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My very tiny downstairs powder room isn't completely done yet, I still want to hang a chandelier and have been looking at some great Kichler lighting to put in there to replace a globe ceiling light but I thought I would share what I've done so far.

Since this is just an apartment I'm limited with what I can do. If it were my own place I would have put beadboard around the bottom of the walls and painted it white and painted the blue above it.

I didn't like the plain cabinet doors so I made a skirt to cover them and used Velcro to attach it. The skirt was made from a white sheet and I attached ribbon to it with the iron on hemming tape.

The curtain which was just a couple dollars came from a thrift store. It's a "Simply Shabby Chic" originally from Target. It's so sheer and pretty and lets a lot of light in the bathroom. I would love to get some small shutters for the bottom half of the window to hide the ugly aluminum window frame. I swore I'd never live in a place the was built in the 60 or 70s with popcorn ceilings and aluminum window frames but here I am trying to make the best of it!

I was looking for something else to hang on the wall and I found the perfect piece at Marshalls. I love this shell made with blue glass mosaic.

Below is the piece I showed you awhile back that I made. I used an old frame I already had and some old vintage linens and just hot glued the starfish to it. Since I had everything on hand it didn't cost a thing!

Here are some photos of what it looked like before this easy makeover. I didn't get a picture of it with the original mirror in it though. It was one of those big flat frameless mirrors that are attached with clear plastic holders. I found this mirror at the thrift store for $17, it still had the "Bed, Bath and Beyond" price tag on it and was originally $99. I painted it white...of course! You can see the ugly ceiling light below that I want to replace with a pretty petite chandelier that will reflect in the mirror.

