Friday, May 01, 2009

Why I Love Blogging!

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I'm joining in on the Beautiful Blogging Party that Joy from Cupid's Charm is hosting today. We are all sharing why we love blogging.

This should be easy because I really love blogging. I love it more than I ever expected to! It's become such a huge part of my life now but when I first started this blog I wondered if I was setting myself up for failure. I really thought it was something that I wouldn't be able to keep up and to be honest...I really didn't keep it up for the first 2 years. I started my blog in 2005 and it took me a couple years before I really started posting every day and enjoying it! Now, here I am today with my 672nd post and almost a million visitors! I never saw that coming when I first started this!
Blogging has made some of my dreams come true! REALLY!!! If it weren't for my blog, I would have never been featured in Romantic Country Magazine, or the San Jose Mercury News. Even being on HGTV's "Rate my Space" was indirectly because of my blog. It was through blogging that I first heard about Rate my Space. If someone would have told me a few years ago that I would be in a decorating magazine, in the Home & Garden section of the Mercury News and on HGTV, I would have NEVER believed them! I actually still find it hard to believe!
Even though all 3 of those things were like a dream-come-true, the best part of blogging is YOU!  I had no idea there were so many wonderful like-minded women all over the world! I love getting to know you through your comments, emails and even meeting some of you in person! I know there are many lurkers out there and I think of you often. Before I was a blogger, I was a lurker. I would read lots of blogs but I never felt comfortable leaving a comment. It seemed to me that it was a small circle of friends and it felt awkward to join in. So, I just want to say to all my lurkers...PLEASE join in! Leave a comment! I know you are out there! Just say hi!
To those of you that are considering starting a blog, I hope that you do and I hope you find it as rewarding as I have! You can go to and it's really easy to start one and it's free!  Feel free to email me if you need help with it!
I would like to thank all of you who visit my blog because it just wouldn't be the same without you! I would just be talking to myself like some crazy woman!
Please stop by Joy's blog and see all the other bloggers joining in. It should be interesting to read why other bloggers love blogging.
Thank you Joy for hosting this! What a great idea!
(The photos in this post are just random photos that have been on my blog in the past.)


Cathrines Kreative Hjørne said...

Hello Cindy,
I've seen your blogg for the very first time, and I really loves it! I can see that we have a common interest in blue and white china as well as the Toile pattern! You are very welcome to visit my blogg and take a peek! I wish you a lovely, sunny 1st of May! Many regards, Cathrine :-) in Norway

Anna said...

What a good post! Your blog is really cool! I love your pictures and your home. You are always welcome to my Italian blog. Have a fantastic 1st May!Ciao!

Ann said...

I've been following your beautiful blog for about a year, I visit every day to admire your lovely home. Well done with the success you've had, I love to read about your exploits and see the budget finds you use.

Saucy said...

What a wonderful idea to encourage new bloggers to join the ranks of the inspiring and inspired! Enjoy your day!

I will surely visit you again ;)

rozie yusof-azlan said...

Hi Cindy..I love your blog and linked it to mine so that if you update than I can know abt it. I always go ga-ga with all your schemes..colors, design etc..even the cupcakes..I am crazy abt flea market too..but theres none of it here in Dhahran,SA.You are doing many fine things with your blog for many in the www.

Martha said...

Blogging IS fun and it is so much fun to also visit friends to see what is happening in their life!

Suzanne said...

...And may you blog forever!!! If you don't, I will miss being inspired by your beautiful pictures and writings:-)

Pearl Maple said...

Congratulations on all the good things that have happened since you have started blogging. You know we all enjoy your posts and it is nice to hear about other peoples adventures in finding nice things in life to celebrate.

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

I hadn't heard about this blog party--what a fun idea! I enjoyed reading your thoughts on blogging. It really is amazing the doors--and friendships--blogging can open for us.

P.S. Aren't you sweet to put my Beach Cottage Love blog in your blogroll! Thanks so much, Cindy. :-)

Geralyn Gray said...

