Please excuse me but I'm going to use my blog today for getting the word out about an Internet scam that is happening a lot! Unfortunately I became a victim of this scam last week! Luckily for me I didn't lose any money but I did lose a lot of my precious time and had a little bit of heartbreak because of it!
I consider myself a very independent woman. I've been single for 11 years! I'm happier now than I have ever been! I'm not the type of woman that has to have a man to be happy but now that my daughter is almost grown I thought it might be fun to start dating again so I signed up on an Internet dating site. I've used these sites quite a bit although that was quite awhile ago!
I put up my profile and soon after was contacted by a guy who lived in my area. I looked at his profile and got back to him when I saw that he was 8 years younger than me to say I wasn't interested. Then I found out he was in the Army in Afghanistan and I felt bad for him so I thought it wouldn't hurt to spend some time chatting online....after all, he was out there protecting our country! He told me his wife had an affair and took off, leaving him with a young daughter who was now living with his mom in England. It didn't take long before I was totally falling for this guy. In fact, people that know me said they had never seen me be so into a guy before, especially so quickly! We chatted online hours a day for over a week!
Last Friday he told me that he had bad news, they were moving him to a remote area and there wasn't any Internet service there but there was a private engineering company that could provide service for us. He gave me an email address and told me to send them an email and say that I wanted to continue communication with him. He gave me his information, which he told me I needed to be very careful with because of security reasons. I received an email back from the company with a form asking for my name, address, phone number and phone provider. I filled it out with my information and his that he had given me and sent it back. The next email I received back from them was asking me to wire money ($800-$1,500) to start the service! I KNEW RIGHT THEN THAT THIS WHOLE THING WAS A SCAM! I was hurt, humiliated, embarrassed, angry and sad all at the same time. This wonderful guy I met who was so caring was some guy in Nigeria scamming me! What amazed me the most is that I fell for this! I thought I was smarter, I thought I would be able to see through this if it ever happened to me but I didn't! They are good at this! REALLY GOOD! His English was perfect! I would have never guessed he wasn't an American, although we never did talk on the phone so I'm just going by his written word!
After this happened I did a Google search and found out that this is a really common scam that happens on Internet dating sites. They take photos of real service men off of the Internet (My Space, Facebook, etc.) and post them on the Internet dating sites. I think most of the time they just make up names to go with the photos. These soldiers are victims too. Their identity is stolen and they don't even know it! They have no idea their photos are being used this way!
Why am I telling you my sad story? I want to get the word out! It seems we all know at least one person using online dating sites! I don't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else! I feel fortunate that I didn't lose money on this scam but there are a lot of women (and men) who have!
oh my word, that is a vile scam. You are really nice to share it with everyone. It would have been easy to say nothing, but you are doing the right thing in letting people know about this kind of thing.
I'm sure you will meet a nice - genuine - bloke soon, but please be careful.
Sadie x
Oh' My Gosh' Cindy I AM SO SO SORRY! it must feel even worse because your heart was involved. I get STUPID lame scams in my inbox all the time.. and I can't beleive they have the nerve to use their made up children as the con. I placed an ad on craigslist for childcare... and couldn't believe the crazy out-landish made up stories these fruit cakes would come up with. The longer the story the more I new it was bull. I have never heard of a dating site one, you poor thing. It happens to everyone.. even Dr.'s I watched a 20/20 episode on Internet scams Yes' Dr.'s have been fooled too.
I hope that guy can reclaim his photo and privacy. It makes me think of my photos I do on Fashion Fridays.. anyone can take and copy them and use my face or anyones for that matter. Scary stuff. Thanks for sharing this story and warning others. Have a great day. Jenn
Hi Cindy, I'm sorry you had to go through this.You thought you were meeting a nice guy, then this happens.It's so sad that we can't put our trust in anything anymore.I think you did the right thing by posting this...Kathy
I'm so sorry this had to happen to you and all the other victims out there!! Very sad and scarey!
That is just awful. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
When I saw what you said the first time, my radar was going off. I wanted to tell you to becareful since I knew you were new to this. Now I wish I did. I just hated to put a damper on your happiness. Online dating is awful and so many lie.
I dated online too but found a local group that met for potlucks and such. In this way, women could support each other. The dirt was out on what guys to watch out for and what they did. And while some of the women were just as nasty as the men, most women were ok. And they were good to give the dating info too when you went out with someone. In this way someone knew who this guy was and where you were going. Then you checked in at agreed upon times. If you didnt, the police were called. Good men give out the drivers license and address and phone numbers. Shady guys hide all this.
And so we wouldnt date a guy who didnt give his info up front. I met my bf this way and he didnt live near me. Those men should talk about family and parents and siblings too. Otherwise they are suspicious, they could be married and cheating.
So I say dont give up, just screen them and take your time. Liars always end up slipping up somehow. And never ever give them money or go to them. STay on your own turf and let everyone you trust know where you will be and with who. Real men dont mind this.
But you will kiss alot of frogs first, trust me on this. But use it as a learning experience. Learn what it is you dont want so what you do want can find you. Good Luck.
Thanks for your honesty and bringing this to our attention. Sorry that it happened to you - you seem to be such a good, good person.
Wow, people will look for any way to make a dollar, won't they? Internet dating has become so common now, so I'm glad you are getting the word out about this scam.
Cindy I am so sorry this happened to you. Being a military woman, I hate to hear stories like this about people using servicemembers' information for scams. Unfortunately, we hear about it all the time. I used to have information on facebook and deleted it all because of this, you never know. Some people just have no scruples.
Cindy, I admire your ability to deal with this and your wisdom to know immediately what was going on. Keep up the good work and try to find someone who lives close enough so you can meet over drinks or coffee.
I think it is great that you have decided to re-enter the dating world.
As you well know, it's a jungle out there!
In the meantime there is always Flea Market therapy. August in Alameda, will I run into you there?
