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Haha, just to be clear...I did not name them Teddy & Bear, my choice was Romeo and Juliet...perfect names for a Romantic Home, but I let Lauren have her way on this one, after all, they are just birds and I did pick out Beau's name so I guess it was her turn.

They are
Society Finches. After reading the description of them I think I may have a male and a female. It said only the males sing and only one of mine seems to be singing....oh no I may have baby finches in the future! 
I really didn't plan to have the birds match the cage. They are cream and brown and the cage is cream colored with the brown all looks so color coordinated but it wasn't planned that way. Honest!
Too cute - matching birds! I've always thought I'd like to have birds, but we ended up with two cats and a dog instead.
I love the new sofa. It looks fantastic, and what a bargain!
Oh, they are so sweet!
They are beautiful and well suited to your romantic style. I would love to have a bird or two but with 4 cats it just isn't in my future! Great photos, Pam
Hi Cindy, me again, I love the birds and how they are color cordinated! I have always wanted some, are they loud?? Just curious.
They are darling! I love birds, such sweet little things, it would be wonderful to have them singing in the house:>) Love the new sofa, it is so much more you!
How sweet they are! And aren't you glad you got their new home all spruced up for them? Do they sound the same as Birdie or do they have a differnet song? Enjoy them.
OMG! I thought they were fake until I read it. They are so cute!!
Too cute! They look so cute in your wonderful cage. Have a lovely day.
Hello! How cute! I bet your birds are happy to be in your home. :) I love all your decorations.
Love your new little birdies and that they are color coordinated to each other and the cage. Perfect in your home. Your new sofa is perfect too. Makes your home more beautiful than it was.
I have that same birdcage (with no bottom) in to find the bottom and some birdies..
Cindy, I have awarded you the Kreativ Blogger Award. I am passing it on to you as I have received it from Sandi at To receive this award please to go my blog at
Warm Hugs,
Sweet birds and I love the names. Hugs, Marty
That's so funny.....we were in petsmart the other day and I always look to see if they have cockatiels, 'cause I want one some day. They did not and have not for a while, but....they had the sweetest little finches. Just like yours and I was mesmorized because this one was on a branch and had his head raised up to the sky (ceiling) and was singing like crazy. He just had this great joy and had to sing about it. I loved him but was worried about their fragility. How hard are they to take care of??? Do they live very long???? He really pulled at my heart! Teddy and Bear are cute names....Our parakeets were Sugar and Sweetie.
Blessings- LillySue
They are so sweet! I've always wanted finches. We had parakeets once, but they were so messy and loud, they drove me crazy! Are finches messy?
Hi Cindy
I just got finches about three months ago. Two white ones.Lizzy started laying eggs about a month ago. They have been so much fun. I put pictures of them on my blog. Teddy and Bear are just lovely I think you will really enjoy them. Good luck and have fun with them.
I love these...and only you can make having a pet look beautiful!
Ahh so cute! What fun little friends ; ) It's so funny how they fit perfectly with your decor!
Cindy, they are too cute!!! Matching love birds! I never thought about birds as pets.... Hmmm.... That may be a good pet at this stage of my life!!
I posted a new art project today with a birds nest and Bible verse that turned out so much better than what I thought laying in my bed at 2:00 in the morning... LOL
Hugs Cindy and Have an Awesome day,
They are so sweet! What a wonderful addition to your home.
Soooo sweet! They're beautiful!
I adore little finches...I had two once....but like plants in my house...those 2 did not last long ;(
I heard that if you do not want the babies then you have to remove the eggs.....I had 2 males though.
Love the bird cage.....and all your spring decor~Sheri
How adorable! You may have to but in a coordinating nest :)
Congratulations on your new family members. They are darling and look great in their new home!
They are adorable... :) I've always wanted a parakeet but with 2 cats, at this time, that's not happening!
OK...last night I had to sit here and talk myself down from thinking a white sofa could survive in our home (still have a teenage son at home that's in a rock band..nuf said).
Now I'm sitting here talking to my cats about why I think birds would not survive in our home.
You have got to stop doing this to me!! Everything you do, makes me think...hey, I could do that, and now it's gone too far!! ;o)
At first I thought that these were decorations, but then realized that they are real birds! How pretty!
I like the names Romeo and Juliet too, but Teddy and Bear is cute as well.
I love birds. Yours a pretty and handsome.
My parakeet is a male and like yours the males sing more than the females. I purchased mine from a breeder and that's what he said. I never knew before that was the case. I had one prior to this one that didn't sing and it was sad.
I like the flower garland on the stand.
I'm happy to see you got new birds. Don't you love to hear the little sounds they make. I used to live in a house with a big back yard and have a big avery out there filled with different kinds of finches. They had babies all the time. I had those little nests you could buy and then would put cotton, grass clippings, twigs and things on the bottom of the cage and watch them build their little nests inside the ones you buy. It was fun to see what the babies would come out like because different breeds would mate and you never knew what you would get.
Oh such cute names.
Love the cage too.
Hi Cindy, Teddy and Bear are
adorable..they look very happy in
their new home. I just noticed you
already have your new couch. WOW....looks beautiful,perfect for
your room and congrats on the excellent price. I love my slipcovers and I know you will too.
What beautiful new friends! How lovely to hear the singing! Grace wants a bird...I do as well but worry about our silly cats and how they would try to *play* with the bird! But we do so love to see them. Yours are just so beautiful!