I love your blog and so happy to find you through Joy's party. I love blue and white, also. I loved the crabtree post. I just opened a bar of Nantucket briar soap yesterday......I could smell it when I looked at your pictures.

Anita said...

Thanks so much for sharing your lovely thoughts, stories, and pictures with us through the years. I actually just found your blog about a month ago, and have been reading it regularly ever since! I have an internet marketing blog but found that 1) I wasn't interested enough about what I posted for it; and 2) I didn't post regularly -- that's why it never caught on! I find if you post from your heart, then people will see and share your passion!

Alison Gibbs said...

Hi Cindy you are so right. Blogging is such fun and a great way of meeting like minded people and making lots of new friends

Debby said...

Hi Cindy,
WOW!!! Your blog is incredible. So happy to have met you through the blog party. Your home is beautiful and I can understand why you would be published in the magazines. I have a lot to learn about blogland and looking forward to becoming a part of it. Thanks for so much inspiration.

LukesLove said...

I have been a lurker on your blog for a while - I love all the beautiful pictures! And blue and white is my favorite too... (I have a blue and white kitchen!) Thanks for the inspiration of a beautiful home!

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Hi Cindy,
I've been following your blog for almost a year now! You have the most beautiful inspirations!!!!
I enjoyed your little party!!!!
everything vintage

Chris said...

Cindy - I love reading your blog an seeing pictures of your amazing home.

Like you I started my blog an barely blogged until recently and now I try to post something every day. I really enjoy it!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

I am so glad that you are blogging!! :) Not only do I get such inspiration from your beautiful home, but your blog is one of the first ones I read, and gave me hope and inspiration to start a blog of my own last summer! :) Here's to much more fun and success with My Romantic Home!!!

Gabriela said...


Love all your photos, what a wonderful post about blogging!

~ Gabriela ~

Carla said...

Hi Cindy
so good to meet you via Joy's party. I love your home, it is soo pretty! Please tell me how you manage to pull it off with two kids around? Because I seem utterly unable to!
c (of

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and just wanted to let you know that you have some straight male readers too!

Charlene said...

Wonderful post of course! Your photos were so beautiful as always. You are a MODEL BLOGGER! Thank you for what you give to all of us.

bj said...

I'm very glad you love blogging because, without it, I never would have found your beautiful space...
xo bj

Marilyn said...


Thank YOU for so generously sharing your talents with us! Your writing and photography are always top notch, and reading your blog is part of my morning routine now and has been for over a year.

You've inspired me to tackle projects that have intimidated me in the past. Thank you so much for sharing your vision with us!

Marilyn (in Dallas)

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Hi Cindy....nice to meet you....I am a new blogger...since February...and have so much to feels like a whole new world is opening up...I will be checking back often for inspiration.
Be well, Laura

Deb said...

Good Morning Cindy
I've been stopping by your lovely blog for a while now :-) Beautiful photos ... love the heart shaped stone collection!
Happy May 1st.

becky up the hill said...

Thanks for your lovely blog! It's fun to stop by and see your lovely home. I too 'heart' the rock collection. I think I may start one!

Suzie said...

Good morning, Cindy!

The reason i'm here today to have my own blog is YOU!!!!
You're my inspiration! I wish i could explain to you someday that how you changed my life!!

Not only you are so talented and creative person, I also feel honest and down to earth in your blog!!

Thank you, Cindy!!
I love you and your blog!!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love your blog and I am always inspired when I read your posts. Glad you started it. Hugs, Marty

Carousel222 said...

Cindy I am so glad I found your blog. It brings me joy every day. I have been considering starting my own blog someday. Especially when I decide to take the big step and retire from my job of 35 years. You have been such an inspiration to your readers. Thank you for opening up your home to us.

kim said...