That makes me so sad. First because I grew up in a military family and married a Navy guy and though we are divorced now, I can't imagine anyone doing this to him or any of our friends. And secondly, to me it takes a lot to go on those sites and put yourself out there. To be taken advantage of really kills your trust in people. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Cindy.. interesting, my daughter has dated on such services and her name is also Cyndi.. I did send this to her. thank you for posting such an important story and I'm so glad you did not 'fall' for this..
I'll tell you.. my daughter was burnt twice with guys from such services.. not like your scam, just from lonely guys looking for fun! Lucky thing she was not hurt.
She will never do that again..
Poor guys/girls whose photos are used from our Military!
Cindy, I'm sorry to hear you had such sad experience. If it happened to me, I would just cry in my room and not tell anyone. But you are such a strong and brave person. You get the word out so other people wouldn't fall victims. People like YOU make this world a better place.
Cindy, as a single mom myself, my heart goes out to you. I am familiar with Nigerian email scams and have received several emails. Was even approached on facebook chat once by someone pretending to be one of my friends. You can normally spot them easily because of the style of writing and the stories being similar. Everyone email I have received was from a friend or acquaintance's email address and they were claiming to having been kidnapped while in Britain and having all their money stolen, thereby needing me to wire them some amount, usually over $1,000. Also the wording was similar, I was addressed as Dearest Jennifer or My dear Jennifer. If the writers English was very good and they didn't use this story, it would be very hard to tell. I'm just glad you are ok and didn't send him any money or invest any more time in the "relationship". Peace, Jennifer Grenko
You are a brave woman to tell this -- I admire your guts.
Call me an old fogey, but I still think the best way to meet a prospective love interest is through a mutual acquaintance or a mutual interest.
Take care of yourself.
Cindy this is just terrible my friend...I have heard of these scama but never thought they would use a military man idenity to do them...down right vile and low...
Cindy I'm so glad you did this post to warn others...WAY TO GO girl..very scary stuff...Hope you have a GREAT week my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I almost fell for a similar scam, about a year ago, I was emailing & chatting with a man who supposedly was over in Iraq ~ He also was younger than me & said he would be coming back to the states soon & would like to meet (but Money maybe tight for traveling - Clue!) something clicked that I thought this was a scam & he was NOT Military, then I knew for sure when he used regular times & NOT Military.... He also seemed to be online All The Time, glad I stopped communicating before I got too involved~ I have been divorced for 13 years now, I would Love to date, but too leary about the Internet.
Best to You & Thanks for the Warning.....
That is sooo horrible!! You shouldn't feel bad....really! These people are good at what they do. I'm just so sorry, it's so very disappointing. Things happen for a reason...maybe this happened to you so you could help others.
Cindy~ I am so sorry you had to go
through this. Thank you brave lady
for warning all the other young
women. You may be embarrassed but
at least you are brave enough to
warn others. I don't know how some
people can prey on others. That is
so cruel. Cindy I am just glad you
have a blog so you can warn others.
Don't let this get you down, you
are a beautiful person and you will
find the right guy when you least
expect it. ":O)
Wow that's horrible!! I'm so very sorry that you had to experience these scam artists! Creeps. ~Stacey
Holy Smokes!
Never heard of this type of scam.
You are doing a good thing by letting us know!
Thank you.
Oh goodness precious Cindy, I'm so glad you were savvy enough not to fall for this any further. One of my best friends has dated via the internet and has had several fake pics sent to her. Unfortunately it took her several really bad face to face meetings to realize a lot of men aren't who they say they are!!! She's gorgeous and independent and strong but some men just have a way of manipulating through all that. One guy turned out to be a 5 foot little Indian guy who wanted to smear yogurt on her...blech!!! Boy, we've had some laughs over that one.
Just a little side note here...I'm 42 and when I was single, like you, I totally shunned the idea of dating any guy younger than me. I wouldn't even entertain the notion. Well, guess husband is 15 years my junior and he is the most amazing thing, aside from my kids, that has ever happened to me! He is more of a man than any of the other men I dated was, he takes care of me and my kids adore him also. I've never been so loved and respected in my life. I guess my point is don't shut certain people out cuz you never know where cupid might show up!!!
Cindy, What a bummer!! I think the worst part of this is that you got dissapointed! It is not easy to make yourself vulnerable and then to be used is unforgivable. I can see how you would go over the edge he is a real attractive guy. Shame on them for using innocent people.
Hope that they get what they have coming, that scum!!!
Hi Cindy,
This is my first time visiting your blog. I am new to the blog world, having just created one myself. I am so sorry that this happened to you. My sisters husband just got back from serving eight months in Afghanistan. It is so sad to know that people are using men like him as a way to scam innocent women like yourself. I hope that this does not discourage you from dating altogether.
Take care,
Oh my Cindy! Bless your heart...that is AWFUL! Using our service men that way!! Thats beyond awful! I used a very popular dating site yrs ago & found out to my dismay...MOST of them were married or had a g/f living with them!! I quit that site & wrote them of the married men..dont know if they did anything or not..but sure made me shy of joining another!!
You will meet someone who is "perect"for you because I did!
You are brave for letting us ALL know of the scam!
Take Care..
I am sooooo sorry, that is just heartbreaking, what people will do for money.
Incredible. Totally incredible. And the sad thing - besides your heart being broken - is that the scammers will probably never be caught. I'm glad that you weren't involved any deeper and were able to get out of it while you could.
My good old mom always said, "Live and learn"....and I guess she was right.
Thanks for sharing this with us, Cindy.
xoxo laurie@heavens-walk
Cindy~ I'm so sorry to hear about this internet scam. would never dream of pulling such a stunt so let go of the idea that you are "foolish" or whatever. If you are not a scammer it is hard to see a scam. I posted your blog on my Facebook Fan Page today. Hope it brings you some new "peeps." I love ur style. DrAlexandraBrooks
That guy must have been REALLY good because I know you and you're one smart woman and not easily fooled. I have had some dates with men I've met online and they have all been nice, decent men. I've also talked to my men friends about online dating and have heard some horror stories about woman who lie, cheat, scam and stalk. It just goes to show that you have to be careful and when you see a red flag - Pay Attention! I'm sorry you got hurt and applaud your bravery in bringing it to everyone's attention so hopefully others can avoid the pain and humiliation you've had to suffer.
