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Notice anything different? I added shutters to the side of my mirror...the mirror that my dad made me in 1992! I've been wanting to do this for a long time! I've been looking around at flea markets and thrift stores for shutters that would work but I couldn't find anything until just by chance I drove down a street and saw these on the curb with a "Free" sign posted on them.

I almost didn't stop for them because they were too big. In the photo above they've been cut in half. I forgot to take a picture before I cut them (actually my ex-husband cut them for me). They were door size and hinged together. I noticed that there was a divider between the slats and that's when I got the idea to cut them in half. The only problem is one end was too short and the other too long. I put the short ones up but they would look better if they were about 2 inches longer. I can live with it though...after all, they were FREE! I also lowered the mirror so I could put the plates above. Do you like the plates above or is it
too much? It looked a little plain without them. If I take them down I'm going to have a lot of holes to patch. I think there are probably at least 2 nail holes under each plate because it was so hard to get them even.

I first primed the shutters with spray primer and then I brushed on gray paint that was left over from my kitchen. It's gray but it looks like a soft blue. The color is Benjamin Moore "Feather Gray". I just love this color and I have my daughter Lauren to thank for picking it out! I nailed on some of those picture hangers on the back and just hung them on the wall. I also put a little piece of double-sided tape at the bottom to keep them in place. By the way in case some of you are wondering...I still love my Ikea slip covered sofa!
Below is the mirror before the shutters...

I'm so happy with how this totally-free project turned out!!! Now I need to think of a way to use the two larger halves I have left over!

You never cease to amaze me with your creativity! Another wonderful thrifty project completed. An A+++ on this one. They look fabulous, and I love how you arranged the plates. Perfect!
Love the "after" better than the "before"! And the plates around the top are perfect!! You know what I did with my old shutters? Cut them in half and screwed two sets together to make a fireplace "screen". If you have a fireplace, you could do that.
So cute. Love the plates. Looks like a happy rainbow!
That looks so good after,it looked
good before but I like the shutters
on there too. The plates are perfect don't take them down. You
really are creative. You can use
one of the shutters left over for a note holder in your kitchen,just
a suggestion.
Hope you have a good day.:^)
Cindy, this looks like a million bucks! I am just blown away how free shutters and simply rearranging the plates made such a dramatic impact. Wow! Wow! Wow! Love it!
Hi Cindy,
I love the shutters they look perfect! I also think the plates add a feminine touch to it. Perfect in every way! Here's an idea for the other shutters: Add wooden appliques on the top and bottom panels, add 2 or 3 small shelves and use it to display small items, (your sea shells would look great)! Talk to you soon!
The plates on top are perfect. I agree with you--I think it would have been too plain without them. The shutters are a fantastic addition to that mirror. I really loved reading about another do-it-yourself decorating project on your blog. I have been going back and reading some of your older entries to get ideas and 'how-to' tips on decorating. Have a wonderful week--and Happy Autumn!!
What you did with the shutters is great. And the plates are perfect. Don't touch a thing. You are amazing. I love shutters, inside and out. You probably have shared before, but what is the color on your walls?
Perfection! Do not take the plates down. :) I love it!
love your shutters!!! I want some to hang next to my mirror in my entry. Just waiting to stumble upon some with a great price. Great job!!!!
I think the plates set off the shutters. And, I happen to believe the shutters are the perfect size... because they aren't perfect! I think that what is expected isn't nearly as charming as what is NOT expected!
Love the shutters, Cindy! You can't beat FREE! The color is great, too. I did think it was a blue gray color. I'm sure you'll find somewhere to use the larger ones. : )
Everything looks fantastic. I love that the shutters aren't the "perfect size" because they don't have that manufactured look. And the plates look great over the mirror. Just lovely.
cindy..have you thought about hindging the two larger ones together to make a screen? You could hang on wreath on it...just a thought. I love using shutters! Looking for some myself...but I also want freebies!
Absolutely perfect!
