I woke up this morning at 5:30am and I was eager to start this day! Can you believe it's finally here! I'll be on HGTV's Rate my Space tonight at 9:00 pm! Check your listings though because there are some people around here who have satellite dishes and it's on at 6:00 pm for them. I picked the flowers above from my garden this morning. There are 2 different roses and gardenias. The scent is so beautiful!
Also, I was tagged by Rachel ~ Yard Sale Mama and September~A Picture is Worth a 1,000 words to do this:
7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die
1. Travel to Europe
2. Buy a house
3. Fall in love (3rd time's the charm?)
4. Have my own shop (online?)
5. See my kid's find loving spouses
6. Have grandchildren
7. Have my home featured in a magazine!!
7 Things I Do Now
1. Shop too much
2. Clean too much
3. Spend too much time reading blogs
4. Paint everything white
5. Work
6. Eat Nutrisystem food 5 days a week!
7. Think about exercising
7 Things I Can't Do
1. Whistle (hardly)
2. Sing
3. Play an instrument
4. Change the oil in my car
5. Get over my fear of spiders
6. Be on time to work
7. Relax (not for very long)
7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex
1. A smile
2. soulful eyes
3. a kind heart
4. a sense of humor
5. intelligence
6. a sense of style
7. cleanliness
7 Things That I Say Most
1. Really?
2. Wow!
3. That's cool
5. #&^@ *! (I have to be honest, there are some not so nice words that come out of my mouth)
6. I love it!
7. You've got to be kidding me!!!
7 Celebrities That I Admire (I'm not a big celebrity admirer so this is hard)
1. Diane Lane
2. Diane Keaton
3. Steve Martin
4. Oprah
5. Paul Newman
6. Brooke Shields
7. Sandra Bullock
7 Favorite Foods
1. Sushi
2. Fish
3. Potatoes...prepared just about any way!
4. Pasta, preferably with lots of garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, etc.
5. Pie
6. Steak - Medium-rare with lots of A1 Sauce
7. Sauteed mushrooms
7 People Who Need To Do This
1. If you would like to do this then you can do it!
I was also given this award below from Arleen~The Tea Room! Thank you Arleen! Brandi also gave me an award but I can't get to her profile and blog for some reason (the link didnt' work). Earlier this week I received a package from Ginger~The Gingerbread Shed. She had signed up with Julie~Equus Villa to do a "Pay it Forward" Giveaway and chose me as one of the bloggers to pay it forward to. She sent me this adorable bird and a cute little pumpkin! Thank you Ginger and thank you Julie!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Flowers, Awards, Tagged, Gifts and RMS Tonight!!
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Hi Cindy, First thanks for stopping by my Blog! I understand how excited you must be!! I'm so happy for you and wish that I was able to watch HGTV. Good Luck! ;) Love your roses too!
You sound pretty normal to me. There are a lot of people who wouldn't admit their shortcomings but it is nice to know you're an honest person.
I think we are all almost as excited as you about tonight. There will lots of beautiful eyes trained on the TV tonight, all with only the best of wishes for you. We will be excited to see you "in person" it will ad a extra dimension to your already great blog.
Good luck and best wishes!
Well tonight's the night......
I love reading all those things about you. A lot of the time we thing were alone in what we do, and I see I am not.
See you tonight.....
Hi Cindy! Congrats a bit early, but I know its going to be great , Im excited to seeit! I bet you'll end up getting one of your wishes too! The one about your home being in a magazine ;) Jannet is such a good friend of mine,so maybe I can find a taping and send it to her so she can see you too! What an exciting day for you! Good luck! ~ Cynthia ~
Hi Cindy,I can't believe tonight
is already here. I'm so excited
and happy for you. Bloglands own
TV personality !!! I'll be watching. Love the roses and
your honesty to the tags.
The best to you, Mimi
Can't wait until tonight. I set my DVR to record, just in case I don't get home until late for some unforseen reason. Now you're probably even more nervous knowing we are all planning on watching and even recording the show.... It will all be good.
OMGoodness...and this is the night of the HUGH VP debate. It starts here at 8...I'll check and see what time RMS comes on here....Sure hope to see you!
Are you having friends over for a RMS party at your house? That would be so fun....
I just set the DVR!! How esciting is this?
Cindy - enjoy every second of the show tonight!!!!! You deserve it! I don't have cable so I am bummed. Is there a snippet of your spot on an HGTV website? Love, Esther
Cindy, I am jumping out of my seat excited to watch you on HGTV. You must be so excited.
