I LOVE LOVE LOVE root beer floats! Vanilla ice cream and root beer, so simple but so good! It's such a refreshing dessert on a hot summer night!

Updated to add: For those of you outside the U.S. that have never heard of root beer before, it's not really a beer, it's more like Coke (Coca-Cola) but with a different taste. It's a carbonated, non-alcholic beverage. I wish I could send you all a can, it's really good!
Cindy, love your blog. Come and visit me, you might find some lace you can not live without. Thanks
Drooooooooool :)
Cindy, i just love My Romatic Home. I am from Scotland and when I was a wee girl, I used to have a similar thing when we were on vacation. It was called an ice cream drink and my favourite was a ginger beer ( same as root beer) one.
I just love root beer!! I´m swedish and we don´t have that easy to get our hands on root beer. But I lived in the US in the late 80´s and fell in love with this beverage! In love with a drink*lol*. But sometimes they do sell it in the foodstore, and I make sure to buy a LOT! Root beer isn´t that popular over here...either you love it or hate it. Neither my hubby or my kids care for it so I do have it to myself...all to myself!
I´m definetly going to try this one out! It´s 86 degrees here at the moment (west coast), and were not used to it...the heatwave is going into it´s third week soon...and I do need cool drinks, an lots of them.
Have a wonderful summer!
Hugs, Ulrika
A & W is THE best root beer for a Colorado girl! Yours looks so much prettier, of course, with the paper doilie on the plate!
We don't really have them here in Canada at least not around where I live. I think years ago which is about the time we would have cherry cokes also. But not these days.
Thats a great low cal version.
have a great day
On the first day of summer I made root beer floats the exact same way! Same root beer and same ice cream, no kidding!!
Well I have to admit that I never tasted of even saw such a drink as root beer here in The Netherlands. Sounds good though :)
Here in Texas -Root Beer Float is still #1.
Temp. is 100+ today.
Cooler than the last few days ****
Sweating Bullets in Texas
Hi Cindy :)
I haven't had one of those in ages! It looks so good though, I might have to buy some at the store ;)
Happy 4 year anniversary!!
Thank you for your sweet words about Shiloh my friend and have a Happy 4th! :)
I love root beer floats, too, and just had one last night. But darn it, I didn't use the guilt free icecream and rootbeer. I will wear it on my hips all week long...lol.
Hello Cindy,
We do have them in Canada, we also have the A&W brand. Very tasty.
Not sure how good the diet pop is for you though ;-(
Enjoy your blog, have a great day!
Hi Cindy~stopping by to give you some bloggy love! Have a great day.
Ours are more likely to be Coke Floats, and since the oldest Granddaughter tasted her first one, they've been "Flote Loats" in our family.
We love root beer, especially A&W, either at home by the case or in a cold frosty mug at our local A&W restaurants (ONtario. Canada). Tomorrow is Canada Day and I just may have to make some to help us celebrate!
I would a coke float right now - Did not even think about it till saw your post.:) I prefer coke over root beer. Thanks for visiting. The only good about this heat - it is keeping me from going to those great little shopping places.:)
Ohhhh ... now I want one!
So divine! I had the sugar-full fat version this week. I'll have to try yours next time!
Racheld...that reminded me...we call meat loaf, "meat love" in our family because that's what Vince called it as a toddler.
100% american!!!!!!!I don't like it....my son loves it!!!!
I used to take our girls for an orange or root beer float on our little outings.I haven't made one for awhile though-but guilt free sounds good. Do you have any recipes for guilt free sticky date pudding with toffee sauce???
Love the photos too.
Oooooh, I love root beer. Even diet root beer is good. Will definitely have to try this. Have a wonderful 4th!!
Hi Cindy,
I'm not even sure we have root beer here in Australia-might have to check it out.We do have a drink here with coke & ice cream-we call it a spider.I much prefer rasberry soft drink(soda-i think you call it) & ice cream.
I needed this refreshing idea. I've been trying for the past 3 months to live a sugar free life style.
I've actually enjoyed creating new recipes, especially for desserts.
My favorite is a chocolate mousse pie with a chocolate cookie crust. Topped with fresh raspberries from our garden.