It's amazing how much of a difference paint and a few other accessories can make!
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Update: The paint is Behr Paint (from Home Depot) in "Bleached Denim"
Hi Cindy
I love what you've done to your bathroom. What a transformation! I love it too that renting doesn't stop you!
Hugs, Rhondi
Well it looks amazing. Well done.
o cindi, it is absolutely gorgeous and though it is not a ballroom size it is a dream!!!! Well done!!
Super cute! Such a stark contrast to before. I love it!
You are a magician :)
Hi Cindy,
A wonderful transformation to this room. I know you will enjoy it more now.
So pretty! I really enjoy before and after pictures. Thank you for sharing! I can't wait to see the chandelier you find to finish off the room!
Nice job usual!
Looks really great, Cindy! Love the deep blue color of the walls!
It really turned out nice, Cindy. I love how you covered the cabinet doors. The shell decor is perfect.
Love the bathroom makeover and noticed your comment about beadboard. Just a thought....There is a wallpaper @ Lowes that looks just like beadboard and it is much cheaper than beadboard.
Looks nice - did you hang your crystal chandelier above the sink?
Debbie V.
Hi Cindy! You should send your Landlord to read your blog...he will let you do anything to the property!!!
I don't have a blog but I am so glad I can comment on this room as well as your whole place. You make magic. Just beautiful!!
Great make over :) The bathroom looks so awesome now! My bathroom is almost the same color blue :)
All the best,
I'd say you were making the best of it and more...your landlord must just love you!!!....just inspiring..
You puts tons more stuff in your bathroom, and yet the re-do makes it look so much bigger! As usual, a fabulous job!
Cindy, Your powder room is lovely. As usual, you've done a great job. Just one question though. Why do we get 'pop-ups' when we log onto your blog? I've never had this happen on any other blogs and, truthfully, it's quite annoying. Just thought I'd mention it. Sue
Amazing difference! Looks good.
What a transformation!
Boy, the skirt made a big difference! The powder room looks great! I think shutters is a wonderful idea. I had to live in one of those same 60's apartments, but I couldn't paint! It really challenged my decorating chops thats for sure. It's kind of fun to find to make an ugly duckling into a swan, though.
So pretty Cindy.
It's beautiful! How did you get the velcro to stick WELL to the cabinet and (especially) the sink itself? I'd like to try that with my powder room.
WOW! What a difference! I was hoping you would be showing the bathroom in whole as best you could! (Thanks for the before pics, too!) I just love it!!!!! Did you decide to leave the little round circle at the top of the shelf blank? Or are you waiting to figure out what to put in it? Perhaps a vintage brooch glued to the spot would look good? Not that it needs anything anyway!!! Lovely! Does your landlord come and see what you do, or follow your blog?
Sue, the pop up are from my Blogher advertising. Since I've had a couple complaints, I'm going to opt-out of that ad. I appreciate your feedback!
Beutiful Job. Love the blue and white :)
Those colors are SOOOO soothing.
The bathroom is so very pretty. Great job!
Hugs, Bobbi Jo
What a transformation! Great job.
You are so awesome, Cindy! I wish you were my neighbor!!!!
So Beautiful! I love it!
Come on over and visit my blog!
xoxo, emily
You have such a knack. If I tried to pull off that same look, I'm sure I'd mess it up! Your bathroom is beautiful. What brand/color/number paint did you use?
THis is so stunning and beautiful! Once again, proof that you don't have to spend a fortune to have beautiful things:>)
So wonderful............I love it. May be you can give some natural touch with add some small green tree at the bathroom.
I love it all! What a difference! The sink skirt is such a huge improvement too!
Nice job, love the soft blue.
Wow! What a difference! I have a home built in 1973, and believe me, it is a challenge to try to update on a budget.
It looks great and how awesome that you can paint in a rental!
I think you did a great job considering you rent. I want to show my bathroom, but I need to repaint the walls due a problem we had awhile back with the furnace. I know Cindy that if you had your own place things would be so different. I'm in the same position, but regardless everything still looks wonderful.
You are such an inspiration - I LOVE your bathroom! Thanks for all the great ideas.
I'm a renter, too, and just wondered, when you move out will you replace the nice mirror with the original, and the chandelier with the dome light? I never know how much I should change since it seems it might create a lot of work putting everything back together if I ever move out. Thanks!
Cindy,come do my bathroom! Its lovely.
Rebecca, I will replace the chandeliers I've put it but I'll probably leave that mirror. My landlord told me I could replace the mirror that was in there.
Fabulous. Love the shade of blue. You turned an ordinary apartment bathroom into a real show piece.
Cindy, as always you have done a magnificent job, your bathroom is beautiful!
This project turned out great. It looks like a million bucks. The skirt around the sink was very creative and looks expensive and professionally done, especially with the 2 shades of ribbon trim--love that! So, so pretty...don't you just want to sit in there all the time now and admire it? I would! LOL.
Your flower arrangements are always so perfect :)
very beautiful! I love the framed starfish too!
What a beautiful transformation! Great job, you definitely know how to make the best of things. I especially like the sheet idea to hide the cabinets...why can't a bathroom have the coziness of a bedroom? :-)
Please come and do my in-law's bathroom-the only difference is the window is between the sink and business end! Your talent is worth a million! Thanks for sharing.
