Thursday, September 24, 2009

49 and Happy!

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Today I am 49 years old and I think I'm happier now than I've ever been in my life. Well, you know...except for those special days like the birth of my children, I was really happy then! I don't remember a time in my life when I was in an "up" mood for so long. I occasionally have a bad day but hardly ever. You know what changed? My attitude! I choose to be happy now!It's sounds so easy but changing the way you think about things isn't always takes time! I've been working on it and I'm proud to report that it does work! A positive attitude goes a long way!

I made myself a small 3-layer 6" birthday cake last night! Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! I brushed camellia leaves with melted chocolate and firmed them up in the fridge and then pulled off the leaf. I made about 12 of them and got 5 that didn't break! Five is all I really needed so it worked out perfectly!!! I can hardly wait to taste it tonight!

173 comments: said...

I'm so happy to be the first one to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I turned 51 on Sept. 14th. Just LOVE your blog and check it almost daily!

French-Kissed said...

I can't believe I get to be the first one to wish you a Happy Birthday on your blog! You bring so much happiness and inspiration to all of us, it is only fitting that you should enjoy such happiness. You are an amazing woman with so much talent and energy and you do inspire all of us take what we have and make a beautiful life for ourselves. Your cake is absolutely lovely and I admire the way you just take charge and go pick some camellia leaves, coat them with chocolate and end up with this little masterpiece! May you have a wonderful day and a year filled with much love and happiness.


French-Kissed said...

OOOps! Guess I was the second. So here is a double wish...Happy Birthday to You...Happy birthday to You!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I will be 49 in a little over a month. Your words are encouraging. Thank you.

Heidi said...

Well, good for you Cindy!
A very happy birthday, and many happy returns. That cake looks delicious - I'm not too far away (just over the hill) - how about I come over there and have me a piece, too?!!!
I agree with you attitude is everything - some days it's hard to keep the smile on, but lately I have been consciously choosing to be happy - makes life much better!
You have so many talents, and such a great attitude, life will just keep getting better and better for you!
As for today, I hope you have a fabulous, wonderful, spectacular, super-duper birthday!
Heidi - Heart and Home

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful cake...I hope it tastes as good as it looks!! I'm sure it will, knowing you.

Have a great day sweetie - let's just stay at 49, shall we??



Deanna Forrest said...

Happy Birthday fellow Libran. I celebrate my birthday on the September 30th. I visit your site faithfully every day and each time I am so inspired. I too, love to "play house". I loved it when I was a little girl and especially love it as a big girl. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! I turned 49 this year in July. I agree with you a good attitude and also my strong faith in God is what makes me so happy. Your cake is beautiful. It is our 26th wedding anniversary today, your birthday will be easy to remember. Have a wonderful day. I wish I lived close I would take you to lunch! I live on the Oregon Coast so it would be a bit of a drive! :)
Kay :)

Amy said...

Happy, happy birthday!

Suzy said...

Mmmm...Chocolate and more chocolate!
Put the kettle on...I'll be right over and have a ~ Happy birthday ~

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! What a great message about attitude. It really is true that we have a choice in how we look at things. I have enjoyed following your blog daily since the article ran in the SJ Mercury. The cake looks delectable! Enjoy!

Małgośka said...

Happy Birthday Cindy:)od dawna zaglądam do Ciebie,Twój dom i to zo robisz niezwykle mnie inspiruje:)pozdrawiam serdecznie:)))

southernbelle said...

Much joy and happiness to you on
your "Special Day".I have a feeling
your forecast is full of happy times with that great attitude.
Happy Birthday
to my #1 Inspirational & Design Diva.....we all love what you do.

Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday! Wish I could be there to say it in person and of course I have my eye on that yummy looking cake.
Thank you for all your inspiration.


chez sheri said...

Have a piece of cake for me, will you?!!! Yum!

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

Happy Birthday, Cindy! I'm so glad you are in a good and happy place in your life. If anyone deserves it, you do. I hope you have a wonderful day. And enjoy your beautiful cake. It looks absolutely, positively decadent! :)

Carousel222 said...

May you have the best birthday ever. We all enjoy reading your blog, which makes us happy every day. So Happy Birthday, and keep doing all that makes you the happiest.

Esther Sunday said...

