Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Treasures from the Antique Faire!

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I finally got some photos taken of the things I bought at the Sacramento Antique Faire. As you can see above I bought another cherub ($25)! I also bought some of that beautiful green moss from Marilyn's booth. I wish now that I would have bought a couple bags of that's such a pretty color!

I fell in love with this bluebird ceramic plaque. It looks really old! I think it was around $8, but I can't remember exactly.

Keeping with the bird theme...I bought these 4 napkin rings, only $3 for all of them! That was the best deal of the day!
I bought another piece of chintz for my collection. It's the rectangular one on the top shelf. It was $22

I was so happy to find this wine coaster for $15 at Marilyn's booth. I have been looking for one of these for awhile! I have small coasters like this but they are too small for a wine bottle. This will keep the wine from dripping on my vintage linens! Speaking of vintage linens....

I bought this gorgeous vintage battenburg table square from Tracey for only $12!!! It had some stains in it but I soaked it overnight in some OxyClean and they are all gone. I used to shy away from buying linens with stains but not since I found out how great OxyClean works!

See that birdcage in the background? My neighbor just gave me that! I was thrilled!!! I'll be painting soon, probably white but maybe green???


Glenda said...

I didn't remember you getting the little plaque its so cute.

I used your method of removing stains and it did work better, but didn't remove it completely, Oh well can't win the all, I'll just be sending them your way to do it right LOL.

What a score on the birdcage !


Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said... did find some great treasures....I love the battenburg table square ....battenburg has always been one of my favorites....
Mo :-)

Melissa Lester said...

What pretty treasures you found! Last weekend I finally visited a large flea market and antique mall in our area. I have wanted to go for years, and with the kids have just never had time. But I spent an hour roaming the space by myself Saturday, and it was heavenly. I always feel like I'm transported to another time when I visit a place like that. So I will definitely return! Until then, I'll live vicariously through your pretty finds!

Beverly said...

I was just trying to sign up to be a follower of your blog and respond to your last post when a new post came up. Love your new finds. I have a new appreciation for cherubs and angels since your post and can't help looking for them now.
Was saddened to hear about your little bird. Hope you find a new one to love.
Biz works well on stains too. I have a friend who used to be a linen dealer at the Rose Bowl Swap and she said she would even simmer ones with stubborn stains in water with Biz.
Especially loved your little blue plaque as I collect blue toile plates.

Jackie said...

I love all your treasures~~great birdcage.

I received a vintage birdcage from a friend that I revamped. Came out great!

Pam @ Frippery said...

Great stuff! Thanks for the Oxiclean tip. I have lots of linens with a spot or two. I am going to try that out tomorrow. Pam

Melanie@TheOldWhiteCottage said...

I can't believe the deals! Maybe I need to move to CA?

Thanks for the OxyClean tip. I have some vintage linens I'm afraid to wash.

Pink Slippers said...

Must I say anything but----

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

Great stuff... I too bought goodies from Tracey... I wish I would have got to meet you too!

Carolyn said...

Wow! you did have a great day.I love all that you bought but I love the birdcage too.

Marie said...

Looks like a victorious trip to the antique faire! Don't you just luv them, it's like treasure hunting!

Kim said...

Wow Cindy, you made out like a bandit! I love the moss too - it's such a pretty color and is something you don't see very often. I recently started decorating with it myself. That birdcage is gorgeous! I have a similar one I haven't been able to find a home for yet. I'm anxious to see where you put yours - I'm sure it will inspire me! ~Kim

Anonymous said...

Fabulous finds Cindy.I love everything you bought.
I still use my old faithful Clorox.I check often,but it does the trick.I bought a crocheted scarf last week I think.It was nasty looking.25cents.I put it and another on in a medium size bowl.I'd say 4 cups water.and 1 cup Clorox.These were Bad-----------stains.I watched it closely.Probably 15 minutes.And hand washed it WELL to get all the bleach out.If you don't it will continue to work sometimes.
They are both pretty and white.I have no idea which I paid 25cents for or $5.00 for.Nice feeling..Ann

Jade Creative said...