Your mirror and shutters looks great! I love the plates around the top, too. Very pretty!
Hugs, Susan
Goodness, I think the plates look absolutely perfect with the mirror and shutters. And don't you love how you found them, free for the stopping? YAY for you! Clever, clever girl!
I actually like the plates over the mirror with the shutters! I wouldn't change a thing!
Cindy this is just plain out GORGEOUS!!!! Don't change a thing. It's truly perfect. I just adore the shutters and plates!
~Blessings my friend, ~Melissa :)
I think it looks perfect!!
LOVE IT!!!!! I love the plates like you have them now, so I vote no changes. Beautiful, free and nice to know Ex's can actually be useful - good deal all around!
I love the after picture. The plates seem to really finish it off.
I love it!!! Looks better with the shutters. And I do like the plates above. A++++
I love the plates above and think the shutters make a nice addition to the mirror. Just beautiful, Cindy!
It looked lovely before and I also like the after... Perfection.
Simply lovely Cindy! It really shows a off the beautiful window and plates witht the addition of the shutters.
Cindy~ Everything looks perfect: the mirror, the shutters, the plates...EVERYTHING! I definitely don't think the plates are too much. Then again, I am the Queen of Excess, so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt :-)
Love it with the shutters and the plates around it.
Great find, love those freebies don't we?!
This looks so fabulous - I can't even tell you how much I love this! Teh mirror, the shutters, the plates- I lvoe all of it! laurie
The shutters look great...and I have an idea for the long ones....send them to me...haha.
Also think the plates look just fine over the mirror.
Good job !!!! at the right price.
P.S. Thank you so much for the $20 Amazon gift certificate.
Great find and great job!!
Looks wonderful
barbara jean
hola, que idea tan original... tu casa es simplementa maravillosa... a todo le das un toque tan personal...
genial la idea de las persinas le dan un aire más campestre y elegante al lugar..
cariños mil...
I love the shutters. I don't think they look short at all! Darling...
Cindy, I don't think most people will think of making their old shutters into such a creative decor set up. Feel free to drop by Furniture and Design Ideas sometimes so we can exchange some ideas.
Hi Cindy, the shutters..and the plates are perfect where they are...don't change anything..As far as the other shutters go, I've seen them hung on a wall, and then they add ribbon to the plates and mount them right onto the shutter...looks so cute!! Linda ;)
Cindy...LOVE the shutters & the plates along the top of the mirror. I've found that shutters are one of the top things to use to add something extra to your home...and they're so versatile. I have them in almost every room in my house as well as outside. Your couch looks so comfy & pretty. Aren't you glad that Rachel Ashwell is back in business? I was so happy to read her latest blog about re-opening in her original location in Santa Monica. ~Sue~
Seriously, you could have your own monthly magazine called "Cindy's Romantic Home" with all the before and after and how to's and all that good stuff. I"m sure you could fill up a whole issue every month just with what you do in your own little corner of the world!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look!!!
Keep the plate there, they look great. The shutters turned out great too.
You could use the others to hang handkerchiefs on or jewelry. Or maybe in your bedroom, bath or kitchen. Endless possibilities.
I luv it!!! Leave it with the plates. Free is my fav word next to sale.
Your shutter project is gorgeous! Just what you needed.
I love it!!! It looks absolutely perfect, just they way you did it! And I don't think the plates are too much; they emphasize the curve of the mirror. I've been wanting to put shutters around the my kitchen window, just like that.
As for the other shutters, hinge them together and make a short room divider or fireplace screen. Have a nice week! I'm so glad you post almost every day. You always make my day! JayJay :)
Cindy, EXTRAORDINARIO!!!... but you know, what I love the most is your white couch with those beautiful blue and white cushions(cojines).
maria cecilia
Hi Cindy,
The shutters gave the wall more substance with the rest of the decorations. Looks fantastic and I looove it!! The color on the shutters made the pillows stand out a little bit more on your white couch. You couldn't ask for a better couch how it fits in so perfectly. That definitely was the right choice to make!! Absolutely the dishes should stay.
