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...isn't this the fairest mirror of all? My former mother-in-law's, sister, Cathy gave me this mirror (thanks Cathy). I had planned to add it to my mirrored staircase wall but it was so pretty that I hung it in my dining room. I love how the reflection changes as you walk around the room. In the photo below you can see the blue cabinet in it but when you move a little more into the living room you see the chandelier! LOVE THAT! Mirrors and chandeliers...can't get much better than that in my book!

I also painted my birdcage
heirloom white and it looks so much better than the green it used to be when my little finch lived in there. Little Birdie-Birdie is now buried in my backyard...
sniff, sniff. I sure do miss him!

Hopefully I'll have a new sofa to show you soon! I'm selling mine and buying a
white slipcovered one from...
I never thought I'd say this...
Ikea! After seeing
Kelly's , well...let's just say
Ikea was calling my name too!! My navy blue one is just not cutting it in my home that is becoming whiter and whiter by the day and besides it's really too large for the space
(I can justify just about anything to myself), so wish me luck in selling it! I've had 3 people contact me already about it.
I love your new mirror! I agree with you about putting it in the dining room. It is perect there. I have been wanting to create a wall of mirrors like you did, but I'm trying to figure out where I can do it in my little cottage. I dont have a whole lot of empty wall space. I have way too much furniture in my house! I hope that you sell your couch and get the new one that you want. I just bought one at a thrift store that I plan to get recovered one day. Right now it is floral but has a couple of tears in the fabric. I liked it because on one end of it, it has a chase. Perfect for when I want to lay back and read all of my friends' blogs!
Have a great day!
Lee Laurie
OK umm Cindy.. where do you live? I'll come say hi please ignore it on my way out my very large carpet bag, dark sunglasses and trenchcoat... oh and the suspicious bulge that is shaped just like... YOUR MIRROR!!!.. it's stunning!!
great work on the birdcage too.....
Vic xxxx
have a fantastic weekend hun always love to read your blogs xxx
Oh boy, another great looking mirror, I can't seem to get enough of them myself. Looking forward to all the changes that are going to take place in the room when you get your new white couch.
Enjoy your day-
So perfect in your home. Love looking at your pictures. Hope you sell your couch. I never would think Ikea for your style either. Such a reasonable price too.
Also loved your "tray" table. Just trying to find a place to put one.
My image of tray tables goes back to growing up with the metal ones.
Again, you inspired me to redo my coffee table with a tray I have similar to that, but with no stand.
The mirror is beautiful! I love slipcovered sofas and have my old one slipcovered. We desperately need a new one but after my little one wrote on ours in permanent ink (and it WAS permanent!), we thought it would be better to wait! Enjoy your purchase and good luck selling your old one!
Your mirror is divine Cindy!!
We have an Ikea opening here in Tampa, in May (5 mins from my work) OH OH...I plan on getting the same sofa...been carrying around a pic of it for almost a year now!
The mirror is truely gorgeous, and the birdcage looks great.
For those of you who have a couch you don't like, slipcovers are fantastic.If you have a little sewing ability but have great patience you can make one yourself. The next slipcover job I do, I will post the project, showing the steps to take.
till later
Have a great day,
The mirror looks great! Look forward to seeing your new sofa too.
Luv the mirror....mine are the original colors and can't seem to gather enough courage to paint them but wow this is stunning!Mirrors and lights are two very good companions I must say!Gorgeous home Cindy!
Hugs Annabelle
this is a perfect mirror - the patina, the shape, the beautiful objects reflected in it! so lovely. thanks for the inspiration:)
So lovely mirror!!!
I love your house!!!:)
Paulina from Poland
Great mirror! (Good thing you and the former in-laws still like each other!)
You home is just my cup of tea, so I always like to see what new thing you've done.
Your mirror is gorgeous. In fact everything I have seen in you home is gorgeous. Girl, you have good, good taste. I love things that can be brought back to a new life. I think they are better the second or third time around.
Hi Cindy...I absolutely love that couch!!!! and the price is great!! I'm trying to find a white slipcover to fit over my large T-cusion sofa...does anyone know where to find these? The mirror looks great are soooo lucky to find and or receive these beautiful things.....Lucky girl!! Linda ;)
Good morning, Cindy!
I started collecting mirrors after seeing your stair way mirror collection.
again and again, your my inspiration!!
Thank you!!
