Last week my department moved to another building across the street. It's not a new building but they did redo the whole bottom floor for us so everything is nice and clean! A big improvement from our old building!!!
The cubicle walls here are much lower than our old building. I'm also in a high traffic area now and in the old building I was in a corner where the only people that came by were people who were lost! I thought I was going to hate the lower walls and all the busy-ness around me but I LOVE it!
I brought over my old plants and bought some new African violets and a hydrangea to add a little color. I learned a trick to get them (the African violets) to rebloom. Add a little coffee to the water once a month. It really works! I also bought a battery-operated flameless candle...
My friends, Kim and Natasha sit on opposite sides of the building and I'm in the middle. The great thing is I'm close to the coffee bar! I LOVE coffee! haha!

I'm not sure I ever mentioned what I do for my 9-5 job! I'm an Administrative Assistant in the PR Department of a BIG company. I've been here over 8 years and hopefully (fingers crossed) I can stay here until I retire someday (probably when I'm 80)...unless of course I can find a way to make enough money doing something more creative that pays this well (or find a rich man to marry!) Just kidding on that last part! LOL
Edited to add: I almost forgot to mention the roses! Those pink roses on my counter are from my garden! Those are my favorite "Eden" roses!
Oh Cindy, I just love what you did to make your cubicle so warm and homey. Love the flowers and the water fountain, perfectly tranquil touch. I love listening to the sound of the water. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Cindy amor, you have surrounded yourself with beautiful things that you love and I bet when you are at work, even when sometimes you would rather be somewhere treasure must still smile because you have made it such a lovely place to work. Have a wonderful week both in your beautiful home & office :) Besos, Rose
I think you just helped me identify my roses..., I bought six rose bushes about six years ago, no tags, I am in love with them...they sure look the same!!!
That is a lovely cube! Mine is such a bore. I want to be able to grab my shoes and go home in one trip once they boot my tail out of here:)
:-0 beautiful! I'll bet it makes the time pass by quicker! How many 'oooohs' and 'ahhhhs' do you get from your co-workers?!
It's "my romantic office"!
Cheers! Rita
I would not mind working there with all that beauty. Offices need to let more folks bring in plants. I have been in some places with no windows, it awful. Kinda' like that movie Joe vs. The Volcano when he worked in an underground office. The fountain is a little piece of heaven. Wahoo for being near the coffee bar.
Your office space is so peaceful and beautiful! I wouldn't mind having to work there every day with such lovely things surrounding me. :)
Hi Cindy!
I can't tell you how much this post and your wonderful photos reminded me of all the cubicles I have 'lived in.' Really nice!
Enjoy your week AND Mother's Day too.
Your cubicle is lovely! I'm so glad you shared it with us:) I worked in medical records for 4 years and we had to share our tiny little cubicles with night shift so it was really hard to personalize them. Yours is like your own little personal garden!
I am loving your desk area. You have it fixed so nice. I am sure it makes you smile to look at those beauties during the day. And a fountain too. YOu go girl. My desk is jealous - now I've got to do something.
Oh Cindy, If everyone had a cubical like that everyone would love going to work everyday, your space is so pretty I absolutly LOVE the African Violets, which now that I live in a place that recieves great morning light I need to go buy a few.
Take Care and have a wonderful day!
Wow that's homey! LOL It's really great. Such a personal touch. I have my own huge office with a huge window and I don't have a single plant. I guess I should get a few..looking around here, it's pretty darn drab compared your sweet space. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm gettin' plants!
Hi Cindy,
I bet you have the prettiest cubicle in the whole building! Everyone probably stops by on their way to the coffee machine to admire the beauty,
I love your roses!!!
Your cubicle is such a reflection of 'you'! And everyone must want to stop by and say Hi!! I too, lived in a cubicle for many years and it was nice to make it like 'home'. Thanks so much for sharing a bit about yourself!
Darling!!!! I would expect no less of you....
Great `cubicle and that's no east feat!
- The Tablescaper
You did a great job, Cindy. You have surrounded yourself, in a sterile environment, with sheer loveliness. You have made your cubicle YOU! I'm sure you add a lot to the place where you work. Have a great night. Sincerely, Susan
Your cubical is very tranquil! I am not surprised by the appearance of your cubical considering how you decorate. As the Office Administrator and Sr. Paralegal at my law firm, I had my own office and it was decorated so nicely but late last year we moved and I am now in a cubicle/work station. It is not too bad because it normally would be a place for two legal assistants but I have the whole area to myself and the walls are high. I decorated a little bit but not as nicely as yours. Even though it is a large area, I do have as much open desktop areas like yours. I used to pride myself on how neat, organized and tranquil my office was but now sometimes it appears (to me) chaotic. The staff do not like it either because when they want to speak to me confidentially we now have to go to a conference room or the library which is more conspicuous than merely going into my office and closing the door. Your space is inspiring and makes me want to do a little more nesting in my space.
