Thursday, January 12, 2012

Show and Tell Friday!

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Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  It's lemon time here in California! I see lemons in almost every yard right now...except mine. For some reason, my lemon bush doesn't have any yet but there are buds on there! 

My son gave me a bag full of lemons from his girlfriend's house. Her tree was loaded with them!  I used those for my centerpiece.

When my mom bought this tiered dish back in the 60s it had ceramic lemons in it and I remembered it looked so pretty so I recreate that look every once in awhile. This time I added some moss and a few limes to it as well. 

I also want to share what my daughter Lauren did to her house key. She saw this idea on Pinterest!  She's just as addicted to that website as I am!

The directions said to brush on white glue and then glitter but she used clear nail polish, then glittered it and then she will add clear nail polish to the top of it to protect it.  I want to do my house key with white glitter but I'll wait and see how hers holds up first. I don't want a purse full of glitter! 


If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.

Thanks to all of you that join in every week!


HoosierHomemade said...

Thanks for hosting Cindy! Wishing we had some lemon trees here. Only bare trees and snow on the ground.

Susan Freeman said...

Hi Cindy! I am just about to cook some trout and I started to panic because I did not think I had any lemons. Fortunately I do, but I sure wish I had a lemon tree in my yard! Thanks for hosting!!

Susan and Bentley

Jamie said...

Seeing the lemons makes me miss California... No citrus trees here in Georgia, sadly.

Thanks for hosting! :)

joetterer said...

That trays of lemons look so pretty!

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

Thanks for hosting!

Carolyn said...

It looks so pretty with the lemons and limes!

Thanks for hosting,

Kathy said...

Hey Cindy, I love lemons - would love to have a tree! Your 3-tier looks perfect with them - great idea with the key! My daughters love Pinterest as much as I! Thanks for hosting,

Kathleen said...

Cindy, I love your tiered dish. Whatever you place in it, it always looks lovely. Thanks for hosting,and have a great weekend.

Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Cindy, what a lovely centerpiece! Thanks so much for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting!!! XO, Aimee

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

I would love to have a fresh supply of lemons! Thanks so much for hosting Cindy!

Christina at I Gotta Create! said...

Wow--Lemons! It's freezing where I live. But you've warmed me with your beautiful party intro! Thanks so much and thanks for hosting.
<3 Christina

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Love your lemony tiered centerpiece, Cindy! Cute idea for the key! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

The lemons make a great centerpiece. I love that glitter key. Thanks for hosting.

tes said...

A lemon tree sounds awesome. I bought some at the store today. not the same somehow. they always brighten up a day with their sunshiny color. love the key!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Imagine picking lemons, such an abundance. No lemons growing in this part of Canada. Frost and snow in the forecast.

Thanks for hosting. Lots of lovely posts to read.

The Charm of Home said...

That would be wonderful to have lemons in the yard! Thank you for hosting!

GypsyFox said...

I just LOVE your romantic home!!! My aunt has the same fruit basket, LOVE it :) cute key idea thanks for sharing

Susan said...

Hi Cindy..Thanks so much for continuing to host this very fun and popular "par-tay."

I keep hoping to see your "I got the job" post! Keeping all fingers crossed for you. Susan

Michell @ Girl In Air said...

So pretty:-) Thank you for hosting

Cottage and Broome said...

Thanks for hosting again this week. I like your daughters glitter key, so cute. Laura

Cindy Adkins said...

Love the lemons! When I first moved to California from the midwest, I was so fascinated by the orange and lemon trees! Thanks for hosting!
Hugs, Cindy

Martha's Barefoot Designs said...

I love your lemon centerpiece. After I took my Christmas decorations down, I pulled out my lemons and limes. Of course, we don't have real lemons in Kentucky unless we buy them for 69 cents each at the super market. Mine are plastic but fun and like a breath of fresh air to lighten up the kitchen.

Katie said...

Thanks for hosting!!

Martha said...

love the tiered dish with lemons! thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy! I have a lemon tree too and just enjoy it so much at this time of year. I've just gathered over 2 dozen and then froze the juice! Lemon pies all winter long!
Thanks for always hosting.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Cindy, I love the yellow with your blues. It is very refreshing. How wonderful it would be to have a lemon tree! Thanks for letting us share

Savannah Granny said...

Love the lemons with the moss and limes. So neat that you can recreate your Mom's design.
Love the key. I will wait til you tell us how it holds up. Great idea.
Thanks for hosting,
Blessings, Ginger

Anonymous said...

Thanks again Cindy-Looking forward to making some candied lemon peels with my lemons!

Blogger Friends said...

