I received the nicest comment on my blog about a week ago from Joy~Cupids Charm . She used my painting technique on her armoire. I went over to visit her blog and saw that she has a beautiful online boutique where she sells this drop-dead gorgeous jewelry made from broken china. It is so beautiful I just had to share it with all of you.

I hope you enjoyed all this beauty as much as I did!
Click here to visit her shop and click here to visit her blog. Make sure you tell her Cindy sent you! And thank you Joy for letting me share this with everyone!
You always share the most beautiful things. Thank you for this link. You're right, the work is exquisite.
Gorgeous jewelry! Thanks for sharing her link....think I will go visiting now :-) Rosie
I just love how she hung those plates on the doors....very "cool".
wow, those are amazing! I am going to pop over there.
Jen R
Oh Cindy! the jewelry is gorgeous. I have to have one too! thanks for sharing!
Everything is abbbbbsolutly wonderful, and a delight to look at. Inspires the inner being to wake-up and do something.
Cindy G.
Thank you Cindy!!!!! I will go visit her... Someday, I'm painting the furniture in the guest room :)
OMG!! Hanging plates on an armoire, very very clever! And those bracelets, gotta have one. Thanks Cindy for letting us know.
LeAnn :)
I agree, gorgeous jewelry! I also love the idea of taking broken pieces of china and repurposing them. The end result is really striking.
WOW! That armoire is beautiful!! I would never have thought to hang plates on an armoire, but now that I see it, I like it!! I wish I had room for a huge armoire in my house.
Wow her jewellery is fabulous. I am straight over there now!
How pretty Cindy!! I have never seen broken china jewelry before.
She did a wonderful job on her armoire. Thanks for sharing,
As soon as I write this, I will go visit her. Yes, they are truly beautiful. Now that's what I call making lemonade from lemons. Making jewelry from something already broken! Lovely armoire. Now I'm going to go visit.
Gorgeous jewelry!
hoganfe handbag
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for sharing, I've seen a lot of china jewelry but hers is different and sooo beautiful - I love it!! I wish you a creative and relaxing weekend! Bless you, Victoria Lynn
Hi Cindy,
Thank you for the link to Joy's Cupid Charms. As a mosaic artist, I have always admired anything to do with broken china. She is amazing!
OH my goodness, how very beautiful! I might need to get one of those bracelets, too. do you think she has one that goes withsweats? LOL
Have a great weekend!
Oh yes please I'll have one of each!! Absolutely and utterly beautiful
What beautiful work... I have been trying my hand at china jewelry... it is so hard.... She is a magnificent artist to be able to get such a perfect finish...
It looks just wonderful. So many ideas...
Hope you're having a great weekend.
Love Elzie
Love the beautiful jewlry, so feminine.
Beautiful jewelry and I LOVE how she hung the plates on the doors! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Cindy,
Those are gorgeous! Beautiful craftmanship and the amoire is darling :) I'm headed over there now...
Have a great day tomorrow,
rue :)
On my way, Cindy. Those are gorgeous!
Congrats on the great article too in Romantic Country. It was like reading about a friend.... Big Smiles here, you deserved it!
My bests,
I loved what Joy shared - and as she wears her tiara while washing dishes makes me think she's one neat woman!!
Hope you get your Mother's Day jewelery Cindy - you deserve something this pretty on your wrist.
Hi Cindy~
I visited her blog and like you said, GORGEOUS!!! Every last thing is amazing.
She did a wonderful job on her armoire, too....I love that aging glaze, it's just enough.
Also, your picture is pretty...don't know why I haven't noticed that one before!
Oh well, dear blogging friend, have a blessed and happy day.
xxxooo Ruth
Out blog hopping. Love your blog and your bedroom! I so adore it. The whole beach cottage feel. You did a great job with it.
And thanks for the link to Cupids Charm. Gorgeous jewelry!
How stunning - I've never seen bracelets like that, wow. and I love that cupboard.The plates on the door are a nice idea, my grandmother used to always have plates hanging and I think its now back in fashion.
Oh, you are right, her bracelets are beautiful, as is her finished hutch.
what breathe-taking pieces of jewlery! thank you so much for sharing!
What lovely jewelry. I feel rather inspired by the armoire too!
I too love "Sleepless," Susan Branch, Diane Krall, etc, etc.
It's a pleasure to see beautiful items... it's obvious it brings you joy as well.
Thanks for helping us navigate to other lovely sites.
Beauty is worth sharing. Patsy
Thank you for sharing the jewelry. That bunny bracelet caught my eye! I'm going to go & check it out, it's gorgeous!
The armoire is pretty & I love those plates.
Hugs, DebraK
What beautiful work she does! The bunny bracelet is adorable. Pretty how the plates were put on the armoire. Both of you are inspiring!
Love your new photo of you!
I always Loved Broken China Bracelets etc. To Beautiful for words!!
Oh, the most beautiful jewelry EVER! And I love how the armoire turned out, especially with the plates hung on it. Can't wait to see yours completed. So enjoyed "getting to know you" through the newest Romantic Country Magazine!
Angelic Accents
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