~ Tracy
Your's is the best looking cubicle I think I've seen!
Good to know about the hydrangea tip. Does it work for those planted in the garden as well? Also, your roses are to die for!!!! And I couldn't help but notice other plant lovers with hanging foliage peeking form other spots at your work space.
Awww how homey your cubbie looks! Now, which plant is it that you add the coffee to once a month? The violet or hydrangea? Come by and look at my'll love her! ~Robyn
Nice place you make of it!
I am working in a wood with lots of trees
We making fire wood.
I am working with people with a mental handicap.
But when i was working by an office i would like to come work by you!!
The tip with the coffee a try it!
I wish you a verry nice working week
Cindy even your work space has a special romantic ambience, I love it!! You are so true to what you love, I always like when someone sticks to their guns on what they love and you do that consistently my friend. Your roses are amazing!! Happy Tues, Kathysue
Dear Cindy, Every time I visit you I am inspired by your beautiful posts! You co-workers must be very happy to have your cube nearby to look at! And thank you for the tip about the african violets. I was just looking at mine today and wondering what I am doing wrong. Now I have an excuse to go to Starbucks! Hope you enjoy your new building. Linda
If anyone could make a cubicle look warm and inviting it's you!! I love it! Have a great day and enjoy your new space. :)
I love your cubicle, but on your choices to get out of your cubicle, I say go for the rich man!I love, love, your blog and I won't miss another post, because now I am a follower. I would be honored if you would take a peak at my new blog. It is DIY, tips, tricks, and secrets
Thank You. Carol
On the job I worked at for most of my career, I "cozied" up my office with plants and a lamp on my desk. It seemed so much more homey and not so industrial.....I am a legal assistant so I needed all the "calm" I could get!
WOW.... wish my work area had been so nice. It was dark and cluttered by all the computer equipment, manuals, etc. I recently retired so now I don't have to be in that dark dreary place any more. Love all your plants and shabby chic decor. It is so inspiring.
Only our sweet Cindy could have such a lovely cubicle!!
This is so pretty!
Oh my goodness inspiration!
We also just moved to a new building a few months ago and it is also very open concept and concrete and very gray and industrial...I think I will try to make my space just as beautiful as yours...nothing like living things to make you feel comfortable!
Your space is lovely and I know it smells divine! Happy Tuesday xOxO
Love how you decorated your home away from home, Cindy! It's so important to put things around us that make us feel comfortable at the 9-5 or "day jobs". I need to bring in a couple of other things I've been thinking of; I already have a plant and pics of the family. We are there for most of our waking hours, so I definitely think a work area should have things we enjoy seeing.
WOW! I love all the plants. You sure do have a green thumb and a really nice place to work!
Cindy, You've brought beauty & serenity to your work space. I love it and I'm sure your fellow workers do too! :) Sue
It's not easy to cozy up and beautify an office cubicle, but you have done it. I'm sure this is a place that you look forward to going to every day now. M thru F, of course. Hugs, Cindy S
Wonderful, you made it home. I worked in a bank last and they complained about a coffee mug being out. I love it !
It's beautiful Cindy. Love all the plants, fountain and candle. I have one of the battery operated candles and love it so much, can go to sleep with it on! Oh thanks for the advice on the African Violets, I will try the coffee for sure.
I just knew your work space would be pretty. Those African violets are stunning. Thanks for the tip about the coffee I will have to try it!
Cindy your work space is so beautiful! I envy your clean desk is under all the paper somewhere.......and I am a would not believe the paperwork involved in therapy....LOL.......
Isn't it strange that by day we have to squeeze into an institutional world? You've managed to give your space some life!
BRAVO to you for making your bit of world better!
Love your cube - must spruce mine up now.
My first impression of your cubicle Cindy is that it is well organized, neat and down right cozy looking.
All your plants give it an oasis ambience and a good working environment makes a happy worker!
Thanks for sharing your little area.
Hi Cindy,
Your office is so tidy... but, am I surprised? NOT! You're too funny. And of course, you have surrounded yourself with beautiful plants, and a fountain. I'm afraid if I had a fountain in my cubicle when I worked in the "corporate" world, I'd find myself in the ladies room all the time. LOL!
Penny Sue
Hello Cindy.... Your cubicle is just beautiful... how wonderful that they let you decorate it.... boy it sure reflects your style,,for sure.. you did an amazing job on it.. and it does not look neat and clean,, yet GORGEOUS!!!! thanks for sharing..