Cindy, that was horrible. Just horrible. I am SO SORRY. You certainly deserve so much better than that. Boy, the world has gone mad. Be careful. Susan
Cindy, what you did took guts! Telling everyone after falling so hard couldn't have been easy so kudos for that!
I also think it takes guts to date online anyway even though I found my love years ago and it turned out to be a success. Times are just totally different now and I'm not so sure with the news stories that I could trust anyone anymore. As I get older I just get more paranoid.
Do they have "Meet-Up Groups" in your area? There are those here in the surrounding Seattle area. You just choose the groups that you are most interested in ie: Sailing, Art, etc and then meet with everyone in that group monthly. Most are free and just require dues. You don't even need a boat for the sailing group because other members have them and are willing to share! It's a great way to meet others who have the very same interest as you!!
I hope you hear back from the real Dennis or who ever that photo guy was. He is a cutie! It looks like he may have been posing for a dating site so maybe he is out there and you will find him somehow ...even by someone who knows him.
Best of luck and best wishes always,
Cynthia Kathleen on Facebook.
Hello Cindy, I'm really sorry that this happened to you. It seems there are a LOT of people out there preying on trusting women and men. My ex husband went on the internet looking for love and found a Russian woman...30 years old (he's 58). He went to Russia and met her...then he went back and married her later...that was last year and she STILL has not moved to where he is. He has sent her money because her mother was sick and they couldn't afford the medicine. He bought her a new computer among other things but the icing on the cake was when he sent her $20,000 to buy a new condo because her last one got broken into. He has since been back over there this past winter and stayed for a month...she still has not moved to Canada to be with him. Our children who are grown all realize that it's a scam but no one can talk sense into him. So as you can see these people are REALLY good. Don't beat yourself up over're not the only one who has been fooled. You're doing a good thing by letting people know what happened to you...I'm sure it wasn't easy to do this. Looking on the internet for that special person is still a good idea...but I can see that having a video camera and meeting in person a few times with someone with you in public places is a smart thing to do. It still won't guarantee that they are being honest but that can happen no matter where you meet. I wish you all the best. Maura
I'm so sorry you had to go through this. BUT, be happy it ended this soon and didn't go on for too long. These scams are "horrible" and SO out of control. The same instrument(our computer), that brings us SO much joy and good friendships also has "it's dark side"... My hubby got a monstrous death threat email. We didn't know WHAT to do and then I typed in the search engine what the threat was and "we were NOT alone". That was "Way over the top"...Cindy, take a nice deep breath and make yourself a nice cup of tea with a scrumptious crumpet and watch your favorite movie... HUGS!!!
Unfortunately Cindy, these scams have been around for quite a while. It really is sad. Sad for the real servicemen...and sad for the victims, such as you. It's heartbreaking, too.
I had used the internet for several years and almost got scammed, too.
Then, along came Tom...a real God-send. We've been married over 5 years now. We met on the internet, then in person 9 months later. Then I moved to Michigan and a month later, we were married.
So...all in all worked out great for me.
Just continue being observant and ask LOTS of questions. And, don't let your guard down.
That is horrible. Thank you for letting everyone can happen to anyone! I'm glad it didn't go any further. Terrible.
I"m so sorry this has happend to you. A while back my son & DIL were also duped by a puppy scam from Nigera. They had even sent pics of the pup and e-mailed back and forth for a few days, then were asked to send money ($200.00) and my son agreed and in the next e-mail it changed to $800.00 and that"s where it should have stopped but my son sent a not so nice e-mail back and nasty words were exchanged and that was the end of it. Every now and then we still see the same ad in the paper for puppies though. WHY can"t these people be stopped?? Debbie (Maine)
Thanks for the valuable info, Cindy. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Thank goodness it didn't go any further. There are some nasty people out there. Our son met and married a wonderful girl he contacted from a 'reputable' site, she comes from a great family. There are so many good things that happen from these dating sites, sadly there are the bad experiences too. Take care.
Cindy, I am so sorry this happened to you. It's awful! Happy that you caught it now! Sorry for the pain it caused you.....Thanks for putting the word out there about this!
Unbloody believable Cindy! I'm so glad you figured it out sooner than later. What a scam! Is there any way to report this to authorities? I mean who monitors this kind of activity? Just goes to show that no one is in control of stuff that happens on the web.
So sorry, Delores
Cindy, You know the story about a few bad apples spoiling it for all the others...a fine example. And, I feel sorry for the military men who might be caught up in all this. But, you were right to say something...good for you! And, be theory about all things: IF it looks too good to be true...then it IS too good to be true. Don't'll find that good guy one day soon! take care, pat
Wow, thanks for sharing this information. I am so sorry that you had to experience this scam. I hope these people get caught before they steal too much money from unexpecting ladies.
Take a deep breath and relax and let it go.
hi Cindy, i too was almost a victim of a scam a few wks bk, and he too came onto me and i was liking our talks online until he asked me to send him money in the amt of several hundred dollars, and it gave me chills when i saw that your person and mine were supposedly in Nigeria at the time!!! i deleted and blocked him from contacting me again.
thanks for sharing and just know that you and i are not alone in this, but at least we did not fall for the con of these men.
have a blessed day
That's really awful! I really don't think you did anything wrong. You couldn't have known this person was going to try to get money from you until the request was made. I'm so sorry.
I hope you won't give up. I know two couples who met online that are so very happy together. I hope you'll try again!
Cindy, Please do not feel bad about yourself! Anyone can be a victim. You do not have to be a gullible person to be victimized. Unfortunately you just happen to stumble on a dishonest man or site. Is the dating site a scam or just this particular person.
Again there is nothing wrong with your judgment. The internet is a great source to meet people. You can be scammed by a member in your church. That does not mean there is something wrong with you or your judgment. I am sorry your heart was broken!! But hang in there you will find a nice person to spend your time or your life with. You deserve happiness.