I enjoyed learning more about you today..great post.
Oh my goodness, Cindy! I am so excited for you! I have to work at OSH tonight so I am having someone record it for me. I can't wait to see it!!!!
I loved your lists, btw. I hope all your wishes come true, dear. As far as that "love" wish, you would probably enjoy this blog that I found. www.gettingpastyourpast.wordpress.com. It's really great for helping us gals understand how we got involved with banana-heads in the first place so that the 3rd time really will be the charm!
I am so excited for you! I have two of my televisions programmed to tape RMS on my DVR, but I plan to be watching it as well. How exciting!!!
Enjoyed reading about you. Tags are a lot of fun! :) Looking forward to your show tonight. You must be soo excited.
Have a fabulous evening,
Hi Cindy,
This is the one day I regret that we gave uor TV away.I am hoping to get someone to tape it for me. This is such an honor,so exciting! Carolyn
Cindy, you are an amazing person and I will be watching you tonight on HGTV. I can't wait. You are so talented and offer inspiration to all who read your blog. Your home is beautiful and I do pray that one day soon, you will have your own space to decorate. Good luck tonight. I'll be watching in K'ville, N.C.
Cindy~ Can't hardly wait for tonight! Very anxious to see you. Can we celebrate with a glass of wine while we watch?!!!
Bambi...Yes,lets celebrate with a glass of wine! Actually I think I'll go buy some champagne on the way home!!!
OH~~~ I am so excited to watch the show tonight. I ask my husband to tape it ( I am always in bed by 8:00) but I think I am going to be a big girl and stay up to watch it.
I'm sure there ratings will be higher tonight because all of the people who read your blog.
Take care Cindy enjoy a glass of wine,
Hi Cindy,
My Tivo's programmed and ready to go tonight.
I'm with you on the spiders... eek!
Love the flowers, can't wait to see you on TV.
I've got my DVR all set to go! Can't wait to see you on RMS!
Cindy, I'm celebrating with you about the show tonight! I cannot wait.
I know it will be fabulous.
Hi Cindy,
I'm so excited, I can't wait to see ya on HGTV tonight, I think I've told everyone that I know about it, my Mom is going to watch in N.C. Good luck!
P.S. I have sticky notes on my door and my tv so I wouldn't forget, I put them up yesterday, so you are all over my house and didn't even know it!LOL
Cindhy -- best wishes tonight. I may not be able to watch but will check for feedback on your blog tomorrow. Wishing you totally the best. Joanie
.. as a long-time lurker of your blog (as a matter of fact, yours was the first one that I stuck in my favorites folder), I'm looking forward to your television debut tonite!
Oh, you're on the same time here in Michigan as the debate. I'll try to to go back and forth to catch you.
Great job in your TV debut Cindy! Your home looks just as great on television as it does online. I wish they would have shown more of it - and for the record, I think that your little patio is much cuter than the inspiration one on the show.
Cindy! I just saw you on the show tonight and you looked great and so did your lovely home! I only wish they had given you more air time! It was really neat seeing you and hearing your voice for the first time. You go girl!!!
YAAA-HOOO!! Cindy, open that champagne!!! You did Terrific!! You looked very poised and comfortable!! Just wish we could have spent even more time with you. You did great and your home looked wonderful. You are an inspiration!! I'll be watching again later tonight when it's repeated!! Congrats!!
Cindy...I just finished watching the show...and really enjoyed it. There's a 1st time for everything!! And this was it for this show for me!
I love how they used the inspiration of your painted Armoire and came up with that lovely built-in piece.
Your home, as always, looked lovely and you did a fantastic job!
Cindy! You were fabulous! My only complaint is that the whole show was not about you and your wonderful home...
As SueSue just wrote - I loved hearing your voice - made you more 3 dimensional than just your blogs and pictures.
Yes, open the champagne!
I had hubby tape the first 1/2 hour of the debate so I could watch you live at 9! You looked wonderful, Cindy and you seemed so calm and collected when talking about your armoire.. I would have been a blubbering idiot for sure! I'm so glad they showed a full view of your apartment as well as closeups of the hutch... Everything looked wonderful!! Congratulations!!!...Donna
Thank you everyone! I haven't see it yet..less than 2 hours to go!
How'd it go?
I rarely care that I don't have cable...but tonight I am sad.