Hi, Cindy-

I visit often and never comment. You've encouraged me to say hello. I just wanted you to know that I love your blog. Your home is just spectacular and your creativity is amazing.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I used to leave comments on your blog (in my pre-blogging days), but lately I've just been visting and "lurking". When I see a blog like yours, that receives SO many comments, I worry that the blogger will feel that she needs to respond to all of the comments. I don't get that many comments, and I have trouble trying to visit all of the bloggers who comment on my blog. I just don't want to add to another blogger's pressure. So, having said that, you don't have to come over to my blog now that I've left you a comment! I just enjoy coming and seeing your beautiful photos and reading your commentary on your lovely blog. laurie

jeanne said...

Hello Cindy, If I wasn't already a blogger, your blog would inspire me to start one. Thank you for sharing your love of blogging.


Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

You said it all Cindy....Great post!!!!
Mo ;-)

Judi said...

Cindy....You are so very's amazing how much blogging has become a great part of my life. And, to think...I didn't know what a blog was a mere 2 years ago!!!
For the most part, I'm a lurker on decorating blogs since my blog is so focused on my weight loss surgery that I feel badly that I don't have anything in that realm to share. I'd love to have another blog dedicated to my creative pursuits and interests. But, there's only so much time in the day!
As for you--you really have done an amazing job of your blog and, of course--decorating your home! But, I think the most beautiful thing you have done by far is inspiring people and encouraging them. Everyone thinks you have to live in mansions and have lots of disposable income in order to surround yourself with beautiful things, live in gorgeous surroundings and decorate with flair and personality. But, you've put yourself out there with honesty and told us all--you can live in beauty in a small home and with a modest income!
And, I'm so happy your talents have been recognized and showcased. You deserve it so much!
Your blog is a constant in my daily readings!
Bravo Cindy!


I am so glad I found your blog and I didn't have a clue what a blog was and I was hesitant to even start one at first, not realizing there were so many people into decorating like me! Now I don't know what I would do without it, your right I would probably talking to myself too, LOL! Congrats on all of your successes, you truly deserve it(;

Terri Steffes said...

Blogging has extended my creativity farther than I thought it could go! You are one of the reasons that blogging is so fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow Cindy. I'm sure glad you got serious about blogging. Yours is one of my favorite blogs. This post is beautiful.

Tara said...

Wow, what a lot of amazing experiences blogging has brought to you! I'm a newbie, only 4 months old, but loving having a blog.

Your home looks beautiful, I can see why all the Big Wigs want to share it with everyone.

I enjoyed your blog very much and will be back to visit soon. Enjoy the rest of the party!

Cathy said...

Just making my away along the party trail and had to say hello and that I always love reading your blog. I have found so much inspiration through it and it's always such a joy to visit. Thank you!

Cathy ♥

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I look forward to and delight in your daily posts. Please keep them up.

Sandra - TN

Trisha said...

Cindy, I visit your blog regularly. You are an inspiration!

Trisha Evans
a vintage white

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Cindy,
I fully agree, blogging is wonderful for so many reasons. Especially all the positive, inspirational people out there that share with one another! Love your post and photos as always. Happy weekend!

Esther Sunday said...

Dearest Cindy, we love it that you blog! It is a HUGE part of our lives! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing the process of your beautiful home. You deserve all the recognition and kudos! (I am wondering when Romantic Homes (and Romantic Country) is going to come to it's senses and profile your entire home instead of just one page?) I pop in every day from my boring desk job and, really, it brightens my day at this desk! I had a blog but had to stop but really miss being truly a part of such a sweet, lovely community. Love!!!!! Esther

Four Paws and Co said...

Great post Cindy and of course I love all the photos - they're like eye candy! ♥ Diane

Theresa said...

Hi Cindy~ I have been to your blog before and always admired it. I am so glad to be part of the blog party.
I am newer and loving it!

Sammy Girl said...

Hi, Cindy!
I ususally don't comment because SOOO many people do and I didn't know if you had time to read them all ...
I am a NEW blogger. Well ... over twenty posts, so I guess I am a toddler now!
Would love if you could come by and give some advice or suggestions on ways to improve.

The hardest thing seems to be time time to visit everyone and drop friendly notes.

But you are right ... there are so many WONDERFUL people out there.

