Sunday, January 23, 2011

Online Garage Sale!

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For Sale:  Dessert Tray "Antique Reflections" by J. Goldinger & Co.   Plate is 9x9 inches rim to rim with 1" handles on each side. $12.00 each
More garage sale items for sale below!



Pauline said...

Too late as usual. I'm looking for at least 2 cups and saucers in this pattern to complete my set. Oh well :o( sob, sob.

Carol Bennett said...

What a cute and clever idea... online garage sale! Good luck!
Carol in GA

Crystal Crate said...

Loving your blog! I just started my own blog with my fantastic crystal and shell bottle art. I'd love it if you could stop by, and if you like them, follow! :) Off to read more! xoxo, The Crystal Crate.

Donna said...

That is the most beautiful plate! I love it!!

Christie said...

Online garage sale...what fun! Good luck to ya...
Big Hugs,

busyascanbe said...

Oh my gosh...I hate it when I am to late! Beautiful!

Mary Ann Pickett said...

Lovely platter. Have a great week.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hello Cindy, I stumble upon your blog/site while investigating white wash finishes. I read yours but am not liking the wax part. The white washed antiqued finish is for wood paneling that I plan on putting on the walls under a wide border of paper backed fabric. Is there an easier way to get the white washed antique look for a bunch of wood panels? I don't want them very distressed just a hint of rustic. Thank you for any advice you can share. Warm regards, Veronica

Anonymous said...

Hello Cindy, I stumbled upon your blog/site while investigating white wash finishes. I read yours but am not liking the wax part. Too much work! The white washed antiqued finish is for wood paneling that I plan on putting on the walls under a wide border of paper backed fabric. Is there an easier way to get the white washed antique look for a bunch of wood panels? I don't want them very distressed just a hint of rustic. Thank you for any advice you can share. I LOVE your site! Warm regards, Veronica