Oh!! I have the same sofa from Ikea. It served well for my house & family over 5 years and it still looks good! I have 2 slip covers for the sofa from Ikea as well.
I used to have a sectinal slip cover couch from Ikea, but my 'X'(when i think about it my blood pressur goes up) got rid of it for the leather couch which i hate. So i'm thinking of buying a sectional slip cover couch from Ikea again.:D
Have a great weekend!!!
Oh Cindy that mirror is beautiful!
I love it!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Hugz n Blessings,
Your mirror is so beautiful! Mirrors and vintage frames are two of many things I seem to collect. I also have a collage of mirrors in my home. Mine are in my living room.
I absolutely love your apothocary which you have on your hutch. I still haven't taken a trip to V & V for the other one I had admired.
I'm having a garage sale this Saturday...pls pray that the rain stays away until LATE in the afternoon.
Have a great weekend!
Gorgeous mirror, Cindy! Love the oval shape and that's the perfect spot to hang it!
I'm so glad it's finally Spring! Everyone's creative juices are working in overdrive and I'm feeling more creative myself!
Have a great weekend!
Hi Cindy! You are so endearing with your posts. I just love to read what you have to say. Sometimes you are like a kid in a candy shop the way you get excited about things. It is such a wonderful quality that makes others feel so good.
I love the IKEA slipcovered sofas. When my 20 year old Sturbridge plaid Broyhill (now covered with a slipcover that doesn't quite fit it!) bites the dust, I'm going to head to IKEA, too - you sure can't beat the price!
Also, I love the way your birdcage came out!! Oh my gosh, it looks so pretty there!
Fantastic mirror, too! It looks great there in the dining room... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage
Great mirror !
Well great minds think alike, I have been considering Ikea too for their couch. They are reasonable in price and you can buy different slipcovers for them. Good luck on the selling.
Love the mirror! but love your apothecary jar on the right side of your white cabinet more! The blue eggs in it look great. I love the way the glass is a little translucent. Could you please tell us where you got it? Thank you! Your apartment looks so beautiful.
Sharon, I bought that crystal jar at "Tuesday Mornings" a few years ago. It had been marked down from $50(if I remember correctly) to $19! I fell in love with it!!!
Wonderful mirror and I love the pretty flowers on the birdhouse. It's pretty even without birds:>) How exciting to look forward to a new couch!
Love your mirror, Cindy! I recently hung a large mirror over a console I have, and couldn't believe how much it both brightened and enlarged the room.
Your new mirror is a nice addition to your lovely home.
Oh Cindy, I am so glad that you are going to get that couch, it will be so beautiful in your living room. It will be perfect!! Hugs, ~CINDY S~
Hi Cindy,
Nice to hear from you!!
Love that mirror. It's so pretty, and looks very heavy.
A new sofa sounds fun, especially white. It will look amazing in your home.
Have a lovely weekend!
Just when I think you could not POSSIBLY make your place any more beautiful, you do! I go back and forth on liking and not liking the "Distressed" look. I am totally LOVING it on that mirror! So glad you have friends that share wonderful treasures!
Blessings- LillySue
P.S. ~Happy*Spring~
Fabulous mirror....I to love the different reflection you get from a mirrot....very pretty.....
Mo :-)
one more thing....I bought my white slipcover chair from IKEA and love it.....very comfy and pretty and love the price....
Mo :-)
All looks so perfect in what I consider your already perfect home!
Cindy, love that mirror there, perfect fit. And I agree, can't get much better than mirrors and chandies! I am hoping my new chandies are going up today. The hotwater tank dibockle is first though! darn it!
Oh Cindy, that is so beautiful! I love using mirrors because they bring more light into the room, and also because you get to see your things reflected in them in a new way -- they sort of multiply the effect of all your beautiful things!
Have a great weekend!
Hello again!
Cindy I have been tagged and in turn I have tagged you! I hope that's okay as I added you to the group of women who have inpired me the most since I started to blog.
So tag your it!
Have a great weekend!
Hi Cindy,
I have been working all day on an heirlooms dress for Mary Ashley. I know you will love it when it is done! I needed to rest my eyes a bit from looking at the laces and I have enjoyed catching up here. It is nice to take a break from looking at beautiful things to look at more beautiful things! And I always enjoy stopping by here.
Have a great weekend!
Your mirror is lovely. I have a white slipcovered sofa in my house too. I love it. Honestly, I could move right into your house and feel right at home!
Love the mirror and I can't wait to see how the sofa looks in your home!