Susan, just the person on the site is a scam otherwise I would be mentioning the site!!
I felt bad for about a day but I'm over it now!
Susan, just the person on the site is a scam otherwise I would be mentioning the site!!
I felt bad for about a day but I'm over it now!
Cindy I am so sorry to hear about this. That is just terrible. I wish they could all be caught but I'm sure it is very hard to find who is responsible.
My hubby is almost 8 years younger than I am and we have been married for over 11 years now. You never know when things will happen for you. It is always when we least expect it that is for sure.
Come say Hi anytime!
Warmly, ~Melissa :)
I'm sorry you had your heart involved, but it was so sweet of you to warn others. I do hope someone knows the man in the picture, I'm sure he would love to know someone has stolen his identity through his photo. :( I don't understand how the love of money can lead people to hurt conscience is all I can figure. so sad!
You have so much to offer, i know you will find love's're a sweetheart. :)
Blessings to you my friend!
UNBELIEVEABLE...that is terrible Cindy. Sorry to hear that you had to go through all that, but thanks for doing your job by spreading the word.
UNBELIEVEABLE...that is terrible Cindy. Sorry to hear that you had to go through all that, but thanks for doing your job by spreading the word.
I am in awe of the bravery you have showed in telling us about this horrible experience. You have perhaps saved many from the same experience.
Yikes what a terrible experience. Glad you wrote it.You are reaching far away withthis post since I am all over in Norway.
I am so sorry for your experience. You got out of it with just scammed feelings but that is just the icing of what could have happened.
Wishing you the best of luck in your future search for a mate
I read you blog often.Dont miss anything. It is absolutely fantastic to see how interiour blogers are blogging elsewere in the world and the difference of style that is. Come by me and look into my blog and my bloggroll were you will find lots of links to some extremly beautiful blogs and homes in the scandenavian shabby chic way.
And final a big hug. You definately deserve some comfort and a smile=))
These people are lower than a snake's belly.
Good for you for posting about it (in spite of your embarrassment) as it may indeed save someone else from getting sucked in - and goodness knows there are plenty of people out there who would send the money.
How disgusting! The lengths these scammers will go to! There are 2 victims here, you and the soldier. I hope you find the real guy so you can
clue him in.
I have never tried online dating and now I think I never will!
That's awful, Cindy! Hopefully you'll save a few people from having to experience the same thing.
Don't beat yourself up, you have a good heart and this scammer took full advantage. His day will come.
This is awful!I am just thankful that you are okay. It could have gotten out of hand. My mama always said these computers could be used for good or evil.
Be safe and I said a prayer for you. You are too nice of a person to be taken advantage of.God bless you for having the courage to put this out there to warn everyone!!
I am SO sorry this happened to you! Sorry it happened to you and the fellow they stole the picture from! I feel this is totally disgusting how some sick stupid people out there think they can just scam others. Totally sucks. Thank Heavens you didn't lose any money.... Please keep your heart open to the possiblity of meeting a wonderful man someday. There are many out there that would love to meet a lovely lady like you! Jan
How sad that there are such trecherous people that play off other's emotions like this. It seems these scammers get bolder by the day and take advantage of anyone....even smart women like yourself.
Better luck in the future, I hope you find someone who deserves a good woman like yourself!
Thanks for sharing that. I'm sure it wasn't easy. Hopefully others will be helped by your courage to share this. Sandy
That's crummy. There are way too many fraudsters out there trying to take advantage of innocent people like you. It's good you caught on before you lost any money. Like I tell many of my friends, sometimes it's when you're not looking when the right person comes into your life.
Good luck.
Wow, this is the lowest of the low! You shouldn't feel one bit embarrassed...mad as he** maybe, but never embarrassed! People who scam people for a living are very good at what they do, and even savvy people such as yourself can become victims! My father was scammed by a gold digger and he fell hook, line and sinker for it!
When it comes to matters of the heart we are all vulnerable! You are just a good person who never considered that someone else in the world could be so deceptive! Thank you for spreading the word! By telling your story you will save countless others from actually giving their money to these scam artists! Don't let this deter you from finding love though!
How terrible, Cindy! Kudos to you for sharing this with everyone! Those bloody jerks prey on good hearts filled with compassion!
Keep an eye on your telephone charges! Not too long ago a friend ended up with a $8,000.00+ phone bill!
Every consider tennis? You get lots of great exercise, meet loads of lovely people and you can size up the availables in person. ha!
Don't be embarrassed. You weren't afraid to put yourself out there to meet someone. That's not easy. Thanks for sharing your story. I have a good friend who is trying to get back into the dating game after being on her own for quite awhile. She has been trying out some of the online services. I will share your experience with her.
My exercise instructor was scammed, it was about 8 years ago. She actually met the man, the whole story unfolded on the 20/20 tv show. he had many women. He was engaged to them all, when he came home on leave he actually met her family and gave her an engagement ring. She lost a ton of weight while she was waiting to meet him. it was all so sad. I remember she was crazy happy while she was "Dating" him. You got off easy, sorry it happened!
Cindy, do not feel bad....they exploit people that have good hearts. I almost got taken once a few years ago - wanted him to verify his identity. He sent me a U.S. Passport w/picture of him; when I researched the passport number it was the same one that was used a "sample" on the U.S. Passport's website. Be glad that you only lost a little piece of pride - being a good person with a good heart is never a bad thing...
Go get 'em, Cindy. Sorry you had such a bad experience. Unfortunately, there are people in the world determined to use the Internet for evil. Guard your heart (and ID).
Cindy! I'm so sorry to hear about husband just got back from Afghanistan 30 days ago and so when I saw this it alarmed me...I showed him the picture and he does not recognize him...I hope you find him. How terrible for these people to exploit not only you but our brave men and women who serve for their country...thanks for this post my hubby is going to pass along this info to his friends and hopefully more people will be aware
Damn girl, After looking at his picture I would have communicated with him too! Seriously, I was a little leery when you wrote earlier about the soldier you were corresponding with. I think I said to be careful and make sure he wasn't married. I wasn't expecting such a huge scam though! So sorry this happened to you. My son is an Army Staff Sgt. I would go ape on anyone if they used his photo for something so despicable1 Marcia
I was so afraid this was going to be the case. I had a friend get scammed out of a couple thousand dollars after a divorce. I'm glad you are ok and nothing else happened. A brused heart and ego will heal, and I hope you find a real good guy.