Happy, happy birthday, dear Cindy! Lovely cake!!! Thank you for the all around inspiration! Enjoy your day - and your cake!

sharonavinger said...

Absolutley beautiful cake for an absolutley beautiful blogger - my favorite one! Happy Birthday, Cindy!

9405018--Pat said...


Madeleine Gillibrand said...

Happy Birthday to you and many more!

mylifetimes said...

Auguri di un felicissimo compleanno!!!!!

Amber said...

Happy Birthday Cindy! Hope it's a lovely day. Your cake looks delicious and beautiful! Enjoy it!

Judi said...

Happy Birthday young, happy girl!
You are so right---we all get a chance to choose to be happy! It takes years to figure that out....huh? If we treat ourselves with love and kindness, it certainly makes for a life! as evidenced by the gorgeous cake you made for your birthday---YOU GET IT!
Enjoy your day and that fab cake!
Enjoy 49!
(who is 50!)

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Happy Birthday Cindy,
Your cake looks divine and I bet it will taste as good as it looks!.
You are 100% correct it saying that a "positive attitude goes a long way". I live by a positive attitude also and I always look for the best in any situation.I agree it makes for a happier life.
Enjoy your wonderful birthday evening with your lovely daughter. I hope all your birthday wishes come true.

katia said...

very happy birthday, I think you are a fantastic woman and You have got a fantastic family! I'm happy for you!!! Bye Katia

Lady Dorothy said...

Happy Birthday, Cindy! That cake looks fantastic! Attitude is what it all boils down to! Glad you are happy!

Cottagecheap said...

Happy Birthday fellow Libran!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Happy Birthday, Cindy! I hope you have a fantastic day! That cake looks soooo good!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, I hope you are having a wonderful day.
How wonderful to hear that you are happy.
Do you have any tips to someone who is trying hard to be happy!?

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Happy Birthday to You!
Many happy returns of the day.
I am in total agreement with your philosophy on happiness.

Abraham Lincoln said that "most people are as happy as they make up their mind to be."

It's the wise soul who makes up their mind to choose happiness.

Blessings and good thoughts.

stefanie said...

happy birthday!!! what patience to wait until tonight to eat that gorgeous, chocolate, cake, hold on I'm drooling

Gail Griner Golden at Gail-Friends said...

Happy Birthday, Cindy. May all the joy you give to others come back to you in a double portion.

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

~Happy Birthday, Dear Cindy~
Can I have a bite or two of that yummy looking cake? Chocolate is my fave!
Doesn't it feel wonderful to be this happy at this stage of our lives?

Vintagesquirrel said...

Birthday Wishes to You!!
Your cake looks fabulous. Thanks for all you do and share here on your gorgeous. I've been a big fan for some time.
P.S. Wishing you many more years of happiness and creativity!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Happy Birthday!

I remember talking to my daughter when she was a newlywed and I told her you know you are an adult woman when you make your own birthday cake. :)


Ana~A Petite Cottage said...

"Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday Dear Cindy!
Happy Birthday To You...and many more!"

I was singing to you and I'm so happy you couldn't hear that. Kinda scary voice :-D Wishing you a wonderful day today and always.

Birthday Blessings and Hugs,

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!!

I turned 66 in July. Believe me, some of the best years of your life are ahead!

Now, you have me craving chocolate cake with chocolate icing and oh my goodness, those chocolate leaves!

