Welcome to Show and Tell Friday! I love this time of year but yesterday it felt like my world came crashing down with one email I received when I got home from work!
After living in my little apartment for almost 11 years I got a message from the property manager that I have to move out by January 31st! Shock doesn't even begin to describe the feeling that came over me. I burst into tears before I could even finish reading the email! My landlord will be renovating my apartment and putting it up for rent for more money! They did this to another tenant last year and I never expected I would be next. I understand that the rental scene has changed a lot in the last 11 years since I moved in here. Silicon Valley is booming again. It's obvious on my commute to work every day that more people are working! Homeowners that have lost their homes due to foreclosure are now renting and those two things are making rent prices skyrocket but I'm a great tenant and I think that that should count for something! Obviously that's not worth more than money though.
I like change and have thought about moving before but when I look at the price of rent here it just wasn't an option which is why I have stayed here for almost 11 years!
Now I'm being forced to move at the happiest time of the year! Who does this to someone right before the holiday season?
I can't even begin to explain the rollercoaster of emotions I have gone through in the last 24 hours since I found out. It feels like divorce all over again. I remember these emotions...hurt, anger, sadness, fear....they are all there. I went to work today with huge puffy eyes and then felt the need to explain to everyone why it was obvious I had been crying all night!
Of all these emotions I think fear is by far the worst! I can barely afford this place now since my rent has increased $200 over the last two years and now I will have to probably pay at least $200 more a month to rent a new place. Almost 2 years ago I lost my job due to layoffs and I was lucky to find another job but I had to take a pay decrease. While the cost of everything is going up, I'm making less money.
When things seem bad, I always tell myself to put things in perspective. I have my health, my kids are healthy, I have supportive friends and family and I have a job with a great boss! I'm very grateful for what I do have. I keep telling myself that but it's still hard!
My daughter, who is about to turn 21 in two weeks, has been my rock for the last 24 hours. She was only 10 years old when we moved here and I remember she was so happy. After moving from a very, very small 1920 cottage she thought this little apartment looked like a mansion! She has been so positive and has offered to help with the rent. This is not where I ever expected to be at this time in my life. Again..I'm telling myself to put things in perspective, stay positive and things will be okay. As much as I keep saying those words I feel like they are just words. I'm really afraid of the future right now.
I was so excited to decorate for Christmas and now I don't know when I will be moving so I'm not sure what to do. Do I put up a tree or not? I'm afraid to wait until after Christmas and only have 30 days to find a place and pack and move. I'm not sure what I'll do at this moment but I'll take you along this new journey with me.... One thing is certain...I need to be out by January 31st. I've asked for more time but haven't heard a word yet.
So many of you have been with since I started blogging in 2005 and I have really enjoyed sharing my little apartment with you. I'm hoping that this is a new and better chapter to my life!
If there is one positive thing....I'll finally have something new to blog about!
...as you can see, I was happily decorating for Autumn last weekend with no clue about the news I was about to receive Tuesday night! Sorry for such a downer of a post this week. I'm hoping that I will be really happy in the near future and sharing an even better "My Romantic Home". After all, I know that "home" isn't just the place you live in, it's the place you turn into your little nest. If I made this little 1969 apartment a cozy home, I can do again, even if I'm living in a shack on the bad side of town! haha! Just kidding! I'll be okay no matter what! Based on past experience I know I always bounce back!
If you happen to know someone with a rental in the South Bay area of San Francisco please let me know. I'm looking for something around $1900 a month or less. Everything here seems to be well over $2000 a month right now!
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Oh no Cindy, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm sure you will find a nice place.Your feelings are totally justified. It will get better.
Having you move at this time of year is a bit cruel and very insensitive. But you will be fine, and there are brighter days ahead. You will find something wonderful. Try to find some joy in this new adventure.
Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design
I am sorry to hear that for your sake. My daughter lives in the East bay and says housing prices are astronomical right now. She had one of hers on the market for 2 days and got a full price offer at $425,000 and that I think was underpriced. Everyone in California is charging huge rents for apartments. As you say, $2000 and up for a regular 1500 s.f. 3 bdr home. Good luck, sugar. I know it's going to get worse. We left there several years ago and have noticed the horrific changes when we got back to visit our kids.
Sorry, meant when we GO back to visit our kids.