This is great you are sharing your experience. When I first read about your excitement of this new person in your life, I wanted to warn you but didn't want to sound like a Debbie Downer. I know this has happened to many others and one person close to me had a different type of scam involving a Nanny position. She answered an ad for a Nanny in San Francisco, the couple called her on the phone, offered her a great salary and then wanted to advance her a huge check. Long story short, it turned out to be a scam and she almost made the mistake of moving to San Francisco. Just be careful with online dating. I have known a few friends who spoke by phone and online for 6 months, only to find out the person was either married or someone who tried to get lucky on the first meeting with them. I know they are not all this way, but I would rather meet someone the old fashioned way!
Hi Cindy. That's so awful. I'm really sorry that someone took advantage of your good nature like that. I'm happy to hear that you recognized it as the scam it was. I also want to commend you for sharing your story with others. That takes a lot of courage and shows just how unselfish you are. Bless you for caring enough to save another from that heartbreak.
Hugs...Tracy :)
P.S. I hope you might stop by and enter my giveaway that ends tonight.
Aw Cindy sorry... ya some people online can be D..ks. After my hubby and I got married we realized how lucky we were that things worked out for us. we met online in 98 and got married in 2001. We were very lucky!!!
Hope you meet someone who is very deserving of someone of your caliber. Good luck sweetie!!!
A widower friend of mine was targeted on a dating site. In this case it was a scam about a young girl from Ghana. He spent a considerable amount of time talking to her over the course of a couple of months. They decided that she would come to the US and live with him and his children, and they would eventually marry. He sent her money for travel expenses ($2000), told all of his friends and family, prepped his home. And then he waited at the airport for her plane to arrive....
It was an expensive mistake. In hind sight I googled "ghana dating scams", and wish I would have done that sooner.
Sadly, we have to be guarded, do research, background checks etc..
Hang in there. I know there are keepers to be had! Pam
I wanted to say when you first posted about the internet dating - to please, PLEASE be careful, but I was afraid to. I just don't see this the way to meet people, but of course, that is my opinion. Please be VERY careful about giving out your personal information.
Oh my gosh Cindy, I was so happy for you,. sorry to hear about this missfortunate event, these scams get ever so tricky and smarter every time, my husband is serving and it's horrible they use servicemen identities for these dirty tricks. I hope the best for you, and thanks so much for letting us know about this scams.
Cindy, it is rampant on all sites! Sad... P.S. I LOVE the blonde hair - I went blonde years ago - and it is TRUE - BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN!!!
It briefly flitted across my mind when you mentioned you were talking with a soldier that it might be a set-up. How sad. Your heart is so good and true that it was a sin to scam you like that. You deserve the very best and nobody deserves that kind of mercenary abuse of the heart. Shame on them for this.
Please don't beat yourself up over this. You're just a good person with a pure heart - this world needs more people like you.
I am also proud of you that you didn't let 'pride' get in the way of revealing this to protect others.
God Bless you, Cindy!
This just makes me so dang angry. I'm so sorry Cindy, you're such a great person and you totally don't deserve this... hugs.
I want to commend you for this post. It was brave of you and I know you will be helping other people. Hopefully it won't put you off in dating in the future.
Oh Cindy, I am so sorry that you went through this. When I read the title of your post on my blog roll my heart skipped a beat.. a family member of ours has just been through the exact same thing. My sister's cousin by marriage fell in love with a man in the exact same way, he too was a scammer from Nigeria and unfortunately she sent the money... Don't let this awful situation put you off though, there are some genuinely lovely single guys out there and you deserve one of the great ones! Take care xo
oh Cindy that was an awful thing to go through. It must be awful for the guy involved too. I emphasise how heartbreaking it was for you. Please though. Dont give up on the dating. I joined Dateline and met my husband through their service. Make sure you read all the small print and are happy though. I am so glad you posted this post to warn others out there. hugs Sara
I'm so sorry. Check on all your accounts to because you gave your name and address. It is terrible that people will do anything to rip other people off include steal their hearts to get to their wallets. How vile.
Yep he is definitely a looker too.
ps I have an idea. "In the Gutter" Jeri is married to a lifer in the service. He is an officer. Why don't you write to her and tell her about this. Maybe they know more about how to stop it then just civilians.
Terrible story, I'm so sorry for you!
But just when you think you will be single for ever... you will meet someone special! I'm sure of that
Lucky you to discovered it on time!
Hope you also will find the real man on the photo, that is so thoughtfull of you.
I would suggest that you keep an eye on your credit report. You gave them all the information that they need to steal your identity. They can access any of your accounts with this information. You should also contact the local authorities and your bank and any credit companies that you do business with. I would hate to see you get hurt more than you already have. You aren't the only one to fall for this kind of scam so don't be too hard on yourself.
Hi Cindy, that is so awful!!! I am like you, very happy with who I am and where I'm at (been on my own 7 years now)...but when my girls are out of the house permanently in a few more years, I would def consider starting to date again...and it is hard to meet men when you are older and buys working, etc. I am sorry this happened to you...glad you realized it before losing any money. Good that you are passing this info along to all of us! Thanks!! You're a doll and you will meet a wonderful man one day, I just know it....when you are ready though!! lol
What a very brave and generous post. Thank you for warning so many people through your blog. xx
Cindy, I don't mean to sound like a "negative Nancy", but I just wanted to bring to your attention that this probably isn't really a photo of him, but of someone random.
Anonymous...I know that! I wrote that in my post! I'm trying to find the real guy so I can tell him his photo is being used to scam people! I'm sure he has no idea!
Hi, Cindy!
I'm brazilian and I love so much your site! I write english very bad, sorry... But a need talk to you, a friend my (a brazilian woman, 47 years old) lives the same situation!!! Increditable!!! I'm so sorry, but the information is very important for all us.