Karin said...

~~~~~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Cindy!!~~~~~~~~~

I turned 49 on Sep 19th. The advice about the attitude is excellent, and it does work. Enjoy that awesome cake!!

Kelly said...

Hi Cindy! Happy Birthday!!! I knew there was a reason I loved your blog so much....we share the same birthday!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Gina said...

Happy Birthday! Your cake looks delicious...enjoy!

podso said...

Happy Birthday! Nothing like making your own cake and getting it just the way you want it! Looks great.

by the way I like your shorter shutters and the plates hung as they are over the mirror. Lovely!

~Kathie~ said...

I totally agree that attitude is everything! I hope you have a very happy birthday and enjoy that beautiful cake! :)

~Kathie~ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cindy- I'll tell you what my grandma would say every year in my card "if you were here I would bake you cake!"


Monica said...

A heartfelt happy birthday, Cindy!!!!!!
Glad you changed attitude, I have changed mine too, and boy, it works!!!
Have a fabulous night and enjoy your well deserved chocolate cake!! Yum!

Elsie said...

have many more. I will be six--six--sixty next month on Halloween,my
sister was born on friday 13 (Sept.) and you wonder why Moma
quit having children...Hmmmmm!
Take a bite for me that cake looks
awesome..Have a good day...:o)

savvycityfarmer said...

hey girl....I celebrated yestwerday 9/23 ... come on over, we'll toast

savvycityfarmer said...

uh ohhhhh ...too much wine, can't spell

NicNacManiac said...

A big big Happy Birthday to you!!! I turned 47 on Monday...yay!!
I hope your day was as special as you are!! I am so glad that you are happy and in a very special place now...You deserve all of the happiness that you can handle!!
Big Hugs xOxO Nerina :)

Queen Bee said...

Happiest of Birthdays to you! The chocolate cake is to die for!!! And thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Happpy Birthday Cindy!!!
I love reading your blog & you are such an inspiration for many, including myself.
Happiness & a positive attitude is something we can all embrace, we just have to grab it with both hands & an open heart.
Wishing you a wonderful day, enjoy your chocolate cake, every last bit of it!

Kathleen Grace said...

Happy, happy birthday Cindy! Your happiness shows through in your posts and it makes MRH such a beautiful place to visit:>) I hope this day was extra happy!

Laura said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU CINDY!I hope you have a wonderful day!

You are soooo right... keeping a positive attitude is key.. and it absolutely works!


Sunnysidesue said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CINDY!!!! I wish I were 49 again!!! The best is yet to come. Hugs, Sue

Teri said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you're having a wonderful day. That chocolate cake looks delish--enjoy it tonight.

Ms. Bake-it said...

Happy Birthday Cindy! I hope you have a wonderful day and a year filled with love, happiness and laughter. Your cake looks positively delicious!

It really is true that we have a choice in how we look at things. Happiness comes from within and it is a bonus when things from the outside add to our happiness. You are very talented and a fantastic attitude. You are truly an inspiration to the rest of us.

~ Tracy

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cindy...I hope you have the best one ever..Love your blog and I always check it daily..The cake is precious an I know it will taste delicious. Happy B-day again to a very talented lady...Vera

RobinfromCA said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'll be 52 in about 2 1/2 weeks and am continually working on that positive attitude as well. Good for you! Your cake is beautiful and I'll be it's just as yummy as it looks - Enjoy!


Stacey said...

Happy Birthday Cindy! Thanks for sharing your beautiful life with us.

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

Happy, happy birthday! Wishing you a wonderful day...sounds like you are doing that already! (I would have happily eaten the broken leaves!)

Greatma said...

The cake looks soooooo yummy!! Happy Birthday to you. Glad you are happy!! Antique Rose

Linecas have said...

Happy birthday!
Your cake look delish. Your attitude is fab and so true.
Have a wonderful wonderful day=))

Neabear said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!! I love your attitude. I need a lesson in that from you. I think I just got it. The cake looks wonderful and yummy. I will be 53 in December and Tuesday the 22nd was our 30th Anniversary! I am still amazed it has been 30 years since our wedding day. Where does the time go? Another indication of time old our kids are getting to be....sigh...better to have a good attitude and enjoy life the best we can while we still can. I am home sick this week and you know....I am enjoying being home. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to work, but alas I do. So if I am better by Monday, it is off to work I go.

Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Cindy!!!
You're absolutely right about the good attitude thing. It really changes your life when you DECIDE to be happy and have a great attitude.
