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My favorite jam is homemade peach jam so Saturday when I saw some nice peaches on sale at the grocery store I decided to make some.

You need 6 cups of diced peaches. I think it took about 7 large peaches to make 6 cups.

First you want to peel and dice the peaches. I dip the whole peaches in boiling water for about 20 seconds and then into ice water...this makes them easier to peel.

Next you want to squeeze 6 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Add the diced peaches, the lemon juice and 3 cups of sugar to a heavy pot and add about a teaspoon of butter. The butter is optional but it does keep the jam from foaming and it also makes it nice and clear, which to me looks more appetizing than cloudy-looking jam. Cook the mixture at a slow boil for about 30 minutes.

While the peaches are cooking you want to sterilize the jars and lids. I run the jars through the dishwasher and try to time it so they are finished and still hot when the jam is finished cooking. I sterilize the lids by dropping them in boiling water that has been removed from the heat.
Next you want to fill the jars. I didn't get a photo of that because I was rushing to get them filled while everything was still hot! If you didn't add the butter then you'll want to skim off the foam before you fill the jars.

Rather than canning with a hot water canner I use a steam canner. It keeps your kitchen cooler and it's so much safer than a huge pot of boiling water. The steam canner works well for jams, fruit, tomatoes but you can't use it to can meat...but who cans meat anymore? Mine is called
The Ideal Fruit Canner but I didn't see any new ones for sale on the internet so maybe they don't make this brand any longer.

The steam canner is so easy, you just put some water in the bottom, then the rack and load up the jars, put the lid on and turn up the heat and wait for the steam to come out the side vents. Then you turn the heat down a little and set the timer for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes you remove the lid and place the jars on a kitchen towel. Right away you start hearing the lids pop down and you know it worked.

You just want to make sure when you press down on each lid that it firm and sealed.

Then you can decorate them! I used paper doilies from The Dollar Tree on top of mine. I just slipped a rubber band over the doily and then tied on some ribbon and some
Mary Engelbreit gift tags I bought at Michaels a couple years ago.