Congratulation for the site, your products are very beautifull. And... sorry (I write very, very bad!).
Take care of yourself.
Cláudia Barros (Brazil)
I am so sorry that this happened to you. Thank you so much for opening up and telling others. Hopefully, your message will prevent this from happening again. ((((Hugs)))) MaryBee
I am shocked and stunned by your story. It seems some eople will go to great lengths to fleece people out of money. I am so sorry you had to go through this, and luckily it turned out well. Please don't be embarrassed, surely by making this public you have educated us all.
Thank you for sharing your story, surely by making this public you have educated us all and you have nothing to be embarrassed of. It seems that some people will do anything to get their hands on money that does not belong to them. Terrible.
hi cindy..this scam has just be on tv here in the lady handed over £50,000!!! same me and my daughter thing..boy there are some real princes out there aren't there....???...i've been single for 5 years now and plan on staying that way...who can you trust!!! stay safe..xx
to me..that photo of the guy was a dead give away he wasn't for real. It's more like a "model shot" I don't think your average guy poses like that , and if they for the hills! They are just into them self a little too much..know what I mean? sorry you had to find out the hard way.
anonymous: there was another photo of him in his uniform and it wasn't so posed as this one. I just didn't post that one on my blog.
They come at you from all directions don't they. Scam's are out there everywhere. I get so many emails that tell you that you've won the lottery etc. Their on Craigslist. I ran into one about a home for rent and the owner was out of the country in Africa, but that as soon as you send them the money they would send you the key, yeah right. Take the money and run is what I was hearing.
Unfortunately it's everywhere.
You can report this to the Federal Agency that handles foreign scams such as these.
I am on these sites, but hardly connect with anyone. These scammers ruin it for everyone involved.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I remember reading your post as you started using the internet dating service. I hope this doesn't disuade you from proceeding - only more cautiously.
I'm sure better connections are ahead.
- The Tablescaper
oh Cindy I am so sorry that this happened to you, don't feel stupid, it's awful when you feel taken advantage of......I think of you often,and love the hair by the way!
Oh my gosh. This Single Nester is testing the Internet dating game and this is a valuable lesson learned that you have shared with us. I am so sorry that this happened to you. Did you inform the Dept. of Defense and your state's attorney general?
Sorry this happened to you Cindy - lesson learned. Why not ask a question from your readers what would be a nice & safe place to meet someone. I think you would be surprised how most of us met our husbands. Take care.
thanks, for telling us this, it is scary their tactics,you are so brave!!
Hi Cindy, great post, it really helped me alot…gives me alot of information… thanks…. nice job…
I am so sorry that this person took advantage of your kind, sweet, giving heart. I am thrilled you were wise enough not to send money. I am just sending you and big sister hug. Ginny
Cindy, you were and are very smart so quit beating yourself up over not seeing through this guy right away. Your smart because you didn't send the money, you would be surprised at how many silly, desperate women would have coughed up their last penny just so they could keep talking to the jerk. So don't feel bad that you have a big heart and just wanted to be kind, instead be proud that you knew when to say no and move on.
Not only that but you're humble enough to put all this on your blog to help keep others from getting hurt. That takes a lot of guts girl, lots of people would have just gone off and quietly licked their wounds and had the attitude of "buyer beware" but not you, you care enough for you fellow man (woman) to let them know what happened and how to avoid it.
I think you deserve a "HIGH 5" and a "You Go Girl!!!"
really sorry to hear that Cindy! please don't let it put you off though! take care - Rachael:)
Oh my gosh,
This is so awful...And the guy is so cute whose picture they wonder you talked to him...he's adorable!
I don't know...I'm wondering if somehow someone will recognize him and put the real guy in touch with you...wouldn't that be amazing?
It's a shame because we've all met such nice, wonderful people on the blogs...It's awful that someone from another country would use this to hurt people...
I'm so sorry because you have such a beautiful site and inspire so many people...I am sure that the Lord has someone really special in store for you!
Hi Cindy. I was not as fortunate as yourself and have lost a lot of money over one of these scams. It is sick that people can do this to other people and people, especially female need to be very careful when on a dating site because they are very, very good at what they do.
Well,that was so informative blog I really enjoyed reading and I think the most worst part is disappointed.
I was also the victim of one of these scams. I was contacted on on June 30 by a soldier named DAvid Haggard stationed in Baghdad. Pictures and everything. His english was bad, and he didn't ask for money, but it wasn't until this week that I pinged his IP address to discover that he was emailing me from Ghana. There are alot of sites that are trying to warn women (and men) of these scams. Like you, I experienced heartbreak over the illusion of this relationship. God will find a way to make this right for us......don't give up hope that the right one is out there....I won't either...Beverly
Just heard about this today for the first time, on the network news. A woman was profiled who was scammed by a guy using a DEAD soldier's picture. She sent this guy at least $1000! Not only was she traumatized by all this, but so was the soldier's family. Very sad...
These scammers are everywhere! I have had multiple scam attempts on Craigslist and now I'm very wary. Right after two scam attempts, my gmail account was hacked into and who knows what info they gleaned from my account. Fortunately, gmail caught it right away and locked my account, although it totally freaked my out!
As an avid Craigslist surfer, I know know I need to be really careful. One of the first thing I do in any contact is ask where they live (when they are in my area). If they avoid answering, I know right away they are fraudulent. Craigslist has a really good page with sample scam replies.
Just remember the old adage, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
my site is
wish i could say I didnt lose money but I did.. spent a month talking to this guy and his mother.. ip address were from Malysia not Nigeria or Ghania.. was a US military guy..his mom even called me from California - that was the clincher for me.. please i got a mom contacting me telling how happy i make her son.. alot of work went into the scam because I had already read blog from people like u and others and I was extra cautious and asked alot of questions.. apparently not enough.. I even had him email me from his military email - which turned out to b boggus..but I didnt lose as much as i could have if I wasnt aware.. so thanks to you and others like u..of course her number is now disconnected but his yahoo is still active so ladies go to if u think u are being scammed there are lots of stories there, mine included.. take care :)
Good article posted and also helpful those people who are looking for online dating......
