Thursday, June 10, 2010

Positive Thinking

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I've mentioned here before that I've read and follow The Secret.  I don't think of myself as a "New Age" type of person at all, but I'm all about positive thinking, the law of attraction, but at the same time having gratitude for everything wonderful in my life. I think one of best things about this way of thinking is that I've retrained my mind , I don't have to think about being positive, it's just become part of me and  I can't tell you how much better that makes my life!  When I hear people make negative comments now, I sort of cringe and wonder why they would allow themselves to think that way!  Why be negative when it's so much better to be positive?  

I've signed up to receive a bunch of motivational, positive and happy emails each day but my favorite, by far, is Notes from the Universe and I loved this one I received this morning and I wanted to dedicate this to all of you (just replace my name with yours)....

However long your dreams take to come true, Cindy; no matter how prickly, thorny, or bumpy the path; and whether or not you even remember these words, if you stay the course, I can promise you this:
1 - They will come true.
2 - You'll recall the entire journey with fondness.
3 - You're going to miss shopping in complete anonymity.
Sure as snow.
The Universe

How could that not make you feel good!  These Notes from the Universe make me smile every morning!  #3 made me laugh out loud because I do get recognized while I'm out shopping every once in awhile and I love it! 

NOTE: If you are interested in receiving these you can sign up by clicking on Notes from the Universe anywhere in this post.  I have no affiliation them, just wanted to pass it on.



My Casa Bella said...

What a neat idea, I'll have to check that site out. Thanks for the suggestion. LOve the flowers. I need to go out and cut some as well and bring it in.....

Anonymous said...

hello cindy!
i totally concur! there is so much more happiness in being positive and putting away that negative energy...
we actually release bad 'poison' chemicals in our bodies when we are angry or bitter...and that's just not worth it!

it's easier said than done, however, because as humans we tend to naturally know how to be pessimisticcc......c.c...

thanks for the reminder to think positive!

ciao bella
creative carmelina

Tracy said...

I subscribe to Notes from the Universe, too! :)

jisabird said...

I love The Secret too! I've been practicing every day and I do find that it makes a huge difference in my life. Thank you for the link I will definitely check it out.

Might I also recommend the iphone app The Secret Daily Teachings.

Today says: "The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial as the law of gravity."


Esther Sunday said...

You've mentioned several times about changing to positive thinking and how it worked for you, I appreciate you sharing that I have used that to remind me of that when needed. However, if there is no coffee consumed PRIOR to 7:00 a.m. it all goes out the door... :)

Go Roberto!

Esther Sunday said...

Wow, I need a lesson in grammar.

Go Roberto!

Terri Steffes said...

Lol, I get these, too! I love them. I think it is nice to have a bit of "cheerleading" in my inbox!

Diane Mars said...

Cindy, It is so good to hear about someone else that totally and whole heartily believes so strongly in the power of positive thinking, I too practice it and my Mom has been the advocator for many years of my life.
In fact she is the one that purchased and gifted me The Secret and The Power of Positive thinking books. And I read bits from one or the other every day. Thanks for the lead, I will go and sign up.
Hugs, Diane

Nancy's Notes said...

Best secret ever! I so believe in the power of positive thinking! Your flowers are just lovely!


Gail said...

Thanks Cindy for sharing. I too believe in positive thinking and have read The Secret and try to practice it everyday. I just signed up to receive Notes from the Universe. Thanks again for sharing.

Have a wonderful day.

A Cottage Industry said...

I got the exact same note from the Universe today....hmmmm. :)

Jackie said...

Hmnm, same quote in my email today also ! said...

Thanks Cindy, I am half way through reading the Secret and retraining my mind. I feel quite differently even after just a few days of being positive and grateful! Have subscribed to the notes on your recommendation! Rachaelxo

Victoria said...

I haven't read The Secret but I do think positive thinking is a wonderful thing. Although, once in a great while a good grumble and pity party is therapeutic also:)

Birgitte said...

Your flowers are just lovely, and thanks for sharing. :-)
Have a nice weekend

Betty Jo said...

Cindy I love The Secret too, and you're so right, being positive is the best. That note #3 is so funny. I'm now studying The Sedona Method and it is helping me as much, if not more, than the secret. The peace I've gained through it is indescribable. ♥

Claudia said...

I read The Secret and I get the daily Notes from The Universe - they are invaluable. I'm also reading Mike Dooley's latest book.


awal.ny said...

I too believe in positive thinking. Also of putting your request out there, I don't know how else to explain it. I am a very happy person and I really wish that other people could be happy too. I have also found that positive people tend to gravitate to each other without even really knowing why. Thank you for sharing the website, I will have to visit.

Susan said...

Cindy I could tell from the first time I found your blog that you were a positive person!!
A negative person could not produce the beautiful post that you have on your blog!!
I also can tell from everything you do that you live your life to the fullest each and every day.
I try to be positive too...but I don't think I am as good at it as you!! And I need to be to improve my physical health. But often I allow my discomfort affect my thinking.....not good.
After saying all that......You go girl!!!

sanjeet said...

I have used that to remind me of that when needed.
PPC Advertising India said...

Isn't positive beautiful?:) I am off to the site now. Thank you!
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

Lori said...

Positvely positive!

Elsie said...

Positive thinking never hurt anyone. Go for it Cindy!!!":O)

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

I need to check out the site so thanks for telling us about it.
I try to remain positive but often it's hard to do when others around can be negative.

But, I'm a much happier person because of my positive attitude, of this I am sure.


Andrea at Opulent Cottage said...

I'm so glad you wrote this, Cindy! My husband and I believe The Secret, and we know it really works. We're raising Abby with this belief too. Our friends think we're nuts, but that's okay - I have blog pals who get it!! I'm turning 49 tomorrow, and this is MY year! Thank you for an inspiring message, and the great link.

Lynn said...

Hi Cindy,
I love the Daily Notes, have been receiving them for over a year now, and I also receive the Secret's weekly teachings.
The Universe is always good to me, and even if people think it all odd and new age, the messages you get from the Notes are so inspiring and positive.

Jan @ BellaCasa said...

I love this, I am also signed up with this and have just loved it.

Jan @ BellaCasa

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

I'm going to sign up, thanks Cindy!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Forgot to mention, I loved the part about you getting recognized shopping! I was recognized from my blog for the first time at Alameda last time and it blew my mind. Hope you're staying cool there, it is HOT up this way.

sanjeet said...

I love The Secret too! I've been practicing every day and I do find that it makes a huge difference in my life. Thank you for the link I will definitely check it out.
PPC Advertising India

Jonny said...

Hi Cindy, Im going to visit the site, what a truly wonderful idea to begin each day, I love it and Thank you so much for sharing it Sincerely,Jonny

Jen Beaudet said...

I follow the secret too but have been offtrack lately! Thank you for reminding me of its importance! Jennifer:)