Thursday, April 26, 2007

Inspiration Friday - Backyard houses

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In keeping with the theme of last week, here are some more little backyard houses. Someday I would love to have a little place in my backyard that I could decorate. I don't care if it's a play house, garden house, conservatory, a pool house, a studio or just a potting shed. Just a place to decorate with things I love. First I need to get a home that has a backyard big enough! Hmmm...Maybe I should start looking for a husband or maybe just buy more lotto tickets???


Southern Heart said...

I love your beautiful photos today--I would enjoy something like that, too (I think that we would both love to decorate anything that stands still long enough! :)

Very lovely inspiration today!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lucious eye candy! If you go for a hubby, please do your fans a favor and set the ground rules AHEAD of time - no interfering with your decorating. We need kyour pictures and inspiration, otherwise, we cannot allow a marriage. Thanks for checking with us on that.

hee, hee - Esther Sunday

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful...

Candy said...

I love the first lovely!

:) Candy

Betty Jo said...

Those photos are gorgeous! Wouldn't it be a ton of fun to have a place like that? I vote for the husband, providing you can find one as sweet as mine. If not though, go for the tickets! xoxo

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Both beautiful photos! I especially love that chair & table in the second photo.
I want a "little house" in our backyard too. I really want it to be a potting shed!
Hope we both get our "little buildings" someday!

Rosemary said...

First, thanks for the nice comments on my blog.
I love those pictures. I have always wanted one of those little houses in my backyard. I doubt if our HOA would allow that, but a girl can dream.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos! I'd love a glass conservatory ... I'll never actually have one but it's nice to dream! ♥

Unknown said...

Love the photos, and would love to have my own play house to decorate and have lunch parties in, how fun!!

Anonymous said...

okay! that first house is nicer than any ol' house i've ever been in. i likey, likey! i lovey, lovey. it's a dreamer type place. it's a place to go when the ants come marching in on the spilt cranberry juice that's been left on the kitchen tile for at least three days. into my file it goes. have a great weekend. blessings! p.s. what's this husband searching? did i miss something. are you somewhere in life with a potential hubby that i'm unaware of? just wonderin'. just pokin' into your business. : )

a pink-bee said...

Thanks, for Friday's inspiration, it is always so nice. And you inspired me to do a tiny inspiration Friday posting on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I think the vintage glass top table and chair is sooooo pretty! I wish I'd stumble upon one of those at a yard's darling!

Anonymous said...

I love your photos - it would be great to have a place like those in the pictures!

I don't know why there's a double post by me in your herb post? Hopefully you can delete the extra one.


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Beautiful photos, Cindy! I would love to have a backyard that beautiful...but, I've got a long way to go.

Southern Hospitality

Anita said...

Oooohhh, I could just browse your blog all day! Lovely pics!! Thank you. We just moved into a place with a potting shed made out of old windows, but it's pretty bedraggled and needs lots of help! Maybe someday it could look like one of these!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Oh My!!! Isn't that the most perfectly elegant outdoor space.
I want one!
That's the best inspiration picture I've seen all day.


Kimberly :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I think you should just win the lottery. Single life is the best.

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Lovely, lovely pictures Cindy.
I hope you have some sweet little place like that to decorate one day.

Lora said...

Saturday mornings I wake up at 6:00 am just like it was a school day (even knowing, mentally, I can sleep in) just for the hour or so I have before the boys wake up to dwell over all of my "inspiration" magazines I have (this, while listening to DIY network on the TV or the cooking channel...all of those)and get charged for the day. I don't have "the big Lotto" ticket or a husband, but have found so much inspiration from sites such as yours and so many others, that I manage to create my dream home by incremental degrees and as my budget allows. Sometimes it's just a potted plant on my back deck that I get to see every morning that makes me feel better. It must be that way for a lot of other people as well.

But what I DO know is that inspiration comes from within, and the best thing I've gotten out of this whole "blog atmosphere" I have recently created is a view into my life & home & children from someone else's perspecive...and from the outside it looks pretty good and I am very fortunate!!!

For that I thank everyone one of you for sharing your lives and your dreams with ME... a total stranger in North Carolina that would love to meet you all!! Have a wonderful weekend and do something just for YOUSELVES!

Anonymous said...

Cindy your blog has meant so much to me, when I'm feeling a bit uninspired I find myself going to your blog, I've been walking around our home with new eyes, we have an open attic space, one end is our bed and the other end with a big picture window is a mess, pretty much where the dog sleeps, on shabby (no not fashionable shabby) couches, your beautiful photos this week have inspired me to create a little haven in our attic. thanks Cindy for sharing your life with us

Jen Kershner said...

I want one! I would love to have something like that. A conservatory is my dream. Love the pictures.

Mrs. Jones said...

You always have the best inspiration photos. I know just where to go on Fridays!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I have the first picture in my FAVORITES folder!
I bought a small building at auction last fall so I am excited to get to decorating it and turning it into a guest cottage!

Thank you for the inspiration!


savvycityfarmer said...

I'll be posting soon about my potting/play shed with a tin roof.
Always enchanting here.

Lori said...

Love your photos! Could sit there for hours!


Raised In Cotton said...

Simply beautiful! I could sip a glass of tea and enjoy the whole day.

Thank You!


ps-did you know that they are relaunching Victoria Magazine this Fall?

Merci-Notes said...

This is a beautiful building!! I wish it were yours now!! Well someone out there is lucky: )
Love alll of your before and afters and your roses are beautiful!!
Have you ever been to the Susan Branch store in Calif.? I have forgotten were it is..I will have to check the link!
With Kindness,

homes for sale philippines said...

You live in such a wonderful home. This place is what I fall inlove with.

Deirdre G