Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!
Unfortunately I have some sad news to share. As many of you know I have been taking care of my ex-husband since he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last August. I told him he was welcome to stay with us until he was not well enough to stay home alone and then we would have to put him in a nursing home.
Last week that time came...actually it came the Tuesday before Thanksgiving when he fell getting out of bed. I started looking for a nursing home at that time but there wasn't any available around here! Actually I wasn't looking...our wonderful hospice social worker, Brian did all the work! Finally after a week he was able to find a place and Joe was taken to the nursing home on Friday, Dec 4th.
I would have let him stay here but I have to go to work and after 3 falls it was time that he needed more care than I could give him. He seemed to be doing really well there and then last Tuesday (Dec 8th), only after being there 4 days and a day after our daughter Lauren's 23 birthday he took a turn for the worse and passed away that evening. I knew that day was coming but I didn't think it would happen that suddenly.
We were there at his bedside along with other family and friends. My daughter held his hand as he passed away peacefully.
He had told me a couple weeks before this that he wanted to make it until Lauren's birthday. I really thought he would make it until after the holidays so I think he must have known it was getting close.
I'm thankful that he made it past her birthday because I think that would be really hard if it had happened on that day. It's been hard for Lauren but she's doing much better now and each day gets a little easier. Sorry for the bad news but since I shared his illness with you all earlier I wanted to let you all know.
I posted a sweepstakes last week and luckily I submitted that post way before Thanksgiving and although the timing wasn't great it was easy enough to just post it when they told me.
Now on to Show and Tell Friday...
A few weeks ago I started glittering some seashells. I took pics of the process and then I accidentally deleted them from the camera! I just watered down some white glue with a little water and brushed it on the seashell and sprinkled it with glitter. I used lots of different colors and then I blended some colors together to make my own glitter colors.
I wish the sparkle showed up in photos but it doesn't! The photos don't do them justice.
I put them in my tiered dish and put that in my bedroom. I usually keep this tiered dish on my dining room table but I did something different there this year. I'll share that next week!
I also added some strands of pearls and some ornaments that I made using clear bulbs that I dropped watered-down white glue in and then glitter and swirled around to coat the inside of the bulb. They came out so beautiful! I also deleted the photos of that tutorial by mistake!
Thanks to all of you that join in on Show and Tell Friday every week and thanks to all of you who leave such nice comments!

This week I'm linking up to French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday
So sorry for your loss.
Hello sweet lady! I appreciate you hosting each week, thank you! Please stop by our party that until Friday @7. We love to party with you and we pin and tweet everything! Happy Holidays! Lou Lou Girls
So sorry to hear about your daughter's dad:( I'm glad you were able to care for him and give him some peace and most importantly, precious time with Lauren during his last days.
I am sorry for your loss.
My condolences to you and your daughter. You gave them both an incredible gift. My best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!
I'm so sorry for you and your daughter's loss. I know the pain of losing a dad, but as others have said, you did a wonderful thing and gave your daughter and her father some precious time to spend together before he passed on. They never truly leave us; they live on in our hearts. After 11 years, I still talk to my dad when I miss him and need his advice. I'm sure Lauren's dad will always be watching over her. Peace and love to you during the holidays...
Cindy, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your ex-husband and Lauren's father. I am sure you and your children cherish the time you had with him near the end. Prayers for you and your family.
This happens way to often these days, loosing a loved one to cancer
I am working with a lady age 50 whose husband is in his last week or weeks of fighting cancer
Bless Your Heart for having show and tell Friday Cindy
Merry Christmas 'Janice
Cindy, I am so sorry to hear of you and your daughter's loss. Hugs to both of you.
So sorry to hear about Joe. I am sure that staying with you and Lauren during his last months was a huge comfort to him. Sending love and peace to you and your daughter this holiday season.
My condolence to you and your daughter at this sad time.
Your glittering shells are beautiful. I love the tier shelf. I'd like to find one like it.
Have a blessed Holidays. Peace and Love to you and your daughter.
Sending prayers to you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss.
Thanks so much for taking the time to post during this sad time!
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my father to pancreatic cancer 19 years ago. Prayers to you and your family.
Jody@Southern Seazons
My most sincere condolenses to you and your daughter, Cindy.
May your Christmas be filled with peaceful good memories to sustain you during this sad time.
It is so nice that you had the kind of relationship with your ex where you would welcome him into your home when he got sick - your daughter is so fortunate that you got along so well and she can have good memories of your support through her father's last days. My condolences to you and her.
Your glittered seashells are lovely.
I'm so sorry for your daughter's loss and why not for you too, since you were in such friendly terms and where able to take care of him till the end. What a satisfaction you must have.
Love those seashells, elegant and with glitz!
Although you both are sad, I do wish you two a very Merry and blessed Christmas this year too.
So very sorry to hear this. I'm sure it was very comforting for him to be able to stay there and be with Lauren and you during this difficult time. ((hugs))
Positive thoughts flowing your way. Appreciate your sharing with us.
Deepest sympathies on the loss of your daughter's father. How special that he was able to enjoy some of his final days with his daughter.
Dearest Cindy, since we had not heard from you for several weeks I thought things were probably not going well for Joe. It is always so hard to lose a loved one, and my heart and prayers go out to you and Lauren. I'm so glad he made it through her birthday, and so glad you were all with him when he passed.
May God comfort your hearts and bring you peace during this sad time.
Sending hugs,
Sorry for your loss. Sending prayers for you and your daughter. Your sparkly designs are gorgeous! Have a lovely Christmas!
Sad for you and your daughter's loss. It is never easy especially during the Holiday season. Thank you for once again hosting this lovely party. Lynn
Cindy - I am so sad for your family. At the same time I think it was a huge blessing that you were able to have him in your home during the time of his illness. You are such a great lady and I know you will be able to look back on that time with good memories. I am praying for you and your daughter. Be Blessed!
Cindy, thinking of you and your family. Hugs and prayers.
What a wonderful thing you did for your ex husband and especially your daughter. I was so humbled just reading it. I'm so sorry for your loss and your pain. Blessings to you and healing to both of you as time goes by. Loss is so hard....but then right at your daughter's birthday and the holidays. Lean on each other and most of all God Almighty!
I also think its a wonderful you did Cindy especially for your daughter.
Hugs and prayers
Cindy, I was just sitting here at my computer and you popped unbidden into my head. I wondered how you were doing so I logged onto your blog and read this sad post. Isn't it funny how we bloggers seem to know each other even though we've never met. I'm very sorry for your loss and am sending you a warm hug. Take some comfort knowing how we are all thinking of you.
Bonnes Fetes!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure you were a wonderful comfort both to your ex and your daughter. Thank you for hosting a party each week for us to join in.
Dear, Cindy,
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and especially your daughter.
I hope this finds you well and enjoying the holiday season.
Take care, ~Natalie
Dear Cindy,
Just now seeing this about your former husband. My condolences to you and your daughter. It is just like you (from what I've read about you over the years) to be so gracious. I also love the decorations that you made. I wish you and your family the best in the coming year.
Bless you and Lauren.
Please accept my condolences on your family's lost, Cindy.
You are a special person and I'm sure it has not been easy.
I hope that the new year brings you peace, good health and happiness.
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
I am so sorry for yours and your daughter's loss. What a wonderful mother you are to your daughter, and I'm sure the kindness and love you extended these past months warmed many hearts. xoxo Su
I am so sorry to hear about your family's great loss. I hope your daughter is doing well.
Take care
Big hugs, Jen
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Keep sharing more.
Wowow I see soo beautiful this style "grandmother house"!!
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