Enjoy your day-
Hi Cindy,
Its looks wonderful!. I think the plates shows them-selfs off better placed around the top of the mirror instead of on the sides. The shutters are the perfect touch.
Enjoy your day,
Cindy: I think it is beautiful and I LOVE the plates!! They just top it off perfectly!!
So lucky!! FREE!!!
Lou Cinda
It's amazing what those shutters do for your mirror. Beautiful.
Your project turned out so nice, Cindy. I was wondering how you got the plates up so evenly around the curve of the mirror. I don't think the shutters look too short. I used to have closet doors just like that years ago ~ too bad I didn't keep them.
Fabulous free find.
You might know that they would look better 2 inches longer but bet most people who visist your space will not notice. When we work on something we get to know all the faults too well, the dribbled paint and the dings but for everyone else, they only see the big picture which is a great result.
Oh Cindy,
I love the shutters and the plates. Thanks for the new color to try.
Cindy I love the shutters - leave them!!...and the plates look great as well.
Love It! It looks great with the plates above!!
LOVE the shutters AND the plates around the top!!!! It looks fabulous!!! I have some shutters that I got from Craig's List, but I have yet to paint them and get them up on the wall. Your mirror is the perfect thing to have the shutters accent.
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Luvkittysmeowmail at Gmail dot com
Butterfly Whispers
Looks great!! Love the plates too!
Sometimes the best things in life are free..great shutters! Please stop by my blog I have a surprise for you!
Hi Cindy, just love the shutters! You're right the colour is just beautiful. I think how you've done it all with the plates up top looks pretty and goes with your house! Had a little giggle about all the nail holes hidden under the plates...I just love your home, truly inspiring! take care, Maryann
I really love the new look Cindy- and the plates look perfect! You had mentioned all the nail holes. You probably already know this but I sewing pins work great to hang things from. Gently nail in at a 45 degree angle and keep just about maybe 1/4 inch of pin out from wall (does that even make sense!?) It is amazing how much they will hold- for heavier items you want less of pin showing as it will bend but they leave just a tiny dot when you go to rearrange pictures! I used pins all the time till we moves in this house which has plaster walls.
This is a great addition to the wall. Makes a new statement. And I can't believe yo almost passed them up! Free for somehting is such good shape? So glad you did.
Absolute PERFECTION! Love this! Cindy . . . you are amazing!
Hugs~ Saralee ♥
Yup, the shutters definitely have it. Nice job!
I really like it and I don't think the plates are too much. It looks great!!
Absolutely perfect!!!!
Beautiful look. Plates complete the look, leave them. I didn't think your home could be more perfect with everything you have done but then I see the shutters next to the mirror with the plates and think it is just a stunning new look. Cannot beat the price. So many of us love shutters, you could offer the other two in your monthly give away and everyone would love it!
They are great as they are; one would never know they are a tad short. Keep the all looks charming! Great improvement over what was before, not that you would have missed anything -- until the shutters arrived!
Great thrifting. My DILs sister found two great rockers on the curb and two endtables. I never find anything!
I love the after, it is just perfect. Don't change the plates, they are the perfect touch, arched over the mirror. Always love to see what creative things that you've done.
Definitely love the shutters and the plates really finish it off. Great work!
Shutters look fabulous, the plates balance them out so they look the perfect size. Like your new look better than the old! Ideas for shutters: put up brackets and use as a shelf, hinge together and use to display items, as a head board, I have one hanging over my bed and use it to hang a bed lamp from, great way to display xmas cards, stick the cards through the slats.
Love all of your creative ideas!
Love it!! And I don't think the plates are too much. I really like it!!!
Cindy...I about fainted....I have this same white mirror with shutters in my living room. I love that is perfect with the shutters (your mirror) and I'm so glad you stopped for them! What a find. I'm a shutter girl and love them...I have too many...hubby asked why I loved them so much....they just move me! Big smile!