Hugs and have a great day!

Betty :)

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy.. you know I love you and your blog and your style...Then I saw that pic of your heart shaped rocks I went COOL! I collect heart shaped rocks too and i have for 25 years! I just posted my favorites in a post a couple of days ago! Heart shaped rocks ROCK! And they are kinda hard to find too... that's why they are so precious to me! Yours are so lovely!
Cheers to heart shaped rocks!
~Really Rainey~

Lori said...

Your home is gorgoues! I LOVE vintage items and blogging! I'm so glad I stopped by. I'll be visiting your blog often!

Stacy's Shabby Shoppe said...

Hi Cindy ~ your blog is lovely! I have been a lurker on your site for awhile now and I'm not sure if I've commented or not...but I should have! To hear about your blogging experience and where it has taken you is amazing! I hope you drop by my blog soon to say hello. I'd love to meet you! ~Stacy~ **Stacy's Shabby Shoppe**

sue in mexico mo said...

Hello from one of your regular lurkers. I read and enjoy your blog every day.


Anonymous said...

Hello Cindy, It's interesting to see how we all came to be bloggers. You have a very beautiful blog here. It was very inspiring to read your post ♥

MaygreenFairies said...

I've really enjoyed visiting your blog, I look forward to my next visit. Mandy x

kath@retromantic antiques said...

Thanks for all of the encouragement. You have a great blog and are so open with helping and showing how to do so many different projects. I have a blog but like you are not quite into it enough yet...I will keep at it. kath

Annabelle said...

Thanks for having such a lovely have inspired me to try just a bit harder at achieving an interesting blog but I'm afraid I just don't have all the ideas you have so I come here for my fix ...hehe! Thanks a bunch!
Hugs Annabelle

Jade Creative said...

Hi Cindy
It was because of your blog that I started blogging. I was researching paint techniques for a client of mine, and came upon your blog. I was amazed at all of the bloggers and all the wonderful inspirational posts. I decided to take the plunge not knowing what was ahead of me. I would love to spend hours blogging but alas, work gets in the way. So, I just do what I can.
All the best,

dragonflydreamer said...

Hi Cindy. I really enjoyed reading why you love blogging because I feel so much of what you've written. I remember lurking for so long and wanting to leave a comment, but let my fear keep me from making those connections for a long time. My first blog was created only so I could begin to leave comments. It was so thoughtful of you to tell those who have not joined us how to begin and to offer your help. After two years with my first blog, I am still stumbling myself. You are a shining example of what I was trying to say in my post about the generosity of spirit that my words could not do justice. Your blog is lovely and I look forward to visiting with you again. Happy May Day!

Paula -Teaberry Cottage said...

Hello Cindy,
I am a new blogger. I was hesitant at first, because I feel like I don't know what I am doing. You have a beautiful home, I felt like I was reading my Romantic Home magazine. It is a pleasure meeting you. please stop by my blog and any tips you have would be greatly appreciated.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Chris said...

Hi Cindy,
Coming out of lurkdom here just to say I love your blog I visit it every time you post & have been doing so for a couple of years.So I'll be off now back to my hidey hole.Keep posting & I'll keep reading from afar.
Take Care
Chris(Brisbane ,Australia)
So now I just feel weird-like a stalker:-)LOL But I won't delete this one.
Here goes*eyes shut*Yikes!!

Wander to the Wayside said...

I just started reading blogs a few months back, and somehow decided to start one of my own. I WAS one of those crazy ladies talking to myself all the time!

Your comment "it seemed to me that it was a small circle of friends and it felt awkward to join in" was and is so right on. You've all got the hang of it, and I'm still learning, so I'm working hard to not judge myself on how great so many other bloggers are.

What a lovely site! The photos alone are worth the visit. I hope I hang in like you did, and that I provide even a third of the enjoyment you obviously have to so many.

Carolee said...

