Last Saturday I went to the estate sale I told you about on Friday. It was not good at all and it was a 35 minute drive away from my apartment! I was supposed to go with my friend Nelson but he called me at 10:00am (the time he was supposed to be picking me up) to say that he just woke up and wasn't going to make it!!! It sounded like a great estate sale so I decided to go alone. It was in a quaint little home in Redwood City so I was excited as I walked through the door. I walked into the first room and I could tell right away that the former owner was a history buff. It was filled with old military portraits, wagon wheels, big ship pictures. I didn't see anything that interested me in there. I walked towards the kitchen where I saw about a gazillion oil lamps on a dining room table. As I walked through the rest of the home I came to the assumption that other than a sewing machine and a few other pieces everything was very manly! It's amazing how you can look at someones belongings and know so much about the person. This man loved old things, he was a collector, he loved cowboys and Indians, old ships, and war memorabilia.
There were more things out back. There was an old wooden wheelchair. It looked just like the one Heidi's cousin Claire was in or the little boy in The Secret Garden movie. I don't know why but those old wheelchairs are really creepy to me. It was only $ thank you!I was able to find a few things and I only spent $4.00 ...yes four dollars!! I think the gas to get there and back cost me more! I bought the Ball jar above for $1.00. I'm going to use it as a vase for flowers. The mega ladle above has a hook to hang it on the wall. I planned to paint it silver and hang it in my kitchen but when I got home I couldn't find a place for it. I'm not sure what I will do with it now but it was only $1.00. They had another larger one just like it for $2.00.
I also bought this huge fork and spoon which I want to paint silver. Hopefully they will look better in my kitchen once they are painted. They were $2.00. I'm planning on starting a online store in the future so these and the ladle above may end up being sold there.
Sunday afternoon Lauren was ready to go out the door to a friend's house and I told her to be careful because there were a couple of large Rottweiler dogs roaming around out there. She jokingly reached for the big fork and said she'll take that and stab them if they attack her. It was so probably had to be there though because as I'm writing this it's just not as funny as it was at that moment!
Don't forget, tomorrow is my TV debut on HGTV's Rate my Space! For those of you on the East coast, I know you'll probably be watching the Vice Presidential debates at that time but Rate my Space will be airing at other times. Just check the HGTV website! Luckily the debates are on at 6:00 pm pacific time so I can watch both!!! If you are on the east coast and you watch it, you'll be seeing it 3 hours before me so if I make a fool out of myself, please DO NOT email me to let me know! I'm nervous enough!!
also, I added the paint colors I used for the cabinet at the bottom of yesterday's post for those of you who asked!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
The Very Manly Estate Sale
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Hi Cindy,
What a bummer about the estate sale, but I do like the spoon and
fork. I am thrilled you are thinking about your online store.
What a great idea !!! Love how
your blue armoire and pillows turned out...gorgeous !!! Have a
great day....Mimi
Hi Cindy,
Sorry the sale wasn't that good. If I may ask, what is the title of your show on HGTV, so I can make sure I watch the right one. LOL! thanks, I am so looking forward to it!!! I am on the East coast.
Debbie, The segment is called "A Romantic Cabana with an Island Vibe".
Hi Cindy!
I collect Ball Jars and use them for the very thing you said ;) they make great country cottage vases ! I am on the hunt for pink ones as Ive heard they are out there somewhere. I have lots of baby blue ( my fav color too, lol ) and they are so pretty! Yours is the perfect size too! and the spoons are great too! Im with ya on the wheel chair thing, yikes, id be feel creepy too, lol....
anyway, looking forward to HGTV tomorrow night , I live in NY , but I plan on watching you instead of the debates, lol, I'll see enough of them when they talk about it on every single news show for 6 weeks after! Im sure your home and you too will look amazing!! Cant wait!
~ Cynthia ~
Hi Cindy,
I like your spoon and fork and I think it looks really good right where you have it! I cracked up when I read the part about your daughter protecting herself from the dog with the fork - laughed out loud - that was funny!
Can't wait to watch HGTV tomorrow AND I've got the TIVO all set!
Have a great day,
Hi Cindy,
I have been to a few estate sales that were like the one you described. At least the prices were low.
What about using the big wooden ladle as a bird feeder of some sort?
I can see it painted in some fun colors and used that way. Just brainstorming here.
Look forward to seeing the show.
Oh, how funny are the big fork and spoon.
You could put the ladle either in your dining room or in the garden.