Enjoy your day & your cake. It looks yummy!

Arleen @ Seasons for All at Home said...

Good for you for changing your attitude and being so happy! May your happiness last a lifetime. Happy Birthday~ Arleen

Love the Decor! said...

I love life and I really love chocolate! Wish I could be there to enjoy that cake with you it looks delish.
May you have abundant blessings this day!!

Glimpse of My World said...

Wishing you joy, happiness and many more birthdays to come!! Only the best.. take care of U!!

Rhondi said...

Happy birthday Cindy I hope the day is filled with joy and good memories.
Hugs, Rhondi

jninecostumes said...

Happy Birthday!! Who wouldn't be happy with that gorgeous cake to look forward to!!

Kim Gillian said...

Happy Birthday Cindy! I'm new to the Blog World and the reason why I'm blogging now is because of you. You Inspire Me. Have a Great Day!!

Pauline said...

Many congratulations, Cindy, on your 49th birthday. I wish you many blessings throughout the year.

Debbie Petras said...

Cindy, enjoy every fork full of that chocolate cake. Wow; it looks great. Happy Birthday and have a wonderful fun filled day.

Blessings and good wishes to you,

And btw, you're not getting older ...just better.

Linda Q said...

Blessings on your birthday Cindy!
What a yummy cake, enjoy.
I just turned 50 in Aug. so it isn't to bad.
Have a great birthday weekend and do something fun for yourself!!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday, What comes with age is peace and what comes with peace is happiness. Wishing you a wonderful day and a huge piece of cake ! Beth

Tracy said...

Looks yummy! Have a very happy birthday and enjoy every bite of your cake. I agree with you, happiness is a state of mind you choose every day. You are doing a great job creating your own!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Happy Birthday To You!!!!! That cake looks wonderful. Hope you are having a great day!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peg said...

You have given so much pleasure to so many people through your blog and it's a privilge to sing happy birthday to you. I hope you have had a wonderful day you deserve it.

hugs Peg xx

Lynn said...

Happy Birthday Cindy.
A positive attitude is everything! When I lost my hearing and became deaf at 39 it was my Faith in God and finding the positive, the beauty in life that gave me the courage to move forward. I will be 63 on Sunday. Lots of Sept birthdays here I see. I lost part of myself, the ablility to be spontaneou with people but there is so much beauty in life and your blog is one of those beautiful aspects that always makes feel good. You are inspiring, creative, warm and lovely. Your blog brings so much joy and inspiration to all of us. A very happy day and many many wonderful years ahead my dear Cindy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!That cake looks absolutely to die for!I can't believe the attitude issue you are writing about! I am facing my own birthday soon(fellow Libra)and have been on a major rethinking of my priorities and attitudes. I am also making attitude adjustments.(Does this have anything to do with getting older?) It isn't easy, it's one day at a time.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, O' Goddess of Romantic Home Beauty! I thought turning 50 was just the most awesome thing evah! So, just wait until next year! It'll probably knock your socks off!


Linda's Blue Gate said...

49 and FABULOUS........ you look happier than when I first started reading your blog....and more sure of your self.....that latest picture on your side bar.....I mean really you are more beautiful ...... just keep getting better...
Happy Birthday

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Cindy,
and Happy 49th Birthday, you're just a spring chicken!!
Your cake looks absolutely lovely and delicious. Hope you enjoy it very much.
You are so right, we can choose to be happy, and it makes such a difference in our lives and the lives of others.
Guess when we grow up we realize life is not always about us!!
Hope you have a delightful birthday full of all the people,
places and things you love most!
Blessings, Nellie

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday, Cindy! I turned 35 on September 14th. :)

GwendolynKay said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! your cake looks so elegant and delish! I totaly get where you are coming from. I will turn 46 this year... and though I am not as skinny as I used to be and such things... I am happy , because I have learned to embrace who I am. Kudos to you for knowing the same. Loving yourself is one of the best gifts you could have. And by the length of comments I see you are well loved by many! BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS!

Irene said...

A very happy birthday to you. I love what you said about choosing to be happy. The cake is beautiful , and I love the colors in your photos. Wishing you health, joy and happiness. Happy New Year in Life.

Christine said...

...happy birthday!
Your cake is how you made the leaves...will have to try that

Bambi said...

Happy Birthday Cindy! Very glad all is going well for you. And your cake is beautiful. Have a wonderful evening enjoying it!

Four Paws and Co said...


just a little bit shabby said...