Enjoy them!
They are so pretty! And they have a lovely little home :)
All the best,
Oh how sweet! Now you're really going to make me want to get some little finches ~ I thought I had talked myself out of some, but apparently that's NOT the case:)
They really do add a romantic touch, don't they, and who doesn't need some cheerful chirps throughout the day?
Does the chirping bother you when you're going to bed? I always wondered that about indoor birds. I've never had one. I sure do have lots of them outside though.
Oh, those birds are soooo sweet. It's nice to have little live things around the house that you have to take care of.
Luv the original names and such beautiful colors.....really didn't look real at first!Enjoy the music!
Hugs Annabelle
Wow, they match so well that I wasn't sure if they were real! They are so cute. I love to have a bird or two singing in the house but with two cats I don't think I had better chance it. :)
Your birds live in the cutest cage ever! I'm sure they think so too!
The finchies are very cute, Cindy. I used to raise them. Only the male sings and they don't sing past their bedtime which is as soon as it gets a bit dark. Some of the best things you can do for your new finches is a constant supply of food and water in their cage (it only takes about 24 hours for a finch to starve to death), a nest which gives them security, and a small shallow bowl with a little water once a day for their "baths". Just watch how they bathe themselves! They actually need to do this to keep their feathers in shape. If you do have a female and she lays eggs but, you don't want to deal with babies - just take the eggs away quickly. You can purchase a small box of nesting material or tear up soft tissue into bits (just leave in a cup inside the cage) and the favorite nest for these tiny birds are the egg shaped dark brown twig ones in petshops.
I've been following your blog and enjoying it much. We have the same tastes in home decor and your new sofa is gorgeous.
Cute as can be!
Hi Cindy, Teddy & Bear look lovely and it is a pretty looking cage. I don't want to be a party pooper but it would be lovely if you could put them in your larger cage that you put on your table top in an earlier post. It's just that I've heard a lot about unhappy birds in cages that are too small - can I direct you to this page where it explains in more detail?
I don't want to spoil your enjoyment, or cause offense - just passing on tips to have even happier birdies!!
Congratulations on your new babies. They look sweet.
They are just so cute. love the home that they are living in, very chic.
Gosh they're absolutely lovely with darling names.
Hey I just noticed you are approaching 1 million hits!! We will need to celebrate with you. Oh yea - birds! I love birds, Would soooo love to have some. But I am afraid my 4 furr babies would name them "dinner" and "lunch." So I only have fake ones in my home. Yours are lovely!!!! I hope they bring you great joy. Blessings, Barb
aahhhh.. super cute birds.. and matched the cage too!..
Too cute! I keep asking for a pet and get a NO everytime! geeze, husbands! LOL If you get a chance stop by my blog I'm having a giveaway and I'm thinking you could totally paint the frame white to fit your fab home decor! hugs from Texas!
Oh so darling! TOo cute!
Hi Debbs, thanks for the link. I just read the article and this is what it said about Society finches:
Zebra, Society, Orange Cheek Cordon Bleus and Gouldians are all active birds but are bred in cages and therefore will be quite happy in a modest sized cage
the names rock!
What brand of non-toxic paint did you use for the cage? I'm looking to redo mine in the near future. Thanks in advance!
How cute! I have 2 shaft-tail finches that I love (both males thankfully!) You're going to really enjoy them.
Aww, they're so cute! Welcome to your family "teddy & bear".
Enjoy them!
Anonymous: The link to the paint is on Friday's post. It doesn't chip so it shouldn't cause any problems. It was also painted when my other bird lived in it and he we had him 8 years which is really long for a finch.
I think your birdies are so luck to have found such a beautiful home!
It's true???? Do you live in that home... but it's wonderfull....
Passes to see me make me happy.
My motto is 'Never apologize for matching.'
Cute birds!
ok,Cindy,I'm gonna give you advice it'll cost you exactly what it's worth.nothing!these are of course society.great choice.they haven't a mean bone in there little bodies.Precious birds.It'll be awhile before you know for sure.The other maybe younger and just not sing yet.either way YOU control the birth.If you don't want babies,don't give them a nest.if they should,i doubt, lay on the cage bottom .say she lays 2 eggs.take one out for a day or two,the alternate.that way the egg inside doesn't mature.
but PLEASE-----------get them a bigger cage.Please.this is their entire world.they don't have any world.please..........Ann
I adore these two!! How sweet to have little furry things (that don't scurry across the floor ---eekkk). I do like their names! Thanks for all the photos you share with us !! XO!
Congrats on your new pets. They are too cute!
I really want an old birdcage but Im not sure what to use it for. I would love to have birds, but my cats would probably kill them
I have always loved finches.They are adorable.
Your little birds are so pretty! They do match! I could not imagine you having yellow or green birds! Maybe blue. lol
Lee Laurie
Oh so cute! I used to have a pair named Lance & Lacy. Sounds kinda
80's soap opera huh? ~giggle~
Your little birdies are so cute. We had two cutie finches named Pip & Squeak. A similar take off on a name like your daughters. Don't know if you may already have this idea, but I used to use pages from discontinued wallpaper books to line the bottom of the cage---much prettier than newspaper! (and inexpensive!) To answer another bloggers question, my finches were quite healthy, we had them a long time, they didn't seem fragile at all.
PS-----LOVE your blog, it's my number one place I go every day!
Teddy and Bear are adorable!
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