Hi Cindy! Looks like you still got a couple of cute things! I can see that ladle in your garden on your fence as a bird seed holder!lol Love the fork/spoon set! See you always find something good! I'm looking forward to tomorrow night! Have a great Wednesday night - Sincerely, Jeannette
Cindy, the detail on the ladle is beautiful and I'm sure it will really stand out when it's painted (and maybe antiqued). Once you've worked your magic on it, I think it would be lovely and interesting just propped up in one of your display cabinets. I also think Diane's idea of hanging it on your fence and using it as a bird feeder would be a cute and creative use for it.
I've already seen and heard enough presidential/political stuff to last me a lifetime so I will be watching RMS. Wouldn't miss your debut for anything! I'm really looking forward to it.
BTW, is that a new valance I spy over your kitchen window????
The fork & spoon are cute--but I can see they are kinda funny too. They do look great were you hung them. I will be in Pismo but I WILL be watching HGTV from the room. EXCITING!
Shari, yes that is a new valance. It's actually a tablecloth. I've already taken it down and put the old one back up!
Finally...the HGTV show with you is going to be shown tomorrow!! I am so glad to say, "hey, I know her..."... ;-) Bo
Hi Cindy,
Too bad about that estate sale.It's always such a letdown when the advertising is better than the sale! I have a ladle just like the one you found, except mine is white. I hung it on my patio. The rain fills it up and the chickadees come and drink and take baths in it. Too cute! They are the only birds I have seen use it. Try using it that way. I'm really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night. By the way your armoire is gorgeous. Great job. Chris
I LOVE the fork and spoon. seriously. I mean, love them! They are too cool.
I'm sorry that the rest of the sale was a bust, though, Redwood City is a long way away for that. :(
Hi, Cindy!
I love the fork & spoon. I think they will look good silver. Please show us an "after" picture when you paint them.
Good luck tomorrow on TV. I assume that this is going to be on a cable channel. I don't have satellite or cable right now.
Good luck!!!!
You're right. The gas likely cost more. But look what fun you had anyway. Maybe you didn't find all you'd hoped to. But if you start an online store, I can see that you'll get good business, due to the popularity of your blog. Then you need to retire and do this stuff fulltime!
I had to go back and check that big ladle. I know what you could do. You might paint it black. Fill the ladle with candy corn, and stick a candle in the middle for a Halloween decoration.
Hi Cindy
I have to be out tomorrow night but I've got the TV ready to tape Rtae My Space and the debate. You must be so excited! I can't wait to see it.
Hugs, Rhondi
I'm really glad to hear you will have an online store. I look forward to it.
I know you are excited about tomorrow! And you should be. I hope to see it. I don't have cable channels so I don't know if I will or not. Hopefully if not, it will be on youtube.
I already have Rate My Space programmed into the old DVR!!! I can't wait!
You should totally start an online store!!! How exciting!
Cindy, I think the idea on starting a online store , sound terrific , don’t put it off. You’ll will do well. I’m sure if you launch this new idea, it will be a success, and the beginning of a new wonderful adventure for you.
Looking forward to seeing the HGTV show tomorrow night.
Blessings, Virginia
i just found your blog and really love it!
Looking forward to your online store!!! Can't get it going fast enough for me.
Also, are you kidding, I have a note hanging on my TV so I don't miss your debut on HGTV-I can listen to the VP candidates droon on anytime.
I like how you made the fork and spoon look more feminine with the bow!! It'll be fun getting to watch you tomorrow!! Don't even worry about "making a fool of yourself" that's not likely to happen:)
I forgot to mention ~ I bet that was really funny when Lauren said she'd use the giant fork to fend off the Rottweilers. I like big dogs but Rottweilers do scare me a lot! Especially stray ones!!
Thank-you Cindy for telling Debbign the name of the show because I forgot it also. I am looking on line now. I can hardly wait~~~~ OH! Your spoon is great, if it does not fit in your kitchen it would look pretty painted and use it to put prtty soap in it next to your bathroom sink. Have a great day,
How exciting for you! I will try and watch it. Also, I think the large fork and spoon look wonderful!
Cindy, I will watch the debate, but gosh, I can record you and not miss a thing! I'll know you will do fine, so don't be nervous...remember to breathe. I love that fork and spoon just as they are!!! Can't wait to see you!
That is so funny that you say.....manly estate sale. I know exactly what you mean. I have also been to Manly auctions.....all tools and stuff. I can't wait to see your fork and spoon painted silver. I will try to check HGTV to watch you. How'll do great!
