Thursday, November 17, 2011

Show and Tell Friday

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Welcome to Show and Tell Friday

It's sort of a sad day for me today.  It's my mom's birthday (Nov. 17th)...the first birthday without her! I think about her every day but today even more than usual.  I was so lucky to have such a wonderful mother!

This week I'm sharing my Thanksgiving table from a few years ago.  I love my little turkey candy dishes that I use to serve soup in.  I learned to do that from Martha Stewart years and years ago!  She used vintage ones but I found mine at Marshalls.  My mom loved these turkey dishes too and she started collecting vintage ones after she saw Martha Stewart's collection.  Did I ever mention that my mom's name was Martha too? 

I also found my turkey dishes at Marshalls.  I usually take them out this time of the year and use them all through the holiday season.  The silver chargers are just painted acrylic.  I bought them at  They have some great things at very reasonable prices!


If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.

Thanks to all of you that join in every week!


Show and Tell Friday

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HoosierHomemade said...

What a beautiful Thanksgiving table! I love the glass turkeys!
Thanks so much for hosting!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Susan Freeman said...

Dear Cindy, I know how sad it is to lose a parent. My thoughts are with you this evening. She must have been a lovely woman to have raised such a sweet and talented lady as you.

Big Hugs,

Shabby chic Sandy said...

Thinking of your Mom on her birthday--I know it must be hard for her to not be here on her birthday. But I believe she is in a better place. You will see her again! (not too soon though because we like having you here!) Your table setting is lovely. You are my inspiration and have been for years! Thanks for hosting this.

Karen said...

Cindy your table is beautiful, I've always loved those turkey candy dishes. I remember seeing them on Martha Stewart's show too. I know its hard when you lose a loved one, especially at the holidays. You have great memories and that's a blessing.

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh, Cindy, I understand about your Mom. Mine passed 13 years ago and I still miss her all the time. I love the glass turkeys - what a great idea! The whole table looks beautiful. Thanks for hosting!
Hugs, Cindy

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

Your dishes are gorgeous! Lovely tablescape. Thanks for hosting!

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

Your dishes are gorgeous! Lovely tablescape. Thanks for hosting!

Diane said...

Beautiful Thanksgiving table setting, love the blue dishes. It's funny today is my mother's birthday (Nov 17). I will share my Mom with you today, I am sure she wouldn't mind :) Hugs, Diane

Michell @ Girl In Air said...

Love all the prettiness!! Thank you for hosting!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

A beautiful tablescape, Cindy! I love the idea of the candy dishes for clever! My mom's name was Martha, too...a wonderfully strong Biblical name, isn't it? Thanks for hosting...hugs...Debbie

Jenny @ Simcoe Street said...

Such a beautiful tablescape!

Thanks for hosting :)


The Charm of Home said...

I am so sorry about your Mom. Many blessings to you. Your table is just gorgeous. Love the blue and white Thanksgiving! Thank you for having us over!

Elsie said...

Cindy I can relate to what you are feeling. I lost my only sister in
Feburary and her birthday was in Sept. It was hard the first one and it was the first time she did not call me on my birthday in Oct.
Now we have to go through Thanksgiving and Christmas without her. I guess every first is going to be hard. Your mom did a fantastic job of raising you to be such a talented and smart woman.
I hope and pray you and your dad make it through all of these first
special days. I loved your turkey candy dishes from a long time ago and I love them now. Thanks for sharing your tablescape.

Christina at I Gotta Create! said...

Cindy, what a lovely table and a loving way to remember your mom. May her spirit shine upon you this holiday.

TRICIA said...

Thanks for hosting! Your table looks great! I need to find a turkey/Thanksgiving plate for my new plate rack!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Beautiful Cindy! I love your dishes, thanks for hosting. :)

Faye said...

Sorry about your mom. It's my best friends birthday today too! Your dishes are so pretty and thank you for hosting.

A Cozy Cottage in the City said...

Love those candy dishes turned soup dishes! :) Those turkey plates are just adorable too! They had some nice brown turkey plates at Home Goods a few weeks ago for a great price, and I should have bought some too - now they are all sold out!

Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that this year is the first Thanksgiving without your mom. That must be so hard! I almost lost my dad recently, and thankfully he is still with us as his surgery went well. But he is older and getting weaker, and I often think about how much I couldn't imagine the holidays without him!

Well I love your table - thank you for hosting a lovely weekly party! Have a great night!


debbie-- said...

Bless your heart, I know you miss her! I love your Thanksgiving table. Those place settings are beautiful!

Sarah said...

Cindy, I have some of the turkey candy dishes in an amber color that I like to use for soup as well. Mine are new from William Sonoma a few years ago.
I know holidays are difficult when one has recently lost a loved one. Take care of yourself. Your mom must have been a special lady. All the best ~ Sarah

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for hosting!
Kerry at HouseTalkN

Priscilla said...

Incredibly beautiful table for Thanksgiving. I couldn't want anything more. Perfect!

Carrie said...

I love the crystal and silver with the blue and white turkey's a fresh approach to the traditional holiday table!

Noble Vintage said...

so sorry you are missing your mom today. That would be really hard. Thanks for sharing some memories of her!

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy,

Your setting is really beautiful! I'm so sorry you are missing your sweet mother! I hope this is a peaceful holiday season for you---even though I'm sure you will be grieving!

Hope you have a lovely weekend and thanks for the opportunity to link up!


Cindy Adkins said...

Dear Cindy,
Your table looks so beautiful...and I know that it has to be difficult this year missing your mom--and I can just imagine that she was a very special woman...because she raised such a lovely and talented daughter. Happy Thanksgiving to you...xo Cindy

Lee said...

I absolutely love your blog. I have only just discovered it through finding a gorgeous photo on pinterest which I tracked back to your flickr and all the gorgeous photos of your home, which in turn led me to your blog.

You have a new follower, what wonderful inspiration for me.


Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said...

So pretty ~ your Mom must be looking over you. Happy holidays Cindy.

...and thanks so much for hosting this beautiful blog party.


Unknown said...

My thoughts are with you...the loss of a parent is devastating. Just know that she is with you always.

Thank you for hosting :)

Vicki said...

Hi, Cindy; I'm sorry it's the "empty" time, missing your mom. It's a tough week for me, too, as my brother and Dad both crashed between Nov 13-19 although years apart. It can put a real dent in the holiday, for missing them so much. So, let it in and know it's normal and right to be feeling loss, but then move forward back into the living, hugging close all those around you; don't miss the "right now."

That's an absolutely elegant and pristine table setting for Thanksgiving, such a restful change from all the oranges and browns. It made me feel calm just looking at the muted colors and beauty of clear glass. Thanks for sharing.

Esther Asbury said...

Thanks for hosting -- I'm enjoying all the fun link-ups!

Kim @ French Country Antiques said...

What a lovely Thanksgiving table. The turkey plates are great.

lambs and ivy designs said...

May your memories of your sweet mother warm your heart . God bless you.

Debra said...

Cindy, so sorry about your Mom, I remember that your Dad reads your blog all the time, so my sincere thoughts go out to him as well.

Carolyn said...

That is a beautiful table. It would be a hard day as the memories of your loss come flooding back on this anniversary date especially.

Thank you for hosting,


Anonymous said...

Cindy, your dear mom and I share a birth date. All the "firsts" are difficult after loosing a parent. Don't our memories become so much more precious! I did a Thanksgiving tablescape with the same turkey dishes as you, only mine are brown! I love your blue ones. Happy Thanksgiving!

Shay said...

Thanks for hosting! I linked up the marshmallows! Shay :)

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Thank you for hosting, I'm off to visit the other guests!


Rosemary@villabarnes said...

My mom passed away 10 years ago, so I know how you feel. Your mom sounds like a sweetheart. I love your glass turkey. Thanks for hosting.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for hosting! I am so happy to be here, immersed in so much creativity. Please visit if you get a minute:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you. Love, Esther sunday

Mimi said...

Love that silver tablescape for Thanksgiving. A welcome relief from all those earth tones.

stefanie said...

wow, those plates are soooooo you!!! beautiful, happy birthday to your mom in heaven!

Susan Krauss said...

So sorry for your loss!

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh my, I'm sorry about your mom, it's hard and sad. Heart goes out to you at this time.

