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Sunday morning I got up really early and headed to the Santa Cruz Flea Market. I was on a mission to find things for my etsy shop. The Santa Cruz Flea Market is not a "pretty" Flea Market. It looks more like a bunch of junk....lots and lots of junk! People are selling things that most of us would throw away! You really have to look for the treasures there! One of the treasures I found this week was this antique dress. It's probably from the early 1900s. I bought it to sell but I've decided to keep it for now. Who knows maybe someday it end up in my etsy shop but for now I need more time with it. (for those of you cringing because I have it on a wire hanger, relax...that was just so I could take a photo of it.)

I saw this vintage petite chandelier below and wanted it so badly! I talked myself out of it but I couldn't get it out of my mind and that's when I thought about buying it to sell so I went back to the flea market later in the day as everyone was starting to pack up and luckily it was still there. I have it listed in my
etsy shop now!

I also found this gorgeous
Hofbauer candy dish at the flea market. It's selling for over $100 on many websites. It's listed at
$109.95 at I have it listed at $85.00. It's really a beautiful piece! Can you see the bird motif on it?
When we were pulling out of the parking lot of the flea market we came upon this guy begging for money...

His sign cracked me up...if you can't read it, it says "Visions of a Double Bacon Cheese Burger". We gave him $1 and I asked if I could take his picture. His face just lit up and he broke out in a huge smile. He just seemed so happy that I liked his sign! That just made my day! I know I've said this before but I think it's so important not to judge others, you just don't know what path has led them to lead the life they are living. I think a smile and a warm "hello" means so much to people like this guy...most people walk by the homeless and don't even have eye contact. Doesn't he look so happy that I asked for his photo? (maybe he's not homeless, that sweatshirt looks freshly laundered, doesn't it)

Here's some beach photos Lauren took as we were driving by. It was such a gorgeous day!

We were off to the wharf to get our favorite lunch, Clam Chowder Bread Bowls. Lauren ate about 1/2 of hers before I even got mine!

The bad thing about eating outside at the beach are these guys do not leave you alone...

You cannot get up a leave your food for a second or they will be there eating it!
I bet you didn't know that Spider Man hangs out in Santa Cruz?

or that he plays the guitar? When
Spidey saw me pull out the camera he stopped playing and struck this pose!
Hmmm...I wonder who those roses are for?