I'm so sorry, Cindy. What seems like a really crappy deal right now might turn into a beautiful blessing before the whole thing is over. More often than not things happen for a reason, and this may very well be one of those times!
Sorry to hear this but hope it all works out for you.
I can imagine your feelings. I hate moving. It's such a pain and I've lost so much stuff moving here and there. All the best, hope everything goes well for you.
I am so sorry! I think it would perk up your spirits to have some Christmas stuff up! Maybe not as much as usual, but something to look at. I moved from there 6 yrs ago and know just how expensive it is there. Will think good thoughts for you.
The home we were renting was put up for sale on a whim...with the owner not thinking it would sell. But...of course we had done much to make it look so much better that it sold before it even officially hit the market. Thirty days we had...it was tough...and we are out of work so trying to decide what to do next and where to go was a challenge. We put everything in storage until we find new jobs in a new area. Crazy times. But...we'll make it and so will you. [hugs]
Hi Cindy,
I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. Wow it does cost a lot to rent where you are. Is it legal for him to do this? You might want to check online the laws about this sort of thing. I have no idea but thought I would mention it. I can't imagine how awful you feel and scared. I just know if it were me how I would feel and it is so hard to be uprooted like this when you love your home so much. I wish you luck finding the perfect place.
Hugs, Lynnie
Connie, 3 bedroom homes that are 1500 square feet are well over $3000 here, it's over $2000 for a 900 sq ft two bedroom apartment. Houses are $3000 and up!
Luckily here, the law is they have to give you 60 days notices.
I am so sorry that you are having to go through this!
I am so so so sorry to read this. And at the holidays? Unbelievable! You are in my thoughts.
Thank you for still hosting!
I feel for you Cindy. I moved to me rental home 6-1/2 years ago after my husband died. My landlords put my home on the market 3 weeks after I moved in. No one was interested and now they have it up for sale again. I'm in your boat. Renters have very little rights and are at the mercy of the Landlords. I have been at my job for 12 years and no raise or cost of living increase for 10. I can't look for another job because I need the benefits and I have issues with elderly parents under hospice care that need me at times and I am allowed to leave work during the day if it is necessary. You can't do that at a new job, if you can find one. I can't afford my rent now let alone the higher rents around here and to make it harder, no one around my area wants pets and I have two 10 year old Bischon Frise sisters that are my family.
I keep my eyes open in case something comes up and I trust that The Lord will take care of me. You're not alone. It is a hard time of year to go through this. My husband will be gone 7 years at the end of December and I feel like I'm right back at that time again. I will keep you in my prayers,
Margie in CA
I just can't imagine someone doing this to you this time of year. I'm so sorry!
Thank goodness you have had your job for a while. That will help.
I can't wait to go house shopping with you! :)
This is awful. You need to move somewhere else where things are more reasonable. My son lives in LA and it is a nightmare there, too.
I once had an employer in Dallas who put me on "suspension" for no apparent reason right before Christmas -- two weeks without pay. My whole family was coming for Christmas, and it was really scary. But I made it, and you will, too. I would not bother doing any seasonal decorating. Focus all your energy on fixing this, and moving on.
We will all be cheering for you1
One other thing: be sure to hire reputable movers! My son had a lot of his things stolen by the movers, and there seems to be no recourse.
So sorry to hear your news, Cindy! Hope everything works out for you. Hugs and Spring greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla ...Thanks for the party and for being a god sport hosting in this difficult time :)
Dear Cindy...Well, if it's not one thing, it's another.
That was a punch to the gut notice, that's for sure.
But you know what? Maybe it's for the good! Maybe the next place you find will be even BETTER!
I've found in life that when something awful happens, something good will follow.
I'll say extra prayers for you, Cindy. Susan
I'm very sad for you right now. Hopefully your new nest will be even better than the one you have made for yourself here. I know how expensive Northern California is, but I know you will find something. Stay positive.
I'm so sorry, Cindy! What an awful thing to drop on someone this time of year. I hope they give you more time. What on earth are they thinking! Bless you dear! I'm sure there is a window opening for you somewhere!
Cindy, I know what you're talking about. When our granddaughter was at UC Berkeley she was renting a 900 s.f. studio apt. for $1100 a month and that was over 10 years ago! She's now in Washington state and just purchased a newer home for her family and it cost them $800,000! So I truly do understand the rise in prices. It's going out of sight and for our future generations most will never be able to afford a home of their own. Good luck with what you find. Our grandson and his family are trying to find another apartment in the East Bay and they're looking at over $2,000 a month for a small apartment, just as you say. But I think you'll get blessings from this trial, just keep looking. I truly understand and feel very sorry for you. It's tough.