If any of you have ever visited Sandy's beautiful "My Shabby Streamside Studio" blog (she has previously spoken highly of My Romantic Home), please do so again and send Sandy your best and most healing wishes, as she has suffered some recent personal losses, is having a tough time but blogging onward (scroll down past her Blue/Green post to read about the devastating fire). Thanks, you well know, blog authors give us such eye candy and happy stuff, but we need to remember they also have lives. It reminds me of the old quilting bees, where ladies of olden times would gather from distant farms, have some tea, socialize and sympathize. We're not all that different, over a hundred years later; it's just a different age and time. But we still stick together, bad times and better ones.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for hosting!
Your home always looks lovely!


Decor To Adore said...

Oh I am thinking lemonade and tea bread. Yum!

Thank you for hosting Cindy!

Linda said...

thanks for hosting Cindy. How lovely to have lemons in your own backyard.
Love your display.

Curtains in My Tree said...

Thanks for letting us show off our stuff Cindy

those lemons are pretty we have below zero wind chill here and a little snow and ice

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

So love your beautiful and sentimental 3-tiered centerpiece. Love how you used fresh lemons and greenery. I miss having citrus trees when we lived in citrus trees here in N.C.! Thank you for hosting..look forward to it every week!

Ms. Kathleen said...

This is a lovely centerpiece. That was a nice little treasure your mother found. Fresh lemons sounds wonderful on this very cold and snowy morning. :) Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Love lemons, thanks for hosting!

Jacqui said...

What lovely images! I bet those lemons smell gorgeous too!

Unknown said...

BTW, your berry dish is!
Thank you for hosting!
Kerry at HouseTalkN

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Unknown said...

Love the lemons, brings freshness to our homes in the winter!

Mimi said...

I could use that beautiful armoire. Happy New Year!

Crafty Mischief said...

Thank you for hosting! Your lemon centerpiece is gorgeous!

Vicki said...

I love it when you bring out your treasured tiered centerpiece plate and load it with something new and special. The lemons look so lovely with the blue accents in the room (luv blue and yellow combinations, anywhere!). Don't the lemons smell fresh and energizing! I feel guilty when I can't use all of mine so, after they get a bit ratty, I run them down the kitchen sink grinder and freshen it up, or they're great just to slice up and rub on your hands to soften and scent. I think your lemon inspiration is the perfect thing for a new month and a new year. Cleansing, somehow.

Eclectically Vintage said...

When life hands you lemons - make a fab centerpiece! Love it and wish I had a lemon tree (not in NJ)! Linking up my Kitchen Collection and Owl Mantel - thanks again.

Cheryl said...

Hi Cindy!! Absolutely loving your centerpiece with lemons.. Simple yet so elegant!! I am on the east coast. I tried many times to grow lemons over the summer months.. never succeeded. Must be nice to see them on the trees everywhere!! Thanks for hosting such a lovely party!!
Great blog posts this week!!

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Thanks so much for hosting Cindy!! Love those lemons as you have them displayed!!

Heirloom treasures said...

love your display, you have a lovely home. My lemon tree died,so have replaced it,so too small at the moment for lemons,so I too rely on my daughter for my supply. xx jeanetteann

A To Zebra Celebrations said...

I want that white stand!!! where did you buy it? new follower :)

Katherines Corner said...

thank you for the linky! I love the tiered stand filled with lemons it is gorgeous!Hugs and Smooches, Katherine P.S. have you entered my pink poodle giveaway yet?

Katherines Corner said...

P.S. I added your linky party to my blog hop page :-)

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

Great pictures, Cindy - I love the lemons!

On another note - I love your armoire - did you repurpose it with the chicken wire? I have an old TV armoire that I want to convert into a china cabinet, but I haven't done anything about it as yet - seeing yours makes me want to give it a go!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

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Anonymous said...

Nice post.....I like your beautiful key of your romentic house.
Burst pipe

Elsie said...

Cindy I don't know how I missed this post. I had 76 lemons on my
two trees this year. I love your
center piece and Lauren's "diva" key.

Anonymous said...

Great post! The lemons really look so cheerful and happy on these dreary, rainy days we have been having lately. I love your mom's old three tierd holder with the lemons, and limes, in it. It makes a wonderful, yet simple, centeroiece. You are lucky to have a lemon tree in your yard. I have been to California when the lemon trees were bending over from their bounty of the season...lovely!!
I also liked the way your daughter added "glam and bling" to her house key...keep us posted as to how well it held up without shedding glitter is certainly a cute key idea!
Enjoyed your post...thanks for sharing!

EllenaElizabeth said...

Love the 3 tiered display piece. Your photos are beautiful. Thanks for posting.

Sweet Melanie said...

Hello Cindy...this is "theycallmemartha" from Rate My Space. I just joined the blog world and wanted to come and say hi. Your's was the first that I fell in love with and have only dreamed about doing one ever since. I never tire of looking at all of your beautiful things. ~Melanie~

Jessica Dimas said...

Just found your blog - I'm in love!!

Unknown said...

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