Life has changed a lot for me lately! Last year I used to spend so much of my weekends puttering around my apartment but not so much anymore! Once I made the decision to lose weight, I also decided that I was going to get fit too! So now, this is my life...hiking and biking. Next winter I hope to start skiing again. And then there's dancing too! Years ago if someone would have told me I would be hiking and biking at 50 I would have told them they must have the wrong person! Never thought in a million years I would be doing this but I'm loving it! Life does get better at 50!
These two photos were taken in the same spot just in different sort of gives you the panoramic view which is why I put both of them on here. See the beautiful homes in the photo below...
Sunday "The New Guy" and I went for a bike ride in Santa Cruz. Saturday the weather was much better, it was a little cool and windy on Sunday but we still had fun! Ignore the wind-blown hair sticking out everywhere! haha!
Saturday I went hiking with my hiking group. (That's Lexington Reservoir in the photo above for those of you who used to live here...and I know there are many of you out there) It was a beautiful day but this hike was not fun for me. I had fallen off my bike Thursday evening and my knee was still a little swollen. Note to my dad who I know is probably worried as he's reading this. I'm okay...I was on a private road and I was wearing a helmet. I just skinned my knee a little. Isn't it amazing that you know that your parents worry about you even when you are 50 years old? I'll be the same way...I just know it!
Anyway...this hike was grueling! It was over 12 miles and up and down and up and down....FOREVER! Then it was down hill all the way for what seemed like a million miles. Hiking downhill is really hard on my knees. My knees have gotten better from hiking and it's usually not painful so I know it was the fall I took on Saturday. We hiked over 5 hours...all in the sun! Grueling!!
I was hiking with the men this week... the only other girl on the hike was one of the leaders and she was doing a shorter route with another hiker that wasn't able to do the full 12 miles. I made it through the hike and rushed home to shower before I ran off to a facial appointment. I was so exhausted I actually fell asleep while I was getting the facial! Rushed home after the facial to get ready for a date with "The New Guy". So that was some of my very busy and active (and really fun) weekend! I hope you had a great one too!
Good for you Cindy!!! It feels so good to be active, both mentally and physically better:) Are you not posting on the hiking blog?
It sounds like you're having fun with "The New Guy" too!
Lookin' Good Cindy:)
I'm so happy for you Cindy. You really have changed. I remember when I first would come to your blog you would not post a photo of yourself. Then finally you did a face shot only.
Now you are at ease in front of the camera. Good for you.
You are an inspiration!
Cindy sounds like you had a good one. You certainly have beautiful land to hike and bike on. Hope everything works out for you. Keep up the good work of staying active.
Remember if you don't use it you loose it, so what if you bruise a little along the way. You are looking too good to stop now.
Sounds so much fun...I couldn't imagine doing a 12 mile hike, congrats my friend! Xoxoxo
Glad you're having fun. The hiking and biking trails look amazing. That what all trails should look like. I'm going to check them out on my next trip to CA.
My father always says "my kids are my kids- wheter they are 2 or 50" he is 82 now and has 2 kids over 50. I love that.
So glad you are enjoying life to the fullest!
Looks like you had an awesome time, Cindy. You look fabulous. Reading your posts about all your new activities (hiking, supper clubs, online dating) inspires me to take more chances.
Good for you Cindy, I wish I had your ambition.
way to go girlfriend! i have started a fitness plan too, not nearly the level you are at but i am trying. I had surgery last year and my mom has been in cancer treatment so i have gotten a little pudgy...from the stress etc. BTW my condolences on the loss of your dear Mom, God Bless!
Sounds like you are having fun while staying fit. Good for you. I lost 60 lbs now I need to GET fit:)
way to go! love the facial part at the end of it being fifty, its just a little harder staying fit and trim.
Dear Cindy you look great.. But I won't deny that all of us miss your lovely posts.. How is daughter doing? How is beau (your dog)? I'm really happy u r dating I told my mom she should do the same.. By the way I love your Eden rose I finally got mine I can't wait to see it grow...take care we will always be here for you say hi to your dad he is a good dad...Irais
You are living my old life! So good to see pics of "my" SC. happy for you, don't forget to ice your knees,
God bless.
Susie H
Congratulations Cindy~ you look wonderful and more importantly is the satisfaction you get from accomplishing your goals. 50 is the new 30!
Way to go Cindy!!! I am so impressed. Thanks for your inspiration.
Good evening, Cindy,
The view is just breath taking...I can see why it would be fun to hike and bike!
Have a terrific Tuesday ~Natalie
How beautiful!! You look great... so proud of you.... I agree life begins at 50!! have a blast and enjoy!
Yes, life needs to begin at 50! I am 49 and have had a stressful year so far. I have a long history of athletics, but my fitness has really declined, so I will take your word for the 50 thing! XO, Steph. PS-yes, my facial wasw awesome today! :) Need to do that more often!
Olá Cindy! praticar um esporte é muito bom é saudável, adorei as imagens da paisagem de seu fim de semana! Abrç Dorath
You go, girl!!!! Looking great, too!!! some of that extra ambition over here, willya....???? lol!
xoxo laurie
YOu look great!!! Fun post to read.
This is so inspiring! I have a bike in layaway and can't wait to get it out and go biking with my daughter! My husband is getting a bike for Fathers Day, whether he likes it or not haha! We all need more exercise and biking is something I've always loved. You're looking GREAT!!
I love hiking!! The trails look fantastic in CA!!
You made me smile so I had to leave a comment :-) You inspire others to get up and go. I've never been one for a lot of hiking and biking, although I do enjoy it when I do. I tell myself I'd have a lot more energy and peace of mind if I did it more often. Looks like you've got the perfect setting for doing it all year round. I'm in Maine so it's a little harder to bicycle in the winter (cough).
Cindy, you are awesome! Beautiful pictures, I loved looking them. Thanks for sharing. You look great and I definitely agree with you, 50's have been the best time in my life and I turned 57 just yesterday! Keep up the good work and keep sharing with us!
once you get into fitness, it could be quite addicting. i started doing the full marathon last year (never ran in my life til last year. actually, my motto before was-i would never run!). a couple of weeks ago, i did half marathon. next year, i wanna do full again...if God allows me. i love running now (i'm 38 yrs. old) & i would love to do marathon all over california. cheers!
It does feel good when in shape. I need to do more of that!
Cindy, what gorgeous places to hike and bike. ;-)
i am selfish, u are too busy for us now...
Sounds amazing (minus the fall). You know, I love Lexington Reservoir and that area. I really hope one day to meet and be able to hike together, although now I don't think I'll be able to keep up w/you, Cindy! You go, girl!!!!
You are truly inspiring!
Makes me wish I hadn't sold my bike, guess I can by another one
I really need to get out on the trail all I did all winter was cook and eat and bake and eat and I am paying for it now
thanks for the inspuration
That looks incredibe. You said Santa Cruz? CA? I'd love to know where it is. I am in CA and just getting into hiking. Hopefully I will lose weight too. Congratulations!
I'm sooooo sooooo happy I found your blog. I just started mine and posted my climbing fourth of july roses. Love yours, next time I'm at white flower I'm going to get my self one of these roses ... beautiful! new follower, going to add your link to my bolg.. Happy Thursday Jules ♥
Good for cindy
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