Saturday afternoon I decided to make some pillows. I used some left over floral fabric from my dining rooms chairs to make two small pillows and I used the thrifted blue linen that I had used to cover my other chair I showed you last week. The large pillow insert came from Ikea. They have feather inserts for $3 or $4...what a deal! The smaller inserts are also feather filled. Angela~Cottage Magpie has a great tutorial on how to make pillows (click here if you are interested).
I'm home this morning. My car wouldn't start last night so I had to have it towed to the shop this morning! I'm so bummed, it's going to cost me about $500 between the repairs and the towing! I consider myself a strong, independent woman but when car problems come along I really wish I could just pass this off to the man of the house to handle but since there is no man of the house here, I had to handle it on my own. I do call the most important man in my dad, so he can tell me what it could be so I can act like I know more than I do when I speak to the mechanic. The only positive thing is that I had to walk a little over a mile back home from the mechanic and when it's ready I have to walk back so at least I'm getting some exercise today...see there is something positive in everything!!!
Don't forget...I'll be on the HGTV show "Rate my Space" this Thursday night!!!! We're on the countdown now!!!

I am sorry to hear about your car. It must be car week as my hubby had to have one of our tires fixed. I am glad that you have such a bright spot ahead of you in your week. Who knows what could happen from there. I pray good things for you.
Beautiful pillows!
I know what you mean about the car problems but I hope it isn't too bad.
I can't wait to see your HGTV segment.
I love the pillows - you are a "seamstress" also. Your talents are far reaching.
As for the car, I'll share my experience - I let someone borrow mine, and I had to get a rollback to pick it up 3 weeks ago. The repair bill as $2400.00. Yes, I have a husband, and that was a help. But the bill was such a shock to both of us, we are still reeling. But things are looking up - by Friday you will be SMILING!!! :) :) :) :)
Uuuugghh--Sorry to hear that! This will be a good week though, you're making your television PREMIER! It's great that you can always rely on both your parents for help & support, I really admire that.
It was wonderful to read all of your comments on my blog this past weekend, I enjoyed each of them. Thank You!
The pillows are SO cute! I'm so sorry about the car, though. That's no fun at all!
so very sorry to hear about your car.
The pillows are lovely!!
The pillows are just wonderful so professional.... like all you do...
Man..... I hate car trouble..... and you got a day off..... I guess that can be a good thing also. I am counting the days also can't wait to see Anglo do a Romantic room using YOU as inspiration...
Ugh.. don't you hate car problems? Well, your sewing projects turned out beautiful! Can't wait for the RMS show!! I'm having a quick fall/Halloween giveaway - be sure to stop by and enter it!...Donna
I really like your pillows. Sorry to hear about your car trouble.
I love the pillows. Very feminine and beautiful (they would look perfect in my guest bedroom!)
That's a real bummer about the car. I HATE paying for car repair. However, I'm really excited to see your HGTV episode!!!
Beautiful pillows Cindy! I am so sorry to hear about your car troubles. I hope it gets repaired quickly. I am looking forward to Thursday night!
Ooo, your pillows are beautiful! So sorry about your car. I hope it's nothing too serious. Honestly, why does nothing ever last anymore?!
Just keep focusing on your TV appearance... I have notes plastered all over my house so I don't forget to watch!
Cindy, you need to prioritize. Your car maintenance versus home shopping. Would you really think twice over buying another nic nac?
And yes, I plan to watch your debut as long as it doesn't play opposite of the vice presidential debate, of course. Priorities, after all.
Sorry about your car troubles. We are going through that now with one of ours; I've been "carless" for several weeks now. So frustrating (and expensive!)
Your pillows look great!!
I am so bummed that we don't get HGTV anymore, but I hope I can find a snippet of it online afterwards!
That's were I miss my dad when it comes to car or anything else that he has done for me. I always wanted to know how and why with him, so I hope he taught me well.
And your pillows turned out great.
The pillows are beautiful! I didn't know about the feather pillow inserts at IKEA. Thank you!
Hi Cindy!
So you like IKEA?! One of my favorite stores.
The pillows ar very nice. You did a really great job.
I'm sorry about your car. Never fun!
I'm looking forward to see you on tv.
Whats this about you being on rate my space..first I heard of it. Email and tell about it if you have time.
Sandi from old and tattered
Sandra: I have the money for the car repair....I paid CASH! You don't need to be concerned about my spending habits! My point was not that I don't have the money because I'm spending it on "nic nacs" point is that I hate spending money on car repair and I hate dealing with the mechanics because of the way they treat women who don't know about cars!!!!
