Thursday, February 05, 2009

Happy Flowers

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I found this wood box at Marshalls but it was a little too rustic for me so I brushed on some blue and white paint and stenciled "Flowers" on each side. I think changing out what I put in here is going to be fun! For now I just added some primroses and when the flowers start to fade I can just plant them in the yard.

I like to use potted flowers indoors because they last so much longer than cut flowers!

So, I hinted about some exciting news yesterday didn't I? Well, it looks like I may be in our local newspaper, the paper for Silicon Valley, The San Jose Mercury News! On Valentine's Day!!! In the Home & Garden section!!! A story about me, my apartment and my blog! I'm so excited! There's still is a chance that it might not happen but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Thank you all so much for your nice comments yesterday! I'm feeling a little better today but I have a horrible head cold!
I also want to thank Carol~Raised in Cotton, for including me in her post today! I was so touched to be included with some amazing bloggers that I greatly admire! What a honor! Thank you Carol!


Anonymous said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! What a perfect day Valentine's would be to show your romantic home!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy. I love how you enhanced the rustic flower box to fit your style! And how fun it will be to change the flowers!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you and your blog are featured in the *San Jose Mercury News* on Valentine's Day. That is SO exciting, and you deserve all the exposure and fame that is coming your way -- and more!

Hope you're feeling better real soon, and thanks for sharing with us each day your thoughts and photos!

Jackie said...

Good luck, I'm sure it will happen to you. Good things happen to good people and you are a sweetie!
Glad to hear you are feeling better! Love the rustic box ~ it's cute with "A Touch of Cindy"!

Margaret Cloud said...

I hope this finds you feeling better, there is nothing worse than a head cold. It messes up a persons thought pattern, it always settles in my eyes. I like what you did with your wooden box, very pretty.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I love your new box, and the flowers are so pretty and look like spring nextled in the box. Congrats on the newspaper article. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. If it appears, be sure and post it so we can all see it. Hugs,Marty

Terri Steffes said...

Well, I hope you post a link to the article for us!

Love the newly improved flower box. Very posh.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
I am glad that you are feeling better. It is amazing that with a simple Cindy touch you created an adorable flower box. Lovely.

Love, Suzy

Sharon~heartsongs said...

Glad you are feeling better. I hope the newspaper article works out. I know you will post it and I'm looking forward to it!

Penny said...

Those really are Happy flowers ~
Congratulations on the article !

Hilsen Bodil F.T. said...

Very pretty spring flowers!

Unknown said...

Great news!....that you are feeling better and that you may be in your local newspaper. My one daughter use to live in San Jose....before deciding to go back to the East Coast..back to our old city of Virginia Beach, VA where we last lived as "active duty Navy". Pretty flowers too...a touch and feel of Spring. I love rustic and the way to painted and stenciled your new would fit in beautifully with the way my decorating is leaning toward "shabby chic" and whites'n'cremes in my living room or dining room. I use to have a wooden "thingy" like that...wonder if its still around...or did I sell or give it away as I did many things in "downsizing"? Hmmmmmm

Shirley said...

It's very pretty. You really have a knack for knowing what looks good.

Congratulations on your exciting news. That's very exciting.

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

Cindy, I have a feeling your going far with something big in your life. You doing a great job with everything you do. Remember me saying this...the question is when? and what? Only time will tell!


Good luck with the newspaper article and love the flower box and flowers (; I'm glad to see your feeling better.

Alison Gibbs said...

Love the primroses.
How exciting to be featured in the newspaper

savvycityfarmer said...

It's a perfect fit for your romantic home.

missn ya

Jacque said...

I love the primroses, they are always the flower that hold me over until Spring arrives, I think I'll go get some today! Good luck on the news article, that can be so much fun to see your life in print. Jacque

Mary said...

I love how you are totally unafraid to paint anything! What seems like a huge project to me is just a few minutes work for you. :) Love your shabby box. :)
Best of luck with the newspaper article! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :)

Karen said...

The next time I am sick, I'm coming to your house . . .

;) hope you feel better soon! Karen

Pink Slippers said...

Is it raining there too? Perfect day to rest, stay cozy and eat soup.
I love your Marshall's find--well what you did to it. I went there yesterday and found some goodies (of course).
Feel better..

Melissa Lester said...

What pretty flowers! I hope you are feeling better. I would think that spending any amount of time in that pretty room would be nourishing for body and spirit.

