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As promised here are the great Halloween decor for sale at my favorite store, Vintage & Vogue in downtown Campbell, California! Isn't this guy above adorable?

Peek-a-boo...I see you...

This would be a good time to disclose to all of you that said I look so much younger in my new photos, the photo of me on the right sidebar has been retouched to remove my wrinkles! Ahhh...the magic of photo editing! I wish my skin really looked that smooth!

I hoped you enjoyed these Halloween photos. Vintage and Vogue will have their Christmas items out shortly after Halloween so I'll share those with you in the near future!
Vintage & Vogue (in quaint little downtown Campbell)
Campbell Ave.
Campbell, CA
I announced the winner of the Victorian boot in the post before this...
One of my fav stores here in Utah has some things that look very similar. I couldn't help but pick up a few decorations to dec out my house.
They are so cute!
What an amazing shop! I love the vignettes that were created with such obvious care.
I am really getting into the Halloween spirit!
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Oh, I love vintage decorations, and these are AWESOME! Can't wait to see how they deck out for Christmas!!!!
Hi Cindy:
I have been a long-time blog reader and have thoroughly enjoyed your creativity. But the thing I find most amazing is YOUR personal transformation and blossoming before our very eyes.
Look at that SASSY picture of you on your blog. (Iremember not to long ago you didn't want to put a picture up). You are beautiful and I am so glad you are sharing yourself and your blog.
How beautiful and what an amazing shop! I would love to visit it some day. And that little pumpkin ghost is adorable! Stan
WOW. I love how the decorations work so well with all the black and white (and that wonderful my style!) in the shop! How fun!
I love vintage Halloween decorations. How would I go about buying that cone with a black cat on it? I love it!
Love your blog too...
Ladybug Creek
Fantastic shop..., there's nothing like it where I live. So I'm grateful for Blogland!
Such a neat shop, we have nothing like that here....I could go broke shopping that green glitter skeleton.. what fun would he would be to have! Can hardly wait to see the Christmas goodies! Great there is an idea for me...thats why I show my dogs photo on my blog, she looks better then me...LOL!
Hello Cindy, what a wonderful shop you have around!! would love to have something like this here in Chile, but it´s hard to find.The post before this one I like it very much, so many adorable items in the same shop. I wanna go there!!
Maria Cecilia
Now you are just taunting me! Two days in a row of this gorgeous to die for shop!!
They need an online store! If I started driving now, I think I could get there by November 22nd!! lol
Have a great day!
Lou Cinda :)
Who knew halloween could be so cute and charming! Love the relaxing skeleton. congrats to the lucky boot winner!
I could use one of those wrinkle removers in real life...and while we are at it...a great big liposucktion vacuum that could be attached daily and suck the fat right out of me! Oh, nuts, I need to wake up and look in the mirror! Reality!
hola ... no puedo dejar de sentir suspiros de inspiración cuando paso por tu blog, tus ultimos post están divinos, con tantas piezas bellas, me quedo pegada en cada fotografía... mirando y viendo si pudiera encontrar por acá algo meramente parecido para darle un toque a mi casa... uffff... cuesta por acá pero te visito y salen ideas de mi cabezita... eres la inspiración para como he hido decorando mi casa... y mi jardín... de a poquito porque falta tiempo pero ahi vamos...
cariños mil...
HA! I'm pretty sure your skin is just perfect even without photo-editing, Cindy!! Great self portrait by the way!
I'm ASTOUNDED to see you reflected in the mirror at V&V in shirt-sleeves!!!!!!!!!!! Good gracious, California is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! I'm at home with a turtle neck plus a sweater and woollen socks on!!!:((
How fun! I love a great store tour...especially for Halloween! Thank you. Your posts lately have been spectacular!!!!
Hi Cindy! First I love your new ID Photo of yourself. You look so pretty!
What a precious place with all of the olden vintage looking Halloweeness!
Have a safe one on Saturday evening,
Be a sweetie,
Oh wow! What a fun store that must be to get lost in! I would stay there for hours!
bunny hugs,
First of all congratulations to the lucky winner of the boot. My lucky # is 7 too, but not this time. I really lovd that boot.
Vintage and Vogue must be a pretty big place to have so much Halloween and still have room for all the other things you showed us. Just gotta get up to visit that store.
Also wanted to say I love your new picture on your sidebar.
Wow, probably a good thing I dont live near this store- I would always be broke! Love Love Love all the cuteness and can't wait to see what they do for Christmas! Thanks so much for sharing! =)
~Tammy in Michigan
What a fabulous store! Love it!
Oh my goodness this is sooooo fab!
Wow, good thing I live far away, I might be broke from shopping! That would just be Halloween, don't even think of Christmas!!!
Thank you for sharing the pictures, everything is so lovely!!!!
Margaret B
the decorations looks so elegant and fun too...wish I could be there...
Hi Cindy,
I love this little shop, will have to get in there soon! It looks amazing. I will leave plenty of time the next time I'm over the hill!
BTW - you look gorgeous. I'm sure the new picture is just how others see you - photo shop or not!!
Hope you can stop by for a visit sometime!
Heidi - Heart and Home
Hi Miss Cindy,
Retouched, untouched... absolutely stunning. Did you take and edit the photos yourself? They look professional. I'm not kidding. The one of you with the cup and scarf looks like one of those extremely dignified photos you see of authors on the book jackets. Way too cool girlfriend! Thanks for sharing the Vintage and Vogue Halloween pics. I used to deck out the house (outside mostly for the kids that would come to the door), but ever since my Mom died on a particular Nov. 1st, I just don't have the interest. Also, we can't afford it anymore. Living on Main Street, USA, I think they bus the kids in from Toledo! One year we had over 200 kids. That's just too much to spend the money on. I do miss seeing the little ones... like the 1-5 year olds. So sweet, not grabby.. they wait for you to put the treat in their bag, they open the bag so sweetly and peer into it trying to see what you gave them. And the costumes are usually cute, not scarey. OK, I'm rambling... sorry. Love the new pics of you though, just wanted you to know.
Hugs, Penny Sue
What a delicious place to shop. I wish it were close to me! I can see why you like to go there!
So darling.....I wish I lived closer so I could pop in.....I do get down to the bay area often to visit my parents, I may have to make a side trip!
Tracey C.
Really enjoyed the post!!
Such pretty photos of pretty things! A very special store indeed. Thank you for sharing!
Oh you got to quit showing the fun things in this store, LOL! Fabulous, is very much like a couple of my favorite haunts up here, like Joy Works. I can see why you love to go there but bet it is hard to not come out with something all the time!!
Linda Q
Ohhh - I love the chair and the owl..and the signs... and I LOVE the fact that that store is near to you and NOT me! ha ha..
I love Your blog!!!
Thank You for sharing.
Oh Cindy, I think that I may have to move in there! Why oh why are all of the fabulous stores in California??? Oh well, probably better for my pocketbook!
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