Good job!!!!pillows look great.
Sorry about the car, I know what a problem it can be to have car troubles mainly MONEY.
Waiting for Thursday
Sorry to hear about your car. But I have to tell you, even if you had a man around, they oftentimes aren't any help when it comes to the car problems. Except maybe to pick you up and take you home if they happen to be around at the time! Your pillows, however, are quite lovely. You should be very proud of yourself. You truly are an independent woman, regardless whether you know much about cars! I don't either!
Hi Cindy,
I look forward to seeing the show. It will be fun to 'see' a blogger on TV!
Sorry about your car. It's no fun to spend hard earned money on car repairs.
The pillows are lovely.
Beautiful pillows. Cars are something like computers. Sometimes they drive us crazy, but what would we do without them. We had to have something that seemed minor fixed on our car last week. The final bill was over $900.00. I was glad Hubby took care of it
I'm looking forward to Thursday. What is the show called so I can check to see what time it comes on here. I know you're excited about it. What an honor. You certainly deserve it too.
The pillows are just beautiful! You have such a talent for making things lovely.
Looking forward to seeing your segment on HGTV.
Absolutely NOTHING worse than car problems!!! I hate when my husband is out of town and I have a problem with the car. One time I was so embarrassed, I was stuck in the snow and ice in someone's driveway and had to call a tow-truck!!! And, of course, I had 5 cheerleaders in the car on the way to practice aaauuugggghhh!!!
Your pillows turned out beautiful, absolutely beautiful!!
I love your pillows! Great job, as usual. Sorry about your car; very expensive & inconvenient too. I'm looking forward to seeing your pretty space on Thursday evening.
Love the pillows!
Totally understand you pain with the car. Mine is currently in the shop. Since I live in a house with 3 men (hubby and two sons, 24 and 29 tomorrow) I don't think talking to a mechanic is something I should have to do! (although, the 29 yr old probably knows less about them than I do, if that is possible) Haven't heard the verdict yet as the mechanic ws to call dh when he figures out the problem.
Hope I can get your show on TiVo (have to see what else is scheduled) since I'll be at quilting class Thursday night - going to look at the schedule right now!
Cute! I just finished my little pillows. They will be in a post later. I got the fabric several months ago and finly got them done.
I'm sorry about your car. That is very stressful. At least you weren't out on the road!
Can't wait for the show!
Cindy, the pillows really look professionally made. I wish I could sew.
I am married to a retired auto mechanic and will tell you, no matter how much maintenance you do, you can still have something break. The cars today cost so much to repair with the computer systems and electronics, I feel your pain!!!
Oh Cindy, what a bummer about your sick car. I'm so sorry and I'd give you a lift if I lived any closer.
I can't wait to see you! I've got the tivo all set and raring to go, Can't wait because I know it's gonna be good!
You did such an amazing job on those pillows I might add! They look like cream of the crop to me, very pretty Cindy.
Blessings - Debbie
Hi, Cindy--Sorry about your car. Being single I understand the mechanic problem. Trying to discribe the "chirping", "pinging" or "grinding" sound to the poor guy, with his very puzzled look, is always interesting for both of us!!
Love your pillows and can't wait for Thursday! Would much rather watch you than Sara Palan anyday!!
First, Your pillows are just lovely. You did do a very nice job. Now you have some new pillows and how fun, you made them. I can't wait to watch the show! How exciting! What does your daughter think? I know what you mean about car mechanics. Not that they are ALL bad but if you think about it--how can we ever know what they did or our car needs, really? When I was a teenager my Dad told me to look at my engine and I said' "Where's that?" LOL! I am married and I STILL call my Dad. Wendy
Just a thought Cindy...check your car insurance might have towing on it...even if you've already paid the tow, the ins. co. will reimburse you...It happened to us once...good luck. ;-) Bo
I have a man of the house and I STILL hate car trouble, b/c he doesn't know either! I hate that you are at their whim. They could tell you whatever and you either trust them or find someone else and hope they are trustworthy too. I often wish I could just ride my horse everwhere, I understand them! :-D
love the pillows
Love your beautiful pillows that you made. They are so pretty and elegant. You did a fantastic job !! Hope you get your car fixed soon without having to break the bank. Take care and have a bettr day tomorrow.
The pillows you sewed are GREAT! Love them! Sorry about your car troubles - that is very frustrating. I just spent $400 this morning on a new clothes dryer so I can sympathize.
Love the pillows. I admire those who have such talent like yourself.
