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Every Sunday my city has a Farmer's Market downtown. Last weekend my daughter and I decided to go. It was a beautiful morning. There are herbs for your garden...

sugar canes...

Even handmade jewelry.

These asparagus (2 for $5) were really good. I grilled mine outside on the BBQ with a little olive oil and kosher salt.

These were the biggest and freshest purple onions I've ever seen!

We love that they offer tastes of what they are selling.

Beautiful flowers

These orchids were only $6 and $7 each. I didn't buy any because I can't seem to keep orchids alive.

Lots of fresh pastries...

Below is the view from one end looking down towards my home...about a mile away.

Vegetables for your garden...

And lots of California dried fruit. When I was growing up here in this area there were a lot of orchards around each housing development. The ranchers would dry the fruit out in the orchards. Every time I see masses of dried fruit it brings back childhood memories of running through the orchards and the ranchers yelling at us. Those ranchers were so scary that I never wanted to go anywhere near those orchids again!

I hope you enjoyed your tour of the Campbell Farmer's Market!
This is funny....I did a Google search to find out more about this Farmer's Market to share with you and I found
this website with a lot very interesting facts about Campbell. I never knew that
"Campbell is home to a disproportionate number of well-off single people" and "It's notable that men are disproportionately common in Campbell"? Are you kidding me....where are they hiding these rich single men? Maybe I need to quit fixing up my apartment and get out more! HaHa!
How fun! I wish we had something like that near where I live. I would make it a regular stop :-)
Glorious photos! -le sigh- Wondering around here {NE} if spring/summer will ever come.
-le sigh-
Noir et blanc
I linked to your blog from Robin's @ Bittersweetpunkin.
I have to tell you that after seeing these pics, I am a little homesick. I was born and raised in San Leandro/San Lorenzo CA. I worked in Campbell, San Jose, and Mountain View. I moved to Iowa about 12 years ago and while I do not regret it in the least, when I see pics of wonderful street markets....I get a little homesick. We really don't have those here, in the midwest. Well, at least not in small town Iowa.
I love your blog:) Hope to visit again soon!!
Love and Blessings......
Your visit to the market turned into a visual delight for our senses.
We are about thirty minutes away from our state farmer's market, and it is one of my favorite places to visit.
Thanks for sharing.
Loved the market pictures. I sure wish we had something like that is little ole Plantersville, TX.!
About the men... well most likely they are hanging out in Sports Bars, Exercise clubs or they are just work-a-holics!
I can't believe how far ahead of us seasonally you are. I scraped ice on my window this morning! Nothing but wheat growing. Yuck. And the market was lovely. And about the men idea... You had a better man in your bed on yesterday's post than you can probably find anywhere... Loyal, sweet, cute as a button... and the decency to look a little mollified that he was sittin' on a vintage pillowcase.... instead of storing a car part in it! haha...
Wow...everything looks so wonderful! How blessed you are to have such an abundant Farmer's market nearby!
Those sugarcanes remind me of Africa.
I am sooooooo ready for farmers's markets to start here in Missouri.
Wow, how lucky are you to have that a mile from your house?! What fun!
Oh how I wish there were something like that around here. Thanks for sharing!
I love your market photos!
We have an area like that here and it is a daily thing. I volunteer at the local theater which is in the same area. I love to go early and walk thru the market and visit the shops. It is so relaxing and I feel like I've been somewhere.
I found my city on the website that you mentioned. Of course there are more men than women here!
There is a beautiful small historic town about an hour from here. It listed more men than women. Homes are more expensive there but it is a great place to visit. There is so much history there. (Lexington, VA)
I look forward to your blog everyday.
Thanks for all the work that you put into it.
I wish I lived in California, so much to do and so much to see. We're still waiting spring in Ohio, however it is a little nicer right now in North Carolina, 60 degrees so I'll take it.
LeAnn :)
Wonderful Photos!!
Oh to live in California!!!!
A girl can dream....