Jade Creative said...

I have no doubts - Your an inspiration!
Like the box of flowers. Worked all last night to get my blog up. My head is filled with projects to share.

Jade Creative said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I've got my fingers crossed too! Love your flower box!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're feeling somewhat better today. Good job on the flowerbox and the primroses. It would be great to feature you in the local newspaper! You predicted 2009 would be an amazing year for you and it certainly has already!! This is all leading to something BIG ~ I can feel it:)


Anonymous said...

Very pretty! That's great news about the newspaper! :-)

A Southern Rose said...

Congrats on getting to be in your newspaper! I hope it happens for you. If it does, you will have to put it on your blog for all of us to see and read. I'm glad that you are feeling a bit better. I hate it when I get a head cold!

I love the box you painted! Very pretty and very you!

Take care,
Lee Laurie

Unknown said...

Oh that is BIG news! Love the flower box! ;)


Anonymous said...

Wowee...a local exciting!
Your flower box turned out fantastic...isn't it fun to personalize a great find!

shabby*vintage*dreams said...

Ohh I love what you did with that Box it's Gorgeous!! Hope you feeling better soon!

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Cindy, I've enjoyed your blog so much! Your newspaper would be lucky to have your gorgeous home featured in it! I've just started a blog of my own and have no earthly idea what I'm doing but I would feel honored if you got a chance to visit! I made some tassels of my own, inspired by you and my nephew's wife. Hope you're feeling better and your flower box is absolutely precious! I love shopping at Marshall's! Lauralu

Unknown said...

The flowers are lovely! Congratulations on your publicity! Fabulous! :)

Anonymous said...


Check out the Old Painted Cottage of the Month for another fabulously decorated rental townhouse. I think you'll really appreciate what they've done.

I love the flower box!


Lavande said...

i love this wood box!!!!!! it's so pitty that i can't find in my country so nice and CHEEP things;)
Cindy you've got a big talent of decorating!!!

Anonymous said...

Please make a post about your appearance in the newspaper...since over here in Europe we won't be able to read it....congratualations!!

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

That is exciting news! Congrads, and I love what you did to the little box.

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I bought that exact same planter a few years ago at TJMaxx but I didn't do anything to it. I will now since I like yours so much better!


Dream Mom said...

Congratulations on the good news! (Keeping fingers crossed!)

Love the new flower box. It looks really pretty.

Hope you are feeling better.

Elzie said...

It's so nice to see these spring flowers. A bit early here though, as we have got snow two days in a raw now.
Hope you are feeling better now.
Love Elzie

Charlene said...

Oh Cindy I will keep my fingers crossed for you to be published. That is always such an honor that other see your worth too. You deserve it.

I agree with you on potted flowers better than cut. And primrose are one of my favorites. They come out when we need it the most. A hope for Spring ahead. Feel better a cold is such a bummer.

kayleeg2005 said...

love the flower box, you always think of the cutest things....

Rita's Recipes said...

I like the flower box project. Can you tell us what stencil you used? Did you take a before picture?
You get so much done!!

Anonymous said...

You are going to beso famous.wowow...Ann good luck honey.........

Anonymous said...

Fabulous news Cindy!!!!!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the paper runs the article!!!!!!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Glad you are feeling better. The primroses are so pretty, and the box makeover. Good luck on the newspaper article.

Natasha said...

I will keep an out when I read the paper that day. Good luck I hope you are in it your home is beautiful.

And also your landlord is a saint to allow you to paint and do all those wonderful things you do to your home. If all renters had landlords that nice :)

Anonymous said...

I'll be waiting to see Saturday's paper!!! Go go go you! :)

Erin said...

how fabulous that you may be featured!! please check out my give away if you have a moment

Judy Beeksma said...

It is so nice to see those lovely flowers...I live in Ontario, Canada and can hardly wait to see the blossoms of Spring. those beautiful colors give me hope!!!

Tanza said...

Your blog site is beautiful.. Enjoyed my visit.. Hope your feeling better.. Have a wonderful day !!
Hugs ~tea girl~

Tommie Jo said...

Oh! Good luck to you! And I love your little flower box~Ive been in a flower mood myself lately! Must be spring fever.

Amber said...

Cute box & fun news! You'll have to keep us updated! It would be so exciting for you to be featured on Valentine's Day!