Funny butI was just thinking to myself this past week that your birthday should be coming up soon and I should look back to see when it is and ta da here it is!! Wishing you a great year! Your cake looks good enough to eat....all by myself!!! Hope you enjoy your day and all of the next 3641

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!Have a wonderful day!~Hugs, Patti

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Happy Birthday! It's wonderful that you're enjoying exactly who and where you are! Life is good! Thanks for inviting us along for the ride!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Happy birthday, Cindy! I started reading your blog about a year ago and I want to thank you for all the wonderful inspirations and photos you share every day. I hope you have a wonderful day and the year ahead is simply brimming over with blessings.

Blessings and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!!

LindaSonia said...

Happy Birthday Happy Girl :) LindaSonia

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I hope you have many, many more. I so agree with you that we can choose to look for the positive and be happy or we can choose to look for the negative and surely find it. Have a super day. Hugs, Marty

Elaine said...

Happy 49th from your 100th commenter.

That cake looks delicious. Enjoy!

Michelle said...

Hi Cindy,
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, I am 4 months older than you to the day. I am thrilled to hear how happy you are with your life, you deserve that! You have added alot of happiness to all of your fans with your lovely blog! Have a wonderful day and a great 49th year!

Pat said...

I sure hope you have had a delightful birthday!!! Your chocolate cake looks delicious...I can almost taste it, but since I'm allergic to chocolate, I'll just enjoy the photos! Many more happy birthdays to you!!! pat

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Happy Birthday & many happy returns Cindy! 49 is just a number!

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday Cindy! I'm sure you've heard, 49 is the new 29! And it all has to do with attitude. I'm so glad you have found true happiness, that which comes from within! Oh, and chocolate helps too!

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

Happy, happy birthday to you!! I hope you had a very special day. Your cake was absolutely scrumptious to look at!! It is so nice to hear that you are in a really good place. So many people don't feel that way at this point in time. I truly believe that life is what you make of it and, if you have a positive attitude about things, they will turn out in a positive way. Thanks for your wonderful post!! : )

~ Wendy

Tammy/Yesterday's Cottage said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Your cake is beautiful and looks delicious!
Enjoy! Hope you had a great day and that the year to come brings you granted wishes, love & laughter!

Rebecca @ Belle Blog said...

Happy Birthday. Your cake looks delicious. I bet you had fun making those yummy chocolate leaves. Although I bet you'll have more fun eating them!!
♥ Rebecca

ladydi said...

Happy Birthday Cindy
Its very true what you said. I have a saying "Attitude of gratitude". If you are feeling angry or frustrated or sad its the attitude that has to change. I am not being grateful. Once you have gratitude everything changes. i can choose to have a good day or a bad day. I choose a good day. So many more happy contented birthdays. And thank you for all your inspiration.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!

Your chocolate cakes looks

You bring so many people happiness
through your blog. Wishing you
all the best life has to offer!


Lucky said...

Seeing this late, Cindy, but want to send you Happy Birthday wishes and may you enjoy many more.
Your sincere and positive attitude is one of the things that has put your blog at the top of my bookmark list. Of course your gorgeous home decor has a bit to do with it also!
The chocolate leaves are such a lovely cake decoration. Thanks for all the inspiration you give so generously.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Happy Happy Bday, Cindy! May you have a blessed and special day! Your blog and wonderful tips and photography bring me (and MANY others) so much joy each day! You deserve the very best life has to offer!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Dee said...

Happy Birthday. Your blog is one of my favorites. And I totally agree with you about choosing to be happy!

Ginger said...

I hope you have the best birthday ever. Your cake looks delicious.

Sharlotte said...

Happy Birthday to you! What a great idea to make yourself a delicious and GORGEOUS cake! I love the looks so yummy!

koralee said...

Ahhh...happy Birthday...that cake looks amazingly yummy...just found you and your lovely blog! Off to see what I have been missing! I am so glad you know that life only gets better!

violetlady said...

Happy, happy birthday, Cindy! Your blog makes ME happy. That cake is beautiful.

Whatever Is Lovely said...

Dear Cindy, Very BIG Happy Birthday Wishes!! Your Cake looks Beautiful & I bet it was really yummy too!

You are so talented Cindy!! & Its always such a pleasure to visit with you on your blog! Your positive attitude toward life always shows in everything you do!! God's many Blessings to you & your Family!!
