let it happen. I'll be in the blog world for 2 year soon and it's fun, hard, and I love it. I think a break is always good, we all love your site, so have some fun, share with us and we'll all smile and laugh together.
Hi Cindy, I'm glad your having fun and your happy!!I'm always happy to read your posts....Kathy
I love your blog!I even have it on my side-bar to keep me upto date. Everything is so feminine!
Keep it up.
Warm South African greetings.
What could you possibly do to your blog. It's one of my favorites. It's so good to hear your life is as sweet as your home.
Hi Cindy, I love to visit your beautiful blog, and I am so happy to hear you are really enjoying yourself, and that you are happy, that is wonderful. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri
This is my absolute favorite blog!! I love it! So glad you are here. Amy Raggedyamy24@aol.com
I sympathise - sometimes I think starting a blog is like being the new girl at school - you want to make friends, you feel your way, join in sometimes with things which are just not your speed, but no harm done!
It's a high class of problem when you're having so much fun it's hard to keep up with blogging!
I am so glad you have made that decision Cindy. we would all miss our daily dose of beauty.
Cindy looking forward to the new you in your blog. I think one has to be passionate about blogging to keep it up and to keep it fresh. We can not do it everyday but once in awhile is fine. What is that saying Quality vs. Quantity??? Have fun and we will be the lucky recipients of your changes, Kathysue
Hi Cindy
Balance is the #1 thing we want in our life. You and your blog were my inspiration to start writing a blog. I have been learning VERY SLOWLy. Have fun and share with us when you have the time.
great post, i like your blog a lot and the things that you post here are too good, i look forward to coming to your blog and seeing the new things posting here
Cindy~ I know your life has changed
a lot in 2010,but we would miss you and your daily posts which are
always so beautiful and inspiring.
I am so glad you are happy and are
having fun, that's the way it should be when you are so close to
being an empty nester. It is time
for "YOU". So...Missy...go have fun with your "REAL" friends and
then come post and let your "blogging" friends hear all about it. ":O)
beautiful things, i live all the things that you show, they make a house a home!! lovely things and too beautiful to buy
Whew! Cindy, when I started to read your post today, I thought, "Oh no, she's going to say she's throwing in the "blog" towel. It sounded like you were headed in that direction. So glad you decided NOT to give up blogging.
Yours was the very first blog I ever saw in blogland. I was enchanted and thought it was so beautiful! Still do.
So that was great news! Keep up the good work. Susan
I've always loved your blog then and now. So glad to hear that you are happy and having a good time. We all need a life outside the blogging thing as much as we love it. Thanks so much for hosting Show and Tell Fridays.
I know exactly what you mean, there are so many things I want to do every day and just not enough time to do them all.
I am so happy for you and all of the great things going on in your life right now!
I love your blog. Please never stop blogging!!!!
Have a great day, can't wait to see your ~Show and Tell Friday post.
Cindy- So glad to hear that life is treating you well- that's the best blog news ever. Share what you can, when you can- you've got no obligation. If it ain't fun to do, it better be worth it in some other way! Make sure you're having fun!
I don't think anyone has a problem with you being away. Everyone loves your blog and your Friday feature brings everyone together. You are doing the best you can do. I know I sometimes get irritated with my real life friends that they are keeping me from getting the posts done that I want to do. But then I have to put it in perspective....I need to lead a real life. I too have spent this summer doing fun things with my friends. I have been able to because I'm not working. But soon, I'll have to go back to the grind. So I am trying to just enjoy my time. You should to. Everyone is doing the best they can do. I love it when you post. But when you don't, I just think...she must be having fun.
I am so glad you took some time for yourself, we all need a bit of me time. I am just a new follower, but your blog is wonderful.
I am so relieved that you are NOT leaving the blog world!!! I am going to try MY hand at this in Oct. I have NO CLUE how to do it so I don't know what will happen but I am gonna try! I am thrilled that you are so happy!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky
Glad you are taking us with you on this journey! Your posts are always inspiring, so it is fitting that your life is too!
Cindy it's WONDERFUL that you are having a great time and that is "The BEST news you can give us"... Keep going Girl, and report back when you can to us... Just send us a little "ESP" now and then... HUGS to you, Donna
Cindy...Please don't be so hard on yourself or feel guilty for not posting every day. I, for one, have been happy to see that you've finally decided to do some things for yourself...going out with girlfriends, working out, & the online dating thing. Don't think you have to explain yourself or make excuses for what you do. It's YOUR life! I hope you find a guy who's deserving of you. Hugs...Sue
That sounds terrific. I'm glad to read that you are going to continue to blog. There for a minute the way your post began, I was saying to myself "Oh no, no one will be doing Show n Tell". LOL Well, you know what I mean.