Continue this pleasurable content, added to my personal opera rss.
English language isn't my main language, but I can understand it when using the google translator. Beneficial content, have them coming! Appreciate it!
Well, it is happening still in 2011. I note your last post is dated in September 2010.
I am just going through it now. So far the requests have been very simple, t-shirts, electronic game, etc. Pictures have been forthcoming and I feel sorry if there is a Lesley Ramos out there whose idenity is being used. Did you report it to any authorities?
I met a supposed Army guy stationed in Baghdad. He was very nice and I was looking forward to this new friendship. The name on his uniform matched the name on the Yahoo instant message so, I was excited at first. Then he started to misspell words and answer questions different day to day. Then eventually asked for a new computer and then money. I pulled up Ghana on the internet and it had Ghana scams. It tells you to type in the yahoo address and it pulls up this totally different person.
The person I met is a white male 57 named Perry Edwards and the person that is using his pictures is a small black man with sunglasses and a cap on. I tried to post both pictures below but, was unable to. The comment below was what came up with the picture of the scammer:
We Found a Match
colarm_22 Yahoo IM address
Real Name: Edwin Brown
Location: (Greater Accra) Ghana
A friend and I developed a FB site 'impersonators & scammers' to warn men and women about these idiots.
My friend was scammed for over $5,000, it made me mad enough to take action. Our site gives you links to report these scammers.
Be careful when you use internet dating sites.
Sorry you had to experience these scammers handiwork.
Good luck and thank you for spreading the word.
I was recently scammed by CSM Troy David Turner. I started having some suspicion, but this man was everything I dared to dream for. I found a site that listed 5 or 6 other women all scammed by the same name. I am hurt and ashamed. I was lucky, I never sent a penny or gave any financial information. But, I just can't turn my heart off. I want nothing to to do with this souless monster who calls himself Troy David Turner, but I miss MY Troy. Never again tho. NEVER!
I want to thank everyone for all their stories. I have been talking to a Sgt. Jeffery White. I was so falling for everything he said. Then he said he wanted to come home to me early, but could not do it unless I helped. He wanted me to pay $1,899.00. I had said I would have no problem setting up the payment for air fare so long as it was done through a military agency. “Oh no they are in control of all that”. He said he was telling his CO that I needed him home early to marry me. I would need to western union the money first then scan in and e-mail the receipt. He would then scan in the forums for me to sign and send back. This was on a Saturday I told him I did not have the money. He wanted me to try. I said alright send me the information where to send the money. He only would give me women named Mary Murry Buffalo, New York 14207. I sent back an e-mail. Telling him there was no way I would send money without a phone number, address and the agencies name. “Oh baby that is all the information the admin dept would give me” Trust me I have to come home before my name goes up on the list for the next mission.
I then started checking things out. I have an uncle that is retired Army so he was able to easily locate a soldier by the same name, DOB: where he is deployed form and that yes he is currently deployed in Afghan. I have this sick feeling that I’m being scammed by someone using a real soldiers ID and pictures.
I find it odd same story as many of you. He is widowed with a son living with his father. He claims to want to marry me really? I do know that Military men and women have military e-mail account. Because of my uncle I know that I can send an e-mail to the real Jeff white I will do that today. I feel so stupid. I’m an educated woman in health care and am not desperate for a man by any means. I have son in the USMC and that fact that people are using our military men and women to run scams just pisses me off. I wonder if Anderson Cooper on CNN would want to cover what how scammers our using our troops to scam women. Maybe he has and I missed it.
Thank you again to all of you for being so open and honest and sharing. It gives me comfort to know I’m not alone.
Has anyone heard of this Sgt.Jeffery white@ From Alaska currently in Afghan? He even sent pictures in uniform with his name clearly displayed.
Please if any one has any advice email me at Thank you and I will hold on to my $1,899.00
Cindy...If you could get back to me at I believe something like this could be happening to me at the moment and I could use your help and knowledge...thank you so much...
Hi There Ladies, So I am not alone ... please beware of anyone using the name Major General Richard David Courty ... also a baddie, Joanne South Africa
Hi To all your Ladies, I am so glad that I am not alone, thought it was just me who managed to "attract" creeps ... please beware of anyone using the identity of Major General Richard David Courty - even sends passport pics and military pics who is currently "serving" in Afghanistan.
Jo, South Africa
Please, give me some info about actual now dating sites: mens, womens, teens.
Hi Cindy, I'm so sorry this had happen to you. Unfortunately I also became a victim of this scam last week! His name was Troy David Turner. I met him at the dating site. He claimed to be stationed in Kabul Afghanistan, widowed after a car accident with one living son. He lost his parents too. He was alone. He has been written me such a wonderful letters …..See only one of them
”I’m sorry i couldn’t be able to chat with you baby, work was so busy. I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and to put that smile I love so much back on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life, I have been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet.
I tell you something like this everyday, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, and the happiest I have ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you.
I still don’t know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that we have been together, we have grown so much and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, Baby, with all my heart and soul, always and forever!
Love always,
He sent me pictures, passport, awards certificates, bank statement from California, birth certificate , etc. just to show his trust to me…
It’s seems that guy from pictures, whom I loved so much was killed in Afghanistan. These soulless monsters use his personal docs and pictures (his wedding, his kids).
I didn't lose any money, but my heart is broken. I am so sorry for Troy Turner, who is not alive, but these shameless shady dealers make their dirty business on his honest name. It hurts me much….
Hi Cindy, I'm so sorry this had happen to you. Unfortunately I also became a victim of this scam last week! His name was Troy David Turner. I met him at the dating site. He claimed to be stationed in Kabul Afghanistan, widowed after a car accident with one living son. He lost his parents too. He was alone. He has been written me such a wonderful letters …..See only one of them
”I’m sorry i couldn’t be able to chat with you baby, work was so busy. I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and to put that smile I love so much back on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life, I have been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet.