Can't you opt to stay there and pay the increase?
Cheaper then moving sometimes...my daughter pays 1500 for a 1 bedroom in Oakland by the lake.
I live in central ca and pay the same as she does for a 3 bed / 2bath on over 2 acres with a horse set up...I could NEVER live in the bay area.
I am so sorry to hear this and I hope it all works out for the better...you are in my thoughts:) Sometimes if one door closes another opens....and I wish you all the best! Thanks for hosting despite everything! Big hugs, Poppy
Thanks for sharing your troubles with us and still having a positive outlook. I'm sure something even better is just around the corner for you!
I think renters have rights too. I would check your state mandates for renters. It doesn't seem one can even be evicted that quickly. If anything it would seem that they would have to raise your rent first. It doesn't make sense to kick out good renters. Check your rental contract too. Perhaps you could check with an attorney regarding your rights. I've worked with companies that would give pink slips right before the holidays. So heartless. Maybe get together with other renters in your complex and fight. You might be suprised you aren't the only one they are doing this to. I feel so badly for you and hope that everything works out. At least find out your rights. And what would happens if you don't move out by their deadline.
Hi Cindy, I am so sorry this happened to you. I can only hope you will find something even better to rent.Will keep you in my prayers. Christine from Little Brags
You also have supportive blogger friends that you probably didn't even know you had. Take it from someone who has has A LOT of crap thrown at her during her life (divorce, cancer three times, hit by a tornado...), it was very Ebenezer-y of your landlord to hit you at this time of the year and to value money over people. Shame on him, but I truly believe that this will result in something better for you. Something unexpected, but good.
What awful timing. I'll be hoping that there's a silver lining lurking somewhere for you. You'll be in my thoughts.
Hi, Cindy. First, I'm so sorry to hear of your current situation, but I don't want to do the Pablum thing here, because I know what you're feeling is very real, and raw, but of course, you know that somehow you will survive and find a solution. It may not seem ideal at the time, but who knows?? The unknown is always so hard...I will pray that you find peace and comfort--and a place that you can again make into your home. ~Zuni
We rent, too, and I cannot imagine how sad I would be if I had to leave. I am so sorry.
Hi Cindy, I really feel for you. I sent the link to this post to my daughter in SF and she knows a ton of people. Maybe she can help, somehow. Best of luck to you. Can you send your email to me sara@lovethatimage.com and I'll connect you up with Lila in case she knows someone who can help.
They told me I can't stay here while they renovate. I've checked the law and they only have to give me 60 days notice. I know from past experience that sometimes things seem so bad and they end up being blessings in disguise. I sure hope that is the case this time! Thank you all so much for the support! Since I just found out 2 days ago I'm still a little numb from it all!
So sorry that you are losing your apartment, especially this time of year. When things go badly for me I try to think that when one door closes another opens - it is usually better. I know that is not very comforting at this time, but you are so talented I just can't help but think it will be better. I will put you in my prayers.
Wait a minute! YOU are the one who can make ANYTHING beautiful. This has been established. I know that your apprehension will soon turn to excitement, my friend.
Your rent is the price of my mortgage for a 5,000 square foot home! Maybe you should relocate to Chicago! You'll get used to the cold! LOL!
You will be in my prayers. One thing I do know is that everything happens for a reason. WE just recently went to help the people affected by the tornadoes in neighboring towns. I have never seen such devastation. However, I know that in no time at all the tornado will be but a memory. Time has a way of clearing things up.
I know you are afraid and offended that your landlord could be so cold but you are a very strong woman. This is a blip on the radar screen.
Sorry to hear about your apartment situation. I am sure you will find something better.
Oh, my goodness, Cindy. The prices you mentioned are outrageous. I knew the cost of living was different from West Coast to East Coast, but good night! We live just outside of Athens, GA. It's about 70 miles northeast of Atlanta, and a nice 3-bedroom apartment averages $1000. a month. A hole in the wall place, 3-bedroom, is $500. on average. Of course, the pay is less here, but the cost of living is relatively cheap. Well, I sure am sorry this happened to you Cindy. Just know my prayers are with you and your daughter.