Great job on the bathroom. I really love the blue with white color scheme. It has such a nice beachy, oceany feel to it. Reminds of the Vineyard, which is a place I know you love.
Beautiful transformation! Love what you've done! I'm sure your landlord appreciates it too! I'm renting and have permission to do things too. It's nice to have nice landlords!
Beautiful! I love the seashell pictures and that silver coffee pot as a vase. Great details!
Your rental bathroom (well, your whole apartment) is more beautiful than the house me and the bank own. You have given me inspiration and some things are coming together. P.S. I was looking for a beachy decor on the web - I saw something similar to your sea shell art - for $99.00. Keep on posting. Janet
What more can I say? You are amazing.
Hi Cindy. Beautiful work, as always. I can't wait to see the chandelier in your redecorated powder room, too! Thank you for sharing all your ideas and photos. ~Arleen
Beautiful, wonderful inspiration. You are very talented. I love your site.
Oh, my, Gosh! What a transformation.
You've really got talent and I love that you are able to show how any place can be your own personal haven.
I love the blue paint! It's much darker than what I would have imagined, but boy does it work.
Is there no end to your talents? Just adorable! I'm always in awe of your bargain finds!
You did a great job, Cindy!!
Hi Cindy, what a fabulous job you have done! It is amazing how a fresh coat of paint and the right colour scheme can transform a room so easily. Have you ever thought of pursuing a career in interior decorating; I am not joking here. There are obviously a lot of people who love you style – might be something to think about.
As always, I'm completely inspired by what you've accomplished!!! It's stunning!!! Great job!!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
What a transformation! I love it.
Well done!!
Ciao, Helena
Very nice job! it looks really cozy. I think the paint is perfect and the curtain is so breezy and sheer. Love it!
OMGosh! Your powder room is amazing! That blue paint really makes the white acessories pop! Does this bathroom have a shower or tub? You really should look into interior decorating! If you didn't want to leave your current job, you could do it on the side. Make a portpolio with photos of your home and start showing it around. I bet the response would be excellent! I bet you would make tons of money!
Lee Laurie
Simply stunning! So crisp and fresh. Love the blue and white!
Have a great weekend!
Lou Cinda :)
The transformation is stunning and amazing. Love it all. Hugs, Marty
oh my goodness it is just beautiful Cindy. I love it.
Your bathroom looks so refreshing, love the blue and white and all your fabulous touches, i.e. the pink roses in silver teapot, the white vintage-style towel on the sink. I hope you never get tired of hearing this, but you have an amazing talent for decorating. I still say, it'd be wonderful if you could have a decorating book published just of the photos and ideas from your blog! It would be a best seller!! I could look at your photos and decorating style all day long!! Thanks for sharing -your blog is wonderful!
Wow a transformation! Yes, I agree paint can make a differnce. I Wish I could paint our apartment but we live in a complex managed by a company :(
Love that beautiful color blue :)
That's gorgeous. You use the yummiest colors...I'd love to paint the cabinets in our bathrooms, but we rent too...that's a great solution
Cindy, each time I visit your home (via your blog) I am amazed! You have some serious skillz! Hugs from Conroe, TX!
Hi Cindy,
I love your white and blue powder room! I also have a white and blue bathroom - our master bathroom. Once I get my blog up and running I will have to post pictures of it before and after. Your blog is my favorite one. I never get tired of looking at your rooms and love that you share so much with us. I hope you never get tired of inviting us into your beautiful home. By the way many of us have the tiny bathrooms too. My powder room is even smaller than yours! LOL!
Teacup Lady (Sandy)
The makeover is incredible. My mother used to cover the sinks with a drape velcroed like that. I always liked the way it looked and you can change it up often with different fabrics.
Well done!
This looks amazing, Cindy! I love the skirt you made and the paint color is perfect! I can just picture the beadboard! :-) Susan
Cindy once again you've worked your magic and turned this space into gorgeous! I adore the way you've turned this small space into a masterpiece. ♥
Oooooh la la! What a beautiful transformation. And I will say it again, the wall color is just the most perfect shade of French blue I think I have seen. The way the white pops against it is delightful. Not only is the room wonderful, but I love the way you take the time to style the photos so we feel like we are looking at a magazine. Beautiful room and wonderful talent!
Love the color blue you chose for the walls. Very soothing! We rent too, but luckily I've been able to improve on a few things without our landlord caring too much. I am sure your landlord appreciates all you do! Because they should!
Cindy, you've really made that place your own, I love that! Great job on this bathroom. Love the starfish pic.
That blue is great...our small bath has no natural light, and I found a very similar shade of blue and tried it out...little too dark. BUT I have Bleached Denim, white and IHaveNoIdeaWhatTheNameOfItIs blue...I'm going to mix and mingle and come up with a slightly lighter color...for now, hubby and son #2 are dealing with two shades of blue and a pale yellow/blue in that bathroom ;D Just til the weekend.
It's so lovely!!! The blue is so beautiful and what a difference from the before photos! It looks so much lighter and bright and definitely much more welcoming! Wonderful job!
It is sooo beautiful, Cindy!!! I am honored you used my pieces to add a touch of charm to your new bathroom! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!!!!!
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