I'm posting a photo mosaic again today because it's been a busy week here!
I helped my son Vince move all day Sunday. I left for his home in Davis at 6:00 am on Sunday and didn't get home until 10:00 pm that night. It's less than a 2 hour drive each way but it took me 3 hours to get home because of road work. My muscles are so sore from moving! He had 13 boxes full of books along with many other boxes and he moved into a second floor apartment! It was nice to spend the day with him though even if it involved manual labor in the heat! Actually that day, until the time I left, has been the best part of my week!
On the way home from Davis, while I was stuck in the bumper-to-bumper traffic my car kept overheating so I had to pull over a couple times and turn off the engine and let it cool. I took it to the mechanic this morning and I'm hoping it just needs a new thermostat and nothing major! I really want this car to make it until next spring when I planned on buying a new (newer, not brand new) car! I'm a little stressed right now! I'm on my lunch hour and still no word on what's wrong with it!
Last night I came home and my cable was out....no TV or Internet all night! That was horrible! I felt so disconnected. I'm a news junkie and I hate not knowing what's going on in the world! I'm hoping my car is fixed by 2:30 this afternoon so I can rush home and meet the cable guy! He's supposed to be there between 3:00-5:00. At least they told me there's no charge for that!
So...no car, no Internet (except at work) and no TV and a lot less money in my bank account, thanks to back-to-school shopping, an outrageously-expensive ASB card, school pictures and the high school photography and 3-D Design class fees I know are coming...
Lauren started school this week so it's back to the morning rush to get her to school on time! I'm giving one of her friends a ride to school this year and her dad drops her off around 6:00 AM on his way to work so I have to make sure I'm up by 6:00 AM to open the door for her. I've had no problem with that so far because for some reason I'm waking up at 4:30 AM and not being able to go back to sleep! Ughhh!
Did I just whine about everything? I hate reading whiny blogs! Sorry, but you know I never rarely do that here. I guess I just needed to vent today. Hopefully the "positive-thinking Cindy" will be back tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Beautiful Hydrangeas
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UPDATE: It's all good, I'm in a much better mood now. My car was low on coolant, which didn't even occur to me because I just took it to Jiffy Lube last Friday for an oil change and they told me the added more coolant. Today my mechanic looked for leaks but didn't find anything so I think the guys at Jiffy Lube messed up. My mechanic charged me $47 for the diagnosis so I'm going to call Jiffy Lube...I think they should reimburse me!
I made it home in time to meet the cable guy and he fixed the cable so I now have TV and the Internet again...I'm so happy. The electric company had cut the cable when they were trimming the trees around the power lines yesterday!
Do you see a pattern here....other people's mistakes caused me all this stress! Oh well, all is well now! That's all that matters!

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I hope tomorrow is a better day Cindy!
PS - I LOVED the Eden rose pics! I'm trying to find where to purchase one.
Hang in there, Cindy! We all days/times like this! Love, Esther
Hi Cindy:
Everything will be okay. You'll see. All of us go to trials but everyhing turns out to be okay...just pause for a moment a take a deep breath. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
God bless you!!
I don't know which would bother me more, no car or no internet. I'm so dependent on both! LOL! Hope tomorrow is a better day!
We all have one of those days {or weeks}! You've got a new routine to adjust to and everything always feels like it happens at once. Take deep breaths!
Hi Cindy,
I think just getting it off your chest helps!! Loved your flower pictures!! Hang in there, things will get better. Antique Rose
Wow Cindy I'm exhausted just reading this. Hang in there and here's hoping it's nothing too expensive on the car. kath
SO pretty!
love the burst
of colours! :)
Well, at least you can't complain it hasn't been an interesting week so far, right? These things are what puts our feet back on earth. I loved the Eden rose mosaic. If they weren't my favorite before, they are now! Hope tomorrow is a better day and your car didn't cost you too much.
It is funny hows some things all go at the same time!!It helps to vent, we all understand! In the same week, my dishwasher started leaking and caused my internet to stop working(the phone plug was just near it).My fridge had a huge puddle at the bottom, and my shower floor leaked!I look at them as challenges, and huge expenses!Lol
It's okay to vent. Everything seems to happen all at once, but tomorrow is bound to be a better day.
Hang in there!!
Love the hydrangeas!
You have had a busy week, that is for sure. It is so great to be able to help your son and daughter, what wonderful memories. I hope your cable guy shows up and fixes things for you soon. Have a restful evening. Sandi
Wishes being sent your way for a calmer rest of the week. It does seem as those things kinda get bulkie when they take place but then the blessings can be that way also.... Hand in there and everything will work out...
Oooh, sorry to hear about the bad day! I really hate when the car has trouble...you feel so helpless-no crafting we can do will fix it!No cable? internet? ugh! I do know what you mean about your son-mine is returning to college tomorrow and we spent the last few days bonding over all the things "he needs"! My credit card is on fire!Have a better day tomorrow!
It's good to be able to vent. I pray things are okay with your car and that tomorrow is a better day for you. Glad you have Internet and television now!
Cindy, believe me - I understand! We all have days like that from time to time. But you are generally very positive. But right now you're being very real and that's OK. I pray that the auto repairs won't be costly for you.