What a gorgeous tablescape, you did an awesome job! Thanks for hosting such a fun party!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for hostessing a great party - I've linked up my Christmas flower tutorial information - I've had so much fun learning how to make felt, fabric, and paper flowers this week!


fixitfaerie said...

Oh, Cindy...I'm so sorry this isn't a good day for you. God has a plan for you, don't worry.
I love your table setting. It is so nice to see a Thanksgiving set in blue.
Praying you, your kids, and your dad have a nice Thanksgiving.
Blessings, Paula

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Gorgeous tablesetting for Thanksgiving. And Cindy, I completely understand how you are so missing your dear mother. I lost my daddy 4+ yrs. ago and his birthday is Nov. 21, and I miss him now as much as ever.

Big Hugs & Prayers,
Angelic Accents

Heirloom treasures said...

Hugs Cindy,on your mums birthday,it's nice that you can look back and remember how much you appreciated her. Losing ones parents I found is like the end of your childhood. My prayers are with you and your family.

I so love your beautiful table setting,and what a good idea to spray the acrylic platters,must try that,as I am spraying so much this year. I decided to change from the traditional red and green to blue,white and silver,but here in Australia,I can't find much in those colours. Happy Thanksgiving. xx

Teri said...

Love, love, love the turkey dishes and glass turkeys! What a lovely table setting. Just had to comment, though because 11/17 would have been my Dad's 82nd birthday. He passed away earlier this fall. My thoughts are with you and yours as you also move through a year of "firsts."

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I love your glass turkeys.Your table is so pretty! My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. It is hard to lose a parent.
Blessings My friend,

Carousel222 said...

Those first birthdays and holidays are the hardest. I lost my mother 18 years ago, and I still wish she was here with me. Love your table setting. Hope you find that new dream job soon. Have a good Thanksgiving.

Vintage Rose said...

Beautiful setting. Love the dishes.

Cindy said...

Your table is beautiful! and it's so sweet that your mom is a part of it all in your memory...


low cost payday loans said...

So beautiful. Im fascinated.

Vicki said...

Cindy, this comment doesn't really belong on this post but I came across it, as a quote from SELF magazine about healthy places for women in the U.S. to live and move and even EAT, but this is specifically about the sport of HIKING which I know you love: "Make your town healthier: Hiking is so good for you that a national movement, Park Prescriptions, has spurred doctors to prescribe particular trails to patients. You don't need an Rx: Discover a great space and sign up to help preserve it at"

Cindy said...

Vicki, thank you so much for the link! I can go on and on about how good hiking is for the body! I can't believe the difference I've seen and felt since I started hiking regularly last January. I went to have a medical procedure done a few months ago and after taking my resting heart rate, the nurse asked me if I was an athlete!!! My resting heart rate is so low that it's the same as an athlete would have!!! I'm so addicted to hiking now! This week so far, I've hiked Saturday, Sunday and Monday...and I'm planning on taking a hike today!!! When you find something you love, it makes exercising so enjoyable! I'm going to go check out that website now!! Thanks!

Kay Ellen said...

What a lovely Thanksgiving table Cindy:)

The clear glass turkeys are really beautiful!

You know~~~Nov 17th is my birthday too...
So sorry to hear about your loss...Hugs and prayers coming your way for this holiday season. Hold on to those special memories...they truly mean so much!

Gods Blessings to you,
Kay Ellen

Green Vision said...

Beautiful decoration.Go ahead.

Betty819 said...

Cindy, What an elegant tablescape you created! I just love those silver napkin rings. Everything blends in so well with your beautiful French Provencial dining room set. Thanks for sharing this..I'm going to have to start stopping at Marshall's and checking their stock out. I know exactly where one is located and I can stop after I finished my bowling on Tuesdays. I have some beautiful old china from my dear MIL that reminds me of your plates. I would have never thought to use silver chargers under it but what a nice soft blend, plus the place mats under the charger and the lace tablecloth. I have a lace tablecloth, so will have to get it out and use it during the Holidays. I like to layer it over another tablecloth and have even resorted to buying a plastic tablecloth to put under the lace tablecloth for special dinners and nobody knows the difference.