PS: If I were you, I think I would decorate my little home for Christmas. You can take pictures, then carry those memories with you. :-)
I am so sorry this is happening. I have been renting near your area for over 25 years. I have had all manner of nasty landlords do such things to me. Those of us that have to rent are at the mercy of unscrupulous people. I have had to move 15 times in 25 years. Sometimes they raise the rent to high just to be nasty as well as greedy which is the case with your landlord. I wish you all the luck seeking new housing. Silicone Valley is basically unaffordable for most of us. You will find the right place. Go ahead and have a Xmas, you deserve it and so do your kids. Best wishes.
Cindy, dear heart, this is "the voice of experience" speaking here...trust HIM...HE works miracles in the worst of circumstances....HE is on time...every time....and HE will bring you through this.
Put up your tree and set out your crèche...it will be good for your spirits!...and remember you are in sooo many prayers :)
Hugs to you!
Who does this to people just before Christmas? Well, Ebenezer Scrooge pre Dickens for a start. What an awful time to hear this news. I'm so sorry you find yourself in this position but I hope you find something really quickly and I know you'll make it beautiful. xx
Check out trulia.com rentals in your area...I have been to SF but know nothing about where things are. I checked it out from here and found: $1,250 /mo
Allison Street and Morse Street
1 br / 1 ba / 1,050 sqft
Hawes Street and Palou Avenue, San Francisco, CA
Price: $1,880/mo
Beds:2Baths:1Size:1350 sqftLot:
Added:16 days ago
300 Berry St, San Francisco, CA
Price: $1,800/mo
Beds:1Baths:1Size:950 sqft
I am so sorry this happened to you, Cindy, but I believe that everything happens for a reason and you will be fine. Good luck finding a place. How nice and sweet of your daughter to offer to pay for rent. I think that is more important than anything. I will offer some prayers for you that everything will go in your favor. In another note, I love your cloches and your vignettes, really pretty....Christine
This to shall pass! I've been in your shoes so I know your feelings very well. Looking back it does work out...I'll keep you in my prayers.
So very sad for you . Wishing you all the very best. Things will be looking up once you get over the shock and make a plan. Prayers and all the best wishes for you Cindy.
Hang in there, Cindy! Some things are just meant to be, and this could be a fantastic new start for you, bringing you unexpected and wonderful new adventures!
All the best and keep positive!
Thanks for hosting!
Dear Cindy, Sorry to hear of your upset! It is terrible they would do this to you before Christmas. I hope you find something else that really suits you at a price you can afford. Thinking of you and wishing you well.xxx
Truly sorry to learn your news. You are right you will bounce, bounce high! Soon we will be enjoying posts about your new romantic home. Thank you for hosting. Hugs!Katherine
Your landlord doesn't know how good they have it! Finding a good renter is hard.
My prayer is that you will find a home in your budget that you will love even more.
Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear of this, I know it was a shock.
I used to live in the Bay Area and know the rents are high.
I know this might not sound what you are looking for, but I lived in a very cute mobile home in Sunnyvale, on Henderson Avenue, I think they are still there. Mine was more of a square, not a long tube, and once inside, it was my home. It had a small yard and a huge front porch. Check it out and see if they have something you can look at.
Good luck!
I am so sorry and completely relate to the fear of being alone and not knowing what the future will hold. My heart goes out to you.
Praying for you Cindy. What a tough time to go through this. Thank goodness for the support of your wonderful daughter.
Praying for you Cindy. What a tough time to go through this. Thank goodness for the support of your wonderful daughter.
Sorry to hear this. The same thing happened to me a few years ago. Also, I used to be a property manager so I know the ups and downs of property management and rent raises. EVERYTHING happens for a reason, we may not see it now, but you will look back on this and smile later on.
Best wishes to finding a new home.
Oh Cindy this is horrible and scary news. You must have protection under some sort of Landlord and Tenant law, we do in Canada. At least talk to someone at legal aid for advise. I will pray you find something and you have a good Christmas....stay strong girl! Hugs, Diane
You are in my Prayers for Abundance.
i'm so sorry for your heartbreaking news. it's not right...and it's not fair..and it's just not "nice." i will keep you and your family in my prayers as you look forward, and not back, to brighter days ahead. and there will be! ;)
Wow, there's a plan for you. Take time for yourself here the next couple of days. AND then, let it happen, something WONDERFUL is just around the corner.