Now I have a special homemade gift ready on hand for my friends. I think I'm going to make more next weekend for us to keep.
Peach Jam
6 Cups peeled and diced peaches
3 Cups of sugar
1 Teaspoon butter (optional)
6 Tablespoons of lemon juice
Bring all the ingredients to a boil in a large heavy pot. Reduce the heat to Medium/Medium Low and continue to slowly boil for 30 minutes. Fill hot, sterilized jars and following canning instructions that come with your canner.
Ahhhh. Love peach jam! This makes me think of Jeff's Mom, though... She used to get these wild plums in some secret place in Los Gatos that she would not share, and she made the most amazing plum jam. Yum. Hmmm. Maybe I need to try making some plum jam. Thanks! ;)
The jam looks lovely. I have never made peach jam. Strawberry was always my specialty, but you are tempting me to look for some peaches.
Sounds delicious and looks great. I'm sure your friends will love your gift. My grandmother used to make jams and jellies and lots of other good things. Yum!! I've never tried canning, but someday I think I'll give it a try.
Hi Cindy. Wow, you really are a cottage girl at heart! What fun to make jam, peach jam at that! Thanks for sharing your recipe and your step-by-step photos. And, of course, those finished little jars reflect your attention to beauty and detail. ~Arleen
Yum, I love peaches! I have not attempted canning yet although I do not know why. Then again, it is probably because I have been spoiled because my grandmother, Aunt and Mom have always done the canning in my family. You make it sound so easy and your jars look very lovely. I may just give it a try some time soon. Thank you very much for the recipe.
Hi Cindy
I love a good peach jam too. Yours look so pretty with the doilies on top and the ribbon and the adorable tags.
Isn't this a great season. I posted on the pickled cauliflower and onions and carrots medley I made last week. It was so yum too.
I posted today on my visit to Monterey...come see...have you been to this restaurant? From your pictures last week you were standing right by it....
have a great evening
Hi Cindy:
You've inspired me so much. Thank you for always sharing with us eveything you do. I have been a follower of your blog for the past 2 years and you're the greatest blogger!! You're my favorite and even started taking baking classes because of you. God Bless You!!
I love homemade peach jam and always make some for my scones.Yours looks so pretty-what lucky friends!
They look so pretty!!! I make raspberry jelly and cherry jelly, looks very nice in the jars. I made pickles this year too. I love how you decorated your jars, very sweet and peaches are just so delicious aren't they!!
Margaret B
I am having a giveaway on my blog, drop in and put your name in!! (go to my blog from there)
Oh I love peaches! This looks wonderful - If I lived closer to you I'd be knocking on your door for a treat - but Virginia is too far away! Sigh.
Your peach jars looks so pretty and festive! I love peach jam but I don't sister in law does so I rely on her to give us some when she makes it! Thanks for sharing!~Patti
Mmmmmmm, delicious and so pretty! Making jam is one of those satisfying tasks that rewards you with a beautiful finished product. I love the towel they are sitting on with the polka dot ruffle!
Cindy...these look soooo good! I haven't made peach jam in a long time. Love the doilies and ribbon...what a lovely gift these will make!
Hi Cindy,
Your jams look so yummy and very nicely decorated with the paper doilies & ribbon! This recipe looks quite easy so I hope to give it a try sometime. TFS! Sheila
You make peach jam look so good! I love the way you decorated the jars, they are to cute. Now, I am thinking how good the jam would be on a French Crepe. Sandi
oh my, look at all that jammy goodness...or is it peachy goodness. Either way it is a yummy post. mmmmmm!
♥ Rebecca
One of my favorite...peach jam and homemade is the best..thanks for sharing this with us...when is brunch?? Keep up your great blog Cindy...wish you lived closer as we could go to trade days in Canton this week-end...Vera
Hi Cindy! Oh, I'm so impressed and the peach jam looks so pretty! I'm sure it's delicious!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You make it sound so easy, and the jars are so pretty. I just bought a big box of Utah peaches last week from a farm here. I am afraid of trying to can...I guess I think I won't do it right and I'll give us food poisoning. lol.
MMMMMMMM !! I love peach jam and I haven't had it in so long!! Thank you for the recipe and for oh-so-pretty pictures to go along with it. I'm so glad I found your blog. : )
~ Wendy
Looks delicious! I love your home, Cindy!
Tis the season for jams and veggies. I was knee deep in chili sauce today. Not as pretty as your lovely jam. All to be enjoyed through the winter. There is a sense of beauty and pride when you view home canned jars on your shelf. I find it somewhat romantic and beaautiful to see the harvest.
Sweet peach jam!...and your finished jars look sweet too!
Did you taste it...was it delicious?
Thanks for the recipe...I may try it!
Great post, Cindy!!! As always, those photos are exquisite.
You are my kind of women. It's beautiful.
It looks delicious and so pretty the way you packaged it. A pretty presentation makes it even more special.
~Blessings, ~Melissa :)
It looks so yummy! I like how you decorated them too. Pretty and tasty gifts!
That looks so yummy! THank you for posting the recipe, this is something I really want to try. I've been hesitant to try canning, but it's something I want to learn. I have the same fabric as the little placemat you have under the jam. I've made pillows for my bedroom with it :) have the little ME tags too!
Oh, this sounds jummy! Overhere in the Netherlands the peaches are very cheap at the moment, so I will make some too! I also love the way you decorate your pots!!
Thank you for the recipy!!
Hi Cindy!Congratulations for your jam and your home!Delicious! You're a very special person about take care of your home. Sorry for my English.Come to visit me. It will be great.Bye.
Hi Cindy~ ~
I am so pleased to see so many gals canning this year. Seems like sort of a back to earth movement. Possibly because of the economy folks are feeling the need to be more self sufficient and like you to have lovely little gifts on hand to share with friends. I love that your recipe uses lemon juice instead of boxed pectin. I'll give it a try as I was planning to use the peaches on the table this week for jam.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Looks wonderful! I love making jam and I love making the jars look pretty too! :) Peach jam....mmmmmm sooo good! :)
That Jam looks so good!
Sounds lovely! I have never heard of the steam canner. It sounds so much cleaner and safer than my giant pot of boiling water! This year I made some Strawberry freezer jam. I store them in those mini Ziploc containers. I just had some on my scone this morning!
That looks so good! What a sweet gift or party favor. I have always wanted to learn how to make jam. We had a cherry tree in our yard at one house we lived in, and I enjoyed eating my mom's homemade jams. I'm glad to get your recipe!
Hi Cindy,
Looks lovely and tasty too!. Any thing home-made is such a special treat to receive.
Take care and enjoy your day,
I'm on my way! Now how special is that???
You are so good Cindy - everything you create is truly special.
Yummy!! My local city has a "Peach Days" festival during the first week of September...Super YUMMY!!!
Great recipe. Do you now how much sugar I would use if I had to use Splenda or Equal as a substitute?
This is a lovely post. I cannot get peaches here in Grenada but, I would like to try this recipe using half ripe mangoes instead. Thank you for sharing this, Cindy.
Hi Cindy,
I have not made preserves since I was in my twenties, early in my marriage. You make me want to again! I just love your blog. I have started using all my pretty china instead of just storing it away. You inspire me. Keep up the good work - I look forward to reading it everyday!
That's what I'm gonna do...can me some peaches!
I loved your cupcake pictures. I think they all look too good to eat. If you take a peek at my blog I have a link at the top for my faux cupcakes...I only have a few left on my website. They have been a popular seller.
I am looking forward to your next post!
Take Care, Bunny Jean
Oh how I love peaches. There is nothing so sweet...don;t you just love the way they smell? Ah...
and your jam looks yummy.
Asalways, a pure joy to visit you Cindy!
I am so glad to see this post, my mom's tree is nearly ready to pick and I desperately wanted to make some peach jam this year.
Do you not use any kind of pectin when making your jam? Is it thick enough on it's on or is it quite runny?
I can't wait to try it. This looks easy enough that even I can do it LOL
Love the look of your jam and the final presentation breathtaking....
I have one question (i have never made jam before ) as i was going through your step my step tutorial
I have one question , i dont have a canner so what do i do after i fillup the bottles is there some way by which i can seal them?
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