I need to find when they replay it and watch it elsewhere....or pay someone to tape it for me!
You did wonderfu!! I agree with the others... you was so calm.It was so neat to watch it. Even my DH watched ya!! Have a blessed day.
Hi Cindy! You are adorable! You did a great job; like you've been interviewing for years. I still wish they showed more of your house, the heck with the redo room!lol Sincerely, Jeannette (I guess you figured out I just watched RMS)
Hi Cindy:
First off the picture of your roses and gardenias are so pretty. Wish I could smell them..I used to grow gardenias when I lived in Calif. (years ago)and I miss the smell of them so much.
I saw RMS tonight and you did great. You seemed so calm talking in front of the camera, about how you refinished the armoire. I wish the show was an hour long, instead of a half hour so we could see more of your home,and you. But it was fun seeing even a little bit.
You were MAGNIFICENT!!! I just watched the Rate My Space and you are just a doll Cindy! You were well spoken and just as in your blog photos - your home is so warm and inviting!
Amen!! to all of the complements above. You did geat!! I agree that there was too much of the other and not enough of you. You have a sweet soothing voice and appeared so calm. I especially loved the long shot of your whole first floor. It gave a different perspective as you take most of your photos from the dining room toward the living room and this shot was from the living room looking toward the dining room. It looked fabulous. Congratulations again!!
Hi Cindy!
Congrats on your TV debut! It was really great and you looked fabulous! A star is born!! I am so happy for you!
Hugs, Sherry
I can see why you were an inspiration to them.
Cindy, you were great. I have one complaint! HGTV did not have you and your beautiful home on long enough! What did your daughter & son have to say about their celebrity Mom? I know they must be proud.
I had to switch back and forth between HGTV and debate. Can you tell me when your segment will be on again? What I saw was great and I thought hey, I reconize that!
Vickie in MO
Cindy - you were awesome!!! You are truly an inspiration to so many of us and it was so wonderful to see you get that recognition so publicly! It was great to see you as a real live person and to hear your voice. It was super to see your home on tv - the home we see so often online. I'm sure you were nervous, but you did not seem it at all. You should be very proud. I'm proud of you!!!
It was so exciting to see you on RMS tonight! I was yelling at my husband, "I know her! I make comments on her blog!" I feel like we're friends... like I've met you! You were so great- didn't seem nervous at all! And you looked great too!
Cindy! I just watched it! I'm a little late because of the debate (God bless whoever invented TiVo).
I totally agree with everyone else. You were MARVELOUS, dawling! Wish we could have seen more of your home and heard more of you.
Congratulations on your prime time debut! You go, girl!
Just watched the show, Cindy.
Funny, you sounded exactly like I thought you would. You're a doll!
Hi Cindy. Great job on RMS!!! You are a total natural on TV, and your house looked beautiful. I agree with others: I wish they had shown more of you and your home.
I love your 7 things ! Cindy you were great on RMS! It should've been MORE CINDY and LESS everyone else! It was great. You looked great and so did your place! Congrats!
You were fabulous on the show. I am like the others and wish we could have seen more of your beautiful home. I think it is so much prettier than the room they chose to redo.
I also love your armoire much more - it had lots more character than theirs. Theirs looks too big for the area.
I, too, thought you sounded just like I thought you would.
You did an awesome job.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to stay up until 1:00 am to see the repeat of Rate My Space... just to see you. I didn't get home from work until almost 9:30, so I missed the original show. Right now I'm watching "Leatherheads"... with my dream-boat, George Clooney. Too funny.
Hope all is well. I hope you don't have a "let-down" after all the anticipation of something so thrilling happening tonight.
It's October, which means Breast Cancer Awareness Month... and I will be celebrating my 3rd year of being cancer free! Woo-hoo for me! I encourage everyone to keep getting your yearly exams.
If I can be any encouragement to you Cindy, allow me. You speak of starting your own online business. Go for it! I had the dream of having my own gift shop and now I have one! You have to follow your dreams... no matter what you think might stand in your way. Even when I fall and fail, I try to get right back up and press on toward the mark!
I just got done watching you - you were fantastic and your house looked so pretty! Congrats on this big step. Take care.
p.s. I watched the show with my husband and told him "I know that woman" and he was like what?!?!? "you know her, seriously?" you were like a mini celeb in our living room. :-)
OMG! That was so cool! You were GREAT! You were so composed and spoke very well. You didn't seem nervous, at all, and your place looked wonderful.