Great finds. I have a couple of those wine coasters sitting beside the kitchen and bathroom sink. I put my rings in when I wash my hands.
till later,

Melinda said...

Hi Cindy...I love all of it, especially the bird napkin holders. I wish I could dress my table up like that, but my kids eat 3 meals a day there so it wouldnt last long lol. Really enjoyed this post!!!


June said...

Beautiful things! I bet that was the greatest time ever. Man, I wish I had your neighbor. That is one great birdcage.

Sue said...

So sorry to hear about your birdie! Our last parakeet died a few years ago and when we get settled in our next house I hope to get a cockatiel. We had one when I was a teenager and she would sit on my shoulder and nibble on my earings and preen my hair. She always wanted to be a mommy but none of her eggs hatched because there was no daddy. We actually thought she was a boy birdie when we got her and named her "Floyd". After the first egg it became "Floydie".
I loved all your treasures. The bluebird plaque is sweet! I have a thing for bluebirds too.
Blessings- LillySue

Kris said...

Looks like you got yourself a lot of bargains. I love the bird napkin rings. Can't wait to see what you do with the birdhouse.

Have a Happy Day


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I love all of your treasures. They are all just wonderful. I especially love the cherub and the bird napkin rings. I can't wait to see the birdcage painted and what you do with it. I am in the process of following your directions and painting an old wood candlestick lamp. So far I just have the base coat on of a soft camel color. Next I want to add some white and then distress. I hope it turns out, this is my first painting project. Hugs, Marty

desiree said...

Great finds Cindy. I hope I that lucky this weekend!

Shaam said...

Aw I really like that little plaque and the birdie napkin rings! You found such cute things! Thanks for the tip about Oxyclean because I too have not purchased some linens because of stains but now I know! Also that wine coaster is really pretty :)

All the best,

Mary said...

Cindy, I would have purchased everything except the chintz ( I don't collect that)it's pretty though! I love the bird napkin rings and the price is unbelievable! Love the tablecloth and I'm going to have to try the oxyclean. You did really, really well!! I would love to go shopping with you but we like the same things! Mary

Tardevil said...

From my view, the bird cage looks great like it is - almost like it has a patina. All of your purchases are gorgeous. Love that apothecary jar (?) you hung the blue bird thing on.

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I love the little bird napkin rings. You are quite the bargain hunter. You've got to be so proud of yourself.

RobinfromCA said...

Fabulous finds! I noticed that wonderful moss in the photos you posted of Marilyn's booth. It is gorgeous! And, while not a wine drinker, I love the wine coaster as I use them for other things like seasonal flowering plants.

I have a tip from a vintage tablecloth dealer about using Oxy for cleaning vintage fabrics I hope you will find useful. To quote directly:
"There are some tablecloths that oxy is not recommended for. These are rayon cloths and cloths with metallic threads or dyes. You might start with a beauty and end up with swiss cheese! Caution should also be used when using oxy on red printed cloths and deeply colored textured cotton. Reds can run in oxy and textured cotton fabrics can fade excessively. Be careful with using the oxy spray on unfaded cloths, it can also cause colors to run. For tablecloths that cannot be soaked in oxy, I use a mild Biz soak."
I always keep this in mind before I soak anything and keep both Oxy and Biz on my shelf.


Donna said...

Cindy, great finds - I love the bluebird plaque. I have a thing for birds, all kinds. I was so sorry to hear about your little finch. I know all too well the pain involved with losing precious pets. I've been reminiscing over on my blog lately about all the wonderful parakeets we've owned, and sharing my birdhouse collection. I love the one your neighbor gave you - it looks fantastic just as it is! Mine are mostly white, although just yesterday I posted about a green one. I think that cottagey color green would also look great on yours since you mentioned green being a possibility. Glas you had a good time at the antique fair. How I wish I lived on the west coast since I could have gone!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

Andrea said...

Everything's lovely! The little bird napkin rings are adorable! Great buys!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy!
So sorry about your little Birdie-Birdie:(
I had no idea little finches lived so long! I enjoy happy little bird songs too and I've been thinking about a canary but I haven't had luck keeping them in the past (I think Michigan is too drafty and cold). Finches sound like tough little guys, though, so maybe I will try a finch (or two!)