I tell you something like this everyday, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, and the happiest I have ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you.
I still don’t know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that we have been together, we have grown so much and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, Baby, with all my heart and soul, always and forever!
Love always,
He sent me pictures, passport, awards certificates, bank statement from California, birth certificate , etc. just to show his trust to me…
It’s seems that guy from pictures, whom I loved so much was killed in Afghanistan. These soulless monsters use his personal docs and pictures (his wedding, his kids).
I didn't lose any money, but my heart is broken. I am so sorry for Troy Turner, who is not alive, but these shameless shady dealers make their dirty business on his honest name. It hurts me much….
Hi Cindy, I'm so sorry this had happen to you. Unfortunately I also became a victim of this scam last week! His name was Troy David Turner. I met him at the dating site. He claimed to be stationed in Kabul Afghanistan, widowed after a car accident with one living son. He lost his parents too. He was alone. He has been written me such a wonderful letters …..See only one of them
”I’m sorry i couldn’t be able to chat with you baby, work was so busy. I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and to put that smile I love so much back on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life, I have been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet.
I tell you something like this everyday, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, and the happiest I have ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you.
I still don’t know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that we have been together, we have grown so much and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, Baby, with all my heart and soul, always and forever!
Love always,
He sent me pictures, passport, awards certificates, bank statement from California, birth certificate , etc. just to show his trust to me…
It’s seems that guy from pictures, whom I loved so much was killed in Afghanistan. These soulless monsters use his personal docs and pictures (his wedding, his kids).
I didn't lose any money, but my heart is broken. I am so sorry for Troy Turner, who is not alive, but these shameless shady dealers make their dirty business on his honest name. It hurts me much….
Souli, I'm so sorry that happened to you! I hope you didn't send him any money! It's hard to believe there are people that bad out there! It's horrible!
Thank you, Cindy. Luckily for me I didn’t pay any money. Of course, I still feel hurt, but this is some kind of life experience too.
Cindy, I know of a few women that have been taken this way. They love to advertise at christian dating sights as the women think that they are safe there and let their gard down. My sister was one of these women. I feel so bad for her. She really fell for this creep. The things he would tell her. Wife dead, son 8 years old living with wifes family as he is deployed into the military. He is in "special forces" can't recieve packages? and a lot more crap. He told her what every woman wants to hear. She is not stupid, lonely or pathitic. She is a smart lady just like you.. I wish I could post his picture... he went by David Mark Purple.. I am sure he used someones elses pictures as the uniform has Purple as his name lable. I feel sorry for the military guy too. I bet he doesn't know he had been used in a scam...
thanks for all the information and to the other ladys. "there are good men out there. My friend found one.. you just have to get a few frogs before you find your prince... don't give up..
The guy talking to me said his name was Stg David Wells. He said he is currently deployed in central Kabul Afghanistan he is a member of the 1st Special Forces Operational DetachmentDelta. He was once married to an English woman from Manchester England.They were together for 24 yrs. She died in child birth. His daughter is now 13yrs. I was a little leery because went I would write to him he didn't anwer my questions, just write a new email full of kind words then love later on (1 week later). In an email he told me he will be seeing his colonel soon about the phone request.Then on a IM chat he gave me the address to write to, then asked me when I was going to write. I told him later today. He said do it now I want to here your sweet voice. I wrote the email. He said there is a small fee but it will be refunded at the end of the activation hope you understand, it just a military protocol
i love you lori
Then asked if I got a reply. Not knowing the military but knowing the gov. I thought it should take awhile. I checked my emails and then it was Military phone just need your name address ect..
Right then I knew this was a scam. Not telling him I got the email I asked him "do you know how many kids I have?" now I never told him the names or ages but told him many times I had 3. He said "I don't know sweetie how many, I
have 1 girl" I told him he was a scam and said some not nice words and ended it. My guestion is how can I find out who the REAL guy in the pictures is? I have 4 pictures of him. It says Wells on his uniform.
In my opinion you have stolen this article and put on another site. I had already seen.
Well then someone stole it off of my blog because this happened to me! I wrote this! I don't steal off of other sites!!!!
Ladies, no one stolen articles. It happens to everyone, who faces with scam. As you probably noticed, they work on similar scenario and send letter templates, changing only names of the “victims”. They don’t have time to answer your questions and remember your kids. They “kill” wives somehow and say that “they are so lonely”. I tell this, because same story happened to me in January, 2012. His name was Troy Turner. When I realized that he is scammer, I found so many women with broken hearts, whom he has sent emails with similar life stories, pictures and docs….
I'm wondering if I'm having the same thing happen? I received a friend request from a COL. TODD R.WOOD. So I thought nothing of it and accepted his request. Well I talked to him for 3 days and all of a sudden he wants to get married! I asked him why so quick and he said he is sooo in love with me. I laughed and like a joke I asked him when and where this was supposed to happen? He also said I needed to file papers for his return to the US from his deployment in Afghanistan? And he is DEMANDING I get a camera for my computer so we can talk. I don't know what is going on but it seems fishy to me?
I too was on a dating site match .com . He has photos on there being a soldier. He found me such a sweet talker then . He even has Facebook buy won't friend me. He wanted to hear my sweet voice. And already saying i love you. So he wanted me to sign up for the phone ts2 i did looked like from the army. Then they wanted a payment plan and send money to Nigeria. So i did my researching yet a charles akin is on for being a scammer. I confronted him and even to day says not me sweet. Course i saw a post did I'n march same instant message account and same dialog. Yes i have to say i should have kmow it was a scam. I'm sorry for the soldier on the pic.
Silver, well ladies I have to admit, I was scammed not even on dating site. He said he accidentally came across my profile on Facebook. He was so sweet, so very caring. I was ready give him my life but money amount kept goiing up, so I had to stop. He said he was to leave Afganistan by the end of the month, than his captain get killed and his stay extended 1yr 8mo. He said he had to get out there, because he felt he was next. I felt so bad for him. His name is Troy Turner. Watch out for him. He is good!!!?
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