And besides, each and every time I come to visit with you....your blogging is just simply fantastic.
See you tomorrow...bright and early.
Cindy, I have to say I have missed your old blog. Your blog about decorating and cooking is what got me started blogging.
But the most important person is not what we bloggers miss or feel, but your happiness is the most important. I am glad you are having fun and experiencing life again!! As a therapist I have seen people lose touch with the real world and allow the computer take over their life. I think the important thing in life is balance in all things.
What ever you do I wish you the best, and you being happy to the fullest extent!
Hi Cindy!
Well, I am of the opinion that it is *always* okay to neglect your blog if you are out there having fun and living life to the fullest!
It sounds like these are exciting times for you right now, and I am excited for you. I think this new passion for your life will spill over to your blog, and we, your fans, will be right here waiting for you!
Don't feel like you owe us. We come here because want to. It is good to post everyday to build your readership butI don't think that that is a HAVE TO. I just don't have so much that I think people would be interested in that I can post everyday. I try to post one time a week. Why not try for x amount a week and then people will learn what your pattern is and hit you that day. You are definitely entitled to have your life outside of blogging and I think most of your readers want that for you. Go live it up, girl! You only live once and you definitely deserve it!!!!!
It is really nice to hear that you have fun and is feelign alive again......that is the most importent:)The blog is alway there:)
Have a fun weekend Cindy...
eddaHugs to sweet you...
I'm new to blogging and have always admired your site... I now realize how much work and time it involves!!
I am so happy to hear that youre going to continue with your blog! i just "found" you this year and have enjoyed reading it and ooh-ing over your photos! =) Thank you!
Tammy in Michigan
Cindy, I love your honesty. The way I see it, living life is so much more important than blogging about it. Although I do enjoy blogging, it can take up more of my time than I intended. I'm working on that, too.
I am glad for you that your life has improved and you are having fun. I am also glad you are sticking around with us! Yea!
That's great you're so happy!! Have a great weekend, Cindy.
Cindy you still have us all coming back frequently so you must be doing something still right. 5 years is a long time...not sure I will be around blog land that long. I love your spirit and your beautiful home and pictures.
I think it's awesome that you have time to blog and lead a "real life"! I'm just getting started and I feel more passionate about other blogs than about my own! I really enjoy your blog and it has inspired me very much!
hi Cindy, i am overjoyed that u are bk and have not abandoned us!!! i had grieved over this situation and had almost given up on u coming bk to the blog at all!!! i am so happy, u have made my day and many more days to come..:)
thanks so much, and welcome bk!!!
Southern Scarlett
Cindy - I'm thrilled that you are exploring and getting out there and living life. I've been fortunate to not only follow your blog daily but to get to see you in "real" life. Kudos to you and keep doing what you're doing. Your followers will be here supporting you along the way.
I'm so very happy for you Cindy. You deserve all of the happiness that is coming your way. But I'm also glad you are staying with your blog! You were the very first blog I began reading and will continue as long as you do!!!
So happy you are alive ! Yeah! Sounds like you are living out loud. Beautiful.
Ha Ha! That's funny... you should read my post from Tuesday. :)
I'm happy for you! :)
Enjoy yourself..life is too short! Take care..
Cindy we all go through this! I have been blogging for almost 10 years now!! I have been through ups and downs with blogging and it is pretty normal. I have a few friends who have been doing it with me for a long time as well and it's pretty across the board. This is for you. Blog when you can, what you like and we all will love you and still be around! Big hugs sweet friend!!
xo Molly
*sniff* neglected...I feel neglected! If I had feelings I would be hurt...
Is good that you are doing YOU now. As long as you are happy, we are happy for you.
Cindy, I'm so glad you have had such a wonderful year of self-discovery and joy. I love your blog and I feel like I'm part of this amazing community here. I'm very happy that you want to continue and humbled by how much respect you give to everyone here. It really makes us feel quite special! Just take your time and blog whenever you feel like it, no worries. We're still gonna be here. I'm working on my own photography website/blog, so I know how much work it is and yet it's so rewarding. I will let you know when it's up, so you can check it out if you like. Have a great weekend!
Hi Cindy
I am SO happy you are having such a good time! YOU DESERVE IT!
You bring so much joys to others. I LOVE your blog.
Thank you for deciding that you will continue to blog. Can't imagine not having it!
Girlfriend, do you. We'll wait patiently for your fabulous updates. :-)
Just knowing that you are enjoying your life right now is the best kind of post we could get!
So happy to know you will continue blogging with passion!!!!
And oh would love to know how is to date through internet... wish you ots of happiness doing that!!!
maria ceciia
I am glad to hear your doing more for yourself. When you raise children, it is time consuming and your focus is off yourself. Now that your enjoying life, it's understandable that some things have to be put aside.
Just happy your happy.
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