Have a great week,,
Very nice! I'm really impressed when people decorate their offices/cubicles. After all, we spend so much time there. I recently put up a 'projects' board. I took an old, seriously recycled cork board, painted the frame antique white and applied a nice beige with pastel accents wallpaper to it. I'm a graphics designer for a local government, I tack up some of my best, more recent work on it. It's partly a visual reminder of what I'm currently working on or have recently finished, partly a brag board.
Your cubicle is very cheery looking. Thanks for the tip on African Violets. I'm going to add coffee to them right now. And I hope you do find a very rich husband who's very nice, too.
Cindy, Your office is darling. It is the best to be surrounded by things we have all the talent to do anything you want...spread your wings and fly. ( I know, I know...the bills) Continue to celebrate this life and live beautifully. You inspire me with every post. Thank you,
Beautiful work space! Thanks for the tip on the violets. I have a question for you. I can't seem to find a button for Show and Tell Fridays that has a hyperlink to it. Am I missing something? I would have emailed you this question but I don't use outlook express and I can't access your link to contact you. Thanks
You can email me at
I love this post - you have inspired me to make my home office look nicer - thanks. And thanks for the African Violet trick - I was about to throw mine out - you saved its life - lol!
That is a beautiful office. People would be happier if they could work in such a lovely place.
It's kinda like Dolly Parton said
"Working 9 to 5 what a way to make
a living". If I went in that building without knowing what cube
was yours I could have picked it
out easily. You have it fixed up
so cute just like your house. I
see your children's pictures,your
vase and that cute blue teapot. It's all Y-O-U. Love it.I bet your the most talented worker they have.
wow you just gave me an idea for my cube.. i can grow violets.. omg.. why didn't i think of that before????
love your home away from home.
What a beautiful work environment you've created and I love your cube garden!! I think creating a peaceful, cheerful, serene work space is not only nice, visually, but also sends out positive vibes to anyone who walks by.
In addition to home interior design, you should also consider office design as a potential career.
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Awesome! You know that any gal who loves her surroundings will be a happy worker! I love your cubicle. You are a girl after my own hearts' delights... Bet everyone else is just green with envy!
Fantastic place to work! Great post Thanks for sharing A lot of girls are already feeling the wheels turning in their heads, I am sure, about how they can beautify their work surroundings! Pure inspirations!~
Flowers make all the difference in the world, don't they? Pretty space for pretty you!
It's beautiful Cindy. All the plants must make it so fresh and much healthier, don't you think? Being surrounded by beautiful things is so inspiring, even in an office environment.
oh my gosh! you make a little box look like so much fun to work in! Good Job!!
I Love your cubicle- I guess though, with what your home looks like your work area couldn't be boring. Please let me know more about the coffee & violets thing- how much coffee exactly? grounds or brewed ?( or instant?) - Have a wonderful Wednesday- Dee in BC.
A work space like this..I could work here forever:-) You really have a magic touch!!!
Hi Cindy! I love that you have created a comfortable and homey work place. It's so important to be snug in the work environment. I'm looking forward to Show and Tell Friday!!
Susan and Bentley
I'm so glad you blogged about your cute and cozy! You're right, the clock will look really cute in glad you won! I don't think I would mind working if I worked in that cubicle. :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your must have a serious green thumb! :)
Have a great day my friend!
What a beautiful work space. Very, very tranquil.
I don't know whether to be jealous or inspired by your cubicle. Those roses are gorgeous.
My cubicle at work never looked like yours. I was buried in papers and projects. This is just lovely - like your home!
Love this post! Thank you for letting us take a peek at where you work and seeing the corporate side of Cindy. Those roses are beautiful. Eden roses I'll have to remember that! Lucky is the person on the other side of your cubicle!
I adore you office..... I used to have my cubicle decorated too.... it does improve the atmosphere if you have to work.. I love your blog and it's always an ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh such eye candy.
Rhonda Lou
Thanks for the tip about the coffee. I am going to try it. BTW, how much coffee should I use?
I use brewed coffee and just add about 1/4 cup of coffee to 2 cups of water. That's just a guess since I never really measure it. I also add coffee grinds in my garden around my azealas and my gardenias.
Dear Cindy,
I've been reading and loving your blog since... I don't even remember! Anyhow, I've been feeling a little bit depressed and unmotivated in my own workplace or should I say 'cubicle', but when I saw the pictures it was like a wake-up call for me.. The point is, there's always something I can do for myself, a little bit sprucing or just bring fresh flowers (they are everywhere now, even here up in the north) or maybe more...accept a new point of view in my life..
Thank you so much for your inspiration!
Johanna from Finland
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