~ Teresa

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!!! I love your blog. I stumbled across it a few months ago and I check it everyday. I haven't left a comment before but I had to today. I just wanted to let you know what an inspiration you are to me. Happiness is more than a's a choice!! I learned that the hard way but I'm thankful that I did. Anyways, Happy Birthday!!! Keep up the good work. We love it!!!
Oh Yeah, I almost forgot... The looks heavenly!!! YUM!!

Joyce's Journey said...

Happy Birthday (again) Cindy!! You made that cake???? I'm amazed! I thought for sure it was store bought because it looks perfect!! I'm very impressed!

I have a video I show to all my new hires at work, "Attitude is Everything" by Keith Harrell. It is an excellent video that is so funny and goes along with your outlook exactly.

Hope you enjoyed your day! 49!! Enjoy the last year of this decade - then the fun begins!!

Sara at On Simplicity said...

Happy birthday--your attitude and approach to life is an inspiration. Oh, and DROOL! Enjoy your drool-inducing cake!

Susie Q said...

Happy, happy birthday dear Cindy!
I discovered that secret too! Just before Grace arrived i decided that it was all about attitude. I chose to be happy. Chose to enjoy kife and be content with what Ihave, who I am and where I have been/am going in life. It makes a world of difference!
This is just one of the reasons so many love you! You are amazing!

Altes Haus mit Seele said...

happy happy birthday!!!!
p.s. i love your blog

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! Hope the cake was yummy!

Unknown said...

I am a bit late. I would like to congratulate you on your birthday!
I like the happy attitude thing. It is something that I should try.

Jennifer said... should rename this post, Cindy. It should say, "49, Happy and GORGEOUS!" I hope and pray I'm that cute, gorgeous and spunky at 49!!! I'll be 40 in April...trying to not think about it as 40 but rather wiser and more confident. ;)

Gorgeous...yup...add me. hehe. *BIGHUG*

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Happy birthday Cindy!!! The cake looks yummy. Thanks for being you and bringing such beauty to the world. You should be proud of yourself.

Rochelle said...

Happy Birthday Cindy! And boy does that cake look yummy!

sylvia said...

you lucky girl!! Your happiness shows!! I wish you all the best and hope you will have lots of cakes like this...I am jealous.....i want one!!

Sonja said...

The best wishes to you Cindy!! You are a wonderful, wonderful, so wonderful woman and I wish you all the best for the future and hope your dreams come truth!!

Many kind regards from Austria,

Con encanto - Ana said...

¡¡HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! from Spain. Ana.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Cindy! I'm really looking forward to 50!

Great job on the cake! Those leaves are awesome. Wish I could have a bite. ☺ I'm gonna have to go rustle up some choc-o!

A positive attitude is wonderful medicine and focusing on all the good makes ya happy! ♥

Suze said...

Happy happy birthday. You have inspired me. Next year I will make my own special day.

I wish you the best year ever.

P. said...

Happy birthday and thank you for the pacience you have to give us all the beauty and inspiration.

Sweet Old Vintage said...

Wishes for many blessings to come your way over the next year.... and for the attitude to keep you going.... you are truly thinking in the right direction.... ENJOY LIFE....I can almost taste that cake.... You are a awesome baker... Your creations are always delightful.... Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cindy.

sarah said...

I'm so very late but


I'm so glad I first came to visit your blog, about a year or so and two others are what prompted me to start mine...and now look where we are lol! attitude comes from women like you who inspire us all to pick up, shut up and get on with making life beautiful...that happened to me when I came here and not to get too soppy and I hope as the 136th commenter you will read this, is that I was inspired to make the bet of my tatty old cottage by the sea and I did - much attributed to you all those miles away

so just saying a pure and simple THANKS



Maison Beldecor said...

Dear Cindy,
Happy, happy Birthday to you... and that your wishes come true. Hope you enjoyed it very much.
Your cake looks absolutely yummyyyyyy...
Many warm greetings
~ Bine ~

LillyB said...

Dearest Cindy!
Happy Happy Birthday girl!! The cake turned out beautiful. Have a wonderful day and may God Richly bless this next year and all the others!
Love Lilly

Sharon~heartsongs said...

Happy Birthday!
Beautiful cake.

A Southern Rose said...

Happy birthday! Your cake looks beautiful. I'll have to try that with the leaves one day. Never seen that done before!

Have a great day! Oh and I agree with the positive thinking!

Lee Laurie

Carolee in Kansas said...

Happy birthday, Cindy! I'm quite a ways past 49 and certainly agree with you about the positive attitude. :-) I love your cake - have never tried the chocolate leaves but may now. They look so festive. Have a great day.