I am so sorry that you are going through this right now! I hope that in the end it will be a blessing to you.
I'm so sorry sweet lady, what a bummer to come up with news like this, some people have no sentiment about others at all, specially on these holidays! I will keep you in my prayers so everything turns out for the better and I bet it will, I have that feeling, you deserve it and God will bless you with a lovely place that you can affort. Your daughter is the real blessing here, the rest comes and goes, I know cause 20 years ago we lost our gorgeous home due to an awful flood and it was gone from one day to the next!
Big hugs,
Darn Cindy what a blow right here at the Holidays
This is scary I am sure not knowing where you will end up.
I know as far as decorating a new place no problem.
The main thing is be in a safe area as possible.
I live in Missouri and can't imagine paying that much for rent.
Like everyone else has said before me this is a new chapter in your book of life
It will be OK maybe hard at first but OK
Good Luck and keep us posted we are all on your side of this drama event
I'm sorry, I got so caught up with your situation and didn't mention how gorgeous your vignette with the lovely cloche is, and I EVEN COVETED the gorgeous etched cloche! Thank you for sharing. Blessings my friend.
Oh Cindy, this is just terrible! What a Scrooge landlord to not give you at least 3-6 months to find a place and move. This is awful right here at the Holidays. I will keep you in my prayers and send good Karma your way that you'll find a lovely place again, that's not too much rent. Love your blog and will be thinking of you.... Mary Nell
What awful news and to do it at this time of year too is even more awful, if you lived in France you would not be put through this as they do not permit landlords to put tenants out during the winter months - but you don't ! I don't know if this will work but when looking for a parking space to suddenly turn up we often ask our parking angel for help and it never fails - so why not ask your Romantic Home angel for help and see what transpires, don't forget to thank you though when it works, it's all the angels ask for in return. Good luck and chin up. Mary xx
I'm sorry about your landlord being so insensitive, Cindy.
This sounds like a Hallmark movie script! I sincerely hope it ends up like one.
Your blog has always been an inspiration for me. I don't always leave comments...but stop by often.
Where ever you rent..I'm sure you will have it looking even more beautiful than where you are now! Because that's who you are!!
I am so sorry to hear about your situation. It doesn't sound like much, but it's usually true... this too shall pass and you will find a way to make it through. Sending hugs your way!
What a bummer, Holiday season, email no less!! What you've accomplished since I've started following your Blog shows you are a strong, resilient person. Your strength, kindness and inspiration to so many others will carry you thru.
Your new place will be even more beautiful.
So sorry to hear the news. I pray for you to have strength and determination to overcome this. And I know you probably hate hearing this right now, BUT everything happens for a reason and God really does have a plan for you so maybe this will lead you to something new and happier than you ever imagined was possible. I wish you the best of luck and remember to hold your head high and be strong!
I'm sorry to hear about your being forced to move, Cindy. I can really sympathize. . .when I was going through my divorce 20+ years ago, I had to find somewhere to live with my two little children. A year later, my landlord did the same thing, decided to change the building over to "Mature Living Apartments" (over 55). So, we were forced to find another place to live, and a year after that, we again (yes, again!) were told that we'd have to move out because of re-structuring. In 3 years, we moved 3 times. In the end, we were fine. I was still able to stay within the same neighborhood and my kids were able to keep the same friends and go to the same school. So while it was a hassle, there were positive things to consider. Still, it's hard when you don't expect it! You have my moral support!
You can ONLY move forward.
"Trust in The Lord with all of your
heart, lean not on your own understanding; acknowledge him and
he will direct your paths"
Proverbs 3: 5-6
God will put you where you are suppose to be. Don't worry, it may
seem dark today, but the sun will be
shining brighter for you. You'll see,
I know, I have been there many times.
Enjoy your holidays, smile while your
packing you WILL be in a better place
Trust and be excited for the next
Cindy, I am sending you much love and prayers that you find a wonderful apartment easily, under budget and fits your family perfectly.
When I feel overwhelmed with stuff or get "bad" news, I pray of course for help and guidance.
I also go to one of my favorite books The Dynamic laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder. Full of wonderful prayers and affirmations especially helpful during challenging times.
