Last weekend Move it Elsewhere in San Jose, California was open and I was there! They only open up for 3 days (Fri-Sun) every month. I hadn't been there for a few months and there was a lot of new things! Lauren and I went on Saturday and then I went back alone on Sunday to take pictures and do a little more shopping.

If you are near Northern California, you should check this place out! It will be open on Oct. 10-12 next month. You can check out their website and get on their mailing list for monthly reminders. Just click on their name below:
Move it Elsewhere
350 Lincoln Ave (near San Carlos)
San Jose, CA
Hi Cindy, what an exciting visit. Loved the milk glass. I am in Montreal Canada right now and I'm been looking for Milk Glass, haven't found any yet.
Oh my goodness, I would so enjoy a visit to place like that! We don't have anything that big, or if we do I haven't found it yet!! The sugar bowl was adorable.
Okay, this is amazing! My daughter would like to audition for the school at the San Francisco Ballet. She has a friend who just started there and loves it. Anyway, that is a loooong way from Florida...but it would give me an excuse to discover for myself some of the fabulous shops you tell us about:-) hahaha Your blog makes me happy! Thank you.
Wow! A person could do a lot of damage to thier check book in a place like that. Love the birdcage, etc. etc.
It looks like you would need 3 days to make it through all that! I wish we had something like that here. How are the prices?
Hi Cindy.
Wow I wish that place was here. So many goodies everywhere. To go completly nuts off right.
Look forward to see your finds.
Have a nice evening=))
Hi Cindy!
I think I would go crazy with all the wonderful vintage goodness at Move It Elsewhere has! What a super idea for a flea Market/store!
Love your decorating in your Romantic Home~
Wow, I can't even imagine how long I could stay lost in that place. I'd be camping outside their door for a week till they opened!
That looks like a great place to find awesome treasures! Love the blue treasures.
We have monthly sales here and I rent space and do that myself.
Deb :)
well, I wish you would have bought that sugar bowl too, cause I would have begged to buy that from you--I zeroed in on that and fell in love with it---too bad I am about 1000 miles away! Thanks for sharing!
What a fun place! You always find the best things to share with us.
I'd be in deep trouble if I had a store like that near me!! Beautiful staging!
That store is amazing!!!!!! I would love to go there with yo someday. After our trip this summer "honey" agrees that spending a couple of months in the summer on the California Central Coast is what we need to escape the heat of Texas. So, maybe next time we can plan a meet in person shopping trip since it didn't work out this year. THANKS for sharing all the wonder of this post. Did you buy some of those silver trays?
I forgot to tell you that I told everyone about your Give Away for my post today.
What an amazing place to shop! I wish they had one here like that. I was wondering if you ever tried the peroxide to get the brown out of those dishes?
Cindy, I love the porcelain white roses! Can we all put in our requests for the next time you go there? lol I wish we had shops like that around here.
Wow, so much to see. I could probably spend hours happily rummaging through that warehouse.
I would go there every month!
Looking forward to seeing your finds.
I would love to go there:) I see so many things I would love to see upclose:) Are you going to open another shop to sell vintage? You would be so good at it.
WOW! How did you pull yourself out of there?
Hugs, Lisa
I would lose my mind in there!! JOYFULLY!! I can't believe you didn't get that sugar bowl!
Can't wait to see what you did get!!!
Lou Cinda
Hi Cindy. What a beautiful place to go shopping at. I see alot of things I'd love to get my hands on. hee he
All I can say is oh my god! That place is amazing! I saw a couple ceramic "wicker" looking baskets in there. Didn't you kind of start collecting some? Also, I definitly don't think you can have too many tureens. Just have more dinner parties and you can show all of them off. Start a soup and stew club! LOL...
I so would have bought that little sugar bowl.. It was so scrumptious! So small and dainty and pink and cute. Yes I fawn over little pink cute china things. Anyway, thank you so much for all the eye candy!!
Oh my gosh, Heaven! I would have spent hours in Grandma's attic alone! I can't believe that you only bought one thing. Such restraint!
WOW! Like a little slice of heaven!!!!
m ^..^
I wish you would have bought that
sugar bowl too,I love that. At least if you bought it I would get
to see it again.LOL. Boy,that looks
like heaven to me(Junk Heaven). Wow,I could stay in there a week
and I bet I would not see it all.
Thanks,Cindy I needed a junk fix.;)
Hi Cindy.....I would love to go to that place! What a collection of wonderful things!~Patti
Hi Cindy; OH wow I love that store, Like you I could spend hrs there, even days gazing at all the beautiful things... wish we had one near me...
love the photos, can't wait to see what you brought home..