Sweet wishes,
Yum! I love root beer floats--I think I'll be buying some supplies the next time I grocery shop!
~ Sarah
That looks yummyyyyyyyyyy. Thankyou for letting me know what rootbeer is about as an Aussie I wasn't real sure.I remember when I was young,on friday nights, my dad( a non drinker)would often make us all one of these with cherrycheer(red creaming soda)soda and a big dollop of icecream as a friday night special.We would call it a 'soda spider' I think maybe because of the frothy bit on top looking like spider webs??Who knows?? all I know is it was one of my all time favourite drinks and memories with my dad.
Yummy, yum!! I love root beer floats, too! I'm on a low carb diet, so I just use Vons brand "Watchin' the Carbs" vanilla ice cream with the diet root beer. Your photos look so yummy. Can't wait to have one on the 4th. Thanks for sharing!
Yum yum! Just the other day, I tried to make myself a Dr. Pepper float, but if you don't have the right type of vanilla ice cream - forget it.
Hmm, root beer float now sounds good. Maybe tonight.
thanks & toodles.
Oh my!!! Now I want one....I know what I'm having for dinner tonight.
Oh, that looks soooo good! Now you've got me wanting one!
Hola Amiga.
Nuevamente yo, aqui en Costa Rica, le decimos VACA NEGRA.
Que es : coca cola con helado de vainilla, hummmmmm super rico, pero claro, con muchas calorias. JIJIJIJI
Saludos desde Costa Rica
OOO what a lovely blog!!!Soo sweet!!
Youre dtink looks just marveoullos!!!Yuuumii!!!
Hugs from Millan, Sweden♥
What a great idea. My kids love these..I love the idea of less sugar....they are a touch too sweet for me!
A couple of weeks ago, I made the mistake of ordering a root-beer float from Sonic. I hadn't had one in ages! It was so hot, I didn't even want to eat on my lunch break! So I ordered one of those instead. Anyway, now I'm hooked! I have had 2 already this week and it is only Tuesday! LOL So much for the diet! When I saw your post I couldn't help but tell you about this! Yours does look a lot better in the float glass! I'm gonna have to try it. A diet root-ber float! I can't believe it!
Lee Laurie
Oh yummm! Root beer floats are one of my favorites! ☺ Diane
Hello, I fell in love with your blog and your house. I just started my own and it looks pathetic but my first post is about furniture my boyfriend and I recently re-did to make look shabby chic. Take a look at the pics and tell me what you think. They were the first projects we ever attempted and I hope there will be many more to come.
:) Jess
hi..i'm from malaysia.here root beer float is quite a well known dessert. when i was a little kid, we used to enjoy it in a fast food restaurant called A&W(it's their signature).Now it can be found anywhere from pushcart to hotels.
I grew up in the Midwest and I LOVE root beer floats. But forget the diet, low fat version. A & W is great and Stewart's is excellent too.
Have a Happy 4th of July!
Teacup Lady (Sandy)
I'm a native Californian (who grew up going to the A&W!) and have a friend who came from Pittsburg, Pa. She thot root beer floats were the weirdest/yuckiest things..I'm not sure if they drink it there or not!
Hi Cindy. Wow, I haven't had a root beer float in years! Thanks for the reminder of this refreshing treat. Oh, and your yard looks beautiful! ~Arleen
My husband made one of these the other day when I was at work! So, none for me. We have a local store that sells all kinds of old-fashioned root beers along with other bottled soda brands. It's very fun and they make root beer floats. I don't think they're diet ones, though. I think I'll put these items on my next grocery list.
Mmm, that looks great! I usually make a soda with chocolate ice cream and gingerale. But that root beer float looks appetizing!
Oh YUMMY! Will definitely try this. Root beer floats used to be my fav and it's been years.
My husband (French) told me he has never heard of Root Beer floats until he came to the states. He kinda of grimaced when I described it to him. Not sure if other Frenchies have heard of them though.
I am going to fill the bathtub with that! I think your presentation is lovely with your vintage glasses.
Sounds yummy! I think my favourite would be an orange crush float.