Gorgeous finds and at a steal too! Happy for you!


Charlene said...

You did great deals! Loved everything. The chintz plate was a STEAL! I wish I had that kind of luck! I need to go get out there more often. I am going to be in California at the end of the month. How often & where is your favorite flea market? I think I would like to meet Marilyn.

A Southern Rose said...

You found some great treasures! I love the tablecloth and the little bird napkin rings most of all. I can't wait to see the redo on your birdcage.

Charlene said...

Silly me... I read further down & found out all the information about the flea market's location. See, I missed blogland for 2 days & I miss the world. And so sorry about your little bird. I have always wanted a finch because I have heard them sing when in other shops. I just never wanted to clean up after a bird because someone told me they are very messy. Was your little finch messy?

Alison Gibbs said...

What wonderful treasures. I do love the napkin holders

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

Everthing is so pretty, my favorite is the little plaque with the blue bird it's so~~~ pretty.
Okay why is it evertime I vist I get in the mood to go shopping? Oh~~ I love the bird house your neighbor gave you. I will be looking forward in seeing what color you paint it.
Take care,

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Great finds! You did GOOD girl!

Of course everything looks perfect displayed in your house.


Judy Beeksma said...

Love that lace!!! And thanks for the tip about Oxyclean. I have an old tablecloth from my grandmother that needs cleaning and I have tried everything!!
I will let you know how it works out.

{oc cottage} said...

You did this just to torture me, right? A Summertime condiment tray for $22???? Madre de Dios! Your other finds are verrrrry nice, but I do suffer from chintz blindness, so I'm afraid that everything else just became a blur after I saw the tray! SCORE!

m ^..^

Jeanne Oliver said...

You found so many beautiful pieces. I really love your new platter...lovely.

Cottage Rose said...

Hi Cindy; looks like you had a great time at the faire. I love every single thing you bought, and how great the prices were too.


Anonymous said...

how much junk can you pile in that apartment before you have to move out? You are addicted to material things

Sonia said...

I so LOOOVVVEEE your chintz collection!! It looks gorgeous.


English Cottage in Georgia said...

Such lovely purchases...I would have been tugging at some of your goodies had I been there...especially the bird napkin all things birdy ;-O

ittybittyandpretty said...

nice neighbour!! love it all.

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

All of your finds are wonderful but especially the table square, it is to die for ! And how lucky you are to have such a giving neighbor, love that birdcage too .

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

I'm a HUGE fan of vintage linens too.....and that battenburg piece you found is YUMMY! I hoard the old stuff too. Who in the heck has time to make those kinds of things anymore? I can't pass up a piece. I used to skip anything with stains too, but I've pretty well gotten stain removal down now. I don't even mind mends anymore. I think they're sort of sweet. Who mends any more either? :-) Grand finds, congrats!

Warm regards,

Mary said...

Oh, you found some beautiful things, Cindy! I love the moss in the cherub. :)

Suzanne said...

I would have never thought to buy moss at the antique fair. You have a gift, my blogging friend. Thank you for sharing!

Hilsen Bodil F.T. said...

Smashing pretty!!

Annabelle said...

The moss is definitely the most romantic…. to me….but I luv the cherub as well. You found some very beautiful treasures Cindy and I can’t wait for the spring church sales. This weekend my husband is taking me to a flea market for my birthday which was on the tenth; looking forward to finding some old postcards and some Mimosa. Take care and thanks for sharing.

Hugs Annabelle

Lisa said...

I love your new goodies and enjoyed your post on the vinage linens. I have one that needs some work so thanks for the tips.

Barbara said...

Hey Cindy, Your cupcakes are beautiful. I took a cake decorating class back in the late 70's. I got a diploma and 10 lbs.!! I have a weakness for frosting (on cakes, cookies or my fingers)

Janet said...

I love all your finds; that moss really is a "stand out" color, makes everything around it look fresh and springy. Not spring here yet!