Hi Cindy - I'm one of your lurkers and look at your blog almost every day. I love your decorating and your antiquing! I would absolutely love to go antiquing with you, although it would be a bit difficult since I live in Kansas. Have a great weekend and I'll try to start commenting more often. :-)

Nikki Cogg said...

I always look forward to your posts! You have such great, inspiring ideas. Joy is a favorite of mine, too.

Shaam said...

Cindy I love your blog. Your blog is the reason I started blogging! I "lurked" on yours for about three months, starting in December 2008. I was in love with all your Christmas decorations so I went all the way back and read your entire blog from the beginning. Then I started looking at the other blogs you had listed on your sidebar. I was so inspired! I decided I wanted to try it. Thanks for making your blog so special :)

All the best,

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy. I'm a lurker to your blog Every morning after my hubby goes to work and half the world is still asleep, I grab my morning cuppa and head to see whats new on your blog. While I have been catching up on my beauty sleep(Im in Australia} you usually add beautiful pictures of your great treasures and lovely home. It all stated so innocently about 8 months ago, when I first came upon your blog by looking at other blogs, I saved you to my favorites. One morning of lurking turned me into a every morning lurker.Thanks for making my morning cuppa more interesting hugs from Linda (australia)

The Stylish House said...

It is always fun to visit your blog and I am happy for the opportunities that have come your way because of it. Happy May Day. ~Cathy~

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy
I'm a lurker and have been for at least a year.I really enjoy your blog
and check it every day.Your home is beautiful.
Dottie :-)Chipley Florida

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy.
Not only women enjoy your blog, men too! At least I do. :-).

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Thanks for your thoughts on blogging, Cindy. Very well said.

I have four blogs (yeah, it's getting ridiculous), and they all serve a different purpose. Still trying to figure out what the purpose of this one is though. HA!

I will say that my other blogs are in a different, more user-friendly community (my opinion), but I'm warming up to the "blogger" formatting and such.

What I haven't figured out, and maybe you can help me, is how to get other bloggers to add your blog to their blog list. ;-) It's kinda hard being the new kid on the block.

Thanks again, Cindy. Great post.

Tea Time With Melody said...

Great pictures Cindy. One million visitors, what an amazing accomplishment! Keep it going as I always like to stop by and see what you have going.

Life on the Edge said...

The blogging world certainly is amazing! I have met the most wonderful women online and they have given me wonderful feedback and ideas. My first year of blogging has been so fun!

I am so glad you're in the blogging world. Though I haven't been able to visit as much lately, yours remains one of my favorite blogs. There is always so much beauty here and you always have such great ideas to share! Thank you.


Debra said...

Dear Cindy,
Glad to have met you today at Joy's Party. I might stop by your blog again real soon to ask for some advise on getting started with my own. I loved your home thanks for having me.

~CC Catherine said...

Hi Cindy! What a lovely sentiment today on your history and experience in your blogging! have truly been blessed to be in magazines as a result of doing something you love. I still remember when I was just a lurker...too! ;) You're blog is precious and I fing it very much my "cup of tea"! ;) I don't know if you're into BLOG GIVEAWAYS or not., but I do have a lovely Cream White/Black Teapot with Matching Teacup with saucer that I'm giving away (among a few others) if you drop by and leave a I have a fabulous Non-alcoholic Strawberry Margarita Cake listed today for Cinco de Mayo..there is a link to the recipe if you think it sounds good! ;) Happy Early Mother's Day...the blog Give Away entry will be open till Mother's day, midnight, PDT. ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cup" ;)

Angela said...

Hello Cindy,
I live in Dubai for 28 years and I love decoratng my house with lots of lace and flowers.
I follow your blogg for a long time, the first thing I do in the morning with my coffee is to see what you are creating and you never let me down.
Keep up your nice work and thanks for sharing it with us.
Best Wishes, Angela

chiara said...

Hi Cindy! I'm a blogger too but with some blogs as wonderful as yours I sometimes become a lurker and don't dare leaving a comment. I wrote a few here but not as many as I'd like! Even if your palette is not exactly mine, at least for blue, I adore your style and good taste and am glad you are here!
Thank you
Chiara from Italy

Kelly said...