I've never seen that show before. What a cool idea to use other RMS bloggers as an inspiration to redo a room.
Hee hee! I just finished watching the show! You were so cute! And your place looked fantastic on TV. Congratulations! I'm so proud to know you! :-)
~Angela :-)
how exciting, I really hope it goes well and only wish it could be on here
I'll watch out for it in blogland
love the facts, so interesting to learn more about the blogs I read..
The show was an absolute delight! GREAT JOB...Lori
HI CIndy!
I was so dissapointed!
That we didn't saw more of you and your house.
What we did see was very nice. You have a very sweet voice and I love what I saw of your house.
I just wanted more....
Addicted, LOL!
A hug from Bodil.
Cindy - it was so much fun watching you last night. It was great seeing on TV what I look at weekly in still pics on your blog. You did a great job.
That couple really could have just used your entire place and your patio as inspiration.
Hi Cindy - I watched Rate My Space last night & enjoyed seeing you - just wish they had shown more!
Great job Cindy!! Loved the show.
Hi Cindy! I was so excited for you last night! I felt like one of my friends was getting recognition for beautiful work!! Thank you for sharing!! I asked God to please give you the house of your dreams!!
Lilly B
Hi Cindy! You were GREAT last night!! You seemed so relaxed and seemed to be having fun on camera. Now RMS just needs to see your NEWEST cabinet....your makeover on that one is even more gorgeous! Have a beautiful day ~ xoxo ~ Joy
Cindy, you are a "natural" for TV! Your worries and nervousness about being in front of the camera were all for naught! Like everyone else, I was disappointed they didn't showcase more of you and your amazing home. We, your blog readers, know what an awesome person you are and how lovely your home is but the rest of America doesn't.
I was so upset that I had missed it, and then stayed up until midnight to see a repeat of it.
I don't have fancy recording devices. I would have loved to stop-rewind-play, over and over!
It was like walking through your house with you! Wish we could have stayed longer!!
You did great! I plan to re-watch the show again tonight since I DVR'd it as well. Although, I think the show should have actually purchased some old armoire and then redo it like you did. I like yours better than the one they built. Well, looks like you have a lot of reading to do here :>) Congratulations on your TV debute!
I watched, Cindy! You did a great job, you had nothing to worry about. It was pretty fast, so I wish they had shown more of you too, but that's the way they do that segment. How fun it must have been to see yourself on TV!
I have been following your blog for a long time and was so excited to watch RMS last night. It was like seeing a friend on TV. You were great! I wish they would have shown more of you and your home. Congrats on a job well done.
I am so excited for you. How cool is this. I wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful time.
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!
xo Cathy
I am so happy for you. How exciting!!!! And really wonderful.
You will be sharing your talent with a larger audience. I will be watching.
Hi Cindy,I watch you last night and you were terrific!!!!!
Pat H
I hope everything went well yesterday. Such a pity I'm not able to watch you!!
Hope you have a nice weekend.
Love Elzie
I couldn't watch at 7:00 last night, so I stayed up until 11:00 to see the repeat. (Unheard of me to stay up that late!!!) You were terrific. Sally
I agree with the others. There should of been more of YOU on there !Ha ! You did great Cindy, everything looked so pretty !
You'll have to show them your new armoire.
You did it. I watched you on rms last night. Great Job. Seeing your room on tv made me want to see more.You looked calm and welcoming.I am sure you felt nervous inside but it did not show. Bravo.I like the list I might try it out. Who knows maybe I will discover something about myself that I don't like to fess up too. Enjoy your time in the limelight!!Hugs to you Kathysue[rms]
Hi Cindy,
I didn't get a chance to watch RMS last night, but I taped it and watched it today during lunch. You did such a wonderful job! You looked very calm. And your home is such an inspiration, not just to the couple on the show, but all of your blog friends too! I really enjoyed getting to hear your voice too :-).
Wish I could have seen your TV debut, but I don't have cable either. :(
I am sure you did wonderful as everyone else stated. CONGRATULATIONS and God bless!
Thanks for playing along- we have lots in common! It was fun to learn more about you. I'm so bummed I missed your big TV premire, I set my dvr to record it and everything!- I hope to see it online so they'd better get busy and put it on there already! Take care!
What an interesting list...I found myself identifying with some of them myself. I hope your show went well, I just read about it today so didn't get to see it. I am sure it went well, your photos are lovely.
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