About the car, so sorry to hear you're having problems. Every time I bring my car in thee's always something additional they need to do to it. Of course, it always costs way more than a simple oil change.
Oh Cindy,
So sorry to hear about your car trouble. I hope you get it back soon. Can;t wait to see your show!
the pillows are gorgeous! You are so multi-talented. Have a better day tomorrow!
Lovely pillows! Great Job!
sorry about your car-hope it all works out for you.
Hi Cindy!
I can't wait to see your segment, that will be fun!
I tagged you over at my site but I know you are a busy girl so don't feel obligated :o)
So you did and they are beautiful!
Is there ANYTHING you cannot do, girl!
I have you on my calendar and I'm so excited to see you!!
Hope you get your wheels back soon.
Great job on the pillows! I would love to see your home on tv, but I live out in the boonies and we have no cable. :( Bummer!
I am sure it will be wonderful though!
God bless!
Great job on the pillows and I'm looking forward to HGTV this Thursday! I'm sorry to hear about your car. I do hope the rest of the week is better for you!
love love your pillows!!!
Ugh. So sorry about your car situation. What a pain! Can't wait to watch your RMS segment. Fun!
you can do it Cindy!!!! yeah! you go lady. so what if your car needs repair, and it costs at least $500????? how about a new car. :)
I hope your walk was interesting.
The pillows are beautiful.
Cindy! The pillows turned out GORGEOUS!! You'll have pillows all over the house now, filling up chairs, sofas and beds....they offer a lot of bang for the buck!! Hope your car gets repaired quickly and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Sweetie!!! xxoo, Dawn
Lovely pillows.
And what a smart idea to talk to your father first. Mechanics are a strange kind of people when it comes to women and cars. That way you are ahead of them LOL.
I wish I could see you on HGTV but it's not possible here!
Hope you have a good day.
Love Elzie
Oh I wish I had HGTV to be able to watch your show, but I am wishing you a wonderful show and lots of people to watch! Maybe you could tape it and then put it on you tube to share with us who can't see it, just maybe!
I love your pillows.
Have a nice day and a great show. Suzy
Hi Cindy,
Bummer about the car,i hate paying for things you al ready have that are broken,i mean they just look the same after they are fixed,like you have nothing to show for your money, you know?
The cushions look gorgeous and so professional,you must be really pleased with how they turned out,i know i would be.
Cindy will you be uploading the show to your youtube for us girls in the UK? pleaaaaseeeee!
Love Kristina XxX
Darling pillows. You are uber-talented. :o)
Sorry to hear about your car trouble. Car troubles are totally the worst!
I'm so sorry to hear about your car trouble. I absolutely love your blog and the style of your home. I can't wait to watch the show on Thursday.
I’m sorry to hear about your car, however I’m really excited to see your HGTV episode. Your pillows turned out very pretty, like always all you do is beautiful and romantic.
Remember,keep your dreams alive.
Blessings, Virginia
Hi Cindy,
Love your pillows, you did a great job!! Bummer about your car. I hate dealing with car issues, too. And the fees they charge are outrageous! I'm married, but my husband has never dealt with, or helped me to deal with any car or home repair issues. It's all me, all the time. Probably because I was a single-mom who already took care of everything, when we met. Remember my story, if you ever decide to get into another relationship. Everything depends upon whom you choose! :)
I can't wait to see your show!!! Your pillows are darling and if you have some time on your hands...go and read about what I had to go through yesterday..... some days are just in sane!
Won't be able to see the show, but congrats, Cindy! You so deserve that recognition! Thanks for all the inspiration/tricks of the trade that you provide on a limited budget! I actually feel very sorry for the people who have been leaving non-constructive negative comments. Those poor people obviously do not have a life since they spend time leaving nasty comments on blogs that appear to be of no interest to them. Sad people, don't you think?
SANDRA needs to mind her own business for one thing....
Another thing, Cindy, those are beautiful pillows! You did a wonderful job as always!
I cant wait to watch you on t.v!!
Love ya,
I am really sorry to hear about you car.I will keep you in my prayers.We had just bought a van and didn't even have it a week and found out a rod was knocking. Praise God the guy is giving us back all our money so the hunt begins.
On a light note love the pillows. The fabric looks great.Have the tv on record.I Can't wait until thursday hope you have a blessed rest of the week.
The pillows are gorgeous!
Thank you so much for the mention on the pillow tutorials! You are so sweet! And I CANNOT wait to see your Rate My Space spot tonight! Woo hoo! I'm so proud to know you. You're amazingly talented, and now famous, too!
~Angela :-)
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