I've been following your beautiful blog for several months now and haven't left a comment. I just want to say that I love your blog! I don't have a blog of my own, I have too much fun reading others :)

Anonymous said...

Everyone loves your blog because of you - your joy in the little things, your willingness to share, your unerring eye for color, and the fact that you've taken a cookie cutter box and made it into a warm charming home.

By the way, I love, love, love what we've seen of your bathroom. The wall color is a very beautiful color of blue and once again, you shared with us the paint color.
Thanks so much!
Susan at Katy Cottage

Mary said...

Cindy, My Romantic Home was the FIRST blog I ever saw... you were my mentor, my blogging guru... and I am so thrilled to have been here to see all the wonderful things that have come to you through blogging. You deserve every single one!!! Thanks so much for your help and your friendship. :)

Linnie Blooms Shop said...

Hi Cindy, it is so nice to meet you through Joy's party. I LOVE all of your pictures and can't even imagine having such a beautiful home. I'm so glad I found you and hope you will stop by my blog some day as well. Happy blogging;)

Shabbee Chick said...

And we are all SO glad you blog!!!

Stephanie said...

Lovely pictures. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's blogging posts!

stephanie said...

Hi Cindy,
I have been a loyal "lurker" for about 2 years now. Thankyou so much for all of the ideas and inspiration you provide. I am also a single mother on a tight budget and you have really showed me that decorating a rental can be rewarding! My landlord has also let me paint and make small changes to make our rental more like a home. Keep up the good work-I look forward to checking your blog daily!
Stephanie from Washington State

Brenda Pruitt said...

Cindy, you undoubtedly have one of the most beautiful and creative blogs around. So if I was starting out again, I'd be calling on you for sure!

English Cottage in Georgia said...

I am soooo glad you are blogging...I love your posts and your blog. You are so sweet to share your creativity and life with others.

Becky said...

You mentioned the "lurkers" and I have been one for quite some time. Just leaving a comment to say "hello" and thank you. Your blog and you are an inspiration in my life.

debi said...

Beautiful always!
Your blog was one of the first that I started following, more than a year ago. It has gotten bigger and better, and is still one of my faves. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to start my own, last summer...and I have really loved it! There are so many wonderful people in blogland.
Hugs, Debi

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Hi Cindy, it was a great blog party wasnt it? Always lovely to visit you too.

Leave a Legacy said...

I just ran across your blog and absolutely love it. I love everyting you love and have always liked Romantic Homes magazine and I think I have seen your pictures in there. I'm just getting started in the blogging world and strive to have a site even close to yours. I feel very intimidated now, though. I'll keep visiting to get good ideas. Keep up the good work. It's so nice to read and look at beautiful things these days. I also love decorating and knitting. Take a look at mine if you get a chance. I have two of them.

BBV said...

Hi Cindy,

Delurking to let you know that I've appreciated your blog for a while now. Thanks for your hard work, you give me something to aspire to!


Cathie said...

Your right! I have been "lurking" long enough without saying hello to you! I have been enjoying your blog for about 2 months now and have been very inspired...thank you!

Pure Grace said...


Shannon @ Silver Trappings said...

Hi Cindy,

I am a regular reader of your blog, but have only commented a couple of times. But I love every post you do. Just absolutely beautiful pictures! Love your home! And we are all so glad you blog, because we get the benefit of seeing all the wonderful decorating you do!


Joy Jones said...

Hello Cindy! I always enjoy my visits here with you as you are the Queen of Blogging! I wanted to stop by and thank you for participating in the Beautiful Blogging Party!! I hope you enjoyed the event and also enjoyed meetings lots of new bloggers. Have a beautiful week ~ Joy

jackie said...

I am one of the lurkers you mentioned - but I enjoy reading your blog SO MUCH! Your decorating style, your gift for turning junk into treasures, and your warm personality inspire me daily! Thank you for a wonderful blog!
jackie smith

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Bless you for sharing your creative life with all of us.