Have a great day!
Wow, you find the neatest things, even on the curb. lol. I think the shutters and the plates are perfect with the mirror.
Love the shutters ~ love the color of the shutters~ love the plates ~ love the mirror~ love the whole effect!
They look amazing! Perfect! I love the plates hanging above the mirror too. You are so talented!
Happy Fall!
Lee Laurie
Ok, where's my luck Cindy? We live so close by too!!
I like the new arrangments of the plates and the addition of the shutters. Great find. Thanks for sharing.
That is d-lovely! I have some shutters I got when I looked at house to rent. They were the cast offs of a remodel. I took the shutters, but we passed on the house! Your mirror is making me swoon. Your dad is so talented!
I've had my shutters a while now, but I know I'll use them someday. Thank you for sharing! -Page
Just when you think you couldn't possibly do anything to improve your gorgeous home, you go and do just that!! DON'T take those plates down - they are perfect! Great job! I absolutely LOVE it!!
I love the shutters & the plates are so much prettier on the top too! Don't you love a great find like that! ☺ Diane
I love the shutters & the plates are so much prettier on the top too! Don't you love a great find like that! ☺ Diane
Hey, Cindy, I hope you'll try out the beadboard wallpaper. It would be a perfect solution for you & not expensive. They do not carry it in my HD, so I don't know if that's true everywhere. I found it online, so that's how I ordered it, but you could look around locally & see if it's there. I would be sure it's the Graham Brown version, I know it's a good one.
Thanks for coming by!
The shutters are just perfect! I also like the plates above...just the right touch to put above the window!~Hugs,Patti
love it!!! just the way it is.. the plates are perfect and although the shutters are what you say 2" too short, nobody's gonna notice that at all... perfection
I love the way this looks. I have always loved shutters inside and out.
I would love to do this in my dining room. You are so creative.
I think it's perfect with the plates and I would never have noticed that they weren't the perfect length if you had not told me. The whole grouping looks finished now, so pretty.
The Plates add so much!!! I love them!
That's a gorgeous arrangement!
Cindy it looks great...and for FREE sweet !!!
I would leave the plates just as you have them....
All the best,
Kathy :)
Love how your latest project turned
shutters only add to the beauty of
the mirror and plates.I love the
reflection in the mirror in the first pic. Don't you love it when
you find something that can be re-
cycled and turns out so great?
Another inspiration!!!!
I love all your DYI projects and so appreciate you sharing them with us all!
What a BEAUTIFUL job!!!! Love, Love, Love, the way you have arranged the plates. You truly have a gift!!!
Looks great! The shutters are a great addition to the mirror. Hmmmm.... I have the old shutters from our windows. Been wondering whether to throw them out or not. Now I may have an idea and keep them.
Love the shutters and the plates; I definitely think you need both.
Fabulous Cindy, wish i could find some! great job, Lori
You are just as creative as can be!! The shutters and plate arrangement are perfect and makes it a more interesting focal point. I love plates and have a couple of antique plates from my grandmother from the 1900's so it's always a treat to see your plates, vases, trays, ceramics, etc.! (I see you have your cherub pitcher from ebay on your's so pretty.)
Two thumbs up! And another vote for liking the plates over the mirror as a wonderful finishing touch.
Love the shutters and love the plates above the mirror. you dd an awesome job, as always
I love when you patiently wait for something and then you find it for FREE! Best price! I like the plates in the arrangement. I don't think they are too much.
Gorgeous addition, Cindy! And I love the plates above!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Thanks for the color idea and paint name, too. Shutters for free, how lucky you are!
It looks great, I would keep the plates as they are, for sure.
Happy belated Birthday! The cake looked like one I would like to sample.
Thanks, JolieAnne
I LOVE the new look.
I LOVE this look! Those shutters add so much! Th ebefore was wonderful but the after is perfection!
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