I had an amazing Memorial Day yesterday! The "New Guy" (okay...I need to think of a better name for him....that sounds too much like the flavor of the month and he's so not that!) and I had an great day biking in San Francisco. It was like taking a mini vacation in our own backyard! We packed our bikes up and drove 50 minutes north to the "City by the Bay"!
I walked half-way across the Golden Gate years ago but I had never biked across it before. It really was an amazing experience!
We stopped here (above) for a Cappuccino break. I've grown up here in the San Francisco Bay area and have lived here my whole life but I don't ever remember being in this spot before! It was an amazing view of the bridge. See those hills behind me? That's called the Marin Headlands and that's where we are headed now...
Let's get back on our bikes and head across the bridge...
The weather was nice but not perfect, it was a little overcast but at least it wasn't foggy! It was a little breezy and temps in the 60s. Great weather for bike riding though!
The photo below was taken on the bridge. The wind was whipping around my hair, which may have been a benefit since I had "helmet hair" that was plastered down to my head!
After this pic above we got back on the bikes and headed toward the Marine Headlands.
We made it!!! This pic below is up on those hills you saw in the first photos! It was a steep climb on the bike and I was shocked that I was able to make it up there without getting off to walk my bike! All that hiking has paid off! Whew! There is no way I would have been able to do all this 6 months ago!
After we admired the view of the city and the bridge we headed over to Sausalito.
Sausalito is gorgeous...
We had a nice lunch in Sausalito...sitting out on a sidewalk cafe and then took the ferry back to San Francisco.
Here is the view from the ferry as we were leaving Sausalito..
What a great day! We biked 15.3 AMAZING miles!
Sounds like a fabulous day! I love SF!
Wow, how fantastic! It looks like you had a wonderful time--and what gorgeous photos!!!
Thank you Cindy. I've always heard about the spots you mentioned and you have made themcome alive with your photos.
Great job on getting into shape too!!
goodness! up north is just gorgeous & breath-taking! you are so blessed & fortunate to be living up there!
Wow!!! What a great day. We are so blessed to live in a beautiful state. I love Santa Clara Valley and I still miss the weather to this day. After 43 years living in the valley heat. There is no place like home.
I absolutely love Sausalito! Great pics and sounds amazing! Xoxoxo
Super! I want to do it too!
Those are wonderful photo's Cindy and you look so amazing! How awesome to be discovering all this biking and hiking:)
Your photos bring back memories of past trips to San Francisco and Sausalito. Thank you for sharing them. Cherry Kay
looks beautiful, great photos! Glad you had fun.
Looks like a perfect day to me! Vanna
What a fabulous day, Cindy. I've never biked in that area, but I've walked many miles in San Francisco. Thanks for sharing these great photos. ~ Sarah
I love the photo of the flag blowing on the back of the ferry, with the rust on the pole. Perfect for your Memorial Day.
Great photos! Thanks for sharing your fun day of biking.
I was just in San Francisco last week. I wished I had time to do some sightseeing and bike riding. Although I did make it out to Alcatraz. Looks like it was a nice day.
OHG Cindy!!! You look amazing and I know you are in shape if you made it that far without walking it. The scenery is beautiful, thank you so much for sharing. I'm glad you found someone that likes the same things you do.
Sounds like a great day! Looks like a beautiful area. 60 degrees with a breeze sounds perfect to me.
Hi Cindy!
I spent my teenage years and early 20's in Navato and haven't seen the GG bridge from those angles! Great day, awesome photos! I'm loving the direction of your blog too... You always have a Romantic Home to return to after a great outing!
Rainey @ The Project Table
Cindy I have not visited here in awhile and wanted to tell you the two things different that I noticed.
One you have lost heaps of weight and two you have changed the colour of your hair. You look amazing girl. Have a great week Sandy xx
Me, my hubby, and the kids also had a great time celebrating the Memorial Holiday. We had a nice lunch, enjoyed the parade, and had picniced at the park. After dinner, we went directly to a local cinema and watched Kung Fu Panda 2.
Maybe next year or two years from now we will celebrate the Memorial Holiday in San Francisco. My sister keeps on inviting us for a visit. Maybe we will stop by The Gate.
I'm not familiar with Sausalito. Is it near or outside the City?
Sausalito is right on the other side of the Golden Gate bridge. You can get there by car or by Ferry from SF. It's a great place!
Thank you for posting such a great little travelogue about San Francisco Bay and the bridge; well-heeled Marin. Those are awesome bridge photos! Your post reminds me how much I miss and love SF, but I'm much further south and don't get up there often. California is such a long, big state to traverse, especially when there's so much to see and do every step of the way. I wish I had a month to just staycation and be a tourist in my own state!
SF is a city meant to "live" in, so picturesque, so much going on; terrific restaurants, shopping enclaves, etc. The Wharf; love it. I can think of a hundred reasons why everybody should see San Francisco once in their lifetime. My cousin had a flat at the base of Russian Hill in decades past; I would visit and walk the shoes off my feet (super way to lose weight...all those hills!!). I loved to explore the ancient, kind of hidden city staircases that get you up and down from street to street, sometimes passing through people's private gardens; secret paths built in the days before people had cars, and how else could you get from business to residential but to climb! You are lucky to live in such wonderful proximity to places like Carmel/Monterey, Big Sur, Napa and scenic Mendocino. You're in a good location.
It's nice to see any person...particularly, for me, a fellow over-50 gal...living in the "full" of life, getting out there and working, doing, creating; being in a good place lifewise and healthwise. It's very inspiring, Cindy. Keep at it; the rest of us will try to follow your lead and, for the time being, live vicariously through your new adventures. You're the real deal!
Those are the kind of days that we all live for. You are very fortunate to have "a special guy" to share those times with. Maybe you'll wanna call him your "special guy". Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful way to spend a day. I've been to your city only once, but it was such a beautiful area I'll never forget it. We toured Sausalito and had lunch there.Your photograph looks familiar. I wish I could remember the name of the restaurant. We enjoyed seeing all the houseboat homes. Enjoyed your post.
The French Hutch
I adore Sausalito. That is at the top of the list of places I would like to live. Love the idea of biking across the bridge.
Dear Cindy, What great day. I have a feeling that this certain someone is going to be the one. You deserve every happiness in the world. Love, Joyce
You look so happy. I remember you from GardenWeb and RMS. How time flies. I wish you all the happiness life can bring.
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