I could have bought half the blue & white china in that one case. I used to have a friend who lived there but has moved. Darn -
What a great store!! I wonder what you bought?
oh, i forgot to mention. There is a really nice blog that I just found and I thought of you. She has a bunch of pictures and posts up about Maine!
Thought you might want to take a look
I really love that large bowl. And I would be picking up several items in the upstairs rooms. Makes me want to come to CA just to visit this store.
Wow! Can't wait to check this out when we come down for a visit - we moved to Oregon from Sunnyvale 8 yrs. ago, I miss the shopping!!!
Is Casa Casa still in Willow Glen? Have you been there?
Well, now I'm homesick - But, thankfully, I can still enjoy the Bay Area by reading your Blog - Thanks, Cindy!
owwww.. my breath were taken awayy..
how i wish we have one store like that here.. isk isk
That's just torture, Cindy! And here I am desperate, in Dallas, for just a few tarnished silver pieces for my upcoming charity event (Kappa Tablescapes). I'm so envious of the amazing things you have in your town -- we certainly don't have those easily found here!
Hi Cindy
That place, I would enjoy to visit The sugar was sooo adorable. Sooo amazing stuff...
Hugs from Sussie N Sweden
Love the tour! What a great way to spend an afternoon.
beautiful place and things
i loved the pale yellow vases, and the sugar pot with roses, i could also spend hours
Nice name. If asked to move these beautiful things elsewhere - - my home! my home! LOL
There's lots to see already and you say it's only a small portion. Would love to see what you brought home with you :-)
Found your blog and love it! I have just launched my blog and would love any advice you have for me on getting more exposure, I would so so appreciate help!
Loved all your posts, and enjoyed the pictures of the store.
Hi Cindy, I'm new to your blog today and am signing on to follow you. I literally have dreams of shopping a place like you've shown in these pictures. Too bad I live in central Indiana!
Thank you for sharing! Hugs, Leslie
Hi Cindy~ ~ That first hutch is amazing. I wonder what their price was for it?
Can't wait to see what you bought.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
The store is some serious eye candy. I bet their prices are good, too, which makes me totally jealous. Didn't you love the crystal bowl with the pearls? Yummy.
GAH! If that doesn't make you drool nothing will!
Wow! Beautiful...I love it!
What a great place to spend an afternoon! I can linger for hours in a place like that, and I am very methodical about working my way through because I don't want to miss anything. It's neat that you and Lauren got to enjoy that together.
Wow, Cindy! What a great place! Wished I lived near it. Oh, I love that little sugar bowl too!
Hi Cindy~ Oh my word would I ever LOVE to spend a whole day browsing that store! My hubby and I want to come to SF area someday and I am keeping this place in mind to visit...and I will make sure I pack an extra empty bag to bring home some goodies! Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures!=)
Blessings~ Tammy in Michigan
Thanks for taking us on the tour of such a fabulous shop! I would love to take a shopping trip to your area to see all these amazing shops in person that you've shown us---maybe one of these days!!! That white birdcage looks like it has your name on it! And I love the white figurine w/the birdcage & bird! Have a super weekend! Patti
While Move it Elsewhere may be a great place to shop, I would be VERY wary about entrusting your valuables to this company for consignment resale. My father downsized from the family home to a small apartment in a senrior facility last year and engaged Move It Elsewhere to liquidate/dispose of furniture, china, artwork and other property. Suzanne failed to provide an inventory of goods taken for months, and only then after being threatened. Suzanne refused to take calls, insisting on e-mail communication, despite admitting to me and my sister that she dislikes e-mail and had over 100 unread e-mails in her in-box. The first inventory arrived months late, and was incomplete, missing major expensive items. She made one or two additional attempts at inventory, but NEVER provided one that was accurate or complete. She also never made timely pay-outs on accounts. Only issued checks when threatened, months late. Payments were unaccompanied by ANY explanation or documentation, and were suspiciously small. She told us to quit bugging her because she was a "busy woman" with so many accounts she couldn't be expected to get back to everyone - and suggested we were unreasonable to expect her to comply with her own terms. After close to a year of unanswered requests for documentation or explanation for the pay-outs, Suzanne demanded that my 86 year-old father repossess his property (at his own expense) because his family was "too much trouble"!! My father has no children living in the Bay Area, and was now living in a small apartment - how did she think he was going to do this, and where did she think he was going to put this stuff? Wasn't that why we hired her in the first place? Dad finally took her to small claims court (although his losses exceeded that limit - didn't want the hassle of a full-blown civil case).At the hearing, told him she had a stack of "evidence" and convinced him to accept a settlement consisting of a fraction of what he had lost. I would avoid the consignment sales aspect of this business like the plague.
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