Okay, we're back on the road and headed home! It was in the mid 60s on Sunday so we had the top down on the car. After all the rain we've had it's really great to have some sun again!
...flea market treasures, smiling strangers,
spiderman, good food, warm sun and a Valentine's Day spent with my daughter...what a great day!
Cindy~ OH-MY-GOODNESS--I love that
dress,it is absolutely gorgeous.
You had me rolling with laughter
about the freshly laundered shirt.
Poor fella at least he was clean.
Nice of you to help him out. That
picture Lauren took of the lighthouse and beach is fantastic.
Those photo classes are paying off.
She is good that might be her calling. Thanks for the chuckle.:O)
LOVE LOVE LOVE the chandelier and the dress. You had a great day! I am jealous of the sunshine, we have snow snow snow! (about 8" right now!) It is beautiful though. Hey, you have to come back and visit my blog again, I took your advice and found a fabulous background for my blog. :) Thanks!
This is the good blog with good images and good details. Please keep on posting the more stuff. I will like to hear more from you.
I love it that you and Lauren have so much fun together.
That's it, I have GOT to get my body back home! These pictures were great to see. Thank you so much for posting them! In fact, my best friend from high school is visiting this week and we were just talking about how much we missed walking the boardwalk and also a good bowl of clam chowder.
and warm weather...we miss warm weather. Sigh.
Looks like you had a wonderful day with your daughter! It is so nice you share alot of the same interests. I LOVE that vintage dress! It is so delicate and feminine! Great find!~Hugs, Patti
I love all the treasures you found/shared. The dress is a dream (it reminds me of the Gunne Sax stuff I loved so much in high school)...beautiful!
Oh...........that looks like such a wonderful day! We just don't have flea markets around here....way too wet and rainy! Darn.....just look at that sunshine! Love the dress. Just beautiful.
Warm blessings,
Great treasures - especially the chandelier.I need 75-80 degree temps & sunshine.
Hi Cindy
Great that you have such fabulous markets close to you. I've love to be looking around for special treasures.
The dress is beautiful...I love that chandalier too...hmmmmm...
hope your weather is good and you have your top down..well it looks like you are having great weather.
Looks like a wonderful day dear Cindy ! I love the chandelier and maybe you could show us someday a picture of this flea market ?
Have a sunny week !
Thanks for sharing another beautiful day! It was great to feel that I was behind the wheel with the top down on a nice, sunny day! Especially since we got more snow yesterday...
Wow! You found some great stuff at the flea. And oh, you went to my favorite past time place, Santa Cruz...such fond memories of me in my 20's baking my skin for that California tan! lol... also holds fond memories cause that's where my Canadian hubby proposed to me! :)
You never know how much you might have cheered the guy up. Just because his shirt looks clean doesn't mean he's not homeless. Or perhaps he's not homeless, just down on his luck and hungry. We recently had a guy tell us he was hungry. We've agreed we won't give out money, but we will buy someone a meal. Had him follow us to IHOP, then discovered he had a wife and son, so decided to buy groceries. It was sad, he only picked up a few items for breakfast, a pack of lunch meat, a loaf of bread, and a package of hamburger meat. We added some fruit and potatoes. We feel it's more important to take the opportunity to help someone than to judge their situation. I don't ever want to not help someone in need. If they are not truthful with us, well then, they are the ones that have to answer to that.
Probably most of us who follow this blog are so very blessed. I feel the need to *pay it forward*.
OMG! I haven't been to the Santa Cruz Flea Market in decades! Brings back memories:)
What treasures you found ~ love the dress ~ I'd be hanging onto it too ;)
Next time my friend from WY is here were heading to the Santa Cruz Lighthouse...maybe we'll do it on a weekend & hit the Flea market!
Anonymous(Tina): I think that is so wonderful what you did! That really touched my heart!
I always love reading your blog!! I love hearing about your adventures and such. Most of all, thanks for adding some cheer to that man's day. You are so right that many people act like homeless people are invisible. A friendly look is such a gift to people who have so little. It always reminds me of "Hello in There" sang by Natalie Merchant & Michael Stipe. (its on youtube!!)
Hi Cindy,
I love the dress-I have a very similar one in a childs size.What a nice day you and Lauren had.
Great finds! I love the dress and the chandelier. Looks like a fun time.
Thanks so much for sharing your finds with us.and your day. I especially loved the guy with the sign, I would love to hear his story. Keep inspiring me.
Anonymous Tina, Thank you for sharing,your heart has inspired me.
Love that chandelier Cindy, thanks for taking us to the flea market with you. Photos of the beach are gorgeous.
Hi Cindy, what great finds, love them both! Its funny how you go in search of things to sell but end up keeping them, atleast for a while! I've done that many a time! That was nice of you to help that guy out, that sign was so funny and it makes you feel good too, to be able to help. Those crab chowders looked yummy, I might look the recipe up on google! Loved all your pics, have fun shopping for your shop! take care, Maryann
Cindy you found a couple of really nice treasure but I think the experience of the day was the true treasure. I read an article a long time ago that homeless people just want to be recognized. They are made to feel invisible by society and we tend to not make eye contact. you did a wonderful thing for that man. Now I want some clam chowder!! Kathysue