I have been to your sight many times and love your blog. Tonight I spent my time going over the past blog (am in May 2007 currently) and must tell you what a delight to see the transition that has taken place in your home! It just becomes more and more lovely! As I read through questions kept popping in my mind "I wonder if her rosemary topiaries took off- I have tried several time with no success" "has Cindy made more of those gorgeous coffee filter rose?' "I do wonder how the little old woman whom you helped is " etc... The link to Susan Branch about the pancake story- so very touching- I hope to use this in a blog of mine sometime if it's ok. Hearing your personal story and pain ...we (I) sometimes look at these gorgeous homes and think their lives must be just as gorgeous though we know we all live in the same world which brings much pain and JOY. Well anyways not sure why I'm doing all this sorry..guess I just desired to let you know how I enjoy your blog. gee whiz why didn't I just say that.. always beating around the bush!
Blessings to you!
OH me again!!! I would love to watch the show and am almost embarressed to say this (in whispering tones "we don't have tv" I actually love it but I do miss it one in a blue moon when something like this comes on!!
When I saw your photo of the old Ball jar I was curious to see what you had in store for it. I have a box of them and have been contemplating throwing them out. But when you said you were going to put flowers in them a light went off and I realized there could still be life in the old jars after all.
Sorry about the estate sale, sometimes they end up being a waste of time.
Best of luck on your HGTV appearance!!
The Ball jar...if you can find a wonderful for storing vacation sand and shells! I have a small Mason jar I picked up at a flea market. I'm putting my Hilton Head Island sand in it as a memory from our late summer vacation last year. And some small welk shells we picked up will be in there, too.
And yes, that fork is a lethal weapon!
The ladle needs a bird's nest with bird eggs.
If your fork and spoon end up not fitting into your decor, give me a shout please, my daught has been looking for a set. laurie
Cindy girl, could you do me two great big favors? Favor one is to tape your t.v. program and put it on YouTube for us that wont be able to see it. I have a business date tomorrow night and after all of your paint talk, am really hoping that it's in a French restaurant for a change.
The second request is for that ladel that you don't have room for. If you send it to me, I promise not to dish you so much grief in the future.
Mike Frost
Uh, excuse me Her shabbiness, it takes ball jars for me to ask this of you, but if you don't want your jars, I'll take them.
Mike Frost
Sorry that you drove so far so little. I like the idea of the birdfeeder/bath. Have you ever gold or silver leafed? You could do that to the fork and spoon. They have artifical gold and silver so it is not expensive and it is a lot of fun to do. Not hard either. You get the size and put it on the piece then lay the microthin leaf. It cracks and or breaks when you apply it and it gives the object an old look. Then you can antique the object to make it look older. Look into it. It can be used on lots of things and makes everything look more expensive. Just a thought.
Will be glued to the TV tomorrow night. You do everything well, so no worries!
I hate that! Going to a sale and theres nothing! I am always looking for the sale of a lifetime! I hit a pretty good one last weekend. I do love those color of canning jars.
I love the big fork and spoon, I can't wait to see them painted silver, I already think they look really cute hanging in your kitchen.
So excited about seeing you tomorrow! I'm SO SICK of hearing about the election, the VP debates are the LAST thing on my mind! Who wants to listen to more political mumbo jumbo when you can have "Romantic Home"??
Well, I'm sure some people do, but not me :)
24 hours and counting... :) Actually, it's less than 24 hours. I hope that everything goes well with your debut.
I've been having trouble getting comments to post to your site. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... but, I'll get it figured out.
Love the cabinet... and all of your treasures from the estate sale.
Sorry the day was a bust, but I do love your fork & spoon ~ and you know, I kind of like them the way they are, not painted. Just live with them for a while & see if they don't grow on you.
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
I like the fork and spoon the best. I think they will look very nice painted silver.
I'm not familiar with HGTV's Rate My Space. I will need to Google that. I prayed for your debut! I work from 4:00 to 6:30 PM California time. I'll have to see if I can fit it in.
Sweet dreams, KJ
I thought you mentioned you didn't have place for any more stuff LOL. It's always nice to try and find bargains, isn't it?
Such a pork we had in my childhood home. My mother got both the pork and the spoon as a present from me ages ago!
Hope you have a nice day.
Love Elzie
Year and years ago my Mom found one of those ladels at a sale and used it outside for a birdfeeder. I found one last year and the seller told me that it was used in churches for Holy water. I thought that was interesting. I put mine outside as well :) Can't wait to see your show!!!
I like your finds from the estate sale.
You're cabinet in the previous post is beautiful! What a lovely home!
