In case you are interested in the cloches, you can find them here at Wisteria along with many other beautiful things! So many of you are always asking me where I find reasonably priced cloches so I just had to share this with you!
(I have no affiliation with this company nor is this a paid advertisement)
UPDATED: I just added my living room to HGTV Rate my Space, click here if you would like to rate it.

Oh yes, I do love these. Thank you for the heads up! I have had to make my blog private, if you are interested in being a reader, send me an email at steffes3@embarqmail.com Private blogs do not show up on your "follow" list so you do have to check in yourself from time to time. What a bother!
We always gotta cover our bases, right? These are beautiful! You always find the neatest stuff!!
What a great site, and their prices are pretty reasonable! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, how pretty! I'll definitely check out the link you gave! I really like the shelf too! Thanks!
These are lovely..thanks for sharing the address..
Cindy, thanks for sharing the website! Those are adorable.
I love your blog...you're so talented and creative. I always check back to see what you have done recently.
Cindy~ Those are just gorgeous, but I'm not sure whether to thank you or step on your toe for sharing the link to Wisteria. I want EVERYTHING and now is certainly NOT the time for me to be shopping.
Hi Cindy,
I learn so much from your blog. This is a great website and I love the bird theme. I got my daily "fix" thanks for your great post!
Teacup Lady (Sandy)
I think I'd rather have the shelf, too!
Hi Cindy. I love that shelf, too! But I love the birds, too. The remind me of the mercury glass cones and trees that have been popular the past few Christmases. Great find! ~Arleen
I have been playing with cloches too. I just love them. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas. I always know where I can come for inspiration.
What a wonderful shop. I bookmarked it to go shopping later.
Cindy...The shelf is on the Wisteria website. I found it doing a search. The cost is $229...YIKES! Sue
Both the bird cloches and the shelf are beautiful. I would love both. Thanks for sharing this. Have a wonderful day.
Sue...it figures! I seem to always be drawn to the expensive things! Thanks!
You are always finding such beautiful things. They are just adorable.
And the shop in your former post is great. Wish I could visit them.
Hope you have a nice day.
Love Elzie
Prześliczne rzeczy pokazujesz. To kopalnia inspiracji i pokarm dla duszy!!!!!!!
Even though the birds and cloches are lovely, my eye immediately went to that shelf. WOW! It is amazing, too bad it's not for sale. Thank you for sharing the website. Blessings, Victoria Lynn
Cindy~ I do like the shelf and cloches but I love the mercury glass looking birds! I am almost afraid to hit the Wisteria link, heehee! I got my kitchen redo posted this morning if you want to pop over for a peek.
Blessings- LillySue
Yes, I love these too. You're right. The shelf is terrific.
I'd better go check out the link. Thanks for the tip.
I just went over to RMS and voted ~ 5 ~ stars. Love your new sofa. I'm off to check out those beautiful cloches.
Really pretty cloches. Like you I have to much.
They do sell that shelf. Here's the link.
Congrats on the Win.
WAY cute!
I dearly LOVE cloches!!! And I cannot find them in my neck of the woods! It's crazy! Not at our antique malls, flea markets, nowhere! I will definitely check these out. Love your house and your blog! I will go rate your space now!!! All high marks from me.
Lou Cinda :)
I loave the cloches with the bird finials,fabulous.
I love the cloches, but I must say, that shelf is to kill for!L.O.L
Cindy, I love your new sofa, great fit for you. Looks great in your space.
I just found the shelf on SALE on the site for $114.50. Here is the link:
It really is pretty.
Thanks for the link! I'll head right over!
Love these, Wisteria has great things. If only we could stretch our house out a little. sigh. But happy with what we have, right?
xo Lidy
Oh how gorgeous the bird cloches are.
I love those too! Thanks so much for the resource!
Love these bird cloches Cindy! I think I saw the shelf you like on the website under wall decor on page 3. It's $114.00. Thanks for sharing this site.
I love these Cindy!!
I am going to go and look at them. Thanks for the link!
I found the shelf on their site. It's call the "Distressed Angel Shelf".
I can't believe that consignment store. Why can't they have something like that, near me. Sob.
Love those bell jars! I did buy one of those silver birds though a month ago and I just adore it...
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
Cindy~I recently received my Wistera catalog and on Monday ordered the small cloche and the set of three birdnests with eggs!! Can hardly wait for them to arrive!
Its a very pretty shelve and love, love, love the birds. I seemed to have missed some of your posts. I really enjoyed catching up. And that shop..."move it else where"...awhhh, I want to go there. Used to live in CA up to 4 years ago and sometimes I feel sorry we moved cos I keep seeing all these gorgeous shops out there...
found the shelf on their site
http://www.wisteria.com/Distressed-Angel-Wall-Shelf/productinfo/W2621/here's the link...don't know if it will work here, but it is over $100. thanks for the info on the company...lots of neat stuff!
sorry, I should have read the comments, seems someone else found the shelf before me! ah well...good intentions...
Those are adorable, Cindy. Hope you are doing well and I hope you have a great weekend!
I hadn't ever looked at your home on HGTV. Everything is so beautiful. I especially like you sea cottage table scape. I'm currently redoing a room with that theme. It gives me lots of ideas.
Oh I like these! But then I have a cloche habit lately, I need cloche rehab, lol!
Love them! As well as the shelf and all your pretty pieces.
never enough glass.
everything glistens and gleams...I love the way light bounces around in a room full of glass.
I love these. The shelf is beautiful too. It would look so perfect in your home. Hope you can find one like it.
These are just lovely. Thank you for sharing.
good afternoon
Your blog is very fabulous!
I like it, everythink is beautiful.
Thank you for that link - this is the first time I've seen cloches that were more my price range rather than Martha Stewart's.
You have me completely inspired to get some of these for my dining room table. It really needs help.
I'm also totally coveting that big white birdcage of yours.
Those are amazing! I just discovered your blog. It is so pretty. I will for sure add it to my list of favorites and be back again for another visit soon.
Those cloches are darling! What a cute way to decorate for spring!
Hope you stop on by for my 1st Blogoversary/100th post celebration! I'm even having a giveaway! Do come on over! Everyone is invited!!! :)
OH! I love Cloches!~Those are gorgeous, love the shelf too!
Thanks for the link Cindy! Beautiful lilacs & captures of them in newest post!
Enjoy your week!
Obrigada pela visita, fiquei muito feliz.Volte sempre.Eu voltarei...beijos
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