I love your photo collage with the beautiful hydrangeas. It reminds me of Ina Garten's Barefoot Contessa show on Food Network. She always has beautiful vases filled with hydrangeas on her table.
you're having a poopy day. have a glass of wine (no pun intended) and relax...
No worries...things are already turning around...everything is working...your son is settled. Soon you will get in a back to school rhythm and you will sleep better...I just know it!!
Thanks for sharing those absolutely gorgeous Hydrangeas.....they make you smile...right...see...there it is!! Hugs xOxO, Nerina :)
I would talk to Jiffy Lube too. In fact, I wouldn't ever go back there. I went there once and they forgot to put my oil cap back on tightly. I drove around ALL day like that and right when I pulled into my driveway, it all gushed out ... ticked me off because 1) I paid for all that oil and 2) my driveway was a MESS!!! Glad your car didn't cost much!
Oh boy! Happy days are here again - so glad it all worked out so well.
It's okay Cindy! I'm so glad it all worked out for you today.
Your hydrangea mosaic is without a doubt the prettiest one I've ever seen. ~Love it! ~Gorgeous.
~Blessings to you, ~Melissa :)
Hi Cindy; I am so happy that your day ended on a lovey note... and all is well again... I hope tomorrow will be a brighter one for you.. Love your Hydrangea Mosaic, just beautiful...
Hi Cindy! Thanks for your visit! Wonderful flowers! I love your blog! God bless you!
That is how I've been feeling lately too. Everything breaking at one time! I posted about it yesterday. Come look what I did to my bathroom! I was stressed out and had to vent somehow! The song "Bring on the rain" is what I had playing with that post. It made me feel better. Things will get better! I love your blog!
Lovely mosaic -- and Cindy, everyone needs to vent sometimes. It's good for the soul.
I'm rather blue today -- my younger daughter just moved out to her own apartment for grad school. Both girls gone now, and I'm indulging in a little "oh poor me" day which hopefully won't last beyond today!
I shall just kick myself in my own caboose, and get on with things.
Oye vey! What a week you have had so far! It seems like sometimes a lot of stuff hits at once just so we can be reminded not to take anything for granted...which I know I do...constantly! Glad all it right with your world now!
m ^..^
As they say....when it rains...it pours!! Glad that your update is showing improvement!!
Hi Cindy. After reading your post I can't get the song "Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This" outta my head!LOL
Glad things are all better now! Stop by my blog ~ I'm having a giveaway!
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
We all have days like that sometimes...it does help to have someone to vent to. We are all here for you girlfriend!~Patti
One of my very favorite mosaics ever. I love the beauty of fresh hydrangeas and the fragility and muted colors of dried ones. Thanks for the eye candy.
I'm glad things are looking up for you now,
Beautiful collages yesterday and today.
Hi Cindy,
Thank you for the lovely hydrangea mosiac today. As much as you love the Eden Rose, my favorite is the hydrangea. Glad to hear life is returning to normal for you. TFS! Sheila
Oh, Cindy, I'm sorry you've been stressed. That's what friends are for, to listen when you need to vent.... I've followed your blog for a while now but rarely comment. Guess that entitles me to call myself a friend, huh? Hope tomorrow is sunny and peaceful in your world....
I'm so glad your car turned out okay - other than the Jiffy Lube part. You should pursue that.
Doesn't it just kill you, all the money that goes out with going back to school? Aside from the clothes, we had $75 sports fee, $50 photography fee, $15 Anatomy & Phys fee, locker fee, agenda and there's probably other stuff I haven't heard about yet. And let's not even get into the wardrobe required for a teenage girl!!
Sorry for your troubles! Jiffy Lube has been on some of the news shows highlighting their deceptive business practices. Find another oil change place!
Ah, most problem-os have a way of working themselves out if we're willing to just waaaait. ☺
I luvs hydrangeas! ♥
Hi Cindy
Why do things seem to all happen at once? Feel free to complain, we all have days like that. Glad it had a happy ending.
Hugs, Rhondi
Hi Cindy,
Love the hydrangea mosaic. Don't use Jiffy Lube, I took a car there for an oil change once and they neglected to put in any oil. The engine exploded two days later. Literally the whole car was on fire and melted.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
♥ Rebecca
Cindy, the hydrangeas are just gorgeous! Now, about all those problems...glad your car is ok, cable back on and kids are getting things ready for school...a mother's work is never done! (Now, breathe deep and smell your beautiful roses!!) Isn't life great when even a few things work out well!
Always enjoy your posts! pat
Hang in there Cindy.
Love the flower pics. I am sure they remind you on Martha's Vinyard. They are so gorgeous there.
Cindy, I'm so inspired to start my garden of Hydrangeas:) Thank you for sharing the photos!
I just returned from our log home in Truckee and getting my kids ready for school this week. I'm hoping to place my order of 15 Endless Summer Hydrangeas this week. Just wondering if I should hold off until spring... hmm...
Everyone needs to vent sometimes! Glad your car wasn't a serious problem after all.
I can see why it sold so fast!! Beautiful!
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