I wanted that style love seat from Ikea, rented a truck and drove 400 miles - knowing they did not have that style in stock - so I went with another style. I've even dyed the removable slip cover.
Maybe I will now get up the nerve to paint the beautiful old mirror that was my grandmothers. My folks will flip - but the mirror is just standing behind something -not being appreciated and admired.
It's magical...just like your entire home. You have such a gift Cindy, thank you so much for sharing it with us. You're an inspiration.
Hi Cindy, Oh I love that mirror! I love the birdcage to. Good luck ,I hope you sell your sofa and can buy a new one. Can't wait to see what you get! Happy spring to you!
What a great mirror. My daughter has 2 sofas from Ikea. She loves them.
The mirror is perfect for that spot.
Gorgeous mirror! I love it! And yes...I adore mirrors and chandeliers too! The birdcage looks fabulous also and can't wait to see your new sofa!
Yay Ikea! Yay mirrors! lol It is really beautiful :)
All the best,
What a lovely mirror. I love the sparkle of mirrors, and now have a HUGE one in my dining room. It still startles me when I walk in!
Your blog and your home are just so pretty -- thanks for being so generous in sharing them.
I bought my first spray can of Heirloom White the other day; there's a couple of small tables just begging to be transformed.
If they don't turn out well, you'll be hearing from me. . . .
thanks!! Cass
I love your new mirror and it really does reflect such beautiful things. Your home is just lovely. I too really wish for a new sofa, but for not I have to wait. I can't wait to see yours. Hugs, Marty
Beautiful mirror! As an antique mirror collector & seller of them on eBay, I must say you have some very special ones! Yes, mirrors & chandeliers, no wonder I love your blog soooo much!
Happy PS Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Cindy, the mirror is so elegant. Beautiful, as the rest of your home. I know you must feel so peaceful and happy when you walk into your romantic home after a long day out. What a blessing! God bless you, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Hi Cindy,
Love that mirror and I think you found the perfect place for it!! Your going to enjoy those new sofas from Ikea and they have so many slipcovers to choose from, thats what I like about them I don't feel like I'm stuck with one look forever, you can always change them! Can't wait to see pic's!
Love the mirror.
I have all my white slipcovered couches from ......I know.....Ikea and I have to tell you........I love them! They whash really well!!!! They look so Shabby without a huge price tag.
Lovely mirror. And the sofa's from IKEA are really good. I wish I could have one myself. Still our "corner sofa" is "living" and my DH refuses to throw anything away that are working. Bah!
Hope you have a nice Saturday.
Love Elzie
It's a wonderful mirror and it goes perfectly in the room. I love how it reflects the blue cabinet. Just shows your superb attention to detail. Just LOVE it!!
Love the new mirror...especially with the chandelier reflection! It's beautiful! I'm so sorry about your birdie dying. I had a bird...actually I've had two birds just one at a time, and I was amazed at how much I grew to love them. Before then I'd always had dogs and rabbits, and I never thought I could love a bird, but I did. I was so sad when each of them died. Will you get anymore birds?
About the Ikea will LOVE it!! I saved and saved for two years in order to get my white slip covered sofa, and I LOVE's so shabby chic!! LOL!! I was wondering if you could remind me of the names of the two shabby chic stores in our area that you've talked about on here before...not that long ago, and there were photos, too. My mom and I are planning a mother daughter day, and I told her that you knew of two local places for us to check out.
Anyway, good luck with the sale of your couch!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
I have been living with the fabric called Queensland & I have loved it. But, like you I want white slipcovered now. Or cream... I am going to see about making slipcovers & believe me that is a BIG idea(not sure my skill level is up to that). But, with slipcovers if I want to go back to the red floral(Queensland) all I would have to do is to pull them off. Right? Come on encourage me here :) I HOPE & am sending good wishes that you sell yours quickly so you can have you new wish. I love your white world. I would like to live in that world too but, "honey" likes wood too much to pull that one off. So... I will live my white dreams through you. Thanks for sharing. And I do love the new color of the bird cage.
the mirror is beautiful. this ws my first visit toyour site. it is lovely.
I really like that mirror - it's beautiful.
The mirror is gorgeous; aren't mirrors the best looking portraits ever?
There is nothing like a mirror in a dining room reflecting the chandelier -- actually, there is nothing like a mirror in ANY room reflecting the chandelier.
Cindy... your mirror is STUNNING! Hope you have a great week! xo Heather
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