I have been lurking your blog for a long time and I LOVE what you do in your home. You have such great ideas. The cabinet turned out gorgeous. Sorry I'll miss the show as I will be at work when it airs here in Florida.
The fork and spoon are neat the way you have them hanging. They look "tarnished".
Thank you for sharing your home.
Debbie in Florida
Cindy -- The fork and spoon with the ribbon are TOO CUTE!! Hey, I'll pay ya 10 bucks if ya decide you can't really use
I think I need an estate sale partner.. one who knows what they are doing and where to go for the best sales. I don't ever have the luck you do.
I'm excited to watch the show tonight... I may have to learn how to use the dvr so I can still watch the debate though :-)
Have a blessed week!
Hello Cindy, I'm so excited but I'm sure I'm not nearly as excited as you but excited I am no less. My tivo is all set ready to go as there's no way I would miss you. I would even forget the debate if it came right down to it, that's how excited I am. I shared your news on my site today. I hope that's alright with you.
Blessings - Debbie
I think the ladle would make a great bird feeder & saw someone else posted the same thought!
... and enjoy your show tonight.
I'm in NY, Cindy, so the debate will be on at the same time. Don't worry, I'll tape yours so I can watch it over and over again. Gotta support my gal, Sarah Palin. Hope you're having a little party tonight to celebrate and have some laughs. Enjoy yourself and your life. You've given us all so much by sharing you! Thanks ~~ Joanne ~~
Hi Cindy, Glad you managed to find some goodies even thought it was a "man sale". I guess Treasure Hunting has to be a challenge once in a while. Congrats on your HGTV segment!!! How exciting :) Karen.
Oh my goodness that fork and spoon are just adorable. What a great deal!
I laughed at your daughters story it sounds like something my daughter would say. :)
Hi Cindy! Can't wait to see you on TV tonight!! I know you've been waiting and waiting. I am sure you will be WONDERFUL! I also love the big Fork in your's a decoration AND a weapon!! ~oxox~ Joy
Hi Cindy,
Somehow I knew you would like my new cabinet!!
Love your stuff. Bummer about the Estate sale. I hate when that happens.
Can't wait to see you on tv.
Have a wonderful day!
Just want to say again, can't wait for tonight! Hee hee! And I think the ladle is neat, so maybe not a total loss. (Okay, maybe, since you drove so far!). Anyway--I've got my TiVo all set to catch the show. Yay!
~Angela :-)
Those are some great finds! Too bad there wasn't more for you there. But at least you didn't come away empty-handed.
I loved the book Heidi!
I'm anxiously awaiting RMS tonight. Can't wait to see it and you!
I can't wait to see the show, suspense is killing me!!!
Too bad about the estate sale, although I have to admit that a few items you described would be right up my alley for sure. Oil lamps, be still my heart....Oh well, saved me a bundle of money now didn't it?
i like the fork and spoon, silver will be great.
Cindy, I don't like those old wheelchairs either. It's because they remind me of the movie The Sentinel.
Hi Cindy, I just found your blog while searching for the "how to" of painted china cabinets...and I'm hooked!
I picked up 2 black, iron laddles like the one you bought and I hung them on my porch as bird feeders. I just put a hand full of thistle in the scoop!
~ Lisa
Love your finds, I would have never bought that fork and spoon, but seeing what you did with them makes me want some :)
Oh my, I LOVE that fork & spoon!!!! I've actually been looking high and low for something similar. I have the perfect spot for them in the bay area of my kitchen. :)
Whenever I think of estate sales, it makes me a little sad. As I was reading your description of the sale, I was thinking about the man who collected all of those things. I'm sure they were prized possessions of his and he spent much time & energy building his collection of things he loves. A twinge of sadness strikes me when I think of the things that represent all of those years of his passions being set out in his home for random people to go through and buy for bargain prices. Obviously, I know the value of estate sales :), but they still make my heart kind of sad.
Hi Cindy,
I like the giant fork and spoon just the way they are. At least on my screen the patina looks great!
I have no idea how I missed this post, but somehow i did. I LOVE that giant fork and spoon. My mom had one in her kitchen when I was growing up (hey it was the 70's) I would have scooped them up for sure! You got a great price on them. I would never have thought of adding the bow, but I really like how it added a feminine touch to it. The bell jar is wonderful too.
Thanks for adding the colors you used on your cabinet - I was just telling my hubby how I want to paint the bed (that I'm making) the same as you did your cabinet. Now I can try to make it exact with the colors. Thanks!!!
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