Yum and your pictures turned out fantastic!!
Hi Cindy...gotta love root beer...especially A&W root beer(here in Canada). Hubby makes them all the time for the kids especially in the summer.
Yumm!! I make rootbeer floats all the time. So refreshing!
I learned about this delicious recipe at Weight Watchers...it is so good and your pictures make it look even more tempting! YUM!
Hello Cindy; I have always loved Rood Beer Floats since I was a small girl. And as a big girl I still love them. So with that kind of ice cream and o sugar pop yummy I am in for some yummy drink. thanks for sharing..
Although it looks good...I can't hang with the diet, and fat free stuff. AND, I, of all people need to watch what I eat. Love how pretty you made it look.
I have the diet root beer but not the ice cream, but I'm gonna get some tomorrow, this looks so good. I haven't had one of these in years. I also found it very interesting in reading the other comments that so many in other countries never heard of root beer or floats. We just take things for granted, huh?
I must try this..Anytime one can have sweets without all of the calories...it's a definite go!
I just returned from my vacation to NC and VA. When you have time, stop by and see the pictures of Mt. Vernon. Oooh, the gardens are so beautiful. Glorious. I couldn't take pics inside the house - they won't let you. But you would have loved the blue room.
This really looks good and I don't even like root beer. I'll bet it would be good with diet vanilla coke or diet Dr. Pepper. I may try it.
Root beer floats remind me so much of my childhood!! My favorite as a kid.
Now that the weather has warmed up, it's the perfect time of year to enjoy one!
I had to laugh, because I did a root beer float post recently. Had people drooling on their computers too. LOL! Yours looks yummy too. I also had people in other countries asking about the root beer too. Not on my blog though. I think it was on the Stitch Along blog I am a part of.
I have always loved root beer floats, but I have never made them at home. I always get them from the Dairy Queen (root beer and frozen custard - mmmmmm). Now that I see how you make yours and they are so less fattening, I will definitely try them at home. By the way, your photographs are always so good -- what kind of camera do you use?
It looks or should I say looked :o) delicious. I think I might have had root beer in the past, but not with icecream. Love the low-fat idea too :o)
Wow!! Looks delicious...Lovely blog you have! First time here, Hugs C&M
I love cream-soda with ice cream but the cream-soda is hard to find these days. Yesterday I had fizzy lemonade with a scoop of ice cream - delicious!
Ann from England
oh I just adore root beer floats! I made these for my grand kids. We used to buy this soda called cream soda and made floats with that as well. Thanks for sharing.
God Bless You !! YUM.
I worked in restaurants for years and people from Europe would often try root beer because they didn't have it back home. I never met a European during my restaurant days that liked it. Most of them said it tastes like the stuff the dentist gives you. Maybe fluoride? I'm not sure, but I heard over and over that it reminded them of the dentist. LOL
Sounds good to me! I am sure it will taste even better.
Yummy looking treats!!!! I gained 5 pounds just looking at them!
Hi Cindy, really love the blog and read it daily. In New Zealand we call the float a spider and have it with any fizzy drink, the best is raspberry or fanta YUM
Yep, we call the float spider too here in Oz. I've had root beer, the very A&W ones, I often think root beer is very similar to Sarsparilla, only not as sweet. I love floats of all sorts, probably coke ones are the best.
Coke floats are pretty popular in Africa. Rootbeer not so much.
The presentation is beautiful and reminds me of taking my daughter to Swensons Ice Cream Parlor for special occasions (like pay day, ha ha). She always wanted PINK ice cream... and now my 2 year old grandson asks for PINK ice cream....
The real stuff in moderation is better...for taste & health.
I just had to tell you : i tried your recipe after reading it made me just crave a rootbeer float , i wanted to try your version & i gotta tell ya :even my hubby and 18 year old enjoyed , thanks Cindy for all your wonderful ideas.
I was searching on eBooks for a good book to help me get through my diet. In the end I googled it and found this site http://www.hungryforweightloss.com.
They are giving away a free ebook called "365 tips for healthy living". I didn't expect it to be any good because it's free but it's actually brilliant so I thought i'd share it here :)
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