I spotted this car outside of my office yesterday and I just had to go outside to get a better look! I have a thing for cars...in case you haven't noticed! haha! The owner of this car drove it here to show his son at work. He was so nice and told me to go ahead and sit in it! OMG...Wow, unbelievable!
This car cost more that my first house, and every car I've ever owned...combined! It was so beautiful though! It's a 2011 Mercedes Gullwing.
Hi Cindy,
I think you should buy one! It totally suits you. You look fantastic in it..like it was made just for you! :):)
Haha! There is no way I could afford that car! I think they sell for at least $250,000!
$250,000 are peanuts, Cindy. You play the lottery, you win, you buy.
It is very simple....
How cute is it that your shirt coordinated with it!! You should get one! :)
Debbie V.
Hello Cindy, what a gorgeous car! I agree with Mona you look fantastic sitting in it. Can you imagine driving that thing...I think you'd be afraid of anyone touching it or chipping the paint and I don't even want to think of what repairs would cost. I can just imagine driving that on our dirt roads in the country! Thanks for giving us a look at this...it was fun to dream...for a sec. Have a wonderful day...Maura:)
Wow..is that Mr. Weldon's weekend car? LOL
I drive a Mercedes, but.... the doors dont do that! lol
Cool car, I bet it was fun to sit in it!!
Oh, Cindy! You look like you belong in that car!! Just say charge it! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Great pics Thanks for sharing. I love cars too. I watch way too much Top Gear. I love that show. If you like cars try checking it out, it's on the BBCA and so funny.
It's so you :o)
Remember the DeLorean? Reminds me of that.
Cindy. You are so funny. Yeah, guess you do have a thing for cars. You look adorable sitting in that red one. Susan
Hi Cindy
I love you. Cars are a form of decorating. They decorate our driveway, decorate the freeway-RED is always a crowd pleaser. I love your blog. Everyday there is something interesting, funny or educational. Remember the secret.
Thanks for being you
p.s. Oh yes. And, a car sure makes us look good!!!!!
I absolutely adore cars too.....The very first gullwing I ever saw was a Delorian!!
Love it!!
The colour of the car really suits YOU Cindy! LOL!!!
Lovely post!
Cute picture!!! I'm not a car person at all, as long as it gets me from point A to point B I'm happy...I drag myself out there bi-annually to wash mine:)
But you do look great in that car, especially since you wore a red top!
Get out of that car Cindy!!!! You might just have a crazy impulse to buy it ;-) What a fab car, and so nice of the gentleman to let you sit in it for a photo op! I would so be afraid of driving it.
Hi Cindy, I love your Jag way better but you do look good sitting in it. I think Jags just ooze class...can't help it. Have a great week, Beverley
Looks like it was made for you, Cindy! Now if it were mine I'd trade it in and get new furniture!
Cindy from what I have learned about you on this blog!! That car was made for you!!
That car is smashing!
Girl you make that car look good!!!
LOL..That is one fine car..WOW..
I can't imagine driving that around. I would be scared someone
would run into me. Or someone would
open their door on it. No one wants
to go to any store with me now because I park so far away. I am
very protective of mine. Heck I'd
have to leave that in the driveway
and walk...LOL..":O)
Hey Cindy where is the toilet in that thing,for that price it should have one. Thanks for showing it, I've never seen one.
Oh Cindy is the owner married??
ck it out?
Sheree~East Texas
You look great in it!!!
Nice look !!
The car looks so beautiful! I like the color and the design! And one thing, you look good in it.
So nice car!
I like to drive Mercedes like this, but I can't....
Is that car hard to get in and out of? It looks so low to the ground, and for $250,000 I'd want the ultimate in comfort and ease!
BTW..I think your new Jag. is perfect for you!
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Cool car!!
This is my first time to visit here, I was visiting at Common Ground, and seen the picture on her sidebar of this beautiful car and had to stop by, I guess I have a thing for beautiful cars also!!! Blessings~~~Daphne
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