Really sorry to hear this:(
But it might be for the best.Great things are waiting for you around the corner!xoxo Mila
Oh Cindy I am so sorry this is happening to you right now. I have been following your blog from the beginning. It has always brought me such joy. I will be praying that God opens a door for you to the perfect apartment just waiting for your loving touch. Keep all your blogger friends posted and we will all be praying for the best for you.
Cindy, I think you should make your last holiday season in this home you are so fond of a grand one! You can still be looking for a new place and packing what you do not use. You never know what may be out there for you. Use your network to help you find a good place. As you know, the better homes often are not advertised. This all may be a good thing.
Cindy, I'm so very sorry for you having to go through this. Living in the Bay myself, I went through this very thing last year and now I'm settled again in a new place with a beautiful view. What I can tell you is what you already know deep down; that sometimes the Universe throws change our way to help awaken something within us, to help us appreciate what we have and to move us forward toward something better, sometimes something we didn't even know we wanted or could have. But it ALWAYS makes us stronger, wiser and better in the end if we embrace it with positivity and adventure. If there is anyone out there who can do that, it's YOU! You inspire all of us with your great attitude and I want you to know that we are here for you now, cheering you on and believing that your next chapter will be WONDERFUL! I know you'll find the perfect new place to call your "Romantic Home". Bug hugs, Paris
It looks like lots of people have been touched by your post. I can not believe the price of renting there! My daughter and her husband are roomies with her friend that was her maid or honor who bought a 4 bedroom home. I think times are changing and new living arrangements are going to be more creative so people can afford to have a roof over their heads. Best of luck to you in your search for a new home.♥♫
I am really bummed to read this! However I am sure you will be blessed with something wonderful and affordable. All of us are praying for you, that you will find something so wonderful and affordable. Where ever you end up, you will make it fab.
Amber @junkaholicsunanimous
I'm so sorry to hear your news and can't imagine how upset you must be. I was absolutely shocked to read what the cost of a rental in your area. Best wishes and lots of luck. Prayers and hugs your way.
Hi Cindy,
Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Is there any other areas that you can move to that are more affordable? Maybe that would be the way to go with this crazy economy.
Good luck.
I am so sorry that you have to go through this Cindy. I hope things will get better and I am sure you will find something wonderful within your price range. Cheers, Besa
Cindy- I am so very sorry to hear about your having to move. I can only imagine how hard this must be. We had to sell our large home in 2010, and moved on 12/24/10. I couldn't even remember Christmas. I don't know your age, but we were able to find a home in a 55 and up country club. It is an amazing home, and the facilities are endless. I will keep you in my prayers, for peace and a new place to call home. Blessings Paula
This sounds so sad and I can understand you feeling overwhelmed. I hope you can find a new place that you will feel is even better. I am wishing better days ahead and that you find something much better for the right price. Good luck.
Oh Cindy!
I'm so sorry.. that is terrible. I live in the East Bay and I know how crazy rents are getting.. When we moved here (in 2011) the unit we live in was renting for about 1800 and just last week, our neighbors got new renters in at 3000! That is almost double!! In less than 2 years!!
My sister lives in Mtn. View and so I know the craziness that is SV! Oh honey.. hang in there! I hope something comes up that will fit your needs!
I'm sure you must be afraid, and that is only natural. Change is never easy for me, and especially if there are so many unknowns in the mix.
I've always maintained that landlords should offer discounts to great tenants, and there should be incentive to stay, but most of them raise the rent every single year, as if tenants have money trees in the yard.
Maybe once the shock is over you will feel differently. I will say a prayer that you find a perfect place to land.
Hi Cindy, Im so sorry for your circumstances.life sure does throw us some curve balls at times,but please know it will all work out,my prayers are with you.
Oh what a shock! It seems people forget the human element of doing business these days. I'm sure wherever you move - you will make divine! just imagine a new blank canvas! Wish there was a way to help but please know you have us all rooting for you!
Praying for you Cindy!
I've been reading your blog for years. I've always admired how you dealt with ups and downs. I'm so sorry your going through this struggle financially and emotionally. It really stinks. I wish I had answers to this problem. With all the people that read your blog I wouldn't be surprised if someone offers you a good alternative. You're on my prayers. I know this has to be very stressful.