Drawn to The Sea said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Cindy. I vaguely remember 49 ;-) It was a very good year for me, I hope the same is true for you!


Gabrielle Mader said...

Well Happy Birthday..that cakes looks delish I thought you bought if at a fancy cake store..

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, may the Lord grant you many more years full of Joy, health and wealth!

Barbara said...

Happy birthday Cindy!
I'm a fan of's always a pleasure to visit your blog!

Hugs from Italy!

umieaisyah said...

happy birthday cindy...
thanks for being inspire..
to share those beautiful piccas n words..


Happy birthday to you!!!!!!Wish I could have been there to have some of that yummy cake (;

Beverly said...

Happy Birthday. I'll bet that cake was delicious.

I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. Good for you.

Janean said...

The chocolate leaves are amazing! Happy B-Day!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!

We could all use some positive thinking and a positive attitude!

Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend!


Lacy said...

Happy Birthday! The cake is beautiful and I would love to here you tips on thinking possitive.

Cherrie said...

Happy Birthday yesterday! We are the same age!
Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you Cindy...that cake looks yummy !!!

Kathy :)

Pink said...

Happy Birthday Cindi ! I am so glad it truley is Happy for you !!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! I'm going to tell you that the fifties are even better. Once I hit 50, I decided I was going to live like I wanted to, feel good about it, and see the glass as half full. The thing is: raising kids is a wonderful time. But then they go off and have lives of their own, and we find our own unique way. Your birthday chocolate looks sublime!

Mary said...

Oh, darn, I missed your birthday!!! Wishing you a year filled with happiness. :)

Oh, and that cake looks divine!!!

countrycottage said...

Happy birthday "Joyeux anniversaire" !!!!! Cindy

Hummmm the lovely cake.
Your blog is so beautiful


BellaRosa said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! I tried to leave you birthday wishes yesterday but for some reason just wasn't able too...Your cake not only looks beautiful but I bet was delicious too! Hope you had a beautiful day! Rose

twinkle said...

That cake looks scrumptious! If you were closer to me, I would have made you one of my famous red velvet cakes! May you have a blessed and beautiful year full of love, joy and peace, dear friend!

The Feathered Nest said...

Happy Birthday sweet Cindy!!!!! How in the world did I miss this!!! I hope your day was absolutely wonderful and as sweet as you! And that garden house is AMAZING....and so very you ~ Wishing you many more years of happiness dear friend,
hugs and love, Dawn

Silvia said...

Hi Cindy, sorry I am late, but happy birthday belated! Hope you had a great day!

cargol said...

Happy Belated Birthday, hope you had a wonderful day!

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday Cindy! I hope you have many many more and that they're all happy ones! said...

Cindy, I hope you read this comment. Your treasure is fantastic Your birthday cake is to die for. Your birthday gift to yourself is priceless. "Choose to have a good attitude." It does take time to really learn that. Every day can be feeled with presious moments, if we let it.

big hugs to you

Kim said...

Happy belated birthday!! I hope that you had a wonderful day & that the cake tasted as delicious as it looks!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cindy, I feel the same way as you do, turning 50 has been wonderful.

Blessings Birthday Girl:)
Raised In Cotton

DreamgirlLisa said...

What a great post! Happy belated Birthday! You're an inspiration, especially for us "single girls" :) Gorgeous cake too!

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday. I'm slightly over 50 ... and only at this age can you say that you have had a friend for 50 years. What could be better.

Imagery by Kimberly said...

Happy Birthday Dear Cindy!!

Here's to many more beautiful and positive years - I'm so happy to know you in Blogland.. you are such a special spirit!!!


Rue said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!!

Your cake is gorgeous! I thought you had bought it, until I read your post.

I hope all your dreams come true this year :)


Sherri said...

Awww Belated Birthday wishes! Isn't is amazing how our attitude REALLY does make the most difference?! May you have many many more wonderful happy years.

Risa said...

Happy Birthday. Beautiful cake! Glad you are happy where you are in life :-)

Anonymous said...

just happened upon your blog for the first time today, so a belated happy mutual birthday wish to you! my name is also cindy and i turned 49 as well! my blog is under construction!

Cindy said...

Anonymous: Wow, that's amazing! Same name and same b-day! My mom named me Cynthia because the woman she shared a hospital room with when I was born had named her daughter that and my mom liked it. Now, if you are THAT Cindy, that would really be amazing!

teacupsandpoodles said...

Dear Cindy,
Happy belated birthday! Praying you have a lovely year because you bring so much loveliness into this world! I so enjoy your blog!