Love your pictures - they are so clear and "life-like" - my grandpa used to bring us kids sugar can we would "knaw" on it for hours - what memories!!
We will have one here on Saturdays starting pretty soon - of course, it is nothing like yours, but it gets better every year. I am in Louisiana.
Have a great day
What great markets you have close to you!
It looks like a fabulous farmers market. I'm looking forward to ours starting again. Your lilacs are gorgeous - I can almost smell them! I've had fun catching up - as usual everything here is beautiful.
You are so lucky to have such a place so close to your home. It's funny that you should mention men in today's post. Your blog is the first one I hit every day, saved to my favorites, with other favorites. ;) Anyway, when I clicked on your blog today, the first thing I saw in my mind was a headline of "Ive met a man."
From your posts, I know that you aren't looking, but appear to be open to possibility. Being open is a very good thing. ;)
I truly enjoy your blog, and I appreciate that you take the time to post most every day.
I love visiting markets like that. We are lucky to have a few very near our home.
It looks glorious there. I've given you an award, stop by.
New Blogger here just visiting around, found your site, and love it! :) The farmers market looks like such fun, and your home is beautiful! Glad you added the ebay link to the card holder! I have been looking for something like that for old postcards and didn't even know they existed! Hope you don't mind that I am adding you to my favorites list, so that I may drop in and see what you have blogged anew! :) Rhonda
Well, You could drop me off there and I could stay all day long.. Gorgeous looking veggies and the Orchids, My favorite. For that price I would be adding to my collection every week.. Beautiful pics... thank you, Jamie
Hi Cindy! I just love going to the Farmers Market...ours hasn't started up yet, but will be in late May.Your pictures make me want to go right now! (LOL)
Hi Cindy! I love going to the farmers market. The produce is always wonderful and tastes better than anything you can get in the grocery store, that's for sure. Beautiful pictures, thanks for showing us your lovely day. xo ~ Joy J.
Great market Cindy!!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.
Oh my gosh, Cindy, you are making me so homesick for northern California! What a great post about the farmer's market! And I cracked up at your last comment about Campbell having a disproportionate number of single men, and "where were they hiding." LOL Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!... Donna
Oh wow Cindy what an amazing market! All that fresh fruit and veges YUMMO. Id be coming home with handfuls thats for sure.
I love the photos you took too!
Shannon :)
What a great place to be. Just to see all those colors makes it lovely. And it must be even better in fall.
Hope you have a good day.
Love Elzie
A most beautiful posting and journal.
I always say if you ate today and had good food on the table thank the good Lord and the farmers~
All the booths look so bright and sunny and the baked goods oh so yummy.
I came to visit by way of Joy. It's funny how you can follow a trail that leads to a place full of beautiful pictures and another one's perspective on life.Glad I did.
Great market. Don't worry about the men. Keep doing what you are doing and you will be happy. If your heart wants to find a great man, he will find you. I'm sure. And he will love what you do with your home. He'd better or he will have all of us to deal with! ~Adrienne~
Yummy, we also have Farmer's Markets over here in Australia, we have a mid week one where we live, during the summer months Tony has a stall and sells our goodies, even though you can't eat them. The fresh produce even inspires ME to cook! Lovely photos as always Cindy
You're a lovely photographer. I can't believe the farmer's market down there already looks that great. Ours doesn't start until May. Enjoy. I love, love, love the photos.
My Petite Maison
I adore such markets! Beautiful to see and fun to visit.
Hi Cindy :)
I just got back from being out of town and thought I'd pop over to see what fabulousness you had posted. I saved the cupcake recipe, because even though I'm on a diet I might just sneak them in anyway LOL Your pup is darling :)
The farmers market looks fantastic! I used to live in Pebble Beach and my brother lived in San Jose so I know this area. Great place to live, although I'm not too sure about the single men thing either LOL
rue :)
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