Dear Cindy,
I am so sorry to hear this. I have enjoyed over the years how much you cherish your apartment. I'm glad you have a good boss and hope that you can find something nice in your price range soon. You could be making a house payment for that amount in Tucson. I am praying for you and your daughter, who is so sweet to want to help financially. I have always thought your landlord probably appreciated what great care you took of your place. He won't have another tenant like you!!!!
So sorry Cindy! I can imagine how stressful this is but I feel like it may be a new and fun start for you. I can't wait to see you decorate a new place! I will be praying for you!
Yours is the first "lifestyle" blog I ever read - found via HGTV's "Rate My Room". You opened up a whole new online world for me (for better or for worse, can you say "time suck"?)! I rarely comment, but must pass along my best wishes as you start another chapter in your home life. I am very sorry things worked out this way, you surely must be a model tenant and I think your landlord will be sorry to lose you when he looks back. I understand how devastated you feel and how discouraging life can be sometimes. Hang in there, something wonderful is surely coming your way!
Laurie S.
Yours is the first "lifestyle" blog I ever read - found via HGTV's "Rate My Room". You opened up a whole new online world for me (for better or for worse, can you say "time suck"?)! I rarely comment, but must pass along my best wishes as you start another chapter in your home life. I am very sorry things worked out this way, you surely must be a model tenant and I think your landlord will be sorry to lose you when he looks back. I understand how devastated you feel and how discouraging life can be sometimes. Hang in there, something wonderful is surely coming your way!
Laurie S.
That does seem totally unfair! After 11 years....I other things to say, but are inapropriate....
So, I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving and a peaceful Christmas and pray that the right (and better) place come to light soon.
So sorry Cindy. What a Grinch of a landlord! Really? At the holidays? This person has a heart 10 times too small.
I am sure you will make your new home even more fab and it will be a great adventure when all is said and done.
Wow, I'm stunned. I've always thought your property manager should be so grateful to you for all of the upkeep and beauty you bring to their building and the beautiful garden. And what horrible timing. Who has extra time or money this time of year? I know how much you love holidays and I do hope you are able to decorate your lovely home one more time for Christmas. Then when it's over, you can carefully pack the decorations up for moving to your new soon-to-be-even-better-Romantic-Home! I honestly do understand how scary things are right now, though. It's a very tough economy. I think once the shock wears off, and you are able to secure new affordable digs, you will feel excited at the prospect of decorating up the new place! You have such lovely things and a knack for decorating. No one who looks at your home sees the 1969 bones, we just see a Beautiful Romantic Home. Have Faith, I know you will find a place and make it great. It is sad, though, even for me, haha! I'm probably not alone when I say if I have a bad day I go to "My Romantic Home" where the candles are lit, and the wine is poured, and there's always an interesting story and the tension just melts away!!! It'll be a whirlwind for a while, but I know you'll work your magic in the new place and we will all follow along with you every step of the way!!! Bonne Chance!!! ~Sheri
Sending hugs and prayers your way that things will be Okay. I'm sure you will find a new place that you will be happy in and all will be well. Stay positive ♥
I thought Id share a quote with you from U.G. Krishnamurti that pertains to your blog, please dont take offense. You assume that there is such a thing as truth, you assume that there is such a thing as reality (ultimate or otherwise) – it is that assumption that is creating the problem, the suffering for you.
jeux de foot 2016
I am so sorry to hear this . I was born in the Bay area & moved away as a small child. I look at the homes my relatives have there & am amazed by the crazy house prices & rents. I am sure many landlords would love to have a tenant who is as caring & responsible as you appear to be. You just need to find the right one. Sending positive thoughts your way.
What are you looking for in terms of size, beds/baths, rent? What part of the Bay Area? I'm in the South Bay Area and would be happy to keep my eyes out for something but it does depend on what you are specifically looking for. - Sally
I'm looking for 2 bedrooms. They must allow dogs and I would like a place with a washer and dryer in the unit and I prefer wood or wood laminate floors. I would also like ground level with a patio or small backyard. It must be under $2000 a month.
I forgot to add...I'm looking for something in Campbell, West San Jose, Los Gatos or Willow Glen.
... cindy i have never visited your blog before...but i know today i was led to read your heartfelt words...you are in my prayers...for all good things...blessings laney
Good luck Cindy.
Good Morning, Cindy,
I am so sorry to read about your news here. I have enjoyed visiting your posts and look forward to seeing your next 'chapter'...
Take care, ~Natalie
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