Oh my...what a colorful day you had. Thanks for sharing the photos. The vintage dress is so sweet.
A really wonderful day you had:)
Have a nice day...
hugs elinAnita
Hi Cindy,
Lovely day !! that dress to die for !! Soo sweet .. Sounds and looks like you had a beautiful, California day .. Have a happy week ~
hugs ~tea~xo
Cindy...I just love how you get to spend so much time with Lauren. My daughter is off at college and I miss her like crazy!!
Lucky! How stunning were your finds. I love them all..and that funny man too..bless him!~lulu
Cindy ~ Your comments about the homeless man brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad you brightened his day. Some soup kitchens have laundry facilities for the homeless ~maybe that's why his shirt looked so clean.
PS~Your fleamarket finds are always so awesome. I'm jealous :)
What a day full of adventures! Love the cameo shots of spidie and clark kent wanting burgers.. heehee.. but the beach was the best part to me.
Great finds too.. got an eye you do.
with love,
Hi Cindy,
You had a lovely day with your daughter, enjoyed the sun, got some wonderful treasures, and made it a great day for someone else. How lucky is that?
FYI every 2nd Sunday there is an antique fair downtown. You never know what you might find there - you might want to check it out sometime.
Isn't this weather gorgeous. I spent the weekend walking the beaches with my family. There's no place like home...!
Heidi - Heart and Home
Sounds like you had a wonderful day. We live out in trhe boonies and our fleamarket is pretty small in comparison but you can still find a treasure here and there.
My 16yo daughter was reading my blog and saw the photo of your dress on my sidebar. She loves it. She's been looking at vintage dresses online lately. She says that when she gets married someday, that's the type she wants to wear. A girl after my own heart :-)
I grew up by the beach and remember seagulls waiting in the schoolyard for us to finish our lunch.
The next time I go to a flea market I want you to come with me. I thought you said there is lots of junk at that market. You certainly found 3 nice things and helped that fellow buy a cheeseburger too. I loved following you along on your trip. What a lovely day!
Susan and Bentley
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The chandelier!!!!!!
Cindy thank you so much for the pictures of the beach, sun and warm weather. Here in the midwest we have had constant snow cover since the 1st of December, the temp. keep dipping into the single digits, and sight of the sun is so rare that my supervisor sent out an email entitled "missing". In the email it asked "Has anyone seen this?" and there was a picture of the sun. Your pictures and blog today are like a breath of fresh air.
I love when you take your camera along on your day trips.
Honestly, I feel like I am riding right along with you, enjoying the shopping and a good meal.
You should work for CA Tourism because your pictures are always outstanding!
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Hi Cindy,
I don't blame you a bit...I would keep that gorgeous treasure too. Your Etsy shop is looking great with all of your finds. Also like all of the little changes you are making like the dripped candle sleeves (years ago I bought Italian ones that had actual wax drips and they were ridiculously expensive) so clever with the hot glue!--I am heating my gun up as I type. And the new wire for your display cabinet looks great. Always a pleasure to visit here. ~jermaine~
The dress is gorgeous ! Grey you have kept it for now. I love the sign of the guy and it is great you share it with us
Wow, you're making me miss Cali! We're from San Jose originally, but now we live in the frozen tundra that is Minnesota! I love your pics and your antique finds are amazing.
Mid 60's & SUNNY ~ Paradise!*!*! We're still up to our "you know what" in snow - here in Wisconsin... Sounds & Looks like you had a fun day... Thanks for sharing... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!
The dress is stunning! And I have several pieces of the "bird" crystal from when I was first married!
You know, I'm really glad you handed the 'homeless' man a buck for a burger. You are right, we don't know their circumstances. I can see how easily someone could become homeless--it wouldn't take much--just an illness so you couldn't work and maybe a few months, and you'd be out of a house. Like Jesus said, "What you did unto the least of these, you did unto me." Beautiful blog here.
Thanks for identifying the Hofbauer piece! I have one that came with the husband from his (military) parents time in Germany. MIL gave it to My Love because she said "the Germans did not value this type of crystal..."
Whatever -- I have always liked it, and I now keep my silver jewelry in it. The top is identical, but the base is different. It has three little feet instead of the pedestal.
Gosh you had a good day then, I think you are right about the dress being from the early 1900's my grandmother had one like it.
I agree, they guy's sweat shirt does look really well laundered and folded at one time...and he has alot of rings on...have never seen a homeless person with LOTS of rings on.
I am sure he thinks that people who have money to spend at a flea market..has an exta buck to spare. Hope he got his burger and not booze or cigarettes.
Oh Cindy that dress/gown is beautiful!
So ornate and romantic!
I love the beach photos...we are still covered in snow so I am enjoying your sunshine and greeness!
Spring needs to come to michigan real soon!
Hugz, Dolly
Cindy, I